Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, November 12, 1902, Image 6

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fHE GAINESVILLE NEWS, WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 12, 1902, Coneressman Grosvenorlof Ohio, figures out a Republican majority of 38 in the next house. This is very modest for an Ohio Republi can. inHconrteons Courtier. Once upon a time the prime minister went to the king and complained that a certain courtier, who was very hard of hearing, had been making very un complimentary remarks about his sov ereign. “Your majesty should speak to him about it,” said the minister, “that it may cease, but you must needs speak loud,” “I will speak so loud,” answered the king, “that I guarantee the offense will never be repeated.” He then sent the offending courtier to the guillotine. Moral.—Ax speaks louder loan words.—New York Herald. TO CURE CORNS JL Pew Remedies. Cheap and Simple, and Involving: No Danger. When the feet are pressed into tight ttting shoes—high heels make the pressure greater—by adding friction we have a needlelike point formed in the skin, and the greater the pressure the deeper the point will grow. The best preventive remedy known is real ly to go barefooted, but since this is The Carolina college boys who wanted to fight each other with arms of war ehould be sounaly spanked and sent to their dormi tories. not considered ethical in civilized life I Will give a few simple remedies which may be of some value for the afflicted: First.—Place on the corn a piece of «old, moist linen folded several times, wrap it up in dry linen, then go to bed. With this treatment the hard epider mis swells up, and after six or eight hours the outer covering of the corn can be removed with a dull knife. When this treatment has been followed for three or four days, a small needle like growth (the corn) can be extracted without pain or bleeding. By washing the feet often in cold water the tender place will heal rapidly. After getting tid of this corn it is well to wear shoes which are neither too large nor too imiall so as to avoid excessive pressure or friction. Second.—In place of the linen a crust of bread soaked in vinegar may be ap plied. Third.—The best application is to soak a whole onion twenty-four hours In vinegar, then apply one of the layers Of the onion to the corn and keep it in place by a bandage through the night After repeating this procedure a few times the corn can be removed without any trouble. By either of these simple applications this troublesome agent can he removed without any danger ef blood poison and “free of charge.”—St Louis Republic. With our Dew store added we are better Drepared to handle than any other house in North Georgia, at prices tba be matched. The Young People’s Baptist Union of America will meet in Atlanta next July. There will be 10,000 delegates in attendance. Since the Eldest Was a Baby, I am proud to recommend Cheney’s Expectorant as a cure for coughs and colds. I have used it with, my children since the oldest was a baby, and have never known it to fail. MRS. SARAH L. MORROW. Hopkins Ferry, Miss. Heatherbloom, a horse at the Chicago Horse show, broke the world’s record by jumping 7 feet 8 inches—without the aid of an automobile.—Ex. Overcoats. One lot black cheviot, velvet collar overcoats, $2. One lot men’s blue beaver, velvet collar overcoats, regular 5 and $6 goods to go at #4. One lot black Ulster coats, high collars and extra length* at 5 and $6. One lot nice, nobby dress over coats, in tans, grays and blacks, at from 8.00 to #10. Also the swell Raglans at $10. Unique Venice. Venice is unique and always as long qs she exists will be unique. The city is built on 117 islands connected by be- tween 350 and 400 bridges. There are streets, all very narrow except in the neighborhood of St Mark’s, but the gondola is the universal means of transportation. When you leave the station, you find the salt waves of the Grand canal lapping against the mar ble steps and gondolas drawn up against them like cabs and buses. If you wish to keep all the illusions /ou have cherished about Venice, enter it at sunset at the full of the moon—on San Marco’s night if the calendar permits— and depart before daybreak. Then you will retain in your mind a picture of the Venice of song, story and tradition —the Ideal Venice. Clothing, The PECK Clothing — best and latest—is sold only us. Suits from 10.00 to 15, Men’s all-wool clay worsteds from 5 to $8. Better grades better money. Children’s sui 74c, $1, 1.25, 1.50, and fl .I^or Indigestion, Kidney, Stom ach and Liver Troubles take IT Af OT A Crystallzed “-“■A**"-**** Mineral Water. Take KALOLA 6 days and eat any thing you want. At aU Druggists. Appetizing, Healthful, Delicious ROCOLA The Greatest Cola Beverage in the World. Florida Orange and Florida Lem on Extracts. All Fruit Oils and Extracts. Best and Purest Vanillas in the World. KALOLA CO., . Savannah, Ga. Ladies’ Jackets. Blues;Browns* Tans and Black A pretty line to select frcijr from 1.75, 2, 3, 4, 5, andonij to $10. Children’s cloaks ini I $1, 1.25, 1.50 to $2. | Hats. We are handling the celebrat ed JEFFERSON hat When yon buy a hat be sure it’s a JEF FERSON, 2-00 and #3. Every hat guaranteed. All lhe new colors and shapes. She Cornered Him. The city editor was troubled, not to say angry* ~ “Hang it all,” he exclaimed, as he read the letter addressed to his depart ment, “my wife has been asking me that question for the last week, and I refused to be bothered”— He looked at the letter again and jumped out of his he cried, The Backet Shop. The name bucket shop is said to have originated in Chicago when legit imate brokers would not handle an or der for less than 5,000 bushels, and a lot of places sprang up where men of small means could speculate on a tri fling capital, as small as a dollar, and these speculators were spoken of con temptuously as buying and selling wheat by the bucket full. The term was eventually applied to all broken age in stocks and grain when the amounts dealt in were smaller than legitimate dealers or brokers would handle and more particularly to places where there were really no legitimate transactions, but where the proprietor and customer simply bet on the mar ket, the proprietor allowing the cus tomer to take either end of the bet in consideration of a commission, which in reality is his percentage in the game. Ladies’ Cloaks. Here you can pick your ck'a and get exactly what you mm .75. 1 00, 1.25, 1.50 to $5, I chair. “Thunder and guns, “it’s her handwriting too! Now that she has learned the trick she’ll make me settle every social, household and historical question that comes up, and I’ll be right on hand to take the blame if I make a mistake.” For a long time be remained buried in thought. Then he resigned.—Brook lyn Eagle. A Maine woman who died the other day left a house and lot to the United States to help pay the National debt. No particulars are known, but the Macon News thinks she must have been an old maid, in love with your Uncle Sam 1 Shoes. We are selling the celebrated Keith 61 Pratt shoe for men only. Prices run from 2.50, 3.00, 3.50, up to 4.00. We are exclusive agents for for the “American Girl” shoe— a shoe as good as its name. For women $2 to 2.50. Underwear. Cold weather is coming ad you want to keep warm. Ladies and children’s union suits d 25 and 50c* Men’s undera heavy fleeced, 25, 50, 75 and |1| PUBLIC SALE. SOUTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY. Oeeice of Agent, Gainesville, Ga., October 4, 1902. By direction of the Freight Claim Ag ent ,1 will sell at public auction on Wed nesday, Nov. 12, 1902, at the Southern Railway depot, in Gainesville, Ga., for freight and other charges, the follow ing unclaimed and refused freight. Sale will take place promptly at 10 o’clock a. m. Terms cash. No. 1. John A. Smith, Lumber, S. I. C. L. 55032. No. 2. John A. Smith Mfg. Co., Lum ber. M. & C. 3577. W. A. Ramseur, Agent. In Our Grocery Rooms la always found just what you want and just when you want it iff to prices, listen : New York Standard Granulated Sugar,i for $1; Good Green Coffee 12 lbs. for $1; Arbnokle’s Roasted&ld 10c.; Good Standard Tobacco, 25, 30 and 35c per lb. Keep on coming to us, and we’ll keep on treating you right. i Respectfully, W. J. & E. C. PALM0UR- We are the only retail clothiers in the South who manufacture all the clothing they sell. Our Atlanta store is the largest men’s and boys’ outfitting establish ment in the South. In purchasing from us you not only secure a saving of the middleman’s profit, but you se cure the most fashionable and most servicable clothing, shoes, hats, furnishings, trunks, suit cases, traveling bags, etc. Orders by maii filled astisfactorily. Send for our catalogue. (OUR ONLY ATLANTA STORE) 11, 13, 15 and 17 Whitehall St 1: ATLANTA, GA. WITH GREAT VALUES * Seasonable ~ Merchant AT A VERY LOW PRICE. I have moved my blacksmith and repair shop to junction Athens and Green streets, corner Church and Hudson streets, just opposite Jess Davis’, wfcre I will be pleased to have all my old friends and customers call to see me, Ido only the best work and guarantee satisfaction. Am better prepareq thaa ever to accommodate you. Respectfully, at $1.25 and 1.65, worth 1.75 and and 2.50. See those Boys’ Suits I am sellin Good assortment of Men’s Pants at $1.00, 1.25, 1,50 and 2.00, great value for the nio ] Men’s Brogan Shoes worth $1.10, at 75c per pair. Ladies’ Vici Kid Shoes, patent tip, correct style, something worth #1.25 to l-3®> per pair. Gents’ Scriveh Patent Drawers, winter weight, at 38c. Ladies’ Knit Undershirts, with pants to match, at 15c per garment. All wool 8 ounce Jeans at 20c ; 9 ounce Kentucky Doe Skin Jeans, worth 35c, at ’2oc * Apron and Bonnet Gingham, worth 7c, at 5c, Be sure you see my goods and get prices before buying els*’"* 1 I can save you money. Yours Very Truly, H. L. GAINES W. A. WILSON & CO Manufacturers and Dealers A AShCL M Harness, Saddles, Collars, Bridles, 'nf ters > -kap Robes, Whips, Harnes oil, . VyjV\7 f [/ Grease, Collar Pads, Sweat Pads, Pads, Ankle Boots, Riding whips— fact anything in horse goods. 300 all Leather Collars—to go at from 50c. to #1.00. Don’t think anybody will sell you harness cheaper than can. Come to see us. We pay highest price tor Hides and low.