Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, September 10, 1902, Image 5

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THE GAINESVILLE NEWS, WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 10, 1902, G. J. & 8.. EAILEOA1) LIVE STOCK AND DAIRY. “My mother was troubled with consumption for many years. At last she was given up to die. Then she tried Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, and was speedily cured.” D. P. Jolly, Avoca, N. Y. No matter how hard your cough or how long you have had it, Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral is the best thirig you can take. It’s too risky to wait until you have consump tion. If you are coughing today, get a bottle of Cherry Pectoral at once. Three sizes: 25c., 50c., $1. AH druggists. Consult your doctor. If he says take it, then do as he says. If he tells you not to take it. then don’t take it. He knows. Leave it with him. We are willing. ■ J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. " A Great Country. Gen. A. J. Warner, once of Ohio and now of Georgia, is quoted by the Washington Post as say ing: “I had rather have the water powers of North Georgia than all the gushers of Texas ; the one will give out as I have seen gas and oil disappear in sections of the West while the ether will be as strong a Money Loaned On Farms. We make loans on improved farms, m Hall, and the surrounding counties, on ten years time, with the privilege of [making payments on the principal sum j at any time. For further information |apply to R. P. Lattneb, Room 4. State Bank Building, Saines- ville, Ga. Between Kew Tort, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, Richmond, Atlanta, Hew Orleans and Points North, East, Sonth and West under- A typewriter end has again be 'n put to the Filipino “insurrection. ” The best King Cotton can do is to head a bobtail flush. LAZINESS is a disease which has its origin in a torpid liver and, constipated bowels. Bitters cures laziness by cleansing the liver, strengthening the digestion and regulating the bowels. It makes good blood, creates appetite, energy and cheerfulness. PRICE, SI.00 PER BOTTLE. AT DRUG STORES. FOR SALE BY DR. E. E. DIXON & CO. Wood’s Seeds. Crimson Cloyer -^1 yield under favorable condi- , tions 8 to 10 tons of green food per , acr e or U to 2£ tons of hay and ^ worth as a fertilizing crop, $20. to $25. per acre. Full information is contained in our Fall Catalogue just issued, which we will mail free upon request. Wood’s Fall Catalogue also tells all about Vegetable and Farm Seeds for Fall Planting, Seed Wheat, Oats, Rye, Barley, Vetches, Grass and Clover Seeds, etc. yrite for Fall Catalogue and ices of any Seeds desired. I. W. WOOD & SOUS, Seedsmen, • Richmond, Va. For a perfect tit go to C. H. SAUNDERS [Moved to Daniel Building, over Mrs J. E. Jackson’s store. ‘‘The Artistic Tailor.’ Clothes cleaned and pressed o: fehort notice. Also , A DIES - SKIRTS ileaneD and pressed. All work git < ompt a ention. GEORGIA For information as to Route®, Schedules and Rates, both Write to either of the Ngned, you will receive prompt re ply and reliable information. C*C. McMillin, Gen’l Dep’t. ^ 9. Jackson, Gen’l. Pass. ^ L Dawson, S. A. Augusta, Ga. 8-E. Magill, S W. Wilkes, Wl Agt. T. F. & Pass. Atlanta. Ga. ^•W. Hardwick, W. C. Ragin, Gen’l. Ag’t. Sol. Ag’t Macon, Ga. ^ McGovern, C. D. Cox, G. A. Gen ’1 Agt. Augusta, Ga. Athens, Ga 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Trade Mark? Designs Ant __ -..». Copyrights nnickiv a.« enrt h nK a sketch and description m* ? nr opliiiou tree whether n P rr, hnMy patentable. Communi' - tout u\ r i' \ y Handbook on Patem Patent. ,“‘ 8t «e*n.;y lor yt-curinpr patenrs. Qerfal J 3 # ; lkon through MunR & Co. resel- a. v, it bout charge, in tie team Jfiiierlait ll?u? ! frnfpd weekly. Largest nr- Year: fcte.’i-iue journal. Terms, $3 -i 5.. DiOnUlt 1L Sold hv^ll ' months, 4.1. Sold by all newsdealer?. '-■S ^CQ^S^Sroad.vay. f||fa Office, w? y gt_ tJ-o^bineton. D. C. Poverty is like snuff; it comes in pinches. It isn’t inhospitality that makes otie refuse to entertain a doubt. When a divine girl is ill she isn’t always treated by a doctor of divmitv. A good record is like a first-class mirror—It will bear looking into. It is often the people who are set up that get looked down upon. -Philadelphia Bulletin. It Dazzles The World. No Discovery in medicine has ever created one quarter of the excite-Pent *hat has been caused bv Dr, King’s New Discovery for Consumption. It’s severest tests have been on hopeless victims of Consumption, Pneumonia, Hemorrhage, Pleurisy and Bronchitis, thousands of whom it has restored to perfect health. For Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Croup, Hay fever, Hoarseness and whooping Cough it is the quickest, surest cure in the world. It is sold by M. C. BROWN who guarantees satis faction or refund money. Large bot tles 50c and $1 00. Trial bottles free. At least Kansans are beyond the reach of coal trust tyranny. They have ourned corn before. There are other things besides trol leys tbat are slated to butt the Teddy tallyho off the track. RAILROAD. and FREIGHT, Strikes A Rich Find. “I was troubled for several years with chronic indigestion and nervous debility,’' writes F. J. Green, of Lan caster, N. H., “No remedy helped me until I began using Electric Bitters, which did me more good than alL the medicines l ever used. They have also kept my wife in excellent health for years. She says Electric Bitters are just splendid for female troubles; that they are a grand tonic and invigora- tor for weak, run down women. No other medicine can ta&e its place in our family.” Try them. Only-50c. Sat isfaction guaranteed bv M. C. BROWN to The only kind ot consump tion to fear is “ neglected consumption.” People are learning that con sumption is a curable disease. It is neglected consumption that is so often incurable. At the faintest suspicion of consumption get a bottle of Scott’s Emulsion and begin regular doses. The use of Scott’s Emulsion at once, has, in thousands of cases, turned the balance in favor of health. Neglected consumption does not exist where Scotts Emul sion is. Prompt use of Scott’s Emul sion checks the disease while it can be checked. Quaker City Philosophy. Goes without saying—the deaf mute. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. 50c. and $1.00; all druggists. The Jersey cow is known all over Georgia for her many excellent quali ties as a milker and butter producer. Another excellent milking breed is the Holstein, noted especially for the abil ity to give large quanities of milk, though not so rich as that furnished by tLs Jersey. From the Southern Planter, publish ed in Richmond, Va., we have seen an account of a fine herd of Holsteins owned by Mr. T. O. Sandy of Burk- ville, Nottoway County, Va. Mr. Sandy’s herd has made a wonderful record as milkers and cream pro ducers. The cream is shipped to Richmond every day, while the separa: ed milk is fed to the calves andjhogs Mr. Sandy has also a fine herd of Berkshire hogs, a flock of Dorset sheep and breeds of Hackney horses. The most interesting part of this story is the effect produced upon his farm which, when he took it in hand, was a poor southside farm, so poor that he could with difficulty raise enough to supply a few cattle. Now it produces the heaviest crops of corn and grain, forage crops for the silo and hay for the barn. There is now never any lack of abudant feed for the large number of mouths to be fed. The manure from the stock is care fully saved and applied to the land, be ing supplemented with slag phosphate when and wherever needed. This to gether with a rotation of crops calcu lated to keep the supply of humus con stantly on the increase in the land is the secret of Mr. Sandy’s success. The keeping of live stock and pro per building up of the soil will make many a poor farm in Georgia as fertile as the farm of Mr. oandy, and make its owner rich besides. Some prefer raising beef-cattle, and there is probably as much money in them as In dairy stock. They certain ly will do their part just as well to ward enriching the soil and making it hear abundantly. Every farmer cannot do all the things recommended by this Depart ment, but all can do some of them and a few can do all. Let each man do his best with the means at his dis posal and the wealth %f our entire State and of its individual citizens will increase in a measure unparrallol- ed in our past history. GA. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. WHEN TO SELL AT A PROFIT. We find the folowing good advice in the “Massachusetts Ploughman” of July_26th, 1902: “It is one thing to know how to fatten cattle or swine at. the lowest possible cost, and another thing is to know how and when to sell them at a profit. We know but one sure rule for the selling part, though we could give nearly a dozen for the fattening. Sell them when they are well fitted for slaughter; a day or a week later means extra feed and small gain; a day or a week less means a lower price than might be obtained if they were in prime condition. Some have had experience enough to tell this by the look and feel of the animal. Others need the help of the scale to tell them when the gain in weight is enough to pay for the food given. The scale is more likely to be accurate than the shrewdest guesses. Do not make the mistake of feeding to long after they have reached the prime point. GA. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. GEORGIA BEEF CATTLE. With many people there is great objection to western beef on acount of the taste that clings to most of it from the materials that have been used in the cold storage plants, to keep it in good condition for the mar ket. •* When Georgia beeves have been well fattened and properly cared for, their flesh is much preferred by many people. Hitherto the supply has never been sufficient to meet the demand. In view of the high price of western meat, a fine opening is presented for enterprising Georgia framers. If they will set aside part of their land for the pasturage of beef cattle and breed from the best beef strains, we shall soon have fine packing houses at honfe and with an abundant supply of home- raised beef, prices will come down to the level of the poor man's purse. GA. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE. When a young’ girl begins to confide to her mother how silly it is for other yountr girls to pay any attention to boys that is the time for her mother to look after her own little girl.—New York Press. ' \ Eastern Standard (75th {Meridian) Time No. 82 leaves-7:17 a. m. for Social Circ No. 84 leaves 12.301>. m. lor Winder. No. 86 leaves 3:00 p. m. for Jefferson and : cial Circle. l . No. 88 leaves 7,55 p. tn’. for Tefiersou. No. 87 arrives from Jefferson 8,18- a. m No. 85. arrives from Social Circle 1,37 a. m. No. 83 arrives from Social Ciide 4,35 p. m. No. 81 arrives from Social Circle 8,37 p. m. ST7NI»AV TRAINS. — No 92 eaves 7,35 a. m . for Social Circle. No. 96 leaves 3.40p. m. for Social-Circ No. 98 leaves 4 .-00 p. m. for Jefferson. No. 99 arrives8:45 a. m. from Jefletson. No."97 arrives 10:20 a.m. from Social Circle No. 91 arrives 2, 45 p. m. from Social Circle. Connections, No. 82 connects at Winder 9,30 a. m. for Ath ens arriving- Athens 10.ll a. m. No. 82 connects at Social Circle with Ga. R, K for Augusta 10-26 a. m For Atlanta 11.55 a. m Arrive Augusta 2.25 p. m.; Arrive Atlanta 135 m. No. 84 connects at Winder for Athens and Atldnta2,19 p. m.; arrive Athens 2.50 p. m.; ar rive Atlanta 3.00 p. m. * M§. 84 connects aLSocial Circle, for Augusta a m.; arriveugusta 9.25 p. m. N0.86 connect* at 3 j :ial 'ircte fif vu int 7.45 p. tn.; arrive Atlanta 9.20 p. m^ Samuel C. Dunlap, Receiver thousand years from today as at present. The country I speak *of is going to be in the years to come one of the great industrial dis tricts of the Union. Its people have just begun to understand the folly of sending to the Northern coal fields for power when nature his placed in their hands an il limitable and neverfailing sup ply.” Blown to Atoms. The old idea that the body some times needs a powerful, drastic, purga tive pill has been exploded: for Dr. King’s New Life Pills, which are per fectly harmless, gently stimulate liver and bowels to expel poisonous matter cleans the system and absolutely cure constipation and Sick Headache. On ly 25c.M. C. BROWN’S Drug store. Hon. J. M. Terrell will give a re ception in honor of the University of Georgia studeuts Dext Thanks giving day. Mr. Terrell will then be governor of the State, and a majority of the students will be m Atlanta at that time to attend the great football game between the University and Auburn. It Girdles The Globe- The fame of Buckleu’s Arnica Salve, as the best in the world, extends round the earth. It’s the one perfect healer of Cuts, Corns, Barns, Bruises, Sores, Scalds, Boils, Ulcers, Felons, Aches Pains and all Skm Eruptions. Only infallible Pile cure. 25c a box at M BROWN’S. Southern’s New Fast Mail. In the course of a few weeks, a fast mail train will be put on the Southern railway between New York and New Orleans. This new train will be the fastest on record in the South, making the distance between New York and Gainesville in about twenty-one hours. This train will pass through Gaines ville, and will greatly aid the merchants in going to and from New York, when buying their new goods, and will certainly be a great convenience to the people in send ing and receiving jnail, and in go ing to and coming from the East. This tram will pass through Gain esville on its way to New Orleans from New York about 10 p. m., and it will not affect the schedule of the other trams that pass through here. IN EFFECT FEBRUARY 24th., 1901 SOUTHWARD , Dailv No Si Lv New York, PR R 2 12 55 p m Lv Philadelphia, P R R ! 3 29 pm Lv Baltimore, PRR 1 Lv Washington, PRR I Daily No 27 5 45 pm 6 55 p m Lv Richmond. SAL Ry I 10 40 p m Lv Petetersbuig, Lv Norlina Lv Henderson Lv Raleigh Lv Southei n Pines Lv Hamlet 1131 p m 205 am 2 30 a m 346 am 5 37 am 6 30 a m No 403 f7 55 a m 10 20 am Lv New York, N Y P & N! Lv Philadelphia “ 2 Lv New York. O D S S Co j f3 00 pm Lv Baltimore, BSP Co | —- Lv Wash’ton, N & W S B J Lv Portsmoutl, S A L Ry! Lv Weldon “ 2 Lv Norlina Lv Henderson “ 1 Lv Raleigh “ ! Lv Southern Pines “ I Lv Hamlet “ 4 12 10 ant 3 50 am 6 22 am 835 am 12 23 pm 110 pm 3 30 pm 3 55 pm 5 09 pm 6 57 pm 8 10 pm No 41 8 55 pin 11 26 pm 9 00 p m 1133 pm 1255 a m 120 am 3 02 am 518 am 645 am Lv Wilmington 1 . i Ar Charlotte “ ! L* Chester * “ I Lv Greenwood “ j Lv Athens “ 5 Ar Atlanta f “2 At Augusta, C & W C { Ar Macon, C of Ga ! Ar Montg’m’ry A & W P | Ar Mobile, L & N ! Ar New Orleans, L&N[ Ar Nashville N C & St L! Ar Memphis I 9 51 am { 10 08 ami 12 07 p m i 2 19 pm i 3 35 p m | 510 pm j. 7 20 pm | 9 20 o m } 255 am i 730 am i 535am j 4 00pm i jfl 30 pm 6 30 pm 1005 am 1% 36 pm 210 pm 2 45 pm 4 27 pm 6 43 pm 8 05 pm 330 p m 10 45 pm 1120 pm 132 am 4 08 am 530 am 1110 am 11 00 am 4 12 pin 8 30 pm 655 pm 8 10 am NORTHWARD J Daily } Daily' i No 402 J No 38 Lv Memphis, N C <St St L* -J 00pm j 8 45 p uof Lv Nashville, i 10 55pm.{ 9 30am Lv New Orleans, L&N [ 745pm j— Lv Mobile, L&N J 1220 a ra { Lv Montgom’ry A & W PJ 6 20am J 130 pm Lv Macon, C of Ga Lv Augusta, C & W C Lv Atlanta, t SAL Ry Ar Athens, ** Ar Greenwood . ft Ar Chester, “ Lv Charlotte 1 .** Lv Wilmington, ** Lv Hamlet, “ 800 a m j 4 20 pm 9 40am f 1200 n’n f 8 00 pm Lv So'thern. Pines, “ Lv- Raleigh, “ Ar Henderson* ** Lv Norlina, SAL By I Lv Weldon, “ | Ar Portsmouth, “ i Ar Wash’ton, N & W SR! Ar Baltimore, B SP Co j Ar New York. O D S S Co! 2 48 p m | 1123 pm 4 50pm ! 2 04 am 6 43 p m J 4 25 am 6 30 v m ! 5 00 am 330pm J 9 50 p m ! 8 10 am 10 55 p m ! 9 03 am 100 a m ! 11 30 am 2 27am j 1 00 pm 3 10 a m J 2 00 pn 4 20am i 310 pn 700 a m { 5 Ar Phila’phia, NYP&Nj f5 46 p tn Ar New York, Lv Hamlet, “ Lv So'them PIn*s, ?*■ Lv Raleigh, Lv Henderson, “■ Hot days followed by cool nights will Lv Norlina, breed malaria in the body that is Lv Petersbur; bilious or costive. Prickly Ash Bit ters is very vrlueable at this for keep ing the stomach, liver and bowels well regulaaed. Dr, E. E. Dixon & Co. rg Ar Richmond. ‘* Ar Washington, PRR Ar Baltimore, PRR Ar Philadelphia, PRR Ar New York, PRR Note-fDailyExcept Sunday t 8 40 p m | No 44 ! 9 40 p m 2 10 32 p m 2 12 28 a m 2 144am 2 210am 2 4 09 am 2 4 56 a m 1 8 45 a m 2 10 03 a m J 12 orr*" 1 j P m j £55* 2 t€45» : tm* ! 510s 2 8C0t { No £ ! 9 20 an ! 10 69 am i 1207 pm { 127 pm i 2 15 pm } 433 p m ! 5 35 pm ! 9 40 pm ! 1125 pm { 2 56 am 1 e*o am WmM Iwm