Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, December 17, 1902, Image 3

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THE GAINESVn L£ NEWS, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 17, 1002 .Mr. Scott Jackson of Harriiony Grove was in the f .city : yesterday.. _ , Miss. Ola WilIingham, a. stud en at, left Friday to^pend the holidays with her _ parents, Capt. and Mrs. W. A, Willingham in Toecoa. Dr. F. C. McConnell and Mr. S. E. McConnell of Atlanta; arrived here today. Together with Mr. J. C. McConnell .they leave tomor row for Hiawassee, where they will spend a week with their mother. Several people in and around Lula have been suffering with smallpox, among the number be ing Mr. H, N. Gowder. All are said to be getting along nicely dow, and ho more cases are repor ted. Tomorrow, Thursday, night, Hon. Thomas E. Watson lectures at the auditorium, under the aus pices of tne Masonic lodge of Gainesville. No doubt the dis tinguished speaker will be greeted by a large audience. JTow about your Christmas goods? We are prepared to filf your orders, aud your trade will be appreciated. Do not forget to* come and see us for Christmas Goods. Our store is A number of Dahlonega students passed tbrougn here yesterday, en route, to their various homes. Mr. John Finger, who has been traveling for Mr, M. C. Brown, will leave his employ January first, and go with another firm. John is a splendid salesman, and a clever young man. stopping place in Gainesville. We have everything for. the young and old m HOLIDAY TRIX. TOYS by the carload, of every kind and description. Bring your Ctrldred here to buy wtiat they want. Purify the sewers of the body and stimulate the digestive organs to main tain health, strength and energy. Prickly Ash Bitters is a tonic for the kidneys, liver, stomach and bowels. Dr. E. E. Dixon & Co. FIREWORKS!^ <s**_F1REW0RKS! -JIREWORKSr To get the best FIREWORKS in Gainesville, call at our store. FIRECRACKERS, CANNON CRACKERS, ROMAN CAN DLES, SKY ROCKETS, and all kinds of Fireworks. I have candy that is fit to eat. Ala kuma 30c pound, and it 'is alakuma, Try it. Will Summer Jr, Fireworks, all fresh, no old stock, bought cheaper than any one in town and more of them. Will sell to suit you. W. Summer Jr. A coated tongue, foul breath and clogged condition in the bowels sug gests the use of Prickly Ash Bitters. it is just suited for such ailments. Dr. E. E. Dixon & Co. West of the Sierras- Cheney’s Expectorant is the best cough medicine in the world. My little child was subject to violent attacks of croup until I obtained a bottle of Cheney’s Expectorant. One dose soothes the throat membranes and produces rest. G. R. CAMPBELL. San Francisco, Cal. Governor Candler To Be Appointed. Former Governor Allen D. Candler will he appointe d by Govern or T errell within the next few da vs to compile and prepare for publication Georgia’s colonial, revolutionary and confederate records, provision for which was made by the legislature which has just ad journed, m the general appropriations bill. No man in the state is better fitted for this work than the former govern or. He is thoroughly familiar with the colonial, revolutionary and confederate history of the state. The publication of the Georgia re cords is provided for in section 6 of the general appropriations hill, the cost of the work to be paid for out of the sale of such records when publish ed- Under the provision therefore, the state is put to no expense i n getting out these records, as.the proceeds of the sale of them must pay both for the publication and the getting the data together. We have everything to please the trade, and if you buy from us you may know that it is SANCTIONED BY v OLD SANTA CLAUS. Candies, Nuts, Oranges,, Apples and Fruits of All Kinds. o Our line> of TOYS is the Best’ money can buy,, and we surely will suit you if you give us a call* They are here in plenty. We’ve got them in every shape and style. Some of them. i n Silver and Ebony, are: Fireworks! Worth double the price. Goods shipped In a plain box. It has been proven pure end good. Read below the certificate of N. P. Pratt’s Labratory. CERTIFICATE OP ANALYSIS. Atlanta, Ga. s Nov. 16, 1901. Sample No. 19938. Received by hand, November 14th. Marked, “Sample of Gordon’s Cana dian Malt Whiskey.” . For Glendale Springs Distilling Company, Fireworks! Bon Bon, Olive, Fish, Shaveing and After- dmuer. Sets, Sdnp ladles, Gravy ladles Tea- spoons, Military brushes, Sugar shells, But- ter knives, Puff boxes, Seals Hat, Cloak and Boonett brushes, Valise tags, Napkin rings- and thousand other things which we cannot mention, but which you will find here; CLOCKS from 75c to $20.00, WATCHES J from $1.00 up. We can’t name them all, so just come and see for yourself. Alwsys glad to see you. I do all kinds of Rep? iring, Man- ufaeturing, amd Engraving by hand or ma- chine. W. H. Summer, TheJ eweler No. 7 Bradford St. Cannon Crackers, Roman Can dles, Sky Rockets, Fire Crack ers, etc. A full’ line of trier goods at the right prices. COME TP SEE US for yoi CHRISTMAS TRIX. W|wi not be undersold by any house in Gainesville. Atlanta, Ga. Send us your order at once. CONTAINS PER CENT. No Goods sent O. O. D. We Proof Spirit. - — * • ^ Q ^°° cL go t d A exclusively for Rescue on Evaporation.. 105.9 Grams perU.S. Gallon v-ash W e have no traveling rY , « . «v “ “ jaen or agents. We guaran- Non-volatile-Matter...... 5* tee absolute satisfaction. Salts of Lead Copper, Lead and Zmc None ..Jefkrences:-Third Na- Resoectfullv submitted, N. P. PraTT L*b’y. prew Agent/ OoliSew^nd glasae Jith every order. Write for onr pamphlet on Gordon’s Canadian Malt and new Catalogue. The Glendale Springs Distilling Co. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Dept., 12. Cinciolo Bros After January J, 1803, in store room now occupied by Whise- nant & Evans. You Sliotild Call On WILL He Has a Complete Line of Fresh Goods, Cheap. A FEW PRICKS : Force, 2 for 25c; Prunes 8 and 10c: 0hee9e 15 and 17}4c; Dates 10c; Figs 10 and 15c, same as others cell for 15 and 20c. Candies, Stick and Fancy, from 7£c up. Lowney’s fine package goods. Seeded Raisins and Currants 10c package. Nats, Oranges and Bananas by the dozen or box at close prices. And we will ceri ainly have the largest and most complete line of FIREWORKS in the city, and they are for sale. No old goods— plenty of them in town—so buy where you will get fresh ones and haw no trouble in getting them to shoot. I also have Evaporated Peaches, very fine at 10c per pound. A Box of Cigars Would be an awful nice present for the old man or best fellow. I know I have the most complete line of cigars in the city. So you would make a mistake^ to go elsewhere to buy them. A new peanut and popcorn machine just received; fresh hot roasted peanuts all the time. A Soda Fountain Where you can get pure Coca Cola and all kinds of nice drinks ice cold, aud it takes ice to make Coca Cola good even in the winter months. I can sell you Liberty Bell and Red Bird Tobacco at 11c plug. I have mauy different kinds of chewing tobacco that I Bell you cheap by the box or pound. Think I 83c per pound Liberty Bell and Red Bird. Fancy Baskets. Work, sewing and all kinds from 5c to $3.50. Also a nice line of fruit baskets. A nic9 $1.75 lamp; fancy and the best value you ever saw. per will for Call and See. WILL SUMMER, JR. Master Riussell Patterson entertained his friends last Thursday afternoon from four to six o’clock in honor of his twelfth birthday. The young people passed a most enjoyable afternoon. Mr. B;. J. Hulsey hauled m to town a day or two ago 50 or 60 ba’es o± cotton from his farm, and stored the same in the warehouse* He is the kind o planter that always has money on hand, and knows how to extract the filthy lucre from the soil. “Uncle Jeff” is a splendid man, and you can always put your finger on him and his boys and ,know exactly where they are. FROM MANUFACTURER TO Y00 We are the only retail clothiers in the South who manufacture all the clothing they sell. Our Atlanta store is the largest men’s and boys* oulfitting establish ment in the South. In purchasing from uf you not only secure a saving of the middleman’s profit, but you se cure the most fashionable and most eervicable clothing, shoes, hats, furnishings, trunls, suit cases, traveling bags, etc. ~ ! , Orders by mail filled astisfactorHy. Send for our catalogue. EISEMAN BROS., (OUR ONLY ATLANTA STORE) 11, 13, 15 and 17 Whitehall St. EISEMAN BROS ANTA A E1SEMAN BROS. Washington, D.C. Baltimore Md. THE PUREST AND BEST, Gordon’s Canadian Mall Whiskey. Send us your order at once. fo Goods sent C. O. D. We Beu goods exclusively for v-AStt We have no traveling jaen or agents. We guaran tee absolute satisfaction. References:— Third Na tional Bank; Southern Ex- Agent. Corkscrew and glasse The Coming Contest. The Oratorical Contest of the North east Georgia Association will take place next Friday night at Harmony Grove. Talmadge Hubbard of Chest nut Mountain will represent Hall coun ty; he has been giving special prepar ation during the past few weeks to his speech and 3all county stands a splen did chance of winning first place m this contest. .A party from here will go up to be present at this occasion. Mr. J. F. Jeppers of Louisville, Ky., made a business trip to Gainesville this week, Mrs. D. H. Tharin of Atlanta, who has just passed through a long .and critical illness in the city, is convales cent. Miss Sadie McConnell will return to morrow from Cartersville, where she attended the marriage of her cousin Miss Ronie Leak. Miss Annie Candler returns to-mor row from Thornburry College,Atlanta, to spend the vacation with her parents Col. and Mrs. A. D. Candler. Dr. R. D. Grigg, who has been" with Dr. E. E. Dixon & Co.,for the past five years, will, sever his connection with the firm the first of January. He has not yet matured his plans for the future but he will continue to make Gaines ville his home, having interests that re quire his attention. To See and Figure with any person who wants Fire or Life Insurance. I will esteem it a favor if you will see me before taking out any kind of policy. , Respectfully, GUY CLOPTON. Third.floor Hudson House Bldg. Special agents WILEY’S CANDIES»* Boxes from 3^1b. to 7ibs. what About Your* Candies, Confection^ aries, etc We have Fancy and Stick Can dies at from 5c pound up. ‘Bucket mixture, at your own price. Also,, we have the best Fruits, consist ing of Apples, Oranges, etc., m Gainesville. . . . .'. Fancy Fruit Baskets from 25c to $2. Come to see us before making your Christinas purchases. We irilJ treat yotf right, and wilt ap preciate your patronage. Give us- a call. SMITH GROCERY CO. W. E. SMITH, Manager* Oscar Moore’s old stand. We Have Received a Large Complete Stock of ana MU