Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, November 19, 1902, Image 7

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i’HB GAINESVILLE NEWS, WEDNESDAY “NOVEMBER 19, 1902, Call on ns for Blue ; Stone to soak your wheat. E. E. Dixon & Co. Miss Griswold, teacher of vocal music at Brenau, has been absent in Birming ham, where her mother is ill. Mr, John Gaston, who returned home last week from Gadsden, Ala., where he has just passed through a severe spell of fever, is rapidly regaining his strength. V Mrs. A. W. VanHoose is spending several days in Atlanta, on her return from New Orleans. Money to Loan. I am prepared to negotiate loans < real estate, at 6 and 7 per cent. W. F. Findley. NOTICE! 'Try Parnell’S barber shop for a good clean shave or haircut. To tlie Public. I have rented Looper’s Wagon Yard for the next twelve months, and the patronage of my friends and the gen eral public is solicited. Splendid ac comodations, meals and beds at reason able prices. Very respectfully. Louis Cochrane. A Good Machine will last you almost a life time. If you want a cheap machine or a high-priced one I can please you. JUet me show you what I have at the Express office. H. A. Terrell. For the serious diseases that attack the kidneys Prickly Ash Bitters is an unfailing remedy. Relieves back ache, swelling of the feet and persist ent headache—symptoms which ’indi cate kidney trouble. Dr. E. E. Dixon & Co. I*eci Parnell has takn out his old bath tubs and has put in new porcelains, tubs. His bath rooms are how up-to- date in every particular and are as nice as can he found in any large city. Picture Mouldings —Some new effects to show.— Picture Frames. -Many New Things.— 14 Yon are going to Paint this fall come and see us about it. We can save you money. E. E. Dixon &. Co. Subscribe now for the Atlanta Daily, Semi-Weekly or Sunday Jour nal.. B. D. Langford, Local Agent* Office State Bank building, Main street. West Washington St Col W. F. Findley spent Friday ln Atlanta on business. j nd g 0 G. H. Prior visited Atlan ta s day or two ago. jjj sB Kina Hodges of Atlanta* jeited Mrs. Hub Logau last week. jj r# C. N. Wilson, tne well kn0 wn Maysville physician, was here Monday on business. j\ijss Bessie Grogan of Middle- . j s visiting her sister,' Mrs. W. |r jTobbs, on Race street. Mr. Monroe Riley has gone to .Birmingham, AU., where he will [o future reside. Mr. J* W. Born, Traveling agent L the M. & M. Co., was in the city last Saturday in the interest of his lines. Kr. V. A. Mason, traveling Light agent of the Illinois Cen tral railroad was in the city last Saturday. Cad Dozier has been uaable to attend to his duties at G. F. Turner’s for the past week, on ac count of sickness. Col. C. 0. Sanders and Mr. Rafe Janbs have returned from the Ranker’s Convention, which was held last week in New Orleans. The delegates from the First iaptist church have gone to Amer- to attend the Georgia Baptist onveution Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Bell, lies Florence Millen and Mr. Eu gene Jarrard spent Sunday in Cleveland visiting friends and rel atives. A good many people have been in town the last three days attend ing the November term of Hall city court. Miss Laura Thompson spent several days of this week in Ath ens, visiting her sister at Lucy Cobb. Presiding elder W. L. Pierce preached at the First Methodist church last Sunday to a large and attentive congregation. Judge J. B. Jones' of Toccoa, judge of the city court of Clarkes- ville, was here Monday in attend ance upon Hall city court. Dr. W. F, Quillian, Rev. A. A. Tilley, Dr, J. T. Curtis, and Mr. T. P. Hudson are attending the North Georgia Conference at At lanta. Miss Ruby Asbury of Atlanta, one of the ^attendants at the Mar tin-Banner wedding in Lula last Wednesday has been visiting Mrs. Hub Logan. The many friends in Hall coud- ty regret that Mr. John H. Pierce,, who represented this county in the last house, will shortly move to Florida, where he will in fu ture reside. He will locate a short distance below Jacksonville. F. Cinciolo & Bro. will move the first of uhe year to the store now occupied by Carter Bros. Cin ciolo Bros, wil move to the store uow occupied by W bisen ant A Evans. The last named firm has not decided where they will move. Now is the season to sow Blue Grass for a beautiful yard. We have a shipment of this season’s seed, fancy and very clean. E. E. Dixon & Co. An Art Studio. I have opened a studio at the Lang ston House where I will give lessons in my own system of drawing—called “Black and White”—also in French Pastel painting and Newspaper and Magazine Illustrating. I have taught large classes in every town in Georgia and in many of tne Female colleges of the south so can of fer you an experience of twenty-five years, In the studio will be found the choicest collection of crayon work ever shown by a single artist and an invita tion is extended to everyone to come and see it. My terms for instruction are moderate. 11-5-41 Otis A. Miller. FIMB PICTURES. —Some New Arrivals.— ARTISTS’ MATERIALS —New Things.- Artistss* ISrasfies, —Tube Paints, Water Colors.— Get our prices on Miniature Water Color Heads. Get our prices on High Grade Por traits. T. S. CAMPBELL & SON THE BOOK STORE. All parties are hereby notified that & bill will be introduced in the present legislature of Georgia, entitled an act to amend the several acts incorporat ing the city of Gainesville, as well as the acts amendatory thereof and to re- mcorporate the City of Gainesville as the City of Gainesville and to grant a new charter to the City of Gainesville to supersede and abrogate all previous charters of said city and for other pur poses. This Ocp. 28, 1902. P. N. Parker, Mayor, 10-29-$* Rock Candy Cough Syrup for Goughs of all kinds. Heals the lung and cures the cough. 25c at Dixon’s. Conte to see me for your barbcST work Lee Parnell. B. D. Langford, Beal Estate. I have all sized houses in any and all parts of the City, which I can sell ytitt on easy terms. Buy now" and get the advance. Tlie Best barber work is what you get at my shop. Lee Parnell, be» ween Gunther^ and Mitchell’s. We Offer Our Entire Stock of Clothing Amounting to $10,000.00! Consisting* of Men’s Youths’ and children’s suits at absolute cost and less. Every garment will be marked, in plain figures, and sold to all alike. THIS IS A ""JkND BElsOW. The above statements are not intended as a mere advertis ing scheme, as we wish to use the money invested in our present clothing stock inother lines. An inspection of our stock and prices will convince you of the sincerity of this offer. It! ■HH I |$fg - i mk