Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, December 31, 1902, Image 2

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-HE GAINESVILLE NEWS, WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 31, 1902 LATEST FASHION NOTES WHITE GrI/ACE TAFFETA WAIST. Our illustration shows a waist glace taffata, with elaborate de coration of a applique on fancy sailor collar extending over the tops of the sleeves, which display elaborate trimming of novelty blue and white silk braid, dimi nutive buttons and applique. The waist is a plated effect, adorned with braid and buttons, and the INDUSTRIAL Mr. J. A. ttilleland Dies. The death of Mr. J. Arthur Gilleland occurred at 3 p. m. ou Saturday, Dec. 27tb. Mr. Gill eland died of consump tion, and was only thirty-three years afage. The funeral occurred on Sun day at 2 o’clock from the residence of his brother-in-law, Mr. W. T. Harrison, on Washington street. Rev. J. T. Cur tis conducted the ceremony, and the remains were interred in Alta Vista cemetery. Dr. Miles’ Nervine Built Up My Of the millions of people, who today suffer from nervous or heart weakness, a large per centage trace the cause directly to deadly LaGrippe. It is a germ disease, and makes a direct attack upon the nerves, putting an extra strain upon them at the time theirvital- ity is at the lowest ebb. If LaGrippe has left you with a shattered nervous system, with loss of appetite, lack, of energy, insomnia, frequent headaches and morbid tendencies, you should strengthen the weakened nerves with Dr. Miles’ Nervine. It will undo all that grip has done, bring back appetite, rest and restore the nerves to their normal activity. “I want to write this testimonial for the benefit of those who have suffered from that dreaded disease—LaGrippe. I buffered sev eral weeks with it, and nothing I tried seemed to benefit me in any way, shape or form (I suffered almost death) and finally my daughter recommended Dr. Miles’ Nervine to me and I can truthfully say from the first day I felt better than in weeks. It gave me relief, built up my shattered nerves and gave me a splendid appetite. I cannot speak too highly of it and want to say, each and every one who has suffered from LaGrippe will find instant relief by getting a bottle of Dr. Miles’ Nervine. Insist on having it and take no other. It is simply splendid. Hoping this will benefitsomejpoor sufferer I remain,” —Mrs. George B. Hall, Jackson, Tenn. All druggists sell and guarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles’ Remedies, send for free book on Nervous and Heart Diseases. Address Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. “I tried Ayer’s Hair Vigor to stop my hair from falling. One- half a bottle cured me.” J. C. Baxter, Braidwood, Ill. and a sure way to treat a case of Sore Throat in order to kill disease germs and insure healthy throat action is to take half a glassfull of water put into it a teaspoonful of Mexican Mustang Iiiniment and with this gargle the throat at frequent intervals. Then bathe the outside of the throat thoroughly with the lini- j xnent and after doing this pour some on a soft cloth and wrap/ around the neck. It is a POSITIVE CURE. 25c., 50c. and $1.00 a bottle. Ayer’s Hair Vigor is certainly the most eco nomical preparation of its kind on the market. A little of it goes a long way. It doesn’t take much of it to stop Jailing of the hair, make the hair grow, and restore color to gray hair. $1.00 a bottle. AU druggists. salient feature is a royal blue Sappho - satin neck scarf with fringes of white chenille. Turn overs of cuffs to match, and belt stiched with Corticelli silk and crossed at the back in oddly-sha ped postilions, complete^this very dainty bodice. The seperate waist has by no met with the relegation to the background prophesied for it. By a gradual evolution from an article >of severe^lmes to one of artistic shaping, it has established itself as Miss Kate Clark left today for a short visit to Atlanta. ST lt/2 A V DC Vflll have long been troubled with a running 11 Ivin I DG I wU sore or ulcer. Treat it at once with Mexi- tfan Mustang Idimsenfc and you can depend upon a speedy cure. Miss Rose Allen visited Miss Ger- Crawfordville this If your druggist cannot supply you, send ns one dollar and we will express you a bottle. Be sure and give the name of your nearest express office. Address, J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. trude Holden in week, and returned bv way of Atlanta where she attended the Southern Ora tory Association. The News ' regrets to chronicle the fact that Mr. Lamar Smith, head book keeper for the Pacolet Manufacturing Co. leaves tomorrow for Spartanburg, S. C. to make his future home. He goes to .the Lead office of the company. MONEY TO LOAN. A Great Change. Fond Mamma—Isn’t baby getting big? Just see how solid he is. Papa—He does seem solid this morn ing. and it’s remarkable, because he appeared to be all “holler” last night.— Philadelphia Record. We procure real estate loans for fin years’ time, payable in installmentsil 7 per cent interest. Call and see ns. DtJLLAP & PlCKSELL Gainesville. Ga. Death Of Mr. H. L. Morgan. Mr. H. Lester Morgan, the son of Mr. A. M. Morgan died of of consump tion at 2:30 o’clock a. m. on Christmas flay at his father’s home on Pine street. He was twenty one years of age and a promising young man. The Red Men ■were in charge of the funeral services, which occurred at 10 o’clock on Friday. What He Missed. “I was so angry.” said Mrs. Hen- peck, “when they mistook me for a shoplifter that I just couldn’t speak.” “My!” he exclaimed. “I wish I’d been there.”—Chicago Record-Herald. Revolution Imminent. C A sure sign of approaching revolt and serious trouble in your system is nervousness, sleeplessness, or stomach upsets. Electric Bitters will quickly d.'smember the troublesome causes. It never fails to tone the stomach, regu late the Kidneys and Bowels, stimulate the Liver, and clarify the blood. Run down systems benefit particularly and all the usual attending aches vanish under its searching and thorough effec tiveness. Electric Bitters is only 50c, and that is returned if it don’t give perfect satisfaction. Guaranteed by M. C. Brown, Druggist, necessity,JJand* is not only constructed in fancy silk, all over laces, and thin woolen, but is also made in materials to match the skirt for general street wear. The skirt-waist suit m moire, taf- C. H. SAUNDm Made A Captain. Mr. J. H. C. Williams, of the Macon fire department, has just been promot ed to a captaincy, and given an increa se’ in salary. He has been with the fire department in Macon for six years, and the promotion is well deserved. He is a brother of Alderman J. L. Wil liams of this city. Moved to Daniel Building, over Mi J . E. Jackson’s store “The Artistic Tailor. Clothes cleaned and pressed 1 short notice. Also His Metliod.' N First Broker—What do you do when you happen to be short on a certain stock? Second Broker—Ob, I grin—and bear it.—Exchange. black, and the neutral shadei in brown, are the preferred col ors for these costumes. eleanep and pressed prompt a entior. Wanted: To See and Figure with any person who wants FIRE or LIFE INSURANCE. I will esteem it a favor if you will see me before taking out any kind of policy. Respectfully, GUY CLOPTON. Third floor Hudson House Bldg. Henry Jarrard of Atlanta, Christmas here visiting friends. Ex-Gov. A. D. Candler made a trip to Atlanta last week. His son Victor, who is quite ill, returned with him. Mr. Joe Perkins of, Birmingham, spent several days of the past week with his friend, Mr. S. G. Riley. Mr. H. W. Marsh of Aubrey, Texas, is a guest of his brother Mr. Albert H. Marsh. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mathis of Char lotte, N. C. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Cochran last week. Dr. T. J. S. Kimbrough, of Weather ford, Texas, has been in the city for several days as a guest of his son, Mr. E. E. Kimbrough, and his daughter, Mrs.J. 0. Boone. spent Probably True. Wabash—I wonder what makes old Gotrox dress so shabbily? Monroe—His pride, my boy. Wabash—Why. how’s that? Monroe—He’s afraid his customers will mistake him for one of his clerks.— Chicago News. Tbe Physician’s Aftfice. Once upon a time a very nervous man called on his physician and asked for medical advice. “Take a tonic and dismiss from your mind all that tends to worry you.” said the doctor. Several months afterward the pa tient received a bill from the physician asking him to remit $18 and answered it thus: “Dear * Doctor—I have taken a. tonic and your advice. Your bill tends to worry me, and so I dismiss it from my mind.” . Moil#.—Advice sometimes defeats its giVery-New York Herald. INSURANCE AGENTS. FIKE, LIFE, ACCIDENT “SURETY BONDS. C. A. DOZIER. Real Estate and Insur OFFICK: LAP Phones 35. Office No, 1 State Bank Building, prepaid by writing Blood Balm Co., At lanta, Ga. Describe trouble and free medical advice sent in sealed letter. Forsale by M. C. Brown. GEORGIA R^ILROAl Sell, exchange and rent all kinds c eal estate. Have in hand anythin ou want in this line. Will make it our interest whether you want to se r bu v. Will insure your property against lossby fire in Old reliable and prompt paying companies Mrs. J. J. Redwine returned this morning from a visit to relatives in At lanta. For information as to Schedules and Rates, West of tbe Sierras- Cheney’s Expectorant is the best cough medicine in the world. My little child was subject to violent attacks of croup until I obtained a bottle of Cheney’s Expectorant. One dose soothes the throat membranes and produces rest. G. R. CAMPBELL. San Francisco, Cal. Fame. There are many kinds of celebrity. When Haydon. the painter, visited Stratford, he held forth about Shake speare to some rustics he met in a wayside inn. They told him that Strat ford then contained “another wonder ful fellow, one John Cooper.” “Why, what has he done?” “Why, zur. I’ll tell ’ee. He’s lived ninety years in this here town, man and boy. and never had the tooth ache!”—London Standard. Miss Ethel Ashford left today for a visit to her aunt in Wetumpka. Ala. . Mr. Walter E. McKinney has return ed from a visit to relatives in Eufaula, Ala. Mr. Charlie Findley" of Savannah, was the guest of his father here last week. Guy Evans, who has been spending a' month’s vacation with his parents, left today for his home in Princeton, Indi ana. GOLDEN AGE PURE OLD LINCOLN CO. Write to either ot w* " signed, you. will receJ o0 . reply and reliable C. C. McMillin, Gen’l A. G. Jackson, Gen’I. P** 3, j 0. A. Dawson, S. A. - Angosta, <Ia. 1 3. E. Magill, S-,, Gen’l Agt. T.F.& P86 i Atlanta. J VV. W. Hardwick, W. c , 1 Gen’l. Ag’t. t>0, Macon, «*’ j G W. M. McGovern, GeE ';J*j M beDi ' 1 Augusta, kra . § From the Columbia Jester. College Idiot—That takes the cake 1 The calico counter is seldom out of print. THE DISTILLERS, guarantee these goods to be --HKh pure an d T years old. None B ~ better at any price. We will ship in plain boxes to any address, express pre paid at tbe following dis- 5 Full Bottles, $3.46 IO Full Bottles, 6.55 12 Full Bottles, 7.90 15 Full Bottles, 9.70 Your money back if not as BP {«:■ represented. A sample bi pint by express prepaid, for 50c in stamps. AMERICAN SUPPLY CO„ Distillers, <168 Main St., . - Memphis, Teas. Where tbe Birds Thrive. The birds are not forgotten by the Swedish peasantry. At the door of every farmer's house is erected a pole to the top of which is bound a large, full sheaf of grain. There is not a peasant in all Sweden who will sit down with his children to dinner until he has first raised a meal for the birds. A positive specific for bilious fever, malaria, chills and fever, malarial Malaria and poisoning, malarial debility, malarial A&UG Cure dyspepsia, dumb ague. ■pitaE’iSMt