Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, August 03, 1972, Image 34

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f/' ■ '-tfL • Peach Bowl Membership Campaign On ATLANTA (PRN) - The annual Peach Bowl Asaociation Membership Campaign is now underway, iand Carl Martin of Atlanta is Chairman of individual memberships. “We are off to a fine start, and we are confident of another record-breaking year,” Mr. Martin said. “Right now, a $5 individual membership can be sent in to the Peach Bowl office, along with a check for tickets to this year’s post-season, major collegiate football game. These members will have their orders processed before tickets are ■old to the general public. Ticket orders must be postmarked by August 10 and received with the Peach Bowl membership fee of $5,” he said. He went on to explain that the Peach Bowl membership entitles a couple to attend the prestigious President’s Ball to be held during Peach Bowl Festival week in December. Members will also receive a colorful decal and membership card. Membership and ticket order requests should be mailed to Peach Bowl, P.O. Box 1336, Atlanta, Georgia, 30301. Tickets are $7.50 each, and fifty cents per order should be included for postage and handling. “While it’s fresh on your mind, get your check in the mail for your Peach Bowl membership and Peach Bowl football tickets. A great charity, the Lighthouse for the Blind, receives profits generated from this great football classic, already one of the nation’s greatest,’’ Mr. Martin said. Rep. Brinkley Joins Legislation On Foreign Debt Third District Rep. Jack Brinkley has joined with more than 100 other Congressmen in co sponsoring legislation which would require the U.S. Treasury to provide Congress with an exact accounting of all money now owed to the United States by foreign governments. The Brinkley-sponsored bill would also direct the Treasury Department to inform Congress as to which obligations currently stand in default and what exact measures the Department intends to take to collect these past due debts. “At present time the United States is owed about $46 billion by the other nations of the world in cluding nearly $lB billion which has been owed to this country since the end of World War I, ” Rep. Brinkley said. The Columbus lawmaker pointed out that “we as a people have been most fortunate throughout most of our history to have been in a position of generously helping less fortunate nations.’’ "However,” he em phasized, “the time has now come for the balance of these nations to recognize that they too have an obligation to pay back the money which they owe to the United States.” Rep. Brinkley added, “confronted as we are with a very serious economic crisis we are no longer in a position where we can afford to carry these vast debts • many of which are past due and long since payable to this country - incurred by nations which today enjoy an equivalent financial status.” *************** ♦ ♦ : L Vf. : : THIS WEEK ; : HOME JOURNAL * : SEAIS ALL-STAR : : COVERAGE : ♦ « *************** mm SAVE WITH WINK DIXIB VZ'/r GOOD EVERYDI feVAJUi v j \ - us. 34i atik Prices Good Thursday Aug. 3 Thur Sunday Aug. 6 T \ margarine <> BUTTER r Af AfA| A It: 7B* VWVH A. yf QUANITV RIGHTS RESERVED 1 «$f S MM M o OZ I 1\ EEC I ™B | IV i I REFRESHING CHEK SOFT DRINKS OR V a M 0% CHEK COLA s^-1 ) mm VIA /blue plate | 30 MAYOHNAISI FABRIC SOFTENER 64-OZ ■ ■ I SK X. \W- 0J I lIMITONE of Yflllß j L # X i I CHOICE WITH $5.00 w k / I ... muITC I CREAMY SMOOTH DEEP SOUTH |9 R MQRE ORDER \ / J wg M/ vr I MARTHA WHITE I ______________ rgM / Cl nilD 1 MAYONNAISE® 31 JA PLAIN OH SELF RISING/ ■§■ lEIIA I ZJ \PI AIID / ■ fcwl /FLOWER CART J I & S, iiR PANTY HOSI ARROW WHITE, YELLOW, PINK TOILET TISSUE " Tw scon TOWELS 3= 1 [ TOWELS / SLB j ***• I | \ . a> t nfi Order peanut patch boiled crackingood |A l Peanuts 4 lfiE Z 88c Sahia.s I I 9 LIVES DRY TUNA, LIVER AND CHICKEN THRIFTY MAID nql I—NABISCO cookies Cut Food 3pk£ s z 49( Tomato Soup CAN fr -▼ \X r 15CZ CONDENSED DETERGENT 49-OZ LI LAC LIQUID PINK OR LEMON v SkSt* pkg 52t *" - T69 < Egg Noodles pk? z 35( K a f\ A . K GRADE A ✓ tt ti ar Sub St ifllf# pkg 49( DISINFECTANT / \ THRIFTY MAID / D& \ __ _ _ WALDORF WHITE & ASSORTED \ CLEANER \ / \ °Rj \ KGS Ti «« 2 —«»♦ <5 LYSOL PEACHES < DOZ 00. r Cris<o Oil I^l 2 57( < J - v / j 7 JOt V DUNCAN HINES "ALL LAYER FLAVORS" 16-OZ JDI \ Ja| O 2s4sloo A 7 A / medium \ Cak* Mixes i B oS 2 45{ /m SI2E “ \ 4 cans I \ / ,*» green giant whole or sliced / /V/\ / s^>Sv O\. /yi y\ >A. V/ V Maskroans ?^ oz 3s< I VX V \/ \J " '