Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, July 09, 1902, Image 1

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GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 9, 1902 MOZLEY’S LEMON ELIXIR |j a r to Summer Pe-ru - na Gives prompt and Permanent Relief, Regulates the Liver, Stomach, Bowels and Kidneys For billiousness, constipation and malaria. For indigestion, sick and nervous headache, j- For sleeplessness, nervousness, heart failure, aDd nervous prostration. For fever, chills, debility and Sidney diseases take Lemon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough organic regulation, take Lemon Elixir. 50 cents and $1,00 a bottle at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta, Ga. A Prominent Minister Writes After ten years of great suffering from indigestion, with great nervous prostration, biliousness, disordered kidney sand constipation, I have'been cured by Dr. Mozley’s Lemon Elixir, and am now a well man. REV. C. C: DAVIS, No. 28 Tatnall St!, Atlanta, Ga. Elder M . E. Church, South. W. A. WILSON & CO Manufacturers and Dealers XTHarness, Saddles, Collars, Bridles, Ha/. fift texs, Lap Robes, Whips, Harnes oil, Axle [f 1 Greasy, Collar Pads, Sweat Pads, Gig Pads, Ankle Boots, Riding whips In act anything in horse goods. 300 all Leather Collars—to go at from 50c. to #1.00. Don’t think anybody will sell you harness cheaper than we :an. Come to see us. We pay highest price ioi^Hides and Tal ma. Moore, Editor of the Advocate-Democrat of CrawiordsviUe, Ga^ writes »era»ft Medicine Company as follows: atkmao^ ,( Attar four years of intense suffering, capsed by systemic rb which l contracted white editing, and traveling for my paper, / have grutly relieved by the use of Peruna. I gave up work during these years trture, tried various remedies and many doctors, but all the permanent ietme from the use of Peruna. My trouble was called indigestion, but it utorrhall through my system, and a few bottles of Peruna made me feet mother parson, noting the improvement after I had Used the first bottle. as l can safely testify. / have not felt so well in five years, having walked over one mile without ill result, and have also gained thirty pounds since commencing to take Peruna. In fact, I cannot praise it too highly.”—Mrs. Amanda Morrill. Peruna never fails to prevent systemic catarrh or nervous prostration if taken in time. Peruna is the most prompt and permanent cure for all cases of nervous. Sdge Wm. T. Zenor, of Washington, writes from 218 N. Capital Street, ihington, I). C.: [ take pleasure in saying that I can srfully recommend the use of Peruna Important To Cotton Ginners remedy for catarrhal trouble and a It excellent tonic for general condi- L—Wm. T. Zenor. re. Amanda Morrill, 136 Reid street, ;abeth, N. J., writes: have been sick over two years with rons prostration and general debility, Have had four doc- Investigate the"most complete and efficient ginning system on the market. The Murray Cleaning Feeder—the best feeder in the world. Plain Gins, Hul- ier Gins, Feeders, Condensers, Single and double Box Presses, Pneumatic Cot- ton Elevators, Cyclone lint flues, etc. , prostration caused by systemic catarrh known to the medical profession. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna. write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your oase and he will be pleased to give you his valuable ad vice-gratis. Address Dr. Hartman, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. [heart trouble i; all said that I could not get well, pdnot walked a step in nine months, faring with partial paralysis and Jpitatlon of the heart every other v, and had become so reduced ht th as to be a mere skeleton weigh- only 85 pounds. Up to this date I have taken Peruna seven months. It has saved my life F. H. Lu minus Sons Cq. jpjfl I Jj_ saw Battery Gm Outfit, the Cleaning Feeders and Pneumatic Elevator. Double nice and as smooth as can be; the workmanship and material _ _ COTTON GINNED ON YOUR SYSTEM COMMANDS FROM l-8th TO 1-2 CENT MORE PER POUND THAN WHERE GINNED ON OTHERS. The “Lummua” it a trial. I have gained custom from a distance this season, growing out of*the efficiency of your ginning system. Iu quality o£ work, of good sample, Clean ing seed and quick work, 1 would recommend your machinery to ail parties Columbus. Ga.’ BOSTWICK, Ga., Feb. 11, 1902, I wish to express my entire satisfaction with the three 70 Box Steam Cylendir Press—in fact every thing complete. Everything works ~as IlTl . _1L 7 . 1*°*. b’.'** are ; unsurpassed; MORE PER POUND THAN WHERE GINNED ON OTHERS’ The “Lummus” System is death to competitors in this section, and wins all customers who £ive ,.unyww.iwr In quality of work, of good sample, Clean* SHORT NOTICE tfithony Brady, the capitalist, a springe novr of unusual interest upper lip, chin" aluT cneexs oI~fhe atone .figure, and if left uptouched y length of time it develops close cropped beard and mus- of the Father of His Country an extremely dandified appearance. If the moss thitaking of installing a plant for ginning cotton. Yours truly, ' . . ■ . (Signed) R. R. Jones. Obtain our estimates and particulars before purchasing. into a taclic; giving ; to the image of the Father of His Country an extremely dandified appearance. If the moss is not interfered with, it J 11 grow to a point resembling the approved cut that barbers give to the beards of men of fashion. Every few in instrumental in consolidating e two lighting companies, has toy men in his service. One of ls a high priced gas expert, a lnrtn whom he intrusts with toy important missions. Once ' Br % left instructions for this ln o man to go to J apan Columbus Ga- TO THOSE WHO DESIRE TO ever, say that it ia dead, for its jokes still appear/* BE ALWAYS WELL DRESSED man to go to Japan on a eer- 11 mission. concluded Mr. Brady, w a3 ^ Be a long and hard trip, have to take his wife with him.” 7 iter the expert had received his ! motions he sought out Mr. Bra- ^ understand,” he said, “I am to Yet may be perplexed regarding the means for gratifying that desire at the least possible cost, we suggest our Mail Order Department. We fill out-of town orders the day they are received. Money sent with order is promptly and cheerfully refunded if goods sent do not please, or we send C. O. D., subject to examination; or when satisfactory references tre sent we send goods on ap proval. Write for handsome illustrated booklets—sent free; ask for numbers desired. , ... MENS’ GOODS. BOYS’ CLOTHING. 1— Evening Dress. 14—2-Piece Outing Suit. 2— Tuxedo Dinner Jacket. >5—3-Piece Suit. 3— Prince Albert Frock Coat. 15—Norfolk Suit. 4— Riding Clothes. 16—Boys’ Sailor Suit. 5— Single Breasted Business Suit. 16—Peter Thompson Sailor suit. 6— Double-Breasted Sack Suit. 17—New Columbia Double Breasted. 7— Norfolk Suit. 17—Double-Breasted Jacket an. 8— Flannel suits. Pants Suit. 9— ^op Coats. 18—Boys’ Coatee Suits. 10— Liveries and Uniforms. k 18—Full-Dress Tuxedo. 11— Furnishings. 19—Irvington Suits.. 12— Shoes. 19—Russian Suits. 13— Suit Cases, bags and Hat boxes. 20—Wash Suits. moss, ana a suave is m uiuex., iuc freak whiskers have made the stat ue quite a curiosity in the vicinity. Cannibal Plants. Some interesting particulars ap- j pear in Chambers’ Journal concern- in* cannibal plants and flowers and especially the species recently dis- covered by Diinstan on the shores of Lake Nicaragua. As this nat uralist was walking with his dog he was attracted by its cries of pain and terror and, hastening- to t e rescue, found the animal held by three black sticky hands, which had chafed the skin io bleeding. These bapils were the branches of a newly found carnivorous plant, which has been named by Dunstan the land octopus. The branches are de scribed as being flexible, po i black, without leaves, secreting a viscid fluid and furnished with a great number of suckers by which they attach themselves to their vic tims. This uncanny product of the vegetable kingdom is known to the natives as “the devils noose. SPECIAL - INDUCEMENTS ALL THE NEW THINGS IN e my wife with me?” is is pretty short notice f to take a wife on such l the young man. isked Mr. Brady. ” replied the employee, THE NEW FADS IN PICTURES en t any wife.” % Brady’s agent went to Ja- °ne.—Utica Observer. EISEMAN BROS Department A. Atlanta, Georgia Washington, D. C Baltimore, Md