Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, July 30, 1902, Image 7

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fHE GAINESVILLE NEWS, WEDNESDAY* Stock and poultry powders. keep your stock ‘healthy and make your hens lay. For sale by Robertson & Law. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for election for Tax Collector of Hall county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. Try our 5c. cigars. We keep the best. Robertson & Law . I respectfully announce myself a candidate for Tax Collector of Hall county, subject to the Democratic primary, August 7, 1902. The Best barber work is what you get at my shop. Lee Parnell, be- ween Gunther’s and Mitchell’s. re-election for Treasnrerof Hall county, to the action of the Democratic prim aty. „ Poisoning the System. It is through the bowels that the body is cleansed of impurities. Consti pation keeps these poisons in the sys tem. causing headache, dullness, and melancholia at first, then unsightly eruptions, and finally serious illness unless a remedy is applied. DeWifct’s Little Early Risers prevent this trouble by stimulating the liver and promote easy, healthy action of the bowels. These little pills do not act violently but by strengtheng the bowels enable them to perform their own work. Never gripe or distress. Robertson & Law. The home of Mrs. D. E. Banks was the spene of a pleasant oc casion oh Friday evening when Miss Ida Jones entertained there a large party of her friends. The guests were received and enter tained in the cool and inviting yard, which was illuminated by Japanese lanterns. Refreshments were served during the evening, and a delightful time was had. Keep your system in perfect order and you will have health, even in the most sickly seasons. The occasional use of Pricket Ash Bitters will insure vigor and regularity in all the vital Dr. E. E. Dixon& Co. I hereby announce myself a candidate for election fo? Treasurer of Hall county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. . organs. Baby Dies. The ten days old baby of Mr. and Mrs.'J. L. Carter died at their home on Bradford St,, at ten o’clock Sunday morning. It was taken to Belton where where on Monday ocoured its funeral. foJcountyTra^urensubjecUo^the^emeCTatic ThenJopl- ofthe county know me, and my capabilities'. If elected Treasurer I will admin- ister the affairs honestly and faithfully. I ask bn aunonnce myself a candidate ^Representative of Hall County C£LV sembly ’ k> *be action 'wnocratic primary. A. J. Muksti ;hoe Stock. Never was a better or more , ' nl?re heusive stock of footwear Lwn in Gainesville than we du- this Spring. Every pair in ' P i holds all the worth, merit and J' to-dateness that its price can Libiy buy. The tone and I Hotness of many of the styles Lira could not be excelled in L finest city stores. Our great ler is The Foot Glove Shoe for i Qll a make ot real $5.00 quality, [absolutely correct in every ft il °f style and fit, which we Ljj at the popular price of $8.50. Better values iD fine shoes never was given. THE LIFEBLOOD OF OUR BUSINESS Is good value—our platform, the best and biggest money’s worth that we can possibly give. It is because of this that our business is growing so fast arid thriving so greatly. And, furthermore, because of the fact that in all lines we carry a really satisfactory variety—not small, swimpy assortments, but a good big range of style and kind, such as is not usually seen outside of large city stores. The advan tages of trading here instead of elsewhere are very real and tangible. If you have not been in the habit of buying here ask someone who is. We are not afraid ofthe answer. Goodness. Our Grocery stock is the epi tome of good quality. Every thing in staple or fancy Groceries is to be found here, at most at tractive prices—never a penny more than they are worth—usual ly quite a little less. Special at tention is called to our pre-emi nently good Teas and Coffees. We offer the highest quality pure blend Java and Mocha (no seed Mocha but genuine Arabian) at the really notable price of 35e a lb. This is but one sample from a stock that teems with similar good values. A MINT Of Dressiness And Economy. This phrase exactly describes our Clothing Department- It is full of fresh, new spring styles in Men’s Suits, Pants and Furnishings, and in Boys and Children’s Clothing of every des cription- There is large variety to choose from, and every garment is from reliable makers whose goods are to be absolutely depended upon- And as to the prices, they are in every case the very lowest consistent with reliability and goodness We earnestly and sincerely believe that ware giving better clothing values than any other house in this city We be the fudge, to come and see onr line and examine it carefully- Our fine array of new Spring Suits for ♦ ; • 1 / • ’ . men and boys are a treat to see, if yon are in any way interested in fine clothing- Spring Suggestions. Lawns in surpassingly profuse variety, 10c to 40c. India Lawns—cool, crisp and dressy, 10c. to 25c. Dimities—as dainty and pretty as are made—10c, to 20c. Organdies—in the very “lowest” effects—10c. to 15c. Mercerized Silk Ginghams, oan hardly be told from silk itself, 17£ to 22£c. Sea Island Madras—every one knows its goodness 10c. Percales—of the jbeat—10 to 12£c. Chambrays—in many, stunning tints—10c. And many other things of like attractiveness. The Most Critical Taste * Will be pleased with our Spring bhowing ot fine Dress Fabrics. It is immaculately good—a splendid collection of the choicest dress goods creations of the season. All the ndwest favorites, all the old popular stand-bys—large varie ty of every sort of goods that can be needed for any purpose—that is what our Dress Goods depart ment offers you at the lowest of possible prices. Let us mention at random a few of the good things. Liberty Bell Foulards—15 Yd Pat tern—this week at $10 per Pattern* 46 in. Coat Serge at $1.00 per yd. Smith~T v homa s Co., Gainesville, ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR STATE SENATOR. ! 1 respectfully announce myself a candidate Prelection as State Senator, to represent Hall, Jackson,and Banks counties, subject to the democratic primary. * Robt, F. Quxllxan. 11 respectfully announce myself a candidate Jor election for State Senator to represent Hall, nactson and Banks counties in the General KssemMy, subject to the action of the Demo te primary- H. H.^Perry. FOR TAX RECEIVER. feectfuHy announce myself a candidate L^fr l 011 * or Tax Receiver of Hall county, F .ect to the action of the ; Democratic party. John W. Cox. |jl! by r a ? nounce m yself a candidate for Tax 1 11 coua ty, subject to the action of democratic primary. at MoNp-at. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for election fonRepresentative of Hall county in the General Assembly, subject to the Democratic primary of August 7th. Jesse L- Thompson. I hereby respectfully announce myself as a candidate for the Georgia legislature, subject to the action oi the County primary. If nom inated and elected, I pledge mysel f to remain at my post ot duty and work for the best in terest of Hall county. Respectfully, B. A. Rogers. At the earnest solicitation of partial friends, and to gratify an honorable ambition, I announce mysel fa candidate at the forthcoming primary ofthe Democratic party for its nomination to the »wer house of the general assembly from this fSunty. W. F. Findley.- M. McNeal. it tb l aanoun « myself a candidate for elec- lhesrtT-> Ta ? R eceiver of Hall county, subject to action of the Democratic primary. Mitchell w. white FOR SHERIFF. ct‘1£ annouu ce myself a candidate for Hali county, subject to the action of democratic party. j. I,, crow. teSl announce myself a candidate for fteDpmL .• comit y. subject to the action of "Democratic party. Aaron W. Pass, announce myself a candidate for ‘ Ual1 county, subject to a Democratic J. A. Lyle. FOR CLERK SUPERIOR COURT. I respectfully announce myself a candidate for election for Clerk of the Superior Court of Hall County, subject t» the action of the Dem ocratic primary. Jot S. Allen . I respectfully announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of Clerk of the Super ior Court, subject to the primary election. I earnestly request every citizen interested to j carefully investigate my record. Thomas M. Bell. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. I hereby announce myself a candidate for re- election to the office of Tax Collector of Hall county, subject to the action of the Democratic party Mel Charles. announce myself a candidate toiu, °- n f° r _ Sheriff of Hall county, subject “ e action of the Democratic primary. G. J. Hanes. announce myself a candidate for the 9 ffi ce of Sheriff of Hail county ‘ 0 tae action of the Democratic primary Tohn L. Gaines. FOR REPRESENTATIVE. ^leetw announce myself a candidate for as R e P re sentative, subject to a Demo- "primary. John H . PlERCE . ^ ic?inn f r Iy T , announce m vself a candidate General a Representative of Hall county in ^Demorra^ ssen ? bly ' sub Ject to the action of Ca *°cratic primary. FOR COUNTY SURVEYOR. Luther B. Langford respectfully announces for the office of County Surveyor of Hall coun ty, subject to the action of the Democratic Pri mary. I respectfully announce myself a candidate forelection for County Surveyor, subject to the action of the Democratic primary. CHAS. L. NEWTON. FOR CORONER. I hereby announce myseir a candidate for Coroner of Hall county, subject to the action of the Demoeratic primary August, 7th, J. W. Veal- Try Parnell’S barber shop for a good clean shave or haircut. Tanglefoot Fly paper. Get some and tangle the feet of a few thous and of the little pests. Robertson & Law Nice hot or cold baths, while you wait, ar Parnell’s barber shop. CIDER TOO” Of course you can beat it out, but you oughtn’t to do it when you can go to PALMOUR’S and get Single and Double Tub Cider Mills. The very * BEST at reasonable prices. Apple paring, Canning and Slicing machines only 50c, each, All styles of CANE MILES and Evaporters, Terms and prices to suit you. Harness, Saddles, Guns, Pistols, and Ammunition, Leggings, etc. Turn Plows, Oliver, Syracuse, Averys, Tiger or Chattanooga. Anything you want in Plows can be had here for less than anywhere. Try us and see for yourself: If yon aie going to build it will pay you to come. 25 miles to buy your Locks, Butts, Sash, Fasteners etc. We sell ’em cheap and sell aheap, we do. PALMOUR HARDWARE TOJgfflgp*