Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, October 01, 1902, Image 6

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rHE~ GAINESVILLE NEWS WEDNESDaV OCTOBER 1, 1902 When coal gets to be $16 to 1 ton ■will Mr. Brvan object? — '■ ~ ' 1 1 ’ ' ■ ■- } "■ TJncle Sam is. to establish a' coaling station in Cuba, Uncle Sam*forget& that charity begins at home. The treasury department** is standing by the banks, the mili tary authorities by the mine own ers, the president by the trusts, and everybody has a friend at j court except the people. Pointed Paragraphs.* The ideal chaplain is simply out of sight. Even the lazy man enjoys seeing other men work v \ The wife’s pet dog is usually the husband’s pet aversion. Fishing cultivates patience. La dies will please take notice. j If the wish is father to the thought, the thought must be sun- One Good^Thlngr. “Thank heavens,” said Cheerful John; ‘‘that the man who borrows trouble never pays it back!”—Balti more Herald. Cleanse the liver and bowels, and Regulate the system by using Prickly Bitters. It creates and sustains energy. Dr. E. E Dixon <fcCo. Daisy, the one-year-old daughter of Mr. S. E. Stewman. died last Friday morning at the home of its parents on Pixie street. The remains were interred Alta Vista cemetery. Prof. T. H. Bobertson, Dr. J. A. Wynne, Col. J. C. Boone and Col. W. I. Dobbs went to Concord Monday to the evening of the Concord high school, Which it taught by Prof. W. M. John- •Sqeu Quite a number of people were present and the occasion was an inter esting one. Tnomas Curry Merchant, of Gaines- who has been visiting in W. A. WILSON & CO Manufacturers 'and Deal The biggest building stones ever ased are found not in Egypt, but at Baalbec, in Syria. They measure 60 feet long and 20 feet square. /T jSg Harness, Saddles, Collars, Bridles 5 ters > R °^ eS ’ Harnes oil, ^ \j y Grease, Collar Pads, Sweat Pads, ft Pads, Ankle Boots, Riding whips-L? fact anything in horse goods. 300 all Leather Collars—to go at from 50e. to #1.00. Don’t think anybody will sell you harness cheaper than ^ can. Come to see us. We pay highest price for Hides and T* low. * Logical. “I could have married either Whip- per or Snapper .if I’d wanted to, and both of those men whom I refused have since got rich, while yon are still as poor as a church mouse.” He—Of course. I’ve been supporting you all these years. They haven’t. Two Signa. “To snuff a candle out accidentally is a sign of marriage.” “Yes, and to turn down a lamp inten tionally Is a sign of courtship.” vtLLe, Fla. tJtus city returned home Friday where •he will again take up his studies in the Florida {Seminary at that place. He thinks this city is a fine place and -says he shall ever remember his visit here. Perhaps the reason a woman doesn't keep a secret is because she's afraid some other woman will tell it first.— Chicago News. Strengthen the tired kidneys and Ffflrify me liver and bowels with a. few oases of Prickly Ash JBittebs. It is an admirable kidney tome. Dr. E. E, Dixon & Co. PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT AND POTASSIUM Wakes Marvelous Cures Women Have been postered to health by Lydia Em Plnkhasn’s Voge* table Gorngsoundm Their let ters are on file and prove this statement to be a fact, not a mere boastm When a medi cine has been successful in curing so many women 9 you cannot well say without try ing it~ g£ # do not believe h will help mem" The Smith—Thomas Co. The Smith—Thomas Co. are now gsady for fall buisiness, and their store & packed and v jammed with the very hest the markets afford. They have an stock from which to select, The small boy always seems to say the right thing at the wrong time. The procrastination of the ba by’s teeth is the thief of pap’s slumbers. The office may seek the man, jut the boy looking for a job cornea in bunches. The world will never be quite as bad as some people think it is, ncr as good as they think it ought to Are eaiirely removed by P.P.P. —Prickly Asb, Poka Root and Potw elmn, tbo grossest blood purifier on earth. &S2BDBXW, O.. July 21,1891. Messrs Limfah Ssos., Savannah, Go.: Dear Sins—I bought a bottle of J rour P. P P. at Hot Springs.Ark.,and t ban done mo more good than three months’ treansent at tho Hot Springs. Send three bottles C. O. D. Respectfully yours. JAS. M. NEWTON, Aberdeen, Brown County, Ob Capt. J. O. JobcEton. 3b all whom it may concern: I here* bv testify to the wonderful properties or P. P. P. for eruptions of the skin. I t cifered for several years with an un sightly and disagreeable eruption on ray face. I tried every known reme dy bpc in vain,until P. P. P. was used, and am now entirely cored. (Signed by) J. D. JOHNSTON. Savannah, Qa* Sidn Gances* Cared. Testimony from The Mayor of BequiiuTiX* Sequih, Tbs. , January 14,1893. Messes. Lippman Bros.. Savannah, Qa.: Gentlemen—1 have tried your P. P. P. for a disease of the skin, usually known -8 skin cancer,of thirty years’ standing, and round great relief: it immense XHd the prudent buyer wiU not neglect ttk see this firm before making his fall purchases. Call on them and you will tie given courteous treatment and po- P. P. P. purines the blood, builds up *rie weak and debilitated, gives strength to weakened nerves, expels diseases, giving the patient health and happiness where sickness, gloomy feelings and lassitude first prevailed. A Gleam From The GOlden Gate. Enclosed please find check for 6 dozen bottles of Ciieney’s .Expectorant. My customers inquire frequently for it, frnri it the demand continues I will have to order in larger quantities. Boy E. Simpson. Francisco, Cal. For primary, secondary and tertiary syphilis, for blood poisoning, mercu rial poison, malaria, dyspepsia, and in all blood and skin diseases like blotches, pimples, old chronic ulcers, tetter, scald head, boils, erysipelas, eczema—we may say, without fear of contradiction, that P. P. P. is the 1,-est blood purifier in the world, and makes positive, speedy and permanent cores PATH OF OCEAN CABLES, A Sermon and. a Suicide. A good many men are worth more dead than living, says the Jacksonville TimesrU nion. fn a New York hotel the other day a young man made Jus will and tiien committed suicide. Here is his will: “1 leave to society a ruined character. I leave to my- fattier and mother as much misery as. in their feeble state they can bear. I leave to my brothers and sisters the memory of my misspent Die. I leave to my wife a broken heart, to my children the 'memory that their father fills a drunkard’s grave ftqd has gone to a drunkard’s bell.” Submarine Tablelands That Stretch Across the Atlantic. There seems to be no logical reason why cables cannot be laid across any section of the oceans of the world, no matter how great the depth. Some por tions of the Atlantic cables are three miles below the surface, and this is not necessarily the extreme depth, for the cable may and probably does pass from the top of one submarine hill to materially into the deep valleys between, Lippineott’s Magazine. Ladles whose systems are poisoned and whose blood is in an impure condi tion. due to menstrual irregularities^ are peculiarly benefited by the won derful tonic and blood cleansing prop erties of P. P- P- —Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium. PFKfP^*r lQ.Ua f AU5 • AaLU ( lOoOa —I can speak in the highest terms of E ur medicine from my ‘"■wn ">ersonai owledge. I was affected with heart disease, pleurisy and rheumatism for 85 years, was treated by the very best physicians ana spent hundreds of dol lars, tried every known remedy with out finding relief. I have only taken one bottle of your P. P. P., and can cheerfully say it has done me more good than anything I have ever taken. I can recommend your medicine to all •offerers of the above diseases. MRS. M. M. YEARY. Springfield, Green County, Mo. Vegetable Compound Za a positive cure for all thos® painful Ailments of Women. It will entirely cure the worst forms of Female Complaints, all Ovarian troubles, Inflammation and Ulceration, Falling and Displacements of the Womb, and consequent Spinal Weakness, and is peculiarly adapted to the Change of Life. another without droopin; says The greatest known depth of the sea is 40,036 feet, or 7 3-5 miles, found in the south At lantic midway between tbe island of Tristan da Cunha and the mouth of the Rio de la Plata. Soundings have been made to the depth of 27,4S0 feet in the north Atlantic south of New foundland, and about 34,000 feet, or nearly 6*£ miles, is reported south of the Bermudas. Even such enormous depths as these need not hinder cable laying so far as the theory is con cerned, but in practice, for reasons of economy in maintenance and other wise,' if is found best to take advan tage of favoring conditions in the ocean’s bed. To illustrate, all of the cables between the United States and Europe run up along our coast until they reach the neighborhood of New foundland before starting across to their destination fn Ireland or France. The reason for this is found in the range of submarine tablelands, form ing an ideal cable bed. which lies be tween the three latter countries. , Your medicine cored me of ter rible female illness. Mbs. M. E. Muller, lA Concord Sq., Boston, Mass. While tlie heart of the world was psdpitating in surprise, that a French duel had resulted in the death of the participant, word comes that it was only a duel between Poles on French Soil. We breath again.-—Macon News. Backache. It has cured more cases of Backache and Lencorrhoea than any other remedy the world has ever known. It is almost infallible in such cases. It dissolves and expels Tnmors from the Uterus in an early stage of development, and checks any tendency to cancerous lmmors. Possibly there will bn no kick if the soap trust wants to water its stock.— Enquirer Sun. Itis absolutely shocking to see a Bos ton paper—The Globe— allude to him as Pres. Eliot of Harvard. We shall iwftit hear of Bish. Potter, no doubt.— , Your Vegetable Compound re moved a Fibroid Tumor from my womb after doctors failed to give relief. Mbs. B. A. Lombard, Westdale, Mass. For Infants and OMldrea Bearing-down Feeling iTomb troubles, causing pain, weight, athd ^Vomb troubles, causing pain, weight, sfnd backache, instantly relieved and perma nently cured by its use. Under all circum stances it acts in harmony with tho laws that govern the female system, and is as harmless as water. . ./^Vegetable Prep arationfor As similating &eYood atidReg ula- liijg the Stomachs andBoweis of Mark Hanna is between Boost>.velt :and Tom Johnson, says the Birming ham Age-Herald,—the devil and •deep blue sea, . V the second bottle. Your medicine cured me when doctors failed. Mrs. Sarah Holsteih, $ Davis Block, Gorham 8t., Lowell. Mass. His Appetite Forbids. “Why don’t you go to work?” de manded the man who had been asked for a dime. “Why, that would increase my appe- ,tit%” protested the beggar, “and I have 11 hajd enough time looking after the me i\jbave now.”—Chicago Post. Irregularity, Suppressed or Painful Menstruations, Weak* ness of the Stomach, Indigestion, Bloating,^ Flooding, Nervous Prostration, Headache, General Debility. i Mrs. Phil D. Armour has married her •late husband's business partner. Evi- 4tntly she intends to get all tbe profits AH that business.—Macon News. Promotes Digestion,CiEeiful- ness and Itest.Contains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. 'No’F Has c otic. , It is a grand medicine. I am thankful for the good it has done me. Mrs. J. W. J., 76 Carolina Ave., Jamaica Plain (Boston), Mass. mat Was Xecessary. “You m^t abandon all business cares for the future.” says the physician. “But I feK*’ that I have not yet ac cumulated sufficient money,” protests the multimillionaire. '“Sufficient?” x ^epsats the doctor. “Why, my dear YOU have enough money to pay physicians’ fees for the rest of your lift*!”—B. aitimore Ameri can. V-‘ x Baldwin agrees with Perry that the with Dizziness, Faintness, Extreme Lassitude, “ don’t care ” and “want to he left alone” feeling, excitabil ity, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness flatulency, melancholy, or the “ blues,” and backache. These are sure indications of Female Weakness, some derangement of the Uterus. . 1 I was troubled with Dizziness, North Pole can be sledges. As the .explorers all seem to be failures on the Toboggan slide, it would be a good idea to take a small boy or two along for the finishing trip. -—Macon News. Headaches, Faintness, Swelling limbs. Your medicine cored me. Mrs. Sarah E. Baker, . J BuckSport. Me. The whole stor' , however, is told in an illustrated book which, goes with each bot tle, the most complete treatise on female Aperfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stom&ch.Diarrhoea, Worms,Convulsions .Feverish ness and LOSS OF SLEEP- Getting a wife at from $2 to $5 through a matrimonial agency is cer tainly cheaper than the old, slow method of buyiqg theater tickets and boxes of candy, says the Chicago News. Bananas, English .St.T*®* At English tables spoons ai - served with bananas. If the bananJ\s are served as a single fruit course, ho/^ v ‘ er, sherry is usually sent around w/tb it. A few drops are poured upon the' plate, and the banana, stripped little by little of its skin, is dipped into this and thus eaten.—New York Post. , For eight years I suffered with womb trouble, and was entirely cured by Mrs. Pinkbam’s medicine. Mrs. L. L. Towne, Littleton, N. JET. The hat pm is a legal weapon of de fence for a woman, in St. Louis, ac cording to the decision of a learned and upright judge of that,cityT A Kidney Complaints id x backache of either sex the Vegetable ^nd always cures. WHHBRHKa Tbe Vegetable Cor-- vBHkham’* I pound is sold by m. Lydia E. ® B druggists or sent by I Ivor Pijk\6Uf8 B mai ^» ln form of P111 ‘ 1 ril1 , \» . ■ or Lozenges, on re- Constipatic B ceiptof »i.°o. Sick Headache, i a ‘i™%T ,ence/ret!! woman was before the court on the charge of .stabbing a rnan with a hat pin. She swore tnat was defending herself and other witnesses gave corrobative testi mony. The judge told her she was within her rights, to use the hat pin ugain under similar circumstances and discharged her. A Natural Development. “Hello, Stayers! Haven’t met you ln some time. Still a bachelor, I sup pose?” • . ' “Not a bit of it. I’ve branched out ln matrimony.” “Indeed! Olive branches, of course?** —Richmond Dispatch. EXACT COPY OF WRAPPEB YORK