Houston home journal. (Perry, Houston County, Ga.) 1924-1994, August 10, 1972, Page 4-A, Image 4

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The Houston Home Journal MlMftEft Bobby Branch, President-Editor-Publisher rn.aAW.BNml IwewWpMper Official Organ City Os Perry And Houston County, Georgia mm MAXINE THOMPSON PHIL BYRD JOEHIETT JfctfjgfcSek Associate Editor Sports Editor Advertising Mgr. JIMMY CHAPMAN JEANIE JOHNSON JANICE COLWELL Production Mgr Class Adv. Mgr. Bookkeeper EMILY MONTGOMERY DORIS RAFFIELD Society Editor Computer Opr. ( ( ) \ VMewgaaaen^/ "An Award Winning Georgia Weekly Newspaper” PAGE 4-A Prison Camp Matter There is strong feeling among many Perryans about the future development and expansion of the Houston County Correctional In stitute on Kings Chapel Road here. The Perry Chamber of Commerce last week voted to go on record as being opposed to any future development and to oppose the possibility of obtaining a state work release center for prisoners on the Perry prison site. The Chamber gave their reasons primarily as wanting to see Perry grow in the Kings Chapel Road area and that because of the prison camp developers have been reluctant to look seriously at the area. We favor the chamber’s position on this matter. Perhaps the county Commissioners should take a long and serious look at the wishes of the people of Perry before going into a proposed project of constructing a new prison camp and county jail on the site. They should at least meet with representatives of the chamber and the City of Perry and discuss the future of the camp. We need the county work camp, there isn’t much doubt about that. Warden Allen Stone and his men do a tremendous job of maintaining the county roads and rights-of-ways and all the many other projects they Perry Faces Challenge Perry City Council faces a real challenge in the years ahead. Our community is experiencing prolonged industrial expansion along with a tremendous surge in new businesses and new citizens. All this means more and expanded services and utilities on the part of the City. The Council, through a program of planning and looking to the future, has managed to keep pace with the needs of industry, business and residential demands, although there have been some areas that have gone lacking. The City is now involved in an enthusiastic project to bring about expanded water and sewage services to the citizens and a massive paving One of the informative (and un controversial) remarks of the current political campaign came from Alabama Governor George Wallace recently. Speaking to reporters about the effects of being shot, he informed listeners: The editor and publisher of the Malibu, California, Times, is an old timer who, like many other Californians and Westerners generally, laments the passing of wide open spaces. He speaks of the Antelope Valley which, in the not too distant future, may become the site of a super airport serving the Los Angeles metropolitan area. He recognizes there is a need for “progress” and for places to live as the population continues to expand. L Maybe an airport must be built to serve the future needs of Los Angeles. k PERRY, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, AUG. 10, 1972 On Being Shot Wide Open Spaces undertake for the County. We are not against the camp at all but we firmly believe the opinions of the citizens and officials of Perry should be considered. It has been suggested that the new facilities be built on a site between Perry and Warner Robins. The present site on Kings Chapel Road consists of 147 acres of land owned by the County. There are a number of possibilities for that property in the event the Commissioners decide to re- « locate the prison camp. For instance, the site could be used for a much • needed industrial park or on the other side of the coin, it could be used for the development of a badly needed housing subdivision. It is all ac cording to the type of development that would move in that direction. Whatever is decided, a meeting of the minds should first take place between interested and concerned Perryans and the County Com- . missioners about this matter. There is certainly no attempt to cause any friction here (as some would have the Commissioners to believe) and the only reason the chamber adopted a resolution, we believe, to go on record as opposing the future development of the facilities, is because of their vital interest in the future of Perry. project is set for this fall. But how demanding will the future be on the City Council? No one really knows but the demand grows with each passing week as the community continues to grow and expand. Cer tainly everyone is for growth and progress but such growth bears close watching and careful planning. There is no telling just how much growth we can expect in Perry during the next 10 years. One thing is for certain -- It will be substantial and will require vastly expanded services and utilties from the City ... Indeed the years ahead are packed with challenges. ■-8.8. ‘‘lf you get shot, it’s better to do it on an empty stomach.” The day Wallace was shot he had eaten hamburger steak and mashed potatoes; the inference, of course, is next time he’ll know better. The Governor’s spunk evidently was not affected by his close call. -8.8. But, as this editor so aptly puts it, “Until that time, let’s drink a toast to the dusty roads, to the lazy lizard, to sagebrush and the Joshua tree, to clear blue skies ... to the days that have more substance than can ever be filled with rush and roar -a toast to tranquility, born of nature.” This editor’s remarks raise the ultimate question. How long can the population continue to soar on our finite Earth before all of the Antelope Valleys and even the memories of them are obliterated? We must ad dress ourselves to this question. -8.8. ' "iftDpl/ s—~ '"" ■ -*■ -*”;. ;r>?^ axinz ~j^| The View From Here IB| I just read this recipe called “How to Cook a Husband” in an old newspaper and liked it so much I want to pass it on to you. Venla Bradley used it twenty years ago in her column in this newspaper and said it was written by Mrs. Carrie Williams at the University of Georgia for a seminar on family relations. Here it is: You will have to think first how you are going to catch him; you may sit at home until one is brought to your door, or you can go to market for him. You will have a wider choice if you go to market. Wrap him in soft clean linen and store him by a warm fireside. This treatment will get him in prime condition for whatever method of cooking you may choose. It will not help to keep him in hot water. It only toughens his senses of response and produces a thick outer coating of indifference which is hard and unpalatable. A little spice adds variety and flavor but much pepper has the op posite effect. Never pour vinegar on him, but simmer him slowly in love and af fection, being careful to sprinkle occasionally with terms of en dearment mixed in now and then with a few words of praise for his many good deeds and fine traits. Never stick a fork in him to see if he is tender but surround him with bits of I AtUAIAUS ft LUUtsmty I | 5 YEARS AGO • The Houston County Board of Education voted Tuesday to seek more than a million and a half dollars for two new junior high schools at Warner Robins and one at Perry ... Jim Soles, graduate of Troy State College, joins the Perry Pan thers as a coach ... Perry is one of 92 Georgia communities entered in the 1967 Stay and See Georgia Contest ... The federal government notified the Houston Co. Board of Education that this county will receive $1,109,829 in federal assistance for the 1967-68 school year. 10 YEARS AGO - Lee Martin of Perry led the South to an 86-62 win over a taller North team in the Georgia High School Association-Atlanta Journal common sense, fun, truth and beauty. Be careful not to spill any acid of jealousy or distrust on him as it will destroy large portions of his faith in you and will shrink the fibers of your togetherness as nothing else will. Roasting is not a good method of cooking, neither is stewing in the juice of nagging and fretting. Any cooking is an art and needs to be mixed with common sense and imagination. This is certainly true of cooking husbands. Foods may be high in price, but good husbands are scarce and hard to find. So make up your mind that one cannot be well prepared when given only a few minutes of attention after the bridge game. Children add to the flavor, par ticularly if they are also seasoned with love and affection and a feeling of belonging in the recipe. They may become sour if left outside. At all times you must be careful not to let the family-relations pot reach the boiling point of discontent because there are not enough dollars to form a layer of the cream of fine relations. No recipe is good without salt - so last, but far from least, add the salt of going to church together, the salt of believing in a Divine power Who gives to each of us the ability to savor each minute of a well adjusted life and the companionship of a husband cooked to a turn. sponsored All-Star game with 26 points, 4 rebounds and numerous assists. Perry’s Ronnie Griffin was the South’s top rebounder with 7. Veteran coach Eric Staples was a happy man ... Houston County Schools expect an enrollment of 13,000 with increases of about 1,000 a year expected to continue in 1962-63. 20 YEARS AGO • A letter to the editor read, “I hear that you people (in Perry) are trying to have established division headquarters at Perry for the Motor Patrol. It would cut your tourist travel at least one-third. Most towns would not have it, but would avoid it if possible.” ... Norwood Florist of Perry has become a member of the Florists Telegraph Delivery Association. BOBBY A ' BRANCH jfcyl OUT ON A ™ BRANCH Jk THIS HAS BEEN a long week for us here at The Journal. We stood a long vigil Tuesday night gathering election returns so that we could publish every return available when we printed the paper Wednesday. I want to thank all those who helped us gather results during the long night. It is not as easy as it appears, I guarantee that. We have found at least one interesting statistic, though, it takes about 32 cups of coffee and 8 ham sandwiches for three of us to finalize an election edition paper ... Thank goodness it is all over. LESTER MADDOX will be gracing the boob tube in the near future with his very own syn dicated television show. The new show will be called the “Lester Maddox ... U.S.A. Show” and will be a half hour of cooking, talking,singing and all sorts of things. Ole Lester feels that those folks who like him and dislike him will watch the show and he is probably right. I’m one of those smart guys who predicted Lester couldn’t be elected Governor way back when he ran so I won’t make any brilliant predictions about his tv show except that it will probably have a long run and make him even more famous than he is now ... Hey, he may even have his good buddy City Councilman Dot Roughton on the show as a guest. Dot and Lester could talk up 30 minutes without any trouble at all. WE HAD A story in last week’s paper about the Perry chamber going on record as being opposed to any future development of the prison camp here on Kings Chapel Road. The chamber’s only reasons are that growth in that direction of Perry is stymied by the presence of the camp and Perry needs to grow out that way. A Warner Robins newspaper picked up the story Friday and an over-zealous reporter made the entire matter look like the Perry chamber is a real “boogey man” about the matter. Assump tions by the reporter made the chamber look as though they had discussed the state highway maintenance barn and facilities adjacent to the prison camp, which they did not. It was all rather sensational and seemed like an attempt to discredit our chamber and City ... Oh well, at least we know what the chamber’s intentions were all about ... The future good of Perry. A NOTE TO ALL those registered Perry and Houston County voters that did not bother to go to the polls Tuesday; If you don’t like the way the election came out ... That’s tough. If you didn’t vote, don’t gripe about the results. Those who inhabit the business world speak a language all their own. Who outside of it, for example, knows the real meaning of such terms as “activate” and “coordinate” and “expedite?” In the interest of elucidation (and a smile) the following is a handy business glossary published by a building construction newsletter; A Program: any assignment that can’t be completed by one telephone call. To Expedite: to confound confusion with commotion. Channels; the trail left by interoffice memos. Coordinator: the man with a desk between two expediters. Consultant: any ordinary guy who is more than 100 miles from home. To Activate: to make carbons and add names to a memo. Under Consideration; never heard of it A Conference: a place where conversation is substituted for the dreariness of work and the loneliness of thought. Reorientation: getting used to working again. Reliable Source; the guy you just met. Informed Source: the guy who told the guy you just met. Unimpeachable Source: the guy who started the rumor in the first place. A Clarification: to fill in the background with so many details that the foreground goes un derground. We Are Making A Survey: we need more time to think of a good answer. Note and Initial; let’s spread the responsibility for this. See Me, Or Let’s Discuss: come to my office. I’m lonesome. Give Us The Benefit Os Your Present Thinking; we’ll listen to what you have to say as long as it doesn’t interfere with what we have already decided to do. The Home Journal I Keeps Perry I I Citizens Informed I