Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, October 29, 1902, Image 7

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WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 29, 1902. THE GAINESVILLE NEWS>, ; the lever that coi^nually keeps our store filled with customers, and makes them go away absolutely JL satisfied. We carry in stock just what the trading public wants, and we venture to make the asser- tion, without fear of contradiction, that we are in the lead. . . Thomas has just returned from the East, where he secured the cream of the market. He didn’t pay too i the goods we are now getting in, hence weare enabled to sell them at the proper prices. Clothing for Men. ” J~~ In Rubber Shoes. We stand ready to fit all sizes in a high grade of Rubber Overshoes. Dress Goods. We have a magnificent display of AUTUMN APPAREL FOR WOMEN, and are prepared to handle the big trade we are sure to get. LADIES* SKIRTS AND WAISTS, the nobbiest, most up-to-date line in ready-to* wear Novelty Dress Goods. We are prepared to satisfy the purdhaser with quality of goods, and we have in stock a large assortment, from medium priced to the very best* In Ladies’ Jackets. We have a large and assorted line, and in WAISYINGS AND TRIMMINGS an abundant supply. a y worsted suits, $5.00 up. eltons, $8.00 up. eity Mixed Suitings, very neat and up-to-date, $6.00 to $15 00, rercoatfc—the best qualities that money can buy, $5.00 to $15, GLOVES We handle the best quality of Kid, and are ready to guarantee every pair that goes out of our stock. OUTINGS Largest and most complete line of Outing Flannels ever shown in tips market, ranging in price from 5 to 10 ceuts per yard. PRINTS, SHEETING, CHECKS, JEANS, BLEACHING, CANTON FLANNELS. —We are daily receiving large shipments of these goods, and are prepared to offot them to the trading public at strictly wholesale prices. We are selling Groceries as cheap as anybody, and a great many things cheaper than anybopy. We get everything in this line in carload lots; therefore we can afford to let them go at rock-bottom prices. SMITH-THOMAS CO Try Parnell’s barber shop for a good clean shave or haircut. Dr. P. W. McRae, of Atlanta, was in the city this week, having been called to the bedside of Mrs. D. H. Tharin, who is critically ill. r Boy Wanted to carry the Atlan ta News in southern part of town. Ap ply at once to Will Irvine, asrent. IN. Merck has returned ileasant visit to Atlanta. Lee Parnell has takn out his old hath tubs and has put in new porcelain, tubs. His bath rooms are now ttp-tQ* date in every particular and are as nic% as can be found in any large city. B. George wa9 laid up lays receutly with an ab- Mr. Will Davis is out after a week’s illness and is hack at the G. F. Turner Wanted to Exchange. A new Wagon for good heart-pine Shingles. Apply to ✓ G. W. Walker. Subscribe now for the Atlanta Daily, Semi-Weekly or Sunday Jonx* nal. B. D. Langford, Local Agent* Office State Bank building, street. The key to health is in the kidneys and liver. Keep these organs active and you have health, strength and cheerful spirits. Pbickly Ash Bittebs is a stimulant for the kidneys, regulates the liver, stomach and bowels. A golden household remedy. Dr. E. E. Dixon & Kattie Bisbee of Savannah P visiting her sister, Mrs. Bwman. I• M. Montgomery of Spar se paid a visit to the city nreday. [C. E. Lambdin of Barnes- I a guest of her daughter, E S. Hardy. pal A. J. Warner, accom- by hid wife and son, arrived pity Thursday f-H. Daniel left this week p months trip on the road 'fertilizers. Wark Marion of St. A Halloween party will he given on Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Howe, at their home on Seminary avenue, to the members of the Young People’s Society of the Presbyterian church. Governor Candler Will Beside in Atlanta. Governor Candler has accepted the presidency of the Publisning House, which was tendered him some time ago. Immediately upon the expiration of his term of office Governor and Mrs. Cand ler went to Montgomery to visit their daughter. They are still in Montgom ery, where the former Governor is taking a short rest. He will not make his home in Gainesville as has been hoped, hut will reside in Atlanta, where are the headquarters of the Publishing Company, of which he is president. The concern is the largest of its kind in the South and one of the largest in America. It is hacked by much capital. For Sales Nice young Jersey cow. Apply to J. T. Hargrove. B. D. Lanjfford, Real Estate. Buy. sell or rent, any and all kind of Real Estate. If you contemplate a trade see me. A Crutch to Old Age. My grandfather was troubled with inflamation of the throat and lungs, and periodicallv with a hacking cough. One bottle of Cheney’s Expect orant removed the cough and acted as a halm to the throat and lungs. R. L, Brewster. Little Rock, Ark. B. D. Langford, Real Estate. I have all sized houses in any and nil parts of the City, which I can sell yoa on easy terms. Buy now and get thft advance. A Gond Machine will last yon almost a life time. If you want a cheap machine or a high-priced one I can please you. Let me show you what I have ai the Express office. H. A. Terrell. The Best barber work is what you get at my shop. Lee Parnell, bfe- ween Gunther’s and Mitchell’s. For Rent: Looper’s wagon yard Apply to Mrs. May Robertson, Gainesville, Ga. LAW’S Notice! Louis, the guest of his brother, Marion, for several The public is hereby warned not to harbor or hire Calvin or John Fraklm, as they are under age. Pearson Franklin. Atlanta, Ga. Picture Mouldings -Some new effects to show.- Picture Frames* —Many New Things.— Original Improved NOTICE! povernor Candler reached pt night and will spend r Pre with his old friends p^-folks. ft* Stringer has had a toenew Bhow case, made by ft • ftaker out of Hall coun- a fed to his store fixtures, Tattie Sudduth is ill with ty- All parties are hereby notified that a bill will he introduced in the presept legislature of Georgia, entitled |an act to amend the several acts incorporat ing the city of Gainesville, as well as the acts amendatory thereof and to re in corporate the City of Gainesville as .the City of Gainesville and to grant a new charter to the City of Gainesville to supersede and abrogate all previous charters of said city and for other pur poses. This Oct. 28, 1902. p. N. Parker, Mayor. 10-29-4-t Sewing: Machines. Headquarters for the Singer Sewing Machine. Also have on hand a nice lot of Sec ond Hand Machines at your own price. Jason Crow, In the Dunlap building near the court house. 10—8—4t. FINE PICTURES. —Some New Arrivals.— ARTISTS’ MATERIALS -New Things.- Arti^ts* ISruslaes, -Tube Paints, Water Colors.- B, D. Langford Rent last. 4 R house on E Summit street. 6 ...... Banks .. 4 ... ... ■ Rainey 4 .. .. •• North 6 „ .. .. North Green 4.. .. .. College Ave 1 store.. .. Main | c ary will preach at Myrtle rc fi next Sunday morning, bis subject “What it Takes Methodist.” Mr. Cary is one ,n £est preachers in the State, ?°ing to hear him will he Get our prices on Miniature Water Color Heads. Get our prices on High Grade Por traits. -T-r T. S. CAMPBELL & SON THE BOOK STORE. "“Oh, no,” said the elevator boy, “it is not all np with me.’ ’j