Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, October 15, 1902, Image 4

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THE GAINESVILLE NEWS, WEDNESDa? OCTOBER 15, 1002 And now someone suggests that it was the vengeance of the Lord who wrecked that Birmingham, Ala., church, because the people were worshiping Booker Washing ton instead of Jesus Christ. , How ever, we don’t believe the Lord is jealous of Booker.—-Macon News. ON A WHEEL handy and efficien1^octortoha‘^w^by 0 ^‘ T 1 P I y «ii accident happens is a bottle of Mexican Mustang LinimentT 11 INDUSTRIAL “ An attack of la grippe left me with a bad cough. 'My. friends said I had consumption. * I then tried Ayer’s Cherrv Pectoral and It Cured ifie promptly. ” A. K. Randles, Nokomis, Ill. WhiteMan Turned Yelow. Gre. t consternation was felt by the friends of M. A. ELogarty of Lexington, Ky., when they saw he was turning yellow. His skin slowly changed color 1 also his eyes, and he suffered terribly. His malady was Yellow Jaundice. He was treated by the best doctors, but without benefit. Then he was adyised to try Electric Bitters, the wonderful Stomach and Liver remedy, and he writes: “After taking two bottles I was wholly cured.” A trial proves its matchless merit for all Stomach, Liver and Kidney troubles. Only 50c. Sold by M. C. Brown, druggist. You forgot to buy a bot tle of Ayer’s Cherry Pec toral when your-cold first came on, so you let it run along. Even now, with all your hard coughing, it will not disappoint you. There’s a record of sixty years to fall back on. Three sizes: 25c., 50c., $1. All druggists. Auy man who boasts ot Having small feat also has a diminutive brain! A yellow dog counts that day lost 'When nobody condescends to kick Hin. Borne girls go abroad to com plete their education and some marry at home. To ills that flesh is heir to, the average woman adds, the ills she aever has. Laugh and the world laughs with you-unless you laugh at your own jokes. A woman can forgive a inan ? s self love if he also loves another and she is the other.—Chicago News. One would suppose that the war veterans of ’61 and *65 would be thinning out at this remote dis tance from the war, but the pen sion rolls show that they increase every year. Consult your doctor. If lie says take it, then do as he says. If he tells you not to take it. then don’t take it. He knows. Leave it with him. We are willing. J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. SSEESSEBSSS Kissing may be unhealthy, says an exchange, but nothing risked, nothing gained. Job Coudn’t Have Stood It If he*d had Itching Piles. They’re terribly annoying; but Bucklen’s Ar nica Salve will cure the worst case of piles on earth. It has cured thousands. For Injuries, Pams or Bodily Eruptions it’s the best salve in the world. Price 25e a box. Cure guaran teed. gold by M. C. Brown. body. If they do it is your fault, for MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT will thoroughly, quicHy and perma nently cure these afflictions. There is no guess work about it; if this lin iment is used a cure will follow. Reports say “the president hob bled out to his carriage yesterday.’ How have the mighty fallen 1— Macon News. Now that a process for manu facturing silk without the aid of worms has been discovered, let the horticnlturalists devote themselves to the cultivation of worm less peaches and apples. — Augusta Herald. Some enterprising young man might make a fortune by intro ducing wheelbarrows in New Orleans.—-Exchange. ' Reflections of a Bachelor. Love is a flower that easily fades. The flavor of widows is that of sweet pickle?. The strongest passion of every mother is jealousy of every other mother’s children. It is the feline strain of femini ty which makes it claw what it loves and caress what it hates. When women get together to plan what action they should take at a coming church conference they begin by asking each other what they are going to wear that day, and if it wouldn’t be a nice idea to have a long hour recess so they can all go somewhere for lunch.—New York Press. YHS3 flftAS*T NflUlf how quickly a burn or scald can be cured » wU K/UlV 1 iXivUVw until you have treated it with Mexican Mustang Liniment. As a fleda aealer stands at the very top. Natural Anxiety. Mothers regard approaching winter with uneasiness, children take cold so easily. No disease costs more little lives than croup. It’s attack is so sud den that the sufferer is often beyond human aid before the doctor arrives. Such eases yield readily to One Minute Cough Cure. Liquifies the mucus, al lays infLamatiOn, removes danger. Ab solutely safe. Acts immediately. Cures coughs, cold, grip, bronchitis, all throat and lung trouble. F7 S. McMahon, Hampton, Ga. “A bad cold rendered^ me voiceless just before an oratorical contest. I intended to withdraw but took One Minute Cough Cure. It restored my voice in time to win the medal.’—Sold by Robertson & Law. ' GOLDEN ACE PURE OLD LINCOLN CO. LookOut For Fever- Biliousness and liver disorders at this season may be prevented f>y clean ing the system with DeWitt’s Little Early Risers. These famohs little pills do not gripe. They move the bowels gently, but copiously, and bv reason of the tonic properties, give tone and strength to the glands. — Sold by Robertson & Law. Digests what This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives i nstant relief ancLnever fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can't help but do you good Prepared only by E. O. DeWitt & Co., Chicago^ The SI. bottle contains 224 times the 50c. sizet W3E, THE BISTILLm xoarantee these goods HF’ -llrelfef" sf P ure and 7 years old. IBP SjaBal; I better at any price. 7 ;f will ship in plain tow [fljlieJiUXalfjl any address, exprapA paid at the WsLtiller’s prices: JSIIllllll 5 FuU Botlies f S3.45 XXffi/TfQSBk *° Ful5 Bottles, 6.55j lljjafegajfejg 12 Full Betties, 7.90 15 Full Bottles, 9.701 Your money backifnotxj gPBHBHSs represented. A sampfe ii |! 1§l|gl IS pint by erepress prepaid! for 50c in stamps. AMERICAN SUPPLY CO., Di3tilHrs, 168 gab St.. • - Memphis If 11 A black eye often results from attempting to paint the town red. Wanted—Manly Men. The crying Deed of our times is for men—broad-minded, higb- sonled men; men of staunch char acters, who have an interest in the real development of the race and an eye single to its glorification. Mea whose pulse-beats are in har- moiiy with the great heart-throbs of humanity. If we know our selves we are not pessimists; but point us out if you will many men of tho above kind. Tney are scarce, yea* very scarce. And yet how we aeed them!—these leaders who can blaze out the way for progress •—real progress.—Hartwell Sun. In Russia, among the Czar’s subjects, the father of every girl baby is given an application of the knout across his bare back. But the Czar is thinking of get ting a divorce instead of trying this remedy.—Macon News. The public does hot always dance to the tune of the political organ. uaHfcS Vf’KtHt ALL Elbe FAitS. Best Cougb Syrup. Tastes Gotul. in time, gold by dreiggirt?. If the shivering public could burn coal jokes there would be no scarcity of fuel. frfr*i«EPiai Tested Fruit and Ornamental Trees for the .South. We offer the leading varieties of Ap ples, Peaches, Pears, Japan Plums, and small Fruits for both Home and Market Orchards. Pecans, Evergreens and Shrubbery. Every plaht guaranteed true to name. No Substitution. Write for prices on what you want and secure your trees early. Corres pondence relative to fruit growing cheerfully answered. SOUTHERN STATES NURSERY Ingleside. Ga. i A Subject Of The Queen. I am nearly 2,000 miles from your laboratory, hut that does not prevent my appreciating Cheney’s Expectorant, which is the best cough syrup in Amer ica. Please 6end me one dozen bottles by express. Henry Lamont. Toronto, Can. The Worst Form- » Multitudes are singing; the praises of Kodol, the new discovery which is making so many sick people well and weak people strong by digesting what they eat, oy cleansing and sweetening the stomach and by transforming their food into the kind of pure, rich, red blood that makes you feel good all over. Mrs; Cranfill, of Troy, I. T., writes: For a number of years I was troubled with indigestion and dyspep sia which grew into the worst form. Finally I\was induced to use Kodol and after using four bottles I am entirely cured. I heartily recommend Kodol to all sufferers from indigestion and dys pepsia. Take a dose after meals. It digests what you eat.—Sold by Rob ertson & Law. Trains from Atlanta, for Toccoa, Greenville, Spartak Charlotte, Washington and En pass Gainesville: No. 36, I“ s Mail (daily) 2:28 a. m; ^ (daily) 10:37 a. m; No.38.toJ ted (daily) 2:25 p. ro; Express, (daily) 2:45 p* m »| iS, Beal© (except Sunday) A Chicago man is sneing his wife for divorce because she com pelled him to wear her castoff shoes. A Rockdale county negro ap plied the other day to the ordinary for a license to marry the seventh time. stated that his prospect ive bride had also had six hus bands, and it was going to be nip •and tuck this time. — Augusta Chronicle. How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by Gall's Catarrh Cure, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned.have known F. J. Cheney for the past 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. Wes'” & Tbuax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Whole sale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the -system. Testi monials sent free. Price 75c. per bot tle. Sold by all Druggists. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. ABOVE M SEA. 1 Trains fro Washington, hu lofcte, etc. for Atlanta, » J Gainesville: No. 35, Faet r $ (daily) 4:29 a. m; No. 17. < (except Sunday) 7:20 a. 113 * 39, Express (daily) 2:45 P- No. 37, Limited, (daily) ff m; (daily) 8:28 p.m. Through trains for Wash^ New York, etc. Connection* Lula for Athens, at Toccos Elberton, at Greenville f° r umbia, etc., at Spartanbn r £ Asheville, Columbia. Char- e etc., and at Atlanta for all Nfcroh, West and South. There will be but one negro member of the next legislature. His name is Rogers and he hails from McIntosh county, where be defeated Hon . Joseph Mansfield, the Democratic nominee. Agricultural College -jgS Main Building. Badly Expressed. The builder of a church on return ing thanks for the toast of his health which had been proposed remarked: “1 fancy I am more fitted for the scaffold than for public speaking.” If Mr. Carnegie is tired of do nating. libraries, lie might send each town several tons of coal;— that would make way with his moueyxjust as fast,—Macon News. Business. When a man opens up a business, the wpers say he has a large circle of riends, and after the accounts begin i accumulate in bis ledger he begins o believe it.—Atchisou Globe. DAHLONEGA, GA. A college education in the reach, of all. A.B., 3.S., Normal and Business Man’s cotrses, Ciood laboratories; healthful, invigorating cli mate; military discipline; good moral and .•eligious influences. Cheapest board iu the State; abundance of country produce; expenses from $75 to $150 a year; board in dormitories or private families. Special license course for teachers; full faculty of nine; all under the control of the University. A college prepar atory class. Co-ed.ication of sexes. The insti tution founded specially for students of limited means.’ Send f "»r catalogue to the President. *os. S. Stbwaxt, A.M. ; Muscles aching, bones breaking, strength failing. That’s Malaria! The remedy? Ayer’s Malaria and Ague Cure. His Homecoming. Von Blumer—I wonder how I came ■ > make so much noise last night? Mrs. von Blumer—Oh, that was only 'cause you tried so hard not to.—De- Voit Free Press;