Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, June 24, 1902, Image 5

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THE GAINESVILLE NEWS, WEDNESDAY JUNE 24, 1902 r. dexter, Gr. J. & S. RAILROAD! How Grand Viziers Die. Of the latest 200 grand viziers of the sultan of Turkey not more than twenty-four have died naturally. One hundred of them were poison ed, and thirty-six of the others were either beheaded or drowned in the Bosporus. Of the remaining forty the cause of death cannot be traced, but from the silence of Turkish his torians on the subject their end was evidently not Happy. One of the viziers was only four hours in office, and another occupied the position for only ten minutes, being stran gled at the end of that time. Schedule in effect jan 20, 1901. Eastern Standard (75th (Meridian) Tim«-. No. 82 leaves 7:17 a. m. for Social Circ No. 84 leaves 12,30 p. m. tor Winder. No. 86 leaves 3:00 p. m. for Jefferson and So cial Circle. No. 88 leaves 7,55 p. m. for Jefferson. No. 87 arrives from Jefferson 8,18 a. m No. 85. arrives from Social Circle 1,37 a. m. No. 83 arrives from Social Circle 4,35 p. m. No. 81 arrives from Social Circle 8,37 p. m. J SUNDAY TRAINS. .• .... No 92 eaves 7,35 a. m. for Social Circle.' No. 96 leaves 3.40p. m. for Soclai Circ No. 98 leaves 4.-00 p. m. for Jefferson. No. 99 arrives8:45 a. m. from Jefferson. . No. 97 arrives 10:20 a.m. from Social Circle No. 91 arrives 2, 45 p. m. from Social Circle. r Connections. No. 82 connects at Winder'9,30 fa, m. for Ath ens arriving Athens 10.11 a. m. No. 82 connects at Social Circle with Ga. R, R for Augusta 10*26 a. m For Atlanta 11.55 s a. tn Arrive Augusta 2.25 p. .m.: Arrive Atlan ta 135 “My hair was falling out and turning gray very fast. But your Hair Vigor stopped the falling'and restored the natural color.”—Mrs. E. Z. Benomme, Cohoes, N. Y. PURIFY THE BLOOD It’s impossible for you not to look old, with the color of seventy years in your hair! Perhaps you are seventy, and you like your gray hair! If not, use Ayer’s Hair Vigor. In less than a month your gray hair will have all the dark, rich color of youth. $1.00 a bottle. All druggists. If you would have health and energy in hot weather you should see to it in the early Spring that your blood Is pure and vital organs Strong and active. For a perfect fit go to # SJUNDERS t0 Daniel Building, over Mrs. j E. Jackson’s store. e Artistic Tailor.’ ,thes cleaned and pressed o: notice. Also DIES - SKIRTS „ and pressed. All work Riu J t a ention. Blackburn and Frye. Senators Frye and Blackburn are very good friends. Nothing delights the president pro tern. of the senate more than to imitate the Kentucky accent of Blackburn. He declares that the other day when Blackburn was in the; marble room a man ask ed him if Senator Hoar was on the floor of the senate. “No, suh ” replied Blackburn, ac cording to the Frye version; “Sen ator Ho 5 is not on th 5 flo\ He went out that do 5 at half past fo\” If your druggist cannot supply yon, send us one dollar and -we will express yon a bottle. Be sure andgive the name of your nearest express office.. Address, J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. C, DUNLAP, milap and Thompson insurance AGENTS. Many a boy thinks he will be his own boss when h6 reaches man’s es tate, but then he proceeds to get married, and it’s all off. WhiteMan Turned Yelow. Grert consternation was felt by the friends of M. A. Hogarty of Lexington, j Ky., when they saw he was turning] yellow. His skin slowly changed color* j also his eyes, and he suffered terribly, i His malady was Yellow Jaundice. He j was treated by the best doctors, but without benefit. Then he was adyised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach and Liver remedy, and he writes: “After taking two bottles I was wholly- cured.” A trial proves its matchless merit for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. Only 50 c. Sold by M. C. Brown, druggist. IS THE GREATEST BLOOD PURIFIER ON EARTH. has been rendered in Switzerland. A package marked “Trained Fleas” reached Geneva. The nearest anal ogy ^the collector could find was that of June bugs, which had been ruled as “edibles.” The case went from one official to another till it reached headquarters at Berne, whence after mnch investigation and deliberation the conclusion was reached that-the fleas came under the head of “wild animals in a menagerie.” p. p. c. They do say there are some wom en who are expert at pmgpong, but. money Loaned On Fanus. We make loans on improved farms, in Hall, and the surrounding counties, on ten years time, with the privilege of ] making payments on the principal sum For further information The efficacy of this remedy in purifying the blood and putting the system in order is without a parallel in the medical world. So thorough and far-reaching is it that-it carries its great cleansing and regulating influence to every part of the body, cast ing out impurities that have resulted from Winter diet, purifying the bowels, strengthening the kidneys, liver and stomach, and pre paring the entire body to resist the disease germs which come with warm weather. Those who use this great purifier during the Spring months will stand the heat better and be free from the debilitating ailments which invariably attack-the body that is clogged up with impurities. ACCIDENT, ONV / BONDS. I at any time. | apply totjSI R. P. Lattner Room 4. State Bank Building, Saint ville, Ga. r OFFICKs iUNLAP BL’BING Phones 35. How foclish it is to kick when your neighbor calls you a donkey I That would only tend to corrob orate the assertion. . Job Coudn’t Have Stood It If he‘d had Itching Piles. They’re terribly annoying; but Bucklen’s Ar nica Salve will cure the worst case of piles on earth. It has cured thousands. For Injuries, Pams or Bodily Eruptions it’s the best salve in the world. Price 25c a box. Cure guaranteed, sold by M. C. Brown. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. PRICE, $1.00. j And His Wife Wore Diamonds. It has been discovered that one of the merchants of court plaster on the Hew York elevated trains, who had a crippled arm Mid other claims on popular support, had a wife at home who wore diamonds bought out of his earnings. He was arrested the other day and his wife came to see him, wearing the jewels. She was shocked to hear he was a beggar, and said she thought he was a waiter* Doctor—Your symptoms seem to show that you ride a great deal in trolley cars. Patient—That’s the truth, sir. Doctor—-Ah, it is plain your trou- Wife—All our neighbors are go ing away for tho summer, dear. Husband— Well, that’s gooc news. “Why is it good news?” “Because if they are all gone nc oi e will know that we remained a J ■Chicago News. SOUTHWARD Daily home. Venezuela will call out for Uncle Sam to protect her before long; but ‘ ‘honest debts” should be paic and the little country need not ask for protection in wrong doings. No Cuban or Filipino civil war could possibly equal the great stuggle of the ’60s in the United States. The probability of civil war in the Philippines or in Cuba is no good reason why they should not be independent. Albany ibaily Herald. f630pm 6 80 pm 1005 am 12 36 pm 310 pm 245 pm 427 pm 6 43 pffi 8 05 pm 330 pm 10 45 pm 1120 pm, 132 am 408 am 530 am C. A. DOZIER. Real Estate and Insdr Lv Weldon LvNorlina ' Lv Heifdetson ” 5 Lv Raleigh * * Lv Southern Pines * Lv Hamlet 4 ‘ Lv Wilmington “ } Ar Charlotte " i Lv Chester £ j Lv Greenwood • • Lv Athens *, . { Ar Atlanta X « Ar Augusta, C & W C I Ar Macon, C of Ga 1 Ar Montg’m’ry A & W P! Ar Mobile, L &N ^ I Ar New Orleans, L & N{ Ar Nashville N C & St L! Ar Memphis 1 What’s Your Face Worth. Sometimes a fortune, but never, i you have a sallow complexion, a jaun diced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin,-all signs of Liver Trouble. But Dr. King’s New Life Pills give Clear Skin, Rosy Cheeks, Rich Complex ion. Only 25 cents at M. C. Brown g ug Store. There is a story going the rounds to the effect that when, Andrew Carnegie was struggling for wealth as a young man the only recreation that he allowed himself was fish ing. “If, ”says the Augusta Chroni cle, “these fishing trips had the us ual accompaniments, we can un derstand perfectly how Andrew got his start.’’ The whole newspaper reading world will have cause to be glad when the coronation of King Ed ward has been pulled off. Saved Two From Death. “Our little daughter had an almost fatal attack of whooping cough and bronchitis,” writes Mrs, W. K. Havi Office No. 1 State Bank Building, Sell, exchange and rent aU kinds c eal estate. Have in hand anythin} ou want in this line. Will make it x>ur interest whether yon want to se Trains from Atlanta, for Lula, r°ccoa, Greenville, Spartanburg, pharlotte, Washington and East, [Pass Gainesville: No. 36, Fast N (daily) 2:28 a. m; No. 12 (duly) 10:87 a. m; No. 38, Limi- ^(daily) 2:25 p. m; No. 40, Express, (daily) 2:45 p. m ; No. ^ (except Sunday) 7:33 p. r buv. Will insure your property against loss by fire in old reliable and prompt paying companies . They Were His Clothes. Oliver Hazard Perry Belmont was the first representative to appear in the house with a new spring suit of clothes. It was a check worsted which Representative Dick said was louder than the speech which Rhea of Kentucky was delivering at the time. The members crowded about Mr. Belmont and offered congratu lations on his quiet attire. He took their gibes good,naturedly until one of them said: “I believe that suit makes more noise than Belmont’s red automo bile when it is going down Pennsyl vania avenue, and the automobile sounds like a machine gnn in ac tion.” “Now, see here,” rejoined the New York city congressman testily, “these clothes are mine, and I am wearing them.” HHB The other representatives moved away at this sign of ill temper and talked of introducing a resolution to the effect that the millionaire’s clothes disturbed the deliberations of the house.—Cor. Chicago News. NORTHWARD { Dalt ! No 4 Lv Memphis, N C <51 St L] 1 00 p Lv Nashville, j 10 55 p Lv New Orleans v L & N J 7 45 p Lv Mobile, L & N | 12 20 a R. SMITH Lv Montgom’ry A & W Lv Macon, CofGa Lv Augusta, C & W C Lv Atlanta. J S A L Ry Ar Athens, “ Ar Greenwood “ Ar Chester, “ Lv Charlotte* “ Lv Wilmington, “ Lv Hamlet, “ Lv So’thern Pines, “ Lv Raleigh, “ - . irains from Washington, Char- ■°^» etc. for Atlanta, etc., pass feesville: No. 35, Fast Mail, ™y) 4:29 a. ns; No. 17, Belle, [eic-ept Sunday) 7:20 a. m: No. Ar Henderson* “ | 2 27 a m Lv Norlina, SAL Ry ! 3 10 a m Lv Weldon, “ | 4 20am Ar Portsmouth, “ \ 7 00 a m Ar Wash’ton, N & W S R! Ar Baltimore, B S P Co i — Ar New York, OD SS Co! Ar Phila’phia, N Y P & NJ f5 46 p m Trade Mark? Pj jS t • Designs r rr¥v” Copyrights &c. Anyone sending a sketch and deacriptionTnu quickly ascertain our opinion free whether ai invention is probably patentable. Conimunio lions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patent sent free. Oldest acrency for securing patents. Patents :aken through Munn & Co. receLv ■special notice, wifhout charge, in the Ar New York, “ { 8 40pm i No 44 Lv Hamlet, “ } 9 40pm Lv So'therh Pin *s, ,r | 10 32 pm Lv Raleigh, “ [12 28am Lv Henderson, “ j 144am Lv Norl na, *‘ J 210 a m Lv Petersburg “ J 4 09am Ar Richmond. “ J 4 56 a m Ar Washington, PRR J 8 45 a m Ar Baltimore, PRR j 10 03 a m Ar Philadelphia, PRR J 12 27 p m Ar New York, PRR J 315 p m Note-fDaily Except Sunday, all other remedies failed, we savea ner ' ife with Dr. Kings New Discovery. Oar niece, who had Consumption in an advanced stage, also used this wonder ful medicine and to-day she is perfectly itrpii ». Desperate throat and lung dis eases yield to Dr. Kings New Discov ery as to no other medicine on earth Infallible for Coughs aud c ° lds * 5( ? c and $1.00 bottles guaranteed by M. U Brown. Trial bottles free. A. handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 n fear; four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. MSJNN &«New York Branch Office- ^ 8L ^aelr.inirton, D. G»