Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, December 17, 1902, Image 5

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WEDMjdDAY DECEMBER3gl7 THE GAINES VI LLjS;j|NEWfc f so, temporarily residing at the Federal prison, Atlanta, for counterfeiting, is a lucky man. No. 208 not only gets his food, sleeping apartment and clothing from the government, but the of ficials at Washington send him a soldier’s pension of $20 a month and this be deposits in a bank. As he has five years to remain at the prison he will have quite a snug sum placed away by the time the government tires of his ^presence and allows him to go back to the plains of Texas. It’s a happy life that No, 208 leads. He arises in the.- morning from a government bed, uses gov* ernment toilet articles, eats a gov ernment breakfast, walks around on government property, chews gov ernment tobacco, smokes govern ment cigars and placss govern ment money in the bank 7 to his credit, but 208 thiuks he is having a ^hard time and counts the days and hours until he will be givena new suit of clothes by the govern ment, allowed to draw his gov ernment money from the bank and rids back to Texas on a gov- orrnent pass.—Atlanta News. CURES C0NSTlI*ATf0ffl Wr/ffir F?or Sick Headache* Constipation. Biliousness* NSsJ (// Malaria, and- all the resulting ills* the ideaivA !J modern care is y R AMON’S LIVER PILLS' l»'**NDtOmO PELLETS They gently touch the liver, stir the bile, and tone the system, giving Nature a chance to do her l perfect work. 25c. a box from, all dealers, J jV or by mail from /L mBROWN MFQ. CO., New'York,^ and GreeneviHe, Jv/Jk Tenn. FOR SALE BY DR. E. E. DIXON & CO A Pretty Good Player. “The fact that I am a good mu sician ” said the lady from a coun try village,* “was the means of saving my life during tee flood in our town a few years ago.” “How wag that?” asked the lady w r ho sang. “When the water struck our house my husband got aboard the folding bed and floated down the stream until rescued.” “And what did you do?” “Well, I accompanied him on the piano.’’—r-New'York News. Started Rigrfif In. Ir dear.” said the caller, with a ,/jnjr smile, to the little girl who ipied the study while her father, eminent literary man. was at his ier , “I suppose you assist your papa >ntert.lining the bores?” es. sir.” replied the little girl grave- ‘Please be seated.” Xo Fenm For tbe Boy, ;her—Your son. sir, has a very eniper. I am sorry to say. ie r—I am glad to hear It. sir. If vill grind him hito shape. FJI. him to keep his high temper for uirnoses.—Chicago Tribune. A Tiresome Pernsii, “No.” said Mr. Bllggins: “I haven’t |n r ns<’to' philosophers.” “Why not?” •<jlv idea of a philosopher is a man who protends be enjoys hard luck”— Washington Star. A Costly Mistake. Blunders * are sometimes very expen sive. Occasionally life itself is the price of a mistake, but you’ll never be wrong if you take Dr. King’s New Life Pills for Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Head ache, Liver or Bowel troubles. They are gentle yet thorough. 25c, at M. C. Brown’s Drug Store. Dunlap and Thompson. INSURANCE AGENTS. FIKE, LIFE, ACCIDENT AND* SURETY BONDS. The United Statue authorities are trying to get the Indians to take- on family uanies which would en able them to tract* families back, but the noble Lodous do not take to it. As the Waynesboro Citi zens says: “Hole-in-tfce-sky. Rain -1 rif-t h e-f ace, S n oo t i ug- bear and the^like seem? to suit bim better.” . There by Riprht. One of them went over and whis pered to the stranger who had come in and taken a seat: “I heg your pardon, but this is a gathering of working women, met to protest against”- •*I am a traveling preacher’s wife,” said tbe stranger. And they made her the president of the meeting.—Chicago Tribune. Fight Will Be Bitter. Those who will persist in closing their ears against continuaL recom mendation of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, will have a long and bitter light with their troubles, if not ended earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. R. Beall, of Beall, Miss., has to say: “Last fall my wife had eyery symptom or consumption. She took Dr. King’s New Discovery after everything else had failed. Improve ment came at once and four bottles en tirely cured her. Guaranted by M. C. Brown, Druggist. Price 50c, and $1.00. Trial bottles free. Don’t forget to use little Prickly Ash Bitters whenever the stomach or bowels are disordered. It quickly cor rects such troubles and makes you feel bright and cheerful. Dr. E. E. Dixon & Co. Colds are Not Confined to Winter. Cheney’s Expectorant cures a sum mer cold quicker than any other rem" edy. After trying several other medi cines ol a similar character, I am pre pared to say that Cheney's Expectorant has no no superior. A. R. WILSON. St. Louis, Mo. Col. J.H. Estill has been ap pointed to succeed Hon. t ,William Garrard as a member of,the^board a t\ trustees of the Georgia^ Sol diers home. At Bochum, Prussia ten persons were burned to death early .Wednesday and others were dan gerously injured as thn result of a fire which broke out in a bakery. Newspaper frionds sympathize uitb Managing Editor Jack Cohen and Editor F. H. Richardson, of the Atlanta Journal, both of whom are sick. Mrs. Dearborn—They tell 1116 your cook is an augel. Mrs. Wabush—I reckon she is. She tried to light the fire with kerosene this morning.—-Yonkers statesman. A Frightened Horse Running like mad down the street dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidents, are every day occur rences. It behooves every body to have a reliable Salve handy and there’s none as good as BuckJen’s Arnica Salve. Burns, Cuts, Sores, Eczema and Piles, disappear quickly under its soothing effect. 25c, at M. C. Brown’s Drug btore. SOUTHWARD Daily No 31 Lv New York, PRR j 12 55 p m j Lv Philadelphia, P R R J 3 29 p m L Lv Baltimore, P K R' { 545 pm | Lv Washington, PRR J 6 55 p m | Lv Richmond. SAL Ry’ JO40 pm | Ly Petetersbuig, “ j 1131 pm | Lv Norlina “• j 2 05 am f Lv Henderson ■** J 230 am j Lv Raleigh ** | 346 am | Lv Southern Pines “ | 537 am j Lv Hamlet “ j 630 a m J Christmas shoppers will swarm the streets for the next few days. If you have been wise you havt advertised for their trade. C. A. DOZIER. Real Estate and Insur ance Agent. Office No, 1 State Bank Building, * or a perfect fit go to C. B. SAUNDERS Moved to Daniel Building, over Mrs J. E. Jackson’s store. “The Artistic Tailor.’ Clothes cleaned and pressed o: short notice. Also ladies - skirts C ^ aneD and pressed All work git f : Pfompt a entior. Feed pale girls on Scott’s Emulsion. We do not need to give all the reasons why Scott’s Emulsion restores the strength and flesh and color of good health to those who suffer from sick blood. The fact that it is the best preparation of Cod Liver Oil, rich in nutrition, full of healthy stimulation is a suggestion as to why it dees what it does. Scott’s Emulsion presents Cod Liver Oil at its best, fullest in strength, least in taste. Young women in their I teens ” are permanently cured of the peculiar disease of the blood which shows itself in paleness, weakness and nervous- treatment The Georgia delegates m the National House are being “patted on the back” by the weekly press for standing by President Roose velt in the matter ot the anthra cite commission.—Exchange, Lv New Yo'rk, N Y P & N J f7 55am Lv Philadelphia “ j 1020 am Lv New York, ODSSCo} f3 00 pm Lv Baltimore, BSPCo J Lv Wash’toa, N & W S B J Lv Portsmouth, SAL Ry i 9 00 pm Lv Weldon “ | 1133 p m Lv Norlina “ j 12 55 a m Lv Hendersov - “ | 120 am Lv Raleigh ‘ ! 302 am Lv Southern Pines j 518am Lv Hamlet - “ I 6 45 am Lv Wilmington “ j Ar Charlotte “ 1 9 51 a m Lf Chester ** | 10 08 am Lv Greenwood 1* | 12 07 pm ■I.v Athene “ | 219 p m Ar Atlanta % “ j 3 35 p m Ar Augusta, C&WC \ 5 10 pm Ar Macon, C of Ga } 7 20 pm Ar Montg'm’ry A & W P} 9 20 nm Ar Mobile, L & N | 255 am Ar New Orleans, L & N j 7 3Q a m Ar NashviUe N C & St LI 5 >'5 a m Ar Memphis J 4 00 pm Sell, exchange and rent all kinds c eal estate. Have in hand anythin, ou want in this line. Will make it oii'r interest whether you want to se r buv. '■ Will insure your property against loss hy fire in old reliable and prompl paying companies State of Ohio, City of Toledo, ) Lucas County. * Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co„ doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ODe Hundred Dollars for each and every c.ase of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure.. FRANK J: CHENEY. SwOrn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6tn day of Decem ber, A. D., 1886. W. A. GLEASON, -j Seal. > Notary Public. Bail’s Catarrh Cure is taken Jnter- -Hally, acting directly upon the blood, and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. GEORGIA- s 4 Railroad G. J. & S. RAILROAD SCmJSDULE in EFFFCT JAN ZU, UJtU. Eastern Utaudard (75th (Meridian) Time. No. 82 leaves 7:17 a. m. for Social Circ No. 84 leaves 12.30 v m. lor Winder. No.86leaves 3:00 p. m. lor Jeffetaon and i J cial Circle. No. 88 leaves7,55 p. m. for Teffersou. No. 87 arrives from J efferson 8,18 a. m No. 85. arrives from Social Circle 1,37 a. m - No. 83 arrives from Social Circle 4,35 p. m No. 81 arrives from Social Circle 8,37 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. No 92 eaves 7,35 a. m. for Social Circle. No. 96 leaves £ 40p. m. for Social Circ No. 98 leaves4.-00 p. m. for Jefferson. Nq.,99 arrives8:45 a. m. from Jeflevson. No. 97 arrives 10:20 a.m. from Social Circle No. 91 arrives 2,45 p. m. from Social Circle.? Connections, No. 82 connects at Winder 9,30 a. m. for All ens arriving Athens 10.ll a. m. No. 82 connects at Social Circle with Ga. R, E for A-igusta 10’26 a. m For Atlanta 11.55 a. « Arriv*. Augusta 2.25 p.{m.; Arrive Atlanta |S5 information as to Routes, Schedules and Rates, both . rite to either of the under- s *& , jed, you will receive prompt re ply and reliable information. C -C. MoMillin, QenM Ag’t. Pass. Dep’t. q* Jackson, Ge i’l. Pass. Agt. • A. Bawson, S. A. Augusta, Ga. „ 8 ' Masill, S. W. Wilkes, jea'l Ant. T. F. & Pass. Agt Atlanta, Ga. • W. Hardwick, W. C. Ragin. Gen’l. Ag’t. Sol. Ag’t. Macon, Ga. M. McGovern, C. D. Cox, H. A. Gon’lJJAgt.!' ^•ngusta, Ga . Athens, Ga Two moiister vegetables-—a tur nip weighing 23 pounds and a cab bage weighing 15 pounds-— have been grown at Foulenmore, Cam bridgeshire. England. ness. with Scott's Emulsion. It is a true blood food and is naturally adapted to the cure of the blood sickness from which so many young women -"T suffer. VVe will be glad to send PUk a sam Pl e any sufferer. According to the United States consul general in Montreal, Ger many makes the best lead pencils but the United States the beet rubber erasers Lv NorFna, *• 121 Lv Petersburg ■ “ i ; Ar Kich-nionrl. •-•>* J 4 g Ar Washirgtcn, PRR J 8 Ar Baltimore, PA R {10 Ar Philadelphia, Kk R } li 0 Ar New York, PRR { 3 No:--+Daiiy Fxcept bottle of UUHtS WHIBE ALL ELSE FAILS. - Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use in time iold by druggists. 9 00 P m 1133 P m 12 55 a m 120 a m 302 a m 518 a m 6 45 a m