Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, July 09, 1902, Image 3

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THE GAINESVILLE NEWS, WEDNESDAY JULY 2, 1902. mmm mgms M I - n*;^paegg* * : .s~ * rT^^fW rT A Superb Shoe Stock. ^ever was a better or more , com prehen sive stock of footwear shown in Gainesville than we dis may this Spring. Every pair in 11 bolds all the worth, merit and i n that its price can [ possibly bay. The tone and smartness of many of the styles shown could not be excelled in L finest city stores. Our great leader is The Foot Glove Shoe for ! men, a make ot real $5.00 quality, and absolutely correct m every detail of style and fit, which we sell at the popular price of $8.50. Better values in fine shoes never was given. OF OUR BUSINESS Is good value—-our platform, the best , and biggest money’s worth that we can possibly give. It is because of this that our business is growing so fast and thriving so greatly. .And, furthermore, because of the fact that in all lines We carry a really satisfactory variety—not small, swimpy assortments, but a good big range of style and kind, such as is not usually seen outside of large city stores. The advan tages of trading here instead of elsewhere are very real and tangible. If you have not been in the habit of buying here ask someone who is. We are not afraid of the answer. Our Grocery stock is the epi tome of good quality. Every thing in staple or fancy Groceries is to be found here, at most at tractive prices—never a penny more than they are worth—usual ly quite a little less. Special at tention is called to our pre-emi nently good Teas and Coffees. We offer the highest quality pure blend Java and Mocha {no seed Mocha but genuine Arabian} at the really notable price of 85c a lb. This is but one sample from a stock that teems with similar good values... A MINT Of Dressiness And Economy. This phrase exactly describes our Clothing Department- It is full qf fresh, new spring styles in Men’s Suits, Pants and Furnishings, and in Boys and Childrens Clothing of every des cription- There is large variety to choose from, and every garment is from reliable makers whose goods are to be absolutely depended upon- And as to the prices, they are in every case the very lowest consistent with reliability and goodness We earnestly and sincerely believe that we are giving better clothing values than any other house in this city We be the judge, to come and see our line and examine it carefully- Our fine array of new Spring Suits for men and boys are a treat to see, if you are in any way interested in fine clothing- The Most Lawns in surpassingly profuse variety, 10c to 40c. India Lawns—cool, crisp and dressy, 10c. to 25c. Dimities—as dainty and pretty as are made—10c, to 20c. Organdies—in the very “lowest” effects—10c. to 15c. Mercerized Silk Ginghams, can hardly be told from silk itself, 17i to 22|c. Sea Island Madras—every v one knows its goodness 10c. Percales—of the beat—10 to 12£c. Chambrays—in many stunning tints—10c. And many other things of like attractiveness. Critical Tas te Will be pleased with our Spring showing ot fine Dress Fabrics. It is immaculately good—a splendid collection of the choicest dress goods creations of the season. All the newest favorites, all the old popular stand-bys—large varie ty of every sort of goods that can be needed for any purpose—that is what our Dress Goods depart ment offers you at the lowest of possible prices. Let us mention at random a few of the good things. Liberty Bell Foulards—15 Yd Pat tern—this week at $10 per Pattern, f46 in. Coat Serge at $1.00 per yd. Smitl >Thomas Co., ANNO UNCE MENTS. FOR STATE SENATOR. I reipectfullv announce myself a candidate or election as State Senator, to represent Hall, Jackson, and Banks counties, subject to the democratic primary. Robt, F. Quillian. * I rwpectfuliy announce myself a candidate I for election for State Senator to represent Hall. [Jackson, and Banks counties in the General j Assembly, subject to the action of the Demo- Irntic primary* H. H..Ferry. FOR TAX RECEIVER. 1 respectfully announce myself a candidate lection fo: for re-election for Tax Receiver of Hall county, subject to the action of the' Democratic JOHN W party. Cox. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for election for Representative of Hall county in the General Assembly, subject to the Democratic primary of August 7th. Jesse: L- Thompson. I hereby respectfully announce myself as a candidate for the Georgia "Legislature, subject to the action of the County primary. If nom inated and elected, I pledge mysel f to remain at my post ot duty and work for the best in terest of Hall county. Respectfully, B. A. ROGERS. At the '^mest solicitation of partial friends, and to gratif • an honorable ambition, I announce mveelf a candidate at the forthcoming primary of the Th nocratie party for its" nomination to the lower house of the general assembly from this county. W. F. Findley. I hereby announce myself a candidate for Tax t#Taivai> nf U.11 * - -S— ? — — A. 4 la * [ auuuuutv iixjDCi* a wanuiuav. , Receiver of Hall county, subject to the action of j * Democratic primary. M. McNkal. i .1 1 h , crcb y announce myself a candidate for elec tion for Tax Receiver of Hall county, subject to I action of the Democratic primary, Mitchell w. white. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for election for Clerk of the Superior -Court of Hall County, subject to the action of the Dem - ocratic primary. Jot S. Allen. FOR SHERIFF. I respectfully announce mvself a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Super ior Court, subject to the primary ejection. J earnestly request every citizen interested to carefully investigate my record. Thomas M. Bell. 1 rcspeetfmlv announce myself a candidate for sheriff of Hall county, subject to the action of Democratic party. J. L. Crow. I hereby announce myself a candidate for sheriff of H?.ll county, subject to the action of the Democratic party. Aaron W. Pass. I hereby announce myself a candidate for sheriff of Hall county, subject to a Democratic frimary. J. A. Lyle. | I respectfully announce mvself a candidate *or election for Sheriff of Hail county, subject — »• lUt .ill vi SAX Wi SACS' I V-'UUfcJ | ! the action of the Democratic primary. G. J. Hanes. } hereby ann unce mvself a candidate for Section for the office of Sheriff of Hall county 'Object to the action of the Democratic primary John L Gaines. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. i r * , ber . p by announce myself a candidate for l^fccti >n as Representative, subject to a Demo- -* John H PlERCK . I Crat ic primary. r , es Pectfully announce mvself a candidate i ** ec ^ lon for - Representative of Hall county in ~ cneral Assembly, subject to the action of [ *he Democratic primary. S. K, Christopher. ** r ^55- ctfu I lv announce myself a candidate e ? ion * or Representative of Hall County to ** “ ctio “ ■ A. J. Muncy. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. Thereby announce tnvself a candidate for re- election to the office of Tax Collector of Hall county; subject to the action of the Democratic party. Mel Charles. I re«ppctfottv announce myself a candid-te for election for Tax Collector of Hall countv. subject to the action of »he Democratic nrimarv. w. w Sloan. T respectfully announce mvself a candidate for Tax Collector of Hall conn tv. subject to the. Democratic primary, August 7, 100?. R. N. Majors. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. y /horebv ann'>ti*'C‘‘ mv'd*" a candidate for r^.f-i*<-tion for ‘T-easnrer of U>»lt co llt itv. subject to the action of the Democratic primary. F. M. Tumltn. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. Luther B. Langford respectfully announces for the office of County Surveyor of Hall coun ty, subject to the action of the Democratic Pri mary. I respectfully announce myself a candidate forelection for County Surveyor, subject to the action of the Democraticprimaxy. CHAS. L. NEWTOn. Ice Cream Freezers* you want one. R. Smith. See those slippers at T. O. Wat kins, for 98e. per pair. * Ladiefy do not worry about the warm weather. €all and examine mv line of Refrigerators. B. Smith. The Most Exquisite line Win dow shades, China Closets, Chiffoniers nd Boufets to be had. R Try Paraell’0 barber shop for a good clean shave or haircut. Tanglefoot Fly paper. Get some and tangle the feet of a few thous and of the little pests. Robertson & Law* Nice hot or cold baths, while you wait, ar Parnell’s barber shop. Stock and poultry powders keep your stock healthy and make your hens lay. For sale by Robertson 8c Law. Thosejardineres are just love ly. Call to see them. R. Smith. j nnnnutic- wm a candidate for for Tn-umr^r of Hall canntv, subject to *h* action of the Democratic pHmarv. . . " W H. Summer, Sr. a*oth- Voter® nf Hall County; j ^m-^BiDv aououuo- mvself a candidate f rir p r ,,, r f xr 'r rpa cn'-"r. anhityt +o the Detnec’T'Uc P-im*r''Yfh of »n<™ef 'DO?, t ^-s Wa in c-inesriH- and have 1foed here all of mv life. *m, p rt^nnl of the county "ktio^v trie, and tny capabilities. If elected tyaswty admin (ct^r the affairs honestly and faithfully.?!I ask the support of *be people ot the county. Rrso-etfillv Wvr RKN H. Campbell. Try our 5c. -cigars. We keep the best. Robebtson & Law . Tlie Best barber work is what you get at my shop. Lee Parnell, be- ween Gunther’s and Mitchell’s. Come to see me for your barber orlr L53 Mrs. J. E. Jackson. 1 SPRING and SUMMER Reliable Goods at: REASONARLE PRICES, We have good stock of Rubber and Leather Belt., i ^ G"i nd spikes, Injec tors, Lubricators. Valves, Whi*rb* •*<«," Pipe Fittings, Saw Teeth, Mower repairs, H i ••m-j-*, S . H -j B I We Can Save You Money On Summer LAP ROBES, HAMMOCKS, FISHING TACKLE. CHERRY SEEDERS. ' APPLE PARERS, CIDER MILLS &c. Come And See PALMdUK H’rdw’reCo. GAIN ES VI LLE, GA. mM tettss '