Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, October 01, 1902, Image 5

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ftfE GAINESVILLE NEWS, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER - 1, 1902 THE BALKY HORSE, Gf. J- & S. RAILROAD A Little Trick Tliai, It Is Said, Will • Start Him Every Time. For tile benefit of those who have been caused a great deal of anxiety by a balky horse, lost trains as well as tempers and sometimes even ruined the horse, the next time they have the experience to run across a balky horse, no matter how bad he is, let me tell you how to start him ninety-nine times out of a. hundred. Of course it may fail one time in a hundred. When a horse balks, no mat ter how badly he sulks or how ugly he is, do not beat him. Don't throw sand in his ears, don't use a rope on his fore legs or even burn straw under him. Quietly go and pat him on the head a moment. Take a hammer or even pick up a stone in the street, Jell the driver to sit still, take his lines, hold them quietly while you lift up either front foot, give each nail a light tap and a good smart tap on the frog, drop the foot quickly and then chirp to him to go. In ninety-nine cases out of a hundred the horse will go right on about his business, but- the driver must keep his lines taut and not pull or jerk him back. If I have tried this once, I have tried it 500 times, and every time I have suggested it people have laughed , and even bet $5 and'bottles of wine that I could not do it. So far I have won ev ery bet. This may make you smile, but a horse has cm ore common sense than most people are willing to give him credit for. The secret of this little trick is simply diversion. I am a firm believ er that with kindness and proper treat ment a horse can be driven with a string.—Horse Shoers’ Journal. iUi£DBLE IN^EFFECT JAN* 20, 1901. _b.HSiern i*«jaiidara (Toth ^Meridian) Tim*? No. 82 leaves 7:17 a. m. for Social Circ No. 84 leaves 12,80 p. m. tor Winder^ No. 86 leaves 3:00 p. in. for Jefieteon and cial Circle. No: 88 leaves 7,55 p. m. for Jefferso**. No. 87 arrives from Jefferson 8,18 a. m No. 85. arrives from Social Circle 1,37 a. m. No. 83 arrives from Social Circle 4,35 p. m. No. 81 arrives from Social Circle 8,37 p. hi. sdndav Trains. No 92 eaves7^35 a. m. for Social Circle. No. 96 leaves 3.40p. m. for Social Circ No. 98 leaves4.00 p. m. for Jefferson. No. 99 arrives8:45 a. m. from Jeftevson. No. 97 arrives 10:20 a.m. from Social Circle No. 91 arrives 2, 45 p. m. from Social Circle. Cohnections. No. 82 connects at Winder 9,30 a, m. for Atk ens arriving- Athens 10.ll a. in. No. 82 Connects at Social Circle with \5a. R,B for Augusta 10-26 a. m For Atlanta 11.55. a. m Arrive Augusta 2.25 p. ip.; Arrive Atlanta 135 aching kidneys “ I have made a most thorough trial of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and am prepared to say that for all dis eases of the lungs it never disap points.” J. Early Finley, fronton, O. Prickly Ash Bitters Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral won’t cure rheumatism; we never said it would. It won’t cure dyspepsia; we never claimed it. But it will cure coughs and colds of all kinds. We first said this sixty years ago; we’ve been saying it ever since. Three sizes:.25c., 50c., SI. All druggists. FOR SALE BY DR.'E. E. DIXON & CO No. 84 connects at Winder lor Athens *tnd Atldnta2,19 p. m.; arrive Athens 2.50 p. m.j x live Atlanta 3.00 p. m. No. 84 connects;at Social Circle for Augusta a ti... smiv<i|,uMa 9.25p. m. No. 86 connects at Social Circle; for W l it 7.46 p. m.; arrive Atlanta 9.20 p. mf Samuel- e. Dun lap, Receiver Consult your doctor: If he says take it, then do as he says. If lie tells you not to take it, then don’t take it. He knows. Leave it with him. We are willing. J. C. AYER CO.. Lowell, Mass. PensyWanian coal strikers en i to have plenty of sympathize g hut they are a long time in .mine their figh t. The Little Things That Count. How often in our busy life, Werspeak a bitter word, We care not who the listeners are; We care not where ’tis heard, ( And truly, it is only one Of the Little Things that count. We often wound the trusting heart By being insincere. We do not thinK that which we do May cause a lonely tear. We give it but a passing thought And bother not about The Little Things that rise and cause The trusting heart’to doubt. We often wrong within ourself The ones who love ns true, Because they tell us of a fault; We are all impatient, too, And do not down the angry words Th*t;to our lips.may mount, . But watch and wait, it is only One of the Little Things that count. How often from our very heart, We let our angry passions rise. And never puud the pleading looks That come from soulful eyes; We crush, we bruise ip passion's hour, And scorn the falling tear. Little Things, oh, Little Things, What sorrow wrought you here! You count, oh, yes, you Little Things, You count, but not for gain, You count to sadden trusting hearts. You count for nought but pain, You couut as clouds in someone’s sky, You darken someone’s days: Oh, cruel little words and deeds, We can’t undo, unsay. Then ever speak the kindly word, Instead of one of pride, ’Twill sorow banish from a soul, And anger turti aside, The loving word and deed and glance, Is ever borne on angel wings, And Angel yoices echo true, Be kind in Little Things, A crisis appears to be approach ing in Venezuela. It is to be hoped that the affairs of that un happy country may be settled for some time, when it comes, which ever side is victorious. kday or two ago Wall street ;e j ve d a shipmeut of $500,000 gold from the First National iu k 0 f Kansas. This does not 3 kso much like the dependence the west upon Wall street for oner with which to move crops. money Loaned On Farms. " We make loans on improved farms, in Hall, and the surrounding counties, i on ten years time, with the privilege of | making payments on the principal sum J at any time. For further information j apply to - ■R. P. Lattkee, Room 4. State Bank Building, Graines- ville, Ga. How times change. A Penn sylvania woman has been con victed for pretending to be a witch. The Brooklyn Eagle says that two hundred years ago she would have been doing her blamedest not to be thought one. Tlie Little Finger Null. Forty years ago in certain parts of the United States it was the custom to grow long "hails. I well remember some of the swells and puffers who devoted more attention to their little finger nails than they did to their teeth, and often have I seen the fifth digit with a claw on it an inch and a quarter in length. The nail was car ried in a stall, and on occasion was split after the manner of a steel or quill pen, so that its wearer could sign his name to a check with it, says a writer in the New York Press. The trimming of nails today is an art which gives employment to many pret ty women who style themselves mani cures. Nearly "every first class, up to date barber shop has its manicure, who delights the man needing a shave or hair cut with an innocent flirtation. She dresses garishly and has a strut on her that would arouse tlie envy of a saddle astride fox chaseress. For a perfect fit go to H. SAUNDERS Led to Daniel Building, over Mrs, J. E. .lackson’s store. The Artistic Tailor.’ Ciothes cleaned and pressed o: iort notice. Also Food Changed to Poison. Pufcrefing food in the intestines pro duces effects of arsenic, but Dr. King’s New Life Pills expel the poisons from clogged bowels, gently, easily but sure 1 cu.ring Constipation, Biliousness- Sick Headache, Fevers, all Liver, Kid- neyand Bowel troubles. Only 25c at M. C. Brown’s Between New Tori, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, Richmond, Manta, Hew Orleans and Points North, East, South and West leaneD and pressed irompt a ention. S. F. Rochefeller, a cousin of John D. Rochefeller, is a candi date for the Legislature in Rus sell county Kansas. He is mak ing his race on an anti-trust plat form, and promises that if he is elected he will ruu his cousin’s Standard Oil Company out of the state. The majority of the voters of the county, it is said, are na tives of Russia, and are standing so’idly behind the anti-trust man. GEORGIA AILRO AD IN EFFECT FEBRUARY 24th.. I Where Women Propose. In the Ukraine, Russia, the woman does all the courting. When she falls in love with a man, she goes to his house and informs him of the state of her feelings.) If he reciprocates, all is well, and the formal marriage?is duly arranged. If, however, he is unwill ing, she remains there, hoping to coax him to a better mind. The poor fellow cannot treat her with the least dis courtesy, nor has he the consolation of being able to turn her out. as her friends in such a case would feel bound to avenge x the insult. His remedy, therefore, if determined not to marry her, is to leave his home and stay away as long -as she is in it. A similar prac tice to that in the Ukraine exists among the Zuni tribe of Indians. The woman does all the courting and, also controls the situation after marriage. To her belong all the children, and descent, including inheritance, is also on her side. SOUTHWARD Daily- No 31 Lv New York, P R R J 12 55 p r Lv Philadelphia, P R R ! 3 29 p Lv Baltimore, PRR J '545 * Lv Washington, P R R { 655 Lv Richmond. SAL Ry{ 10 4 r Lv Petetersbuig, ". ! U • Lv Norlina “ ! f Lv Henderson ** { Lv Raleigh 1 Lv Southern Pines “ Lv Hamlet “ ir information as to Routes Schedules and Rates, both [Write to either of the under-? Igned, you will receive prompt sply and reliable information. . C. McMillin, Gen’l Ag’t. Pass. Dep’t. v • G. Jacksqn, Gen’l. Pass. Agt. • A, Dawson, S. A. Angusta, Ga. 1 E. Magill, S. W. Wilkes, Gen’l Agt. T. F. & Pass. Agt. Atlanta. Ga. r - W: Hardwick, W. C. Ragin, Geu’l. Ag’t. Sol. Ag’fc. Macon, Ga. • M. McGovern, C. D. Cox, G. A. Gen ’1 Agt. Augusta, Ga. Athens, Ga. Columbia’s prominence as an educational center seems threat ened. Wet-rust she may retain all of her institutions. Lv New York, NYF « Lv Philadelphia 'J | Lv New York, Or &N{ Lv Baltimore, B / “ . 1 Lv Wash’ton, J 7 'SSCo| LvPortsmout S P Co { Lv Weldon / •! & W S B [ Lv Norlina / „ g A L Rv! Lv Hende / V. y ! Lv Raleii j: « « LvSoutl / «. « Lv Har / * so ^ * I Lv Wi / Arn Pines ‘ i Arc j jilet *. * L* / imington “ i L v / .harlotte “ « / .Chester “ j / Greenwood - r ; ^Athem „ ! /■ at Atlanta % 1 / Ar Augusta, C & W C » / Ar Macon, C of Ga » / Ar Montg’m’ry A Pj / i-V, Ar Mobile, L pm T) . w ! .V« Ar New Orleans, L & N, Ar.Nashville N C& St L: ■ I A/ Memphis If unloading the negro goes on, in Republican quarters, some of the colored brethren holding fat jobs in Washington had better look out for other situations. ' j -}:6 30 pm f 630 pm 9 00 pm } fS 1133 pm J *236 pm lag am i *?0pm 120 am S 245 pm 302 am! 427 P® 5 18 a m 1 6 4 ? pm 6 45 a m ! 8°^ P 133 Don’t Let Them Suffer. Often children are tortured with itch ing and burning eczema and other skin diseases but Bucklcu’s Arnica Salve heals the raw sores, expels iuflamma tion, leaves the skin without a sear- Cleau, fragrant, cheap, there’s no salvo Oh earth as good. Tri. tCure guar anteed. Opl 25c at M. C. Brown’s. Unique Venice. Venice is unique and always as long as she exists will be unique. The city is built on 117 islands connected by be tween 350 and 400 bridges. There are streets, all very narrow except in the neighborhood of St. Mark’s, but the gondola is the . universal means of transportation. When yon leave the station, you find the salt waves of the Grand canal lapping against the mar ble steps and gondolas drawn up against them like cabs and buses. If yon wish to keep all the. illusions you have cherished about Venice, enter it at sunset, at the full of the moon—on San Marco’s night if the calendar permits— and depart before daybreak. Then you will retain in your mind a picture of the Venice of song, story and tradition —the ideal Venice. Cuba will content hersplf wi a small consu 1 ar svstem to b with. She will have a conf each of the following New York, Tampa, Bos* / Orleans, Mobile, Philad / San Jnan, Porto Ric? / ary of the consul / * e - will be $8,000 a others will recei will have $l,5 r Eight cents a pound is what a young woman paid for twelve pounds of flesh. She was thin and weak and paid oiie dollar for a bottle of Scott’s Emulsion, and by tak- in° r re^nilar doses had gained twelve pounds in weight before the bottle was finished. Eight - cents a pound is cheap for such valuable ma terial. Some pay more* some r yrc«a stLj ioo P m Lv MfcifitmiSj >■ ; jo 55 P m LV Nashville* . n -- ' Lv NeW Ofifaiis. % A ; 7 45 ^ m Lv Mobile, L & N • 12 20 a m Lv Montgomery A’& W P! 620am Lv Macon, C of Ga { 8 00 am Lv Augusta, C & W C j 9 40am Lv Atlanta. % S A L Ry ! 1200 n’n Ar Athens, “ i 248pm Ar Green-wood “ ! 4 oO p m Ar Chester, “ ! 6 43pm Lv Charlotte* “ I 630pm Lv Wilmiugton, “ ! 330pm Lv Hamlet, ** } 950pm Lv So’thera Pines, “ { 1055 pm Lv Raleigh, “ } 100am Ar Henderson* " J 227am Lv Norlina, SAL Ry | 310am Lv Weld oil, ** ! 4 20am Ar Portsmouth, “ {7 00am Ar Wash’ton, N & W SR! — Ar Baltimore, B S P Co { Ar New York, O D S S Co{ Ar Ehila’phia, N YP&Nj fi)46ptn Ar New York, “ 1 8 40pm /: JSeasr 'York / the ' Ba ch <exp . ^ yield under favorable condi- ons 8 to 10 tons of green food per cre , or 1^ to 2£ tons of hay and t, as a fertilizing crop, $20. nl ? er acre - Full information P?^ lx ^ed in our Fall Catalogue i,n lssue( b which we will mail free u Pon request. Ti?°k’ s F f !1 CataI °g«e also tehs about Vegetable and Farm s for Planting, Seed Wheat, 1 Oats, Rye, Barley, Vetches, Qrass and Clover Seeds, etc. DrS for Fall Catalogue* and Pnces of any Seeds desired. Site Cornered Him. The city editor was troubled, not to say angry. “Hang it all,” be exclaimed, as he read the letter addressed to his depart ment, “my wife has been asking that question for the last week, refused to be bothered”— H< the letter again and jumped chair. “Thunder and guir “it’s her handwriting t f she has learned the t me settle every sor ' historical questio’ I’ll be right on ’ if I make a“ For a 1o t : in thoug 1 a- < lyn Ea r /c and ^ " V* • joked at^ out of his 4 /^' j” he CYied,* ,ooi Now that- .rick she^ll' make ia l, hotisekoid. and- that comes up, L d to take the' blame se.” be remained buried be resigued^BrOok- Unpg desi >i . z \ *- s-jitbbabl/ \ *. v on p a , a * neor, /ect aken , v Lv Hamlet. Lv SoHh ern Pin *s, ** Lv Raleigh 4 Lv Henderson, “ Lv Norl na, r - Lv Petersburg ** • Ar Riehmoud. Ar Washington, PRR Ar Baltimore, PRR Ar Philadelphia, PRR Ar New York, PRR Note-f Daily (Except Sir SCOTT & BOV/NE, Chemists, >9 Pearl Street, New. York, coc. and $1.00 ; all druggists. u, - Richmond, Va.