Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, July 02, 1902, Image 6

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THE GAINESVILLE NEWS, WEDNESDA Y JULY 2 3902 NEW OFFICERS KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS The forests of the Philippines are described as the richest m. the world,the variet3 r of hard woods heiug unexcelled. The natives however, are so wantonly destruct ive in their metohds of gathering them that the strictest supervision will be necessary to preserve this source of wealth to the archipela go.—Augusta Chronicle. Do you want a sound liver, vigorous digestion, strong - healthy kidneys, reg ularity in the bowels? Take Pbickly Ash Bittebs. It has the' medical prop erties that will produce this result. DR. E. E. DIXON & CO., At a regular meeting of Stephenson Lodge. No. 16. Knights of Pythias, the following officers were elected to serve the ensuing term: C. R. Allen, Chancellor Commander W N. Pillow, Vice Chancellor. S. P. Bickers, Prelate. j J. T. Dorsey, Master of Work. I W. A. Jackson, Master of Art. C. T. McDonald, Inner Guard. I E. M. White. Outer Guard. j BASEBALL ON JULY 4TH. There will be a'big game of baseball j at the Southern depot Friday, July 4tb, between Gainesville and Harmony lirove. There is great rivalry between 1 these teams, and much interest is [ manifested in the result of the game. President Roosevelt, with the War and Navy Departments, is planning for the * most extensive military maneuvers that ever took place in this country . Ne w York will be attacked and defended, TO. 000 troops being used on Long v is irnd, with all the available j nu val vessels cooperating in the attack. -—Pickens County Progress. .> Water consumers not having meters, who use water for sprinkling purposes, Will be governed by the following regu- ations: Sprinkling yards, lawns or streets $1.00 per month—limited to 4 hours a day, viz 6.30 to 8.30 a. m. and 5.30 to 7.30 p. m. Fountains ih yards restricted to 4 hours daily anri limited to 1-16 inch opening. J. M. HUBBARD, Chairman Water and Light Committee. He eats heartily in the hottest weath er who nses Prickly Ash Bittebs. It keeps his stomach, liver and bowels in perfect order. DR. E. E. DIXON & GO. ; . New Library Building. Wor* on the new library building of Bren an college will begin at once. The contract has been let to Mr. Jno.; A. Pierce, the well known contractor, and the building will cost $3 0,000. It will be 80x100 feet, and will be located on the vacant lot between the audi torium and the dormitory, connecting those two buildings. The plans are very pretty and when completed the building will be a very pretty one. and will add materially to the appearance ©f the college campus. j Have boon restored to health by Lydia Em P£rskham 9 s Vega* table Conapoundm Their let- tare ana on Hleandjp&tpmo this statement to be atent, not a mere boastm When a mcdi- cine has been successful In curing so many women, you cannot well say without try* Ing ft—** I do not believe it wlH help me," If your brain won’t work right and you miss the snap, vim and energy that was once yours, vou should take Prickly Ash Bittebs. It cleanses the system and invigorates both body and brain. Dr. E. E. DIXON & CO. The Philadelphia Public Ledger very aptly reminds the college graduatesjthat so far from hav ing finished work, it has only just begun for tdem. All that has gone before was merely by way of preliminary for the actual labor: of life, but they have the satis faction of knowing that they are better equipped than their uned ucated brothers for the struggle. Vegetable Compound X« a positive cure for. all those painful Ailments of Women. It will entirely cure the worst forms of Female Complaints, all Ovarian troubles. Inflammation and Ulceration, Falling and Displacements of the Womb, and consequent Spinal Weakness, and is peculiarly adapted to the Change of Life. Poisoning the System. It is through the bowels that the body is cleansed of impurities. Consti pation keeps these poisons in the sys tem. causing headache, dullness, and melancholia at first, then unsightly eruptions, and finally serious illness imless a remedy is applied. DeWitt’s Little Early Risers prevent this trouble by stimulating the liver and promote easy, healthy action of the bowels.' These little pills do not act violently but by strengtheng the bowels enable them to perform their own work. I Never gripe or distress. Robertson & Law. rible female illness. lA Concord Sq., Boston, Mass. Backache. It has cured more cases of Backache and Leucorrhcea than any other remedy the world has ever known. It is alinpst infallible in such cases. It dissolves and expels Tumors from the Uterus in an early stage of development, and checks any tendency to cancerous humors. (HfeMgMRb Your Vegetable Compound re- moved a Fibroid Tumor from mv womb after doctors failed to giro relief. Mbs. B. A. Lombabb, Westdale, Mass. The fire department as well as the police department is necessary to suppress a lynching mob in In diana towns. The Hoosiers are full of zeal whenever they under take anything, whether it is a pol itical campaign or a vigilance com- mittejob. Wm the second bottle. Your medicine cured me when doctors failed. Mrs. Sabah Holstein, 3 Davis Block, Gorham St., Lowell, Maas. Irregularity, Suppressed or Painful Menstruations, Weak ness of the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating, Flooding, Nervous Prostration, Headache, General Debility. Vacation Days. Vacation time is here and the chil dren are fairlv living out of doors. There could be no healthier place for them. You need only to guard against the accidents incidental to most open air sports. No remedy equals DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve fbr quickly stopping •and medicine. I am ID VAlUAliltt AY i Jamaica Plain (Boston), Mass, f Dizziness, Faintness, Extreme Lassitude, “don’t care’’ and “want to be left alone” feeling, excitabil ity, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, flatulency, melancholy, or the “ blues,” and backache... These are sure indications of Female Weakness, some derangement of the Uterns. fl»|^ I was troubled with Dizziness, Headaches, Faintness, Swelling limbs. Your medicine cured me. I . Mbs. Sabah E. Baker, pun or removing danger of serious consequences. For cuts, scalds or wounds. “I used DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve for sores, cuts and bruises,” says L. B. Johnson of Swift, Tex. “It is the best remedy on the . market.” Sure cure for piles and skin diseases. Beware of counterfeits. Robertson <fc The whole rtor-, however, Jo told in an Illustrated book which goes with each bot tle, the moat complete treatise on female complaint-i ever published. DEATH OF MRS. CAPE i For eight ye womb trouble. suffered with was entirely in’s medictae. L. Town*. Mrs. Newton Cape died at her hutband’g home at New Holland **#;; Wednesday night of eon- sumption. She was 23 years of age. ; Her little baby proceeded h^$M£<he grave only one week. ThVl^laains were carried to Tim ber Ridge church and interred last Thursday afternoon. - * > Ah A4« Av TTil A. Littleton, K. H. Kidney Complaints! and Backache of either sex the Vegetable Compound always cures. enunsuuaumluum The Vegetable Com- I **£ «•"■»«■» I $ .i?Tr« ■ Mini of sjf.oo. Dok Mtadaeta, 2$& I Oorremo* leneef euununaassunn <w»*wre«. You can address ia strictest ooafldence, inn a nxuii in. eo n ifu* ii