Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, October 01, 1902, Image 3

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THE GAINESVILLE NEWS, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 1, 1902, Mr. F. R. JLongstreet Appointed, Mr. F. R. Longstreet has been ap pointed agent to collect statistics of the gins in Hall countv for the census .office. All information given is strictly confidential as every agent is under oath to tell no one but the officials in Washington, who make a report the following week of the gins from all ov er the South. Of course, the success of the work depends upon the co opera tion of the farmers and ginners for whose benefit it is inaugurated, and thev should give it their hearty sup port by giving the agent the informa tion he asks for on his visits. It will be his duty to make three rounds of all the gins first, Oct. 19, Dec. 13 and the close ot the season. All new gins are earnestly requested to give their location name and post-office so the agent can put them on his list. Last year the United States Census Office made an effort and succeeded to a surprising extent m getting in direct communication with the ginners of the South Ezra rngrira is u-t gevere illness. Davidson of Atlanta was city Saturday. Annaoel Mathews, who has ute ill, is able to be np. Gertrude Locke, of Mont- Ala., who has been the of Mrs. J. R. Boone, re- home Monday. Furr and two Our Fall and Winter Goods are coming in every day, and we are now ready to sliow the largest and most complete line ot Merchandise we have ever had, in onr Ladies Dress Goods Department, we can supply almost any demand. Have just received sr nice line of Suit Patterns/ including all the popular and new weaves for the season, such as the rough effects in Zibelines, Cheviots, Camel’s Hair Serge, Hop Sacking, Gibson Suitings, Granite Cloth, Broadcloth, Venetians, etc. Also a nice line of Skirt Goods, both for Walking and Dress Skirts. All the best cloths at moderate prices. We also have a full line of Domestics and Cotton Goods, such as everybody needs all the ttme. Quotations below will give only a hint at what we have to show: 5,000 yds. Factory Checks, worth *5c. at 3 1-4c, 5,000 yards best 6c Checks, at 5c. 5,000 yards good yard-wide Sheeting, 4c. 5,000 yards best 6c Sheeting, 5c. 5,000 yards very best 6c Calico, at 5c 10 cases Remnant Rjlls, 80c, 85c, $1. 5,000 yards Calico same as others sell a 5c, our price 4c. Leonard of Wellington, Texas are Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mc- Itfraod Mrs. Frank Log have been in the cit Lk as guests of Mr. and R Logan on Race street. I Representative-elect Jofai [older of Jackson county, fere Monday. He won a big Vic ky iu the recent primary there. Mr. John R. Brown was here Uurday. He has made a contract [ith Everett, Ridley, Ragan & L uew proprietors of the shoe L 0 ry, to travel hife old territory. Dr. H. S. Bradley’s lecture at' Ljtle street church last Friday was These reports came from 29,620 ginneries scattered all over the cotton belt and doubtless are the most relia ble that have ever been published. The Census Office stands ready to make this a permanent work and get these re ports every year even more promptly and fully than they did the current cotton year. What they want and need is the cooperation of all who are interested in handling the raw cotton, especially the ginners. It is entirely feasible with the machinery, in the One lot Ingrain Carpets, beautiful patterns and styles, regular 30c. values, -now at Another lot, better grade, same as others sell at 45c , our price per yd.. One lot, very best an<L heaviest all wool Ingrain, and a good quality Tapestry Brus sels, advertised by others at 65c, our price One lot beautiful Wilton Velvets, all new patterns and styles, regular $1.25 values now/ at -i- ...... * - — — ...... One lot beautiful Smyrna Rugs, large size, in all the new patterns, worth $1.50, our price — -|~— f -. ......: ... One lot Velvet Rugs, large size exquisite pattern assortment, such as others jsell for $2, our price . ——— ..... Ightwas well patronized, and it fas splendid. Those present en- |/ed it very much. iMiss Eugenia Foster, who has t 8 a visiting her siBter, Mrs. [ibertH. Marsh on Green etreet Lined Saturday to her home l Augusta. [Mr. Roy Irish and his sister liss Irish, who have been visiting l Cumming are spending some hue in Gainesville before return- g to their home in Chicago. |Col. W. G. Obear, inspector gen- |al, was in the city last Friday ight and inspected the Candler Lorse guards. He found the troop | good condition and congratu- led the boys on their splendid Walking Skirts Shirt Waists In this very popular garment for Fall and winter we offer a. very great va riety in both make and price—$1.00 up to $7.50 One special Skirt made of Melton cloth and full, nicely stitched and flared at bottom; worth $2.00; our price, Another attractive Walking Skirt made of wool Meltonj has slot seams from botton to top, and nicely stitch ed ; comes in all colors and black; good value at $4; our price Our Dress Skirts rauge in price from 98c, $1.25, $2.00, and up to A nice Percal Waist, well made, reg ular price 50c; now at 35c Good mercerized Sateen, comes in black and colors, 75c. values at 50c Another lot ‘of the Satteen Waist, our best $1 goods now at ?>; 75c One lot of Flannel Waists made in the newest and best styles; $1.25 kind at 98c FREE TO OUR READERS- Botanic Blood Balm for the Blood. If you suffer from ulcers, eczema, scrofula, blood poison, cancer, eating sores, itching skiu, pimples, boils, bone pains, swellings, rheumatism, catarrh, or anj blood or skin disease, we advise you to take Botanic Blood Balm (B.B.B.). Especially recommended for old, obstinate, deep-seated cases, cures where all else fails, heals every sore, makes the blood pure and rich, gives the skin the rich glow of health. Drug- $1 per large bottle. Sample sent free by writing Blooa Bairn. Co., Atlanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical adviee sent in sealed letter. Medicine sent at once, prepaid. Silk Waists. We also carry a full line of Silk Waists in Peau de Soie and Taffetas, including all the popular shades and black and white, at prices from $3 to 6.00 One special Silk Waist, made of good quality Taffeta, tucked front and back, showing the new sleeve effect; regular $3.50 value; our price 2.98 Ladies’ Suits, In this department we carry a nice line, made up iu all the new cloths and styles at, per suit, $7.50 up to Wili Report Sunday. The committee appointed last Sun day week to investigate the cost, re pair and erection of First Baptist church will report at the morning ser vice next Sunday- It is understood that the coinmitte will not recommend tha a new church be built. The matter will be discussed in all its phases at the morning service next Sunday.. Ladies’ Trimmed Hats. Our Millinery department this season in Trimmed and Ready-to-wear Hats will be full. We go through the larg est and best millinery establishments in New York Gity, select one or two each of their best and newest styles, bring them here ahd sell at about half what others get for them. Jackets and Reefers. Our success m this particular line last season was such that we were en couraged to buy large quantities t‘bi9 time, so we come to our customers now with a complete line, including; all the latest styles, from the short, close-fitting Jacket to the long Auto mobile, and the very newest ahd most, popular of all, the Monte Carlo.. Our prices range from 65c. for a Child Reefer, to $15 for a Ladies* Jacket. J One Special lot in Ladies’ yackets— we cleaned up the factor»—worth $3.50; our price long as it 1 sts, Sunday School Will Celebrate. Editor News: Please announce through the columns of the News that on next Sunday, October 5, the Sunday School and community at Lebanon will celebrate Orphan’s Home day with ap propriate exercises. Music, recitations and readings followed by contributions of work day gifts to the orphans. Homer A. Langford, Supt. ffaistings. A full line of Shirt Waist goods from a beautiful stripe goods at 12 l-2c," and an-all-wool Flannel m all the shades at 25c, up to the finest French Flannels, with a silk stripe, at per yard, 75*. One special lot of fine French Flannel with a stripe; They are hard to get at 5Qe a yard ; our price will be 42 X-2C< Help the King’s Daughters. The King’s Daughters will give a festival at the armory af the Candler Horse Guards from 4 to 10 o’clock to morrow, Thursday, to which the pubr lie is cordially.invited. Let all who can go out and help this band of Christian workers. Ladies’ Underwear. One lot Ladies’ Underwear, right weight for early Fall,worth 15c, now at Another lot, heavy, and suitable for winter; the very best 25c values; our price, Men’s and Boys’ Shirts. We mention one special lot of Men’s and Boys’ Shirts. About 25 dozen, the remnants of a factory, every shirt good and perfect, good colors, and not a shirt in it worth less than 35 cents and up to 50 cents; as long as they last will go at Important Meeting. The Daughters of the Longstreet Chapter U. D. C., will meet Friday af- tetnoon at 4 o’clock with Mrs. A. W. Van Hoose at Brenau. Delegates to the convention of the United Daughters of the. Confederacy, which convenes in New Orleans in November, to be elec ted Every daughter is urged to be present. Mrs. C. C. Sanders, ^ - Pres. Loogstreet-Chapter, U. D. C. Election Today. P 16 election for state and county lc f rs ls being held today. A pretty ^ vote is being polled. There are contests except for supreme court ^ e ’ Judge John S. Candler ana John F. Ross being candidates ^bis office. Everything is passing Quietly and the nominees will all be e n a good vote. . ’* Hats and Caps. One lot MenV and Boys’ Hats, every hat worth $1, some of them more ; at 25 dozen Men’s and Boys’ Caps. 25c. values at - In onr shoe department you can find more Shoes, a larger assortment in Men’s, Women’s and Children’s and fine Shoes/than in any other house in Northeast Georgia. Give prices on a few coarse shoes below. One lot Children’s Coarse Winter Shoes, 60c. kind/ a — . —.............. 4S( One lot larger size, 75c. kind,.at ....... ———.....— i—— —-— — —.— 58c " One lot Women’s Coarse Shoes, 86c. values at . 65c One lot, Women’s best $1 grade at — ....... — 90c One lot Bovs’ Fine Shoes worth $1.25. all solid leather, our price _ ..... 9Qc One lot Men’s Solid Leather, $1.25 kind at.... — ..VL 98c One lot Men’s Coarse Shoes, kind that we all sell at $1, our price 89c We only ask you to see our goods before buying. Respectfully, Bought and Will BuUd. °L W. A. Charters of Dablonega. e ®icient and popular solicitor geae- °f the Northeastern circuit, bought on Green street Monday from kn & Dunlap between the lots of S -C. Dunlap Jr. and Mr. R. O. The lot is 100 x420 feet and Charters paid $1000 for it. Upon lot Col, Charters will at an early e begin the erection of a handsome 7 residence. Mr. J. M. Chastain Dead. v - Mr. J. M. Chastain died at his home several miles from the, city at 9 o’clock last Friday night of typhoid fever. He was 44 years of age and was a most es timable citizen . He is survived by his wife and five children. The remains were carried to Salem. Forsyth county, and interred Saturday afternoon, the funeral services being conducted by Rev. D. S. McCurry. *< G. F. TURNER CO Gainesville, Ga