Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, June 04, 1902, Image 4

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THE GAINESVILLE NEWS, WEDNESDAY JUNE 4. INDUSTRIAL Official Organ City of Gainesville Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating, Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can’t help but do you good Prepared only by E. O. DeWitt & Co., Chicago* The Si. bottle contains 234 times the 50c. slztit We give free coupons with everything purchased from onr store, from 5 cents up, which enti you to some of our handsome China Ware. Kvery two dollars’ worth of coupons ent you to something. So be sure and save them. Don’t fail to take advantage of this g offer; and remember our prices are as low as the lowest. Come to see us, where you buy all your Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Furnishings, apd Millinery without having to yass the town. You will save time and money by so doing. The Bar. A poet lias said of the saloon that it is appropriately called a bar: A bar to heaven, a door to hell; Whoever named it, named it well; A bar to manlines and wealth, A door to want and broken health, A bar to honor, pride and fame, A door to sin and grief and shame, A bar to hope, a bar to prayer, A door to darkness and despair; A bar to honored useful life, A door to brawling senseless strife, A bar to all that’s true and brave A door to every drunkard’s grave; A bar to joy that home imparts, A door to tears and aching hearts. A bar to heaven a door to hell, Whoever named it, named it well. —Exchange. Governor General and Mrs. Wood received many very hand some and costly presents from the people of Havana before they left that city. A Havana letter savs that “twenty-five thousand dol lars is a low estimate of the valu ation of the gifts ot Cuban people to General and Mrs. Wood. The value of the spirit that prompted them cannot be estimated.” SHOES’^ mmswMENt The venerable Dr. West, of Al- •a * abatna, evidently doesn’t belive women ought to have anything to do with the church. What would become of it, if they didn’t! The Mark Hanna presidential boom for 1904 was launched in the Ohio State Republican con vention, at Cincinatti last week. The big boss is an ideal “republi can leader and it would be tbe proper thing to make him the standard bearer of the g. o. p. in 1904.—Ex. in Shoes—and Shoes at Bargain prices are two different propositions. We don’t keep a Bar; Shoe Store—but you’ll find Bargains all through our stock and especially if your feet small. We have entirely too many shoes in small sizes for Ladies. Misses and Children. Sob the toes are a little pointed but we make up for that in price. We have one lot of Ladies St size 2 to 4£ that we sold for Strictly $8.00 we now offer for $1.50; a second lot size 2£ to 41 $1.50 to close out at $1.00. Also a big lot of Ladies, Misses and Childrens Slippers to be ad greatly reduced prices. Come to see us and we will show you just what we advertise. The Chicago Tribune, which keeps tab on everything, charges these devastations up against na ture during the present calendar year: Volcanic eruptions and earthquakes have destroyed 48,- 4fi0 lives, storms 704, tornadoes 416, cyclones 220, floods, 383, av alanches, 228, tidal waves, 103, enow slides 39 and water spouts 12: a total of 50,505 lives des troyed by natures elemental dis turbances. “That there is a growing appre hension of and respect for the can didacy of Col. Estill,” says the Griffin News, “is shown by the fact that his opponents have sprung the charge on him that he is a deserter from the Confeder ate army.” We Can Collar You have such a beautiful display ot Spring I wear that you will be sure to get pleased ta Ask to see the Arenco tie, that you can Hi five different shapes, and you will say thqri bargains at 50 cents. Once for 15o., or twice for 25c.—just as For 25c., 20c., or even as Jow as loc. We will do a first-class job at either price, and vou will be well pleased. We know of no one who can do a better job. We believe we are selling the best Collars and Cuffs on the mar ket for the money. Linen on both sides, and they won’t come back to you with Baw edges the first or second time they are laundered. It would please us to have you give us a trial on Collar and Cuffs. All the late styles are here. The Hon. “Bill” Brown, to whom The Kansas City Journal renders homage as one of the most renowned Populist chiefs of Kan sas is to be a candidate for the Legislature again. The Hon, “Bill” won great fame a few years ago by stating in the course of a speech iu the Kansas House of Representatives, referring to a certain railroad: “It hain’t got no termini at ary end! ’-, “Pittsburg is laboring under heavy fire-insurance expenses in the down-town districts,” remarked Mr. Dukane. “Now that is something,’* added Mr. Gaswell, “to which the water cure should be applied,”—Pittsburg Chronicle-Telegraph. The dress question is never more in esting than when dainty Spring and Sod fabrics fill tbe shelves. Washable goods uj are showing them are beautiful beyond k cnption, with striking yet refined novelties great number, weaves entirely new for end fabrics galore. To fully appreciate the gH advancements in Wash Goods 1902 has m one must visit onr store and view them at $ counters. High-grade domestics One lot fine yard-wide Sheeting, 4k One lot nice Checks, while they laM One lot Quilt Calico, 3£c- One lot very best Prints, including^ iam Simpson’s, 10 yds for 48c. One lot very best Cheviot Checks, & One lot A C A Ticking, 12 l-2c. One lot Apron Gingham, in brown, M and Green, 3£c. One lot Rem Rolls in dark, medium*® light colors, full five pounds, fW Fruit-of-Loom Domestic, full yd 7 l-2c. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at last one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that is Catarah. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medi cal fraternity. Catarrah being a con stitutional disease, requires a constit utional treatment. Hall’s Catarrah Cure is taken internally, acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving tlie patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in do ing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address, F. J. CHENEY &CO., Toledo,' o. Sold by Druggist, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills .are the best. • We have got the biggest dollar’s worth of shirt we know anything about. Our Men’s Dollar Negligee Shirts are made of the very best materials—detached cuffs. No scrimping of material or making sleeves to fit. Patterns new and the latest. It you want to pay $1.00 for a shirt we can do business with you, or if you want two for $1.00 we can also do business with you. * New Spring Hoisery. . For Gents, Ladies, Misses and Children. something.every one should have. The place to buy them is where you can buy the best hose for the least money. If you have not already found the place, come in and let us show you what we call real bargains. We have never seen anything to compare with our line of 10c. Hose, in plain and fancy colors. For 15c. we can show you one of the handsom est lines of lace striped Hose you ever saw for the money. Also a beautiful line at 25c., 33£c. s and up to the finest. The Macon Telegraph remarks that “some of the most liberal contributors to the Atlanta Joui> nal’s monkey and parrot page are showing signs of paresis.” “Woman is naturally f more hopeful than man,” “Yes; there’s my wife, for instance; for years past every time she has ha occasion to buy fish she has asked the dealer if they were tresh, hop ing, I suppose, that some day he’ll say ‘no.’ ’’--Philadelphia Press. yVickless Blue - Blame Oil stove—something you want, Guaran teed against smoke, perfectly odorless. R. Smith. Millinery and The I Spirit of Spring “Rumor ends the Anglo-Boer war,” but a war ended by rumor may keep on staggering humanity for some time to come. The “wild and wooly West seems to be getting the bulge in stock-raising, as well as in many other things, but there is no good reason, except our disposition to prefer dog-raising, to sheep-rais ing, why Georgia should not take a leading position in the produc tion of mutton and wool, says the Macon Telegraph. Throughout the Millinery room & n of Spring prevades every nook and cornet few chilly days may still be in Summer’s^ way, but Spring Millinery, that unerring^ et, foretells the advancing wave • of bn^ buds. The Millinery room is abloom with richest things from abroad and at home, it our Millinery room. You’ll not find i n city a prettier or more artistic display. say “Consumption can be cured/* Nature alone won't do it. It needs help. Doctors sky “Scott’s Emulsion is the best help/* But you must continue its use even in hot breather. .-~j Itjou hare not tried it, send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNU, Chemist*, 409-4x5 rearl Street, New York. Artistic Neckwear Any kind of Tie you want is here. W ^Corner Main and Washington Streets, Gainesville. Ge