Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, December 03, 1902, Image 3

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THE GAINES VILLE NEW?, - WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 3,1 1902, A. 1). iventlriclc Here. Rev. A. D. Kendrick, of Svvams^o’jro, is spending several days in the city, the. guest, of Col. W. B. Sloan. Mr. Kendrick was pastor of Chestnut street Baptist church in 1889. and durmg the time he sCryed the church it was very prosperous, nearly doubling its mem bership in about one year. Mr. Kendrick is a Hall county boy and numbers his friends by the hun dreds. While in the city he preached an excellent sermon to a large and ap preciative congregation at Chestnut street church, and at the close of the seryiees the congregation arose in a body and requested Mr. Kendrick to return and hold a meeting in Gaines ville in the near future, which he con sented to do, provided the church at Davisboro, to which he is called for next year, will grant him the time. stimulate the digestive organs to main tain health,, strength and energy. Prickly Ash Bittees is a tonic for the kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels. Dr. E. E. Dixon & Co. W. Andrew Bennet died at the home of his father on Athens street last night at 12 o'clock of brain trouble. He was thirty years old, and had been ill some time. The funeral will occur at 2 o’clock this afternoon and will be conducted by Rev. J. C. Otwell. West of the Sierras- Cheney’s Expectorant is the best cough medicine in the world. My little child was subject to violent attacks of croup until X obtained a bottle of Cheney’s Expectorant. One dose soothes the throat membranes and. produces rest. G. R. CAMPBELL. San Francisco, Cal. A Double Wedding. Last Sunday at the home of Mr. C. C. Greenway, near Bowdre, Mr. Louis McElreath and Miss Daisy Green way, and Mr. Andrew McElreath and Miss Alice Greenway, were united in marri age by Rev. J. B. Boyd, only a few friends being present to witness the double ceremony. The grooms are sons of Martin McElreath, and five years ago his eldest son married the oldest McElreath daughter. It is a little unusual for three brothers to marry three sisters of a neighbor’s family, but it happened in this case, anci the three couples are happy and doiDg well. Their numerous friends wish them every 1oy in life. Ordinary’8 Monthly Court. < / - ~ ' . . . Judge Dyer held his regular monthly court Monday and disposed of the fol lowing business : A. J. Cavender, administrator of Wil liam Cavender, deceased, applied for leave to sell lands of said deceased. Leave granted. Mrs. Mary L. Black, administr tor 4»f Thomas C. Black, deceased, applied for letters of dismission from administra tion. Letters granted. Mrs. Ida Chamblee applied for perm anent letters of administration upon the estate of Oscar G. Chamblee, de ceased. Letters granted. Mrs. M. L. Black applied for letters of guardianship of her two minor chil dren. Letters granted. Lester D. Puckett, county adminis trator, applied for permanent letters of administration upon the estate of Sarah S. Waldrup, deceased. Letters granted. The Sultan of Turkey said in a public speech recently that he made no distinction between his Mohamedau and. Christian sub jects. The people of Macedonia will doubtless be mildly surprised to hear this. $15,000 $2,500 WILL SUMMER, JR STATISTICS OF .LAST | SHVEN CHOPS. I THE PORT RECEIPTS for I the past few years, from Sep- g temher I through the ten § days of January, are ^iWii to S aid you ;n malting an intelli- I gent eatimale ia this contest. I It is not necessary to itemize S your estimate: give it in one 9 plain sum expressed In figures 8 only; 1-t them mean just what | you miaui to say. f Total Port Receipts from • Cotton Tear— Sent. J to £ January If ® 1893-6.... i 3,662.19* 1896- 7.. .. 5,.. 1897- 93 5,951.2“- 1898- 9 r '“*,133 1899- ! SCO ,. t u7 1900- Ci .. ' ".,,5!-, 1901- 02.. ... ... .. 6.137,8!? Secretary Hester, of the yj.v.v < Orleans Cotton Exchange, will furnish the official figures to fr decide this contest, I Don’t forget, even- subscrip- 8 tlon for yourself or your frfen-?** 1 will entitle you to an estimate c in the great $20,000 eonf-'.n. L BUNK FOR $1.00 AND THREE ESTIMATES, WITHOUT SUBSCRIPTION (To he changed if subscriptions and estimates both are sent.) PUBLISHERS CONSTITUTION, Atlanta, Gs. Enter THREE estimates for me, for f 1..0 enclosed.-in your current contest as follows: Kame............. .. Postoffice. ........... ...... State .... NOTE-If you wish only ONE estimate in the contest, send FIFTY CE^TS and fill out only c blank*. If y°tt'fish TEN estimaUs in tne contest send THREE DOLLARS and write your ov ff you wish to subscribe to THE WEEKLY CONSTITUTION or SUNNY SOUTH, or both, as abo- mslm IndiA&tcd Anri Mnd pr! mAtpa \ . mmcomwmwTWN, AjisS Mamie Simmons returned yes terdn-V from a visit to Columbus and ThI button. I candy that is fit to eat. Ala- 1-nma 30c pound, and it is alakuma. Tr y it. Will Summer Jr. Clever Jim Marlow was up from Candler yesterday, where he is doiDg w eli selling goods. Administrator A. R. Dorsey sold on yesterday a tract of 21 acres, lying just outside of the city limits, to Mr. W. H. hooper for SI ,000. Fireworks, all fresh, no old stock, bought cheaper than any one in town, and more of them. Will sell to suit W. Summer Jr. The Henry W. Blake home place in Cliuchem district, consisting of 150 acres, was yesterday bought at admin istrator's sale by Mr. F. T. Davie. A coated tongue, foul breath and clofffed condition in the bowels sug gests the use of Pkickly Ash Bitters. It is just suited for such ailmints. Dr. E. E. Dixon & Co. Mr. B- F. White, an old Confederate veteran, died last Sunday night near Hobbs’ Chapel, and his remains were interned at the cemetery Monday after noon, the funeral being conducted by Dr. W. F. Quillian. Misses Riley Entertain. Misses Eva and Coriune Riley entertained on Thanksgiuing even ing at their new home on North Green Street. A select number oi invited guests were presene, a de lightful supper was served and a mo9t happy evening was spent by Misses Riley’s guests. Now for Xmas Goods! You Should. Call On WILL SUMMER, JR. He Has a Complete Line of . , ’ v. . - • Fresh Goods, Cheap. a few prices : Force, 2 for 25c; Prunes 8 and 10c: Cheese 15 and 17^£c; - Dates 10c; Figs 10 and 15c, same as others sell for 15 and 20c. Candies, Stick and Fancy, from 7£c up. Lowney’s fine package goods. Seeded Raisins and Cnrrants 10c package. Nuts, Oranges and Bananas by the dozen or box at close prices. And we will certainly have the largest and most complete line of FIREWORKS in the city, aud they are for sale. No old goods— plenty of them in town—so buy where you will get fresh ones and have no trouble in getting them to shoot. I also have Evaporated Peaches, very fine at 10c per pound. ^ A Box: of Cigars Would be an awful nice present for the old man or best fellow. I know I have the most complete line of cigars in the city. So you would make a mistake to go elsewhere to buy them. A new peanut and popcorn machine just received; fresh hot roasted peanuts all the timfe. Iili& A Soda Fountain Where you can get pure Coca Cola and all # kinds of nice drinks ice cold, and it takes ice to make Coca Cola good even in the winter months. I can sell you Liberty Bell and Red Bird Tobacco at 11c per plug. I have many different kinds of chewing tobacco that I will sell you cheap by the box or pound. Think 1 83c per pound for Liberty Bell and Red Bird. Fancy Baskets* Work, sewing and all kinds from 5c to $3.50. Also a nice line of fruit baskets. A nice $1.75 lamp; fancy and the best value you ever saw. Sale of Tax Fifas. 0*2 aecoainf of Use in clemency of the weather Uie sale of tax fifas wfiicli was to have taken place the first Tuesday in De cember, was postponed until the first Tuesday in January, 1903, at wliicli lime they will he sold to highest bidder before the court bouse door. J. X. WATERS, J. R. WHALEY, X. W. STATON, Commissioners Roads & Revenues, Mall County, Georgia. Entertainment at drenan. The junior elites of Bren iu col- jn entertaitind on Wednesday v uing in tilt parlors of the col- ge, complimentary to the senior ■ This reception was one or m largest and most brilliant af- i Lira ever givmi in Gainesville, r.ere were over two hundred guests present and a large number <>i young men from a distance, in cluding many college students rum ‘ Georgia, ” Tech and Mer- Ci-r came to attend the reception. The refreshmunts of the even ts were delicious, and tasteful •1 nu cards were gotten up in u een and geld, the class colors. I usic added its charms and the - • *ne was a most lovely one and • occasion thoroughly delight ful. ^ . FROM MANUFACTURER TO YOU We are the only retail clothiers in the South who manufacture all the clothing they sell. Our Atlanta store is the largest men’s and boys’ outfitting establish ment in the South. In purchasing from ns you not on:y secure a saving of the middleman’s profit, but yon se- onre the most fashionable and most servieable clothing, shoes, hats, furnishings, tranks, smt cases, traveling bags, etc. Orders by maii filled astisfactorHy. Send for our catalogue. (OUR ONLY ATLANTA STORE) 11 13 15 and 17 Whitehall St. : * J * A A EISEMAN BROS. EfSEMAN BROS, ATLANTA, Baltimore Md. Washington, D*C. f OF THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION UPON TOTAL PORT RECEIPTS OF COTTON 1st SEPT., 1902, TO lOth JAN., 1903. Mlic^ To the one Making the exact, or the nearest to the exact* estimate of 'the receipts of cotton AT ALL UNITED STATES PORTS from 3ept. I, 1902, to January iO. 1903 $5,GOO To the next nearest estimate—.- 2,000 ’ To the second next nearest-.-v — fi.OOO To the five next nearest v— $300 oach »«« 1.500 To the ten next nearest 200 each ^.OGO To the fifteen next nearest ICO each 1,500 To the twenty next nearest 50 each 1,000 To the fifty next nearest • • lOesch—. 500 To the one hundred nearest 5 each........... 500 For distribution among those estimates <not taking any of the above 203 prizes) com ing within 1,000 bales either way of the exact figures * . > Should the exact figures have been given during the congest prior tc Sept. I st there was offered to the successful estimate, if made before then Grand total ; ©20,000 Conditions of Sending Estimates in This Mammoth Gosstest. fl] Send g 1.25 for WEEKLY CONSTITUTION and SUNNY SOUTH, both one year, and send two estimates in this contest—that ia one estimate for the SUNNY SOUTH and another estimate for THE C0N-.T :TUTION. £2) Send 91.00 for WEEKLY CONSTITUTION one year and’‘vith it one estimate ia the content. [3J Send 50c for SUNNY SOUTH one year and w:th it one estimate in the contest. * [43 Send 50c for one estimate alone in the contest if vou don’t want a subscription, cr If you wish to make a number of estimates on this bas:syou m^ysendTH.^Zi cstlmaio ; feretory OS5EDOL- LAR forwarded at the same tme estimates aro sont. [fns m my r s TEN eaj.naios are sjnt at the same time, without subscription, the sender may forward t '.em with on!-f TH32E dollars—this spe cial discount being offered only to estimates of ten. A poctrJ card receipt will be sent for each estimate so receivod. Whore subscriptions are sent the arrival of the paper itself is an acknowledge ment that your estimate has boon received and carefully recorded. [5] The money and the subscription and the estimate must come in the same envelope every time. The estimate, the money and the subscrip tion go together, Thin rule is positive. [•] No estimate must be mailed later than December 31st, 1902. £7) In case of a tie upon any prize estimate, the money will be equally divided. 1st Upon Total Port Receipts nj September 1, 1902, 2d to January 10, 1903. - ip 3d ii#IP8SP SiSSiXM