Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, December 31, 1902, Image 3

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THE GAINESVILLE NffivVa,] WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 31, 190?. Will Add Another Story. The owners of the' buildings now occupied by S. W. Davidson & Co., will shortly commence the erection of an other story to each of the buildings. This is done to furnish the hardware firm more room. Davidson & Co. have already rented Mr. D. Alexander’s store room for a storage room. This firm is spreading out and is doing lots of busi ness. Officers Griffith. Lodge. , Griffith lodge No. 149, f. & A. M , in a regular communication last Satur day elected the following officers for the ensuing year: A. E. Fuller, W. M; J. A. Crook, S. W; K. B. Marlow, J. W; d- P. Lipscomb, Treasurer; L. B. Cato, Secretary; S. L. Tolbert, Tyler; D. R. Marlow, S. D; A. D. Gilmer, J. D; C. D Hardy and VV. D. Gilmer, Stewards., TAKE prickly ASH Kegulaxes the Liver,'Stomach, Bowels and Kidneys. For biliousness, constipation and malaria. For indigestion, sick and nervous headache. For sleeplessness, nervousness, heart failure and nervous prostration^ For fever, chills, debility, and kidney diseases, take Demon Elixir. Ladies, for natural and thorough organic regulation take Demon Elixir. 50 cents and $1.00 a bottle at druggists. Prepared only by Dr. H. Mozley, Atlanta. Ga. I have been a great sufferer from dypepsia for a lout fifteen yeans, my fcr< being my liver, stomach and bowels, with terrible headaches. Demon I cured me. My appetite is good, and l am well. I had taken, a barrel of < medicine, that done me no good. xr’- t « „ T CHARLES GIBHARE No. 1515 Jefferson St., Douisvilie, Ky. : of indigestion, Constipation# Kidney Troubles. A Costly Mistake. Blunders are sometimes very expen sive. Occasionally life itself is the price of a mistake, but you’ll never be wrong if you take Dr. King’s New Life Pills for Dyspepsia, Dizziness, Head ache, Liver or Bowel troubles. They are gentle yet thorough. 25c, at M. C. Brown’s Drug Store. * E. DIXON & CO A lean and potash-hungry soil, wasted seed, wasted labor and idle gins—A MORTGAGE. Or, plenty of tax notice. ,j]l be at the court house m ■sville on the 1st Tuesday in Jan- }(»03. for the purpose of winding etax business for 1902. All who n or before that date can pay lilt cost. Ins is the last call. M. J. Charles, T. C. MOZLEY'S LEMON HOT DROPS Cures all coughs, colds, sore throat, hoarseness and bronchitis. 9 Jersey cow’s 1 Registered jersey bull. 2 wagons and harness 3 Buckshire sows bottles. in the fertilizer, many bales and a busy gin—A BANK ACCOUNT. Dairy aparatus, churn and etc. Write us for our books. They are money win* ners. We send them free to farmers. Apply to Thomas M. Bell, We are the only retail clothiers in the South who manufacture all the clothing they sell. Our Atlanta store is the largest men’s and boys* outfitting establish ment in the South. In purchasing from us you not only secure a saving of the middle-nan’s profit, but you se cure the most fashionable and most servicable clothing, shoes, hats, furnishings,' trunks, suit cases, traveling bags, etc. Orders by maii filled astisfactorfly. Send for our catalogue. Not Confined to Winter. Colds are Cheney's Expectorant cures a sum- ier cold quicker than auy other rem- (]v After trying several other medi cs Ji a similar character, I am pre- areii to say that Cheney's Expectorant Lc nn no superior. A. R. WILSON. Miss Minnie Merritt has returned from a visit to her sister, Mrs. Pope at Concord Ga. Judge W- N. Dyer is having his lot. corner North and Dyer streets, graded, preparatory to erecting a nice six room He will build a house i\Irs. .T- A. Young has been quite low )r several days. Her condition re- iains unchanged. house upon it. for his own use. I The inanv frieuds of Dr. E. E. Dixon [eo-ret that he. has been quite sick for Lveral days. He is somewhat improved! le, Dec 28—Las! ‘ight was i he coldest, of t he season <> far, tbu- thermometer reaching 24 degrees here ahd 80 at Tampa • 'here was a killing frost It is. feared the young orange trees are •tilled or badly hurt, as tee pre vious warm weather had kept sap u the upper limbs. There ie,considerable fruit yet i f '. the groves. In some section this may be considerably harmed. is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co,, doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the srm of Odc Hundred Dollars for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by the use of Hall’s Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6tu day of Decem ber, A. D., 1886. ^—, W. A. GLEASON, / Seal. \ Notary Public. (OUR ONLY ATLANTA STORE) 11, 13. 15 ancf 17 Whitehall St i ATLANTA, GA. 9 Happiness is but another name tor Bj?rfect health. Use Prickly Ash BiT- Keks anti be happy. It keeps the vital goiyaiis healthy and well rogulated. B)r. E. E. Dixou & Co. §1 The Siuger Sewing Machine Co. Ojpens its store here tomorrow. Be sure Bocallaud see them often. The ladies ■especially will be given a welcome. Mr. H.C. Flowers, the clever agent [or the company, will be glad to wait m you. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken inter nally, acting directly upon the blood, and mucous, surfaces of the system, Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Fight Will Be Bitter. Those who will persist in closing their ears against continual recom mendation of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, will have a long and bitter fight with their troubles, if not ended earlier by fatal termination. Read what T. R. Beall, of Beall, Miss , has to say : “Last fall my wife had eyery symptom oi consumption. She took Dr. Kmg’s New Discovery after everything else had failed. Improve ment came at once and four bottles en tirely cured her. Guaranted by M. C. Brown. Druggist. Price 50c, and $1.00 Trial bottles free. Petition for Charter, GEORGIA, Hall CountV: To the Superior Court of said county; The petition of J. G. Hynds. John B. Rudolph' R. W Dodgen, W. C. Petition For Incorporation Thomas, G. F. Garrett, C. N. Burlz, C. H. Rainey and W. N. Anderson* all of said state and county, respectfully shows’ 1. Petitioners desire for themselves, associ ates and successors, to be incorporated and con" stituted a body corporate under the name and style of “THE GAINESVILLE TANNING CO.” 2. The object of the proposed corporation is pecuniary gain and profit to its stockholders. 3. They propose to buy, build or lease tanner ies acd operate same; to manufacture raw ma. GEORGIA, Hall County: To The Superior Court of said County: * The petition ofR. D Grigg, Mrs. T. C. Black, Mrs. Ida L- Grigg and Hartman Grigg, all of Hall County, .respectfully shows: That they desire, for themselves and such others as they may associate with them, to be incorporated under the name and style of the Gainesville Medicine Company. The place of business of said corporation to be in the City of Gainesville, said county. ||pf|||||||g^ Received by hand, November 14th. H® ll Marked, “Sample of Gordon’s Gana- dian Malt Whiskey.’- For Glendale WWmmMmm Springs Distilling Company, Atlanta, Ga. contains per cent: Proof Spirit 10.000 Residue on Evaporation. .105.9 GrainsperU.S. Gallon Non-volatile Matter...... 5*8 ■ ** “ Salts of Lead Copper, Lead and Zinc.......... None Respectfully submitted, N. P. Pratt Lab’ y. glasses with every order. Write for our pamphlet on _ Canadian Malt and new Catalogue, The Glendale Springs Distilling Co. ATLANTA, GEORGIA. Dept., n. W. J. & E. C. Palmour extend to their numerous friends and customers their hearty thanks for past trade and fayors, and are now ready to wait on them for the new year. Through the columns of the News they will deliver a weekly message during the year 1903, and we earnestly ask all of our readers to be sure and ses them “all along.” trade and commerce; to bo.row money and issue bunds, debentures, notes and mortgages to secure same,- to carry on a general merchan dise business; to buy and sell stocks, bonds and shares of other corporations, and to do such oili er act# as are incident to the purposes and ob jects of said corporation, as are not in conflict with the laws of this state or the United Send us your order at once. No Goods sent C. O. D. We sell goods exclusively for Cash . We have no traveling men or agents. We guaran tee absolute satisfaction. Refbkxncbs:— Third Na tional Bank; Southern Ex press Agent. Corkscrew an; Gordon’s C:.: The capital stock of said corporation, to be five thousand (5000) dollars, ten per ceut of whicn has actually been paid in. Petitioners ask the privilege of increasing said capital stock, if desired by a majority of said stock holders to an amount not exceeding fifteen thousand dollars. A Frightened Horse Running like mad. down the street dumping the occupants, or a hundred other accidents, are every day occur rences. It behooves every bodv to have a reliable Salve handy and there’s none as good as Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Burns, Cuts, Sores, Eczema and Piles disappear quickly under its^soothing effect. 25c, at *M. C. Brown’s Drug store. For the Housewife’* DesK. A 6eries of gayly covered books, bound in scarlet leather, are found in the smart stationery and leather goods shops. They make nice pres ents for the busy housewife, who has to observe system and order in the management of her household, j as her husband does in the running j of his business. These books are so prettily bound that they make a gay the writing table of my Perfumes In Ancient Days. Old as the history of the world itself is that of the queen of flowers. The ancient Greeks and Romans reveled in roses. They were used lavishly at their-' feasts. In the time of the republic the" people had their cups of Falernian • wine swimming with blooms, and the* Spartan soldiers after the battle of Cirrha refus* d to drink any wine that : was not perfumed with roses* while af- tbe regatta of Bairn the whole surface of the Lucrine lake was strewn with flowers. The Capital Stock of said corporation to be di vided into shares of the par value of One Hun dred Dollars each, and the liability of all stock holders to be limited to the amount of their un paid subscriptions. The Whole Thing*, She—None of your “love in a cottage^ for me. I wn nt a brownstone house in a fashionable neighborhood. Ho—And I suppose you want it in your own name too.—Brooklyn Life. Petitioners desire the power to buy or rent such real estate and personal property as imay be nec«ssary to carry on the business for which they are incorporated; to buy and sell all kinds of personal property that maybe neces_ saiy for carrying on. said business; to sue and be sued; to have a corpo»ate seal; to make rules and by-laws for the government of said corpora tion, and to have and exercise all other powers and rights commonly conferred upon like cor porations, not inconsistent with the laws of Georgia and the United States. carrying- on the business of said corporation in s uch other places, and of establishing branch offices or places of business in such other places, as the stockholders of said corporation may deem desirable. 8- Petitioners pray to be incorporated for a erm of twenty years with the privilege of re Bewal of their charter at the expiration of said term. Petitioners pray for said corporation any aD d all the privileges and powers'set forth in Section 1852 of the Code of Georgia of 1895* Petitioners pray that an order be passed by his Honorable court granting the prayers of is petition, which is made under and to be governed by the provision of Section 2350 of the c «de of Georgia of 1895. And petitioners will ever pray, etc. W. C. Thomas, N j. G. Hynds. et aL, Petitioners. C ^ rk ’ s office Hall Superior Court. Piled in office Dec. 23, 1902. W. B. Smith, Deputy C. S. C. OF GRORdA, Hall County: 1 Thos. M. Bell, Clerk Superior court of said nt y* hereby certify that the above and forc ing is a true copy of the original petition Of e .hi this office. This, Dec. 23, 1902. Thos, M. Bell, C. S. C. Circninutanreii Alter Faces. “But she used to be considered quit a beauty.” “ was before her father failed/ —Detroit Free Press. showing on . _ JJjj lady, although there is nothing friv olous or flighty about their con tents. A large "flat book is the din ner record. This is an aidememoire to the hostess, who cannot be expect ed to remember whom she invited and who declined and accepted her invitations during the dinner giving season. The recipe book, the house hold expense book, the expense book and all the other handy and busi nesslike arrangements to facilitate the smooth running of the modern home are to be had in convenient form. Doing No Harm. j One day Willie, aged five, was cry 1 -! ing. and his mam£ha said: “AYillie, you tire getting your face all dirty from crying.” Aijd Willie stopped long enough to reply: *WclL it wasn’t clean when I start ed.” And then he went on.—Brooklyn Eagle. The world is full of people who would break their necks any time rather than wait for tlie next car.—Atchison Globe. Petitioners pray that an order be passed by thi*» honorable.court incorporating them, their successors and assigns, for the purpose s herein set forth, for and during the full term of twenty years, with, the privilege of renewal at the ex piration of said time. And your petition* t.i will ever pray, etc. PARKS &GAILLARD, Petitioners’ Attorneys. A Collection In Sigrlit. “Now.” said the irate debtor, “if y disturb me again you’ll get what you looking tor.” ' “Thanks.” replied the urbane co, lector. “1 will try to make it con venient to disturb you at about this time tomorrow.”—Houston Post Those who are gaining: flesh 3nd strength by regular treat ment with ' Scott’s Emulsion should continue the treatment In hot weather; smaller dose and a little cool milk with It will do away with any objection which Is attached to fatty pro ducts during: the heated season. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409-415 Pearl Street, New York. 50c. and $1.00; all druggists. GEORGIA. Hall County: ’ I > Thos. M. Bell, Clerk Supr. Court of Hs County, Georgia, hereby certify that the foi going is a true copy of the original petition said matter, of file in this office. This Dec. 23, 1902. V - , Thos. M. Bell, C. S. C. Practically all the exports of Africa are natural products, while her imports are exclusively man^.1 articles. GIH1ES WHERE AIL ELSE FAILS, Best Gough Syrup. Tastes Good. in time, fold by drnggi. g f3.