Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, August 06, 1902, Image 3

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rHJS GAlNESVi^E NEWS, WEDNESDAY AUGUST 6, 1902. Miss Clara Castleberry is visiting Miss Wannie Golden of Columbus. Dr. and Mrs. Will Carter of Atlanta, are visiting- m the city; Mr. G. P. Turner will leave Sunday for a business trip to New York. Mrs. Blalock will return tomorrow from a visit to friends in Hartwell. Miss Janie Napier of Forsvth is visit ing Mrs. Howard Tbpmpson. Miss Alline Peeples, who has been the guest at the Pitchford House, has returned to her home in Atlanta. Miss Eugenia Rucker and Mr. Charles Rucker, of Atlanta, have been visiting Mrs. A. W_. VanHoose. I carry at all times a good line of Domestics, Hosiery UmbrellAS And ParAsols, HaIs, Notions And Shoes. is a Small List of Prices that Will Interest You a24offi ABOVE A SEA. 1 Agricultural College Main Builoing. dahlonega, ga. A college education in the reach of all. B.S., Normal and Business Man’s courses. Good laboratories; healthful, invigoratia »• cli mate; military discipline; good moral and religions influences. Cheapest hoard in the State; abundance of country produce; expenses from $75 to $150 a year; board in dormitories or private families. Special license course for teachers; fnll faculty of nine; all under the control-of the University. A college prepar atory class. Co-edvication. of sexes. The insti tution founded specially for students of limited means. Send / catalogue to the President. lo's. S. Stbwart, A.M. 20 per cent discount is offered on a line of surhmer suits, coats and trousers, to be found at Waterman. Buknett & Co’s., Exclusive Clothiers and Men’s Furnishers. Mr. Jno. M. Oliver has sold the Gainesville Telephone system which he put in operation here several years ago, to the Southern Bell Telephone Co. Mr. Oliver has accepted a posi tion with the above company to put in a system of telephones in Porto Rico, for which Peculiar Pets. Mr. Frank Welchel was exhibiting on the square Saturday, spme of the coyo tes, which he brought back from Texas several months ago They, have grown as rapidly in their new environment as ^iey might have in their native home and are beginning to be- dangerous looking pets. he will leave in Octo ber. His family will continue to have a summer home in this city. The way some papers talk of the love of Mrs. Roosevelt for her children, as if it * was something remarkable, is disgusting It is noftiug different from every other American mother. If they want to make out the wife of the president as being remarkable they should sav she does not love her children. Mrs W. H. Felton will lecture at the Auditorium, Thursday evening August 7th. 8:J0. Subject: •‘Southern Women in war time,” and Friday morning at 10 o’clock. Mothers and Heredity.” Benefit of Ladies Aid Society, Presbyterian’church. ■W« liave a. proposition to offer chat siirmasses* anything on the market in the way of getting what you want for Jess money than any other concern -eau possibly present. In this, we know what we are doing in the matter of values, .workmanship, style, fit and finish, for any size man or boy in Northeast Georgia. A call will b . convincing..— Waterman, Burnett Revision of Jury Postponed. The jury commissioners met Monday morning for the purpose of revising the jury box, but because of the fact that two of their members are candi dates, postponed the revision until after, the election. They will?meet on Monday, August the llth. FREE TO OUR READERS. Botanic Blood Balm for the Blood. If you suffer from ulcers ; scrofula, biood poison. itching skm, pimples, boils, boi? i, catarrh eczama cancer, eating sores, i pains, swellings, rheumatism, or any blood, or skin disease, we advii Botanic Blood Bain _>ecially recommends obstinate, deep-seated cases ..... .-47 heals even sore, makes the blood to take (B. B. B.). E for old, i * cures where ail else fails. - Pure and neb, gives the skin the rich glow of health. Druggists. $1 per large bottle. Sample sent free by writing Blood Balm Co.. Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice sefit in sealed letter. Medicine sent at once, prepaid. 7^; Met at Harmony. The Sunday schools of the fourth section of the Chattahoochee * associa tion, consisting of Harmony, Oak Grove, Northeastern academy, Pond Fork, Randolph Hall, and Diamond Hill, held their annual celebration at Harmony last Friday. President W. K. Dean presided over the meeting. A large crowd was present, the sing ing was fine and the good people of the community treated everybody royally. < “There may come a time wh*n the state will put a limit upon a man’s fortune.” [ * jomarHam has improved suf ficiently to be out again. Mr . Henry Jamil spent several ^ s of this week in Atlanta. tfr. Milton Thomas of Athene, the guest of his friend, Mr. Leo Hudson. Mi»s Pearl Stevens of Macon, is isit to Mrs. A. W. Van on & House. Lee Stringer of Atlanta, is i u the city, a guest of her sister, ^ rs . Dart Roberts. John C. Smith, after a vacation pent with his father’s family J ere) has returned to Atlanta. >liss Marie Allen of Thomaeton, • g gpendiug several weeks with Mrs. L. M. Johnson. Mies Daisy Estes ot St. Augus- tilie Fla., is the guest of Mrs. Geo. f. Estes. Dr, J. A. Wynne is spending a short vacation at Tallulah Falls. He will return Saturday. Mr. A. D. McCurry and Mrs. Dr. C B Alin-m of Winder are visiting their parents, Mr. aud Mrs. D. E. Hvaus. Mr. Chas. R. Tilley has resigned his position at Will Summer’s and returned to ms home iu Lexington, Ga. Howard Smith, whose home is uow iu Spartanburg, S. C-, spent Saturday and Sunday with his father, Mr. W. E. Smith, Wray Looper, who has opened upa dental office here, was slight ly injured in a wreck near Seneca, & C., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam McConnell and children of Atlanta, are on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. McCon nell. Mrs. George Harris and Miss Carrie Harris of Marshallviile, have returned home after a pleas ant visit to Mrs. E. P. Chambers. . A very enjoyable dance was giv en m Honor of the visiting young ladies at the Armory of the Cand ler Horse Guards last Wednesday evening. Rev.R. D. Hawkins, who is cutout by the Baptist State Mis sionary Board, preached at the N-w Cotton Mill Sunday after noon. Mr. Lamb Johnson is spending a vacation in Nacoochee valley. His place at T. S. Campbell & Son's is being filled by Mr. Paul Wynne. After stopping over to visit her Paints, Mr. and Mrs. A. Van Mrs. Hope Pol hill of Ma- Cou » has gone to New York, where she will remain several months. A party from here consisting of ^ r . and Mrs. Howard Johnson, *1*83 Etta Mae Hynds and Messrs. °ward Hynds and John T. Dor- * e - v ^ ave returned from Porter springs, where they have been pending the week. fro Wss Anabel Matthews has returned !n an extended visit to friends and r^iaiiv, e,s in Culloden, Barnesville, and ^her places fittin ®ew proposition in a way of made £ all shapes perfectly at ready prices.—Waterman, Burnett "Wh i Threatened. Tear-nL^l Cnic ^ nff ^ ast mon th my 11- vr epr i d , ov was poisoned by some Civ°p- pla x t,,,says VV. H. Dibble, of off hie ’ f a *‘‘He rubbed the poison whii l la,,ds into his eyes a *»d for a "n* W tf e afraid he would lose his ded neighbor recommen- first. V \l tts . Wltch Hazel Salve. • The ^PPUeation helped him and in a titin i*' lvas as well as ever.” For fc 0Und dl! - €aBes ’ cuts ’ burns « scalds, Hazel s i lnS ^ ct bi,es ’ DeWitt’s Witch at on^ ,Ve T \ S6arecure . Relieves piles e * Beware 0 { counterfeits. Reware *°bertson &Law. Mr. C. A. Dozier is building a large and handsome residence on Rice hill, facing Bradford street. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Eberhardt of Maysyille spent a few days of this week in the city. Dr. and Mrs M. M. Ham rode over to Gillsville in. their automobile Tues day. They will return today. Miss Cody Parker of Atanta spent Monday here as the guest of Mr. Lester D. Pucket. Mrs. L. D. Sledge of Rome, is on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Moreno at Dr. Ernest Ham’s. Hear Mrs. Felton at the Auditorium Thursday evening at 8:30, and Friday morning at 10 o clock. A large party from here spent a de lightful time at Tallulah last Thurs day. Mr. J. W. Veal of Morgans district will shortly move to Gainesville and make this city his home. Mr. Candler McEver is off on a vaca tion. He will visit several places be fore returning to his position with the G. F. Turner Co. Best Dress Calicoes at 4c. Good Apron and Bonnet Ginghams at 4 *4 and 5c per yard. a - * / . • * r - ... ' ' * i ■ . 2 9 ooo Yards Embroideries to sell at 3 and 5c. per yard. 7-8ths very Heavy Drilling 4 to 7 yards lengths at 5c per yard. /\ •' . /. - ' " ' • • ’• • I ' ' - * ■ " Good Pearl Buttons at 3 and 5 cents perDoz. .. ^ 'j ". . , ^ r - r ' -* s Good Assortment of Negligee Shirts for 25c. Worth 40. Men,s Dress Sbirts in "Wbite and Colored, worth 75c. at 50c. Good Check Homespun at 4c. per yard. 26 and 28-inch Umbrellas for 50c. Small assort ment of Ladies’ Slippers TO CLOSE OUT FAR BELOW COST, Hon. and Mrs. Clark Howell have re turned to Atlanta, after a stay in the city the guests of Mr. and Mrs. How ard Thompson. Look out for malaria. It is seasonable now A few doses of Prickly Ash Bit ters is a sure preventative.—Dr .E. E. Dixon and Co. Carl, the eight year old son of Mr. D- W. Daniel, died at the Gainesville Cot ton Mills, Monday night and the re mains were deterred at Hopewell yes terday afternoon. Mr. Albert Marsh and family ure recent additions to Gainesville society. They reside on Green St. and Mr. Marsh succeeds Mr. Ed Hafer in the office of the G. J. & S railway. Hot weather saps the vital energy and makes the hardest workers feel lazv. To maintain strength and energy, use Prickly Ash Bitters. It is the friend of industry.—32. E. Drxon and Co. Miss Mary Pillow and Mr. Will Pil low left yesterday for Greenville, Miss. where their brother is very ill Mr. Will Pillow has accepted a position in Memphis and will make that place his future home. Dorsey and Son, Undertakers, have moved their-establishment to the room next dWr to D. E. Evans’ stable. Their foraner place of business will be used by the G. F. Turner Co., for & clothing department. Julia, tbe 10 months old baby girl of Col- and Mrs. Robert L. Berner of For syth, died at Col. HoVvard Thompson's yesterday nttonning at 9:30 o’clock of bronchitis. The remains were shipped to Forsyth «jnd interred there today. The Presbyterian church of this city has extended a call to Rev. E. M. McConnell, of Greenville, S. C. Mr. McConnell is a very consecrated an/3 distinguished minister, and it is hoped and believed that he will accept. Mass Clyde Willis leaves today for her home ih Hawkinsville. Miss Willis was the guest of Mrs. Jno. M. Hynds and Miss Nannie Mae Shipp and has been complimented by,quite a number of affairs during her stay in the city. Some of the more yecent arrivals among the summer visitors to Gaines ville are Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Bondurant of Valdosta, Mrs. L. G. Donovan and Miss Mattie Jones of Augusta, and Miss Margaret Calhoun of Cleveland, Ohio. Keep you r vital organs in good cor di- tiou if you would have health through the malarial season. Prickly Ash Bit ters cleanses and strengthens the stom ach, liver and bowels and helps the sys tem to resist disease germs.—Dr. E. E. Dixon and Co. Try Money. a pair of our Shoes. We can save you Yours Respectfully, W. A, Manufacturers and Dealers In Harness, Saddles, Collars,' Bridles, Hal ters, Lap Robes, Whips, Harnes oil, Axle Grease, Collar Pads, Sweat Pads, Gig Pads, Ankle Boots, Riding whips fact anything in horse goods, 300 all Leather Collars—to go at from 50c. to $1.00. Don’t think anybody will sell you harness cheaper than we can. Come to see us. We pay highest price’lor Hides and Tal low. ■