Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, March 04, 1903, Image 4

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THE GAINESVILLE NEWS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 4, 1908. Cbe Gainesville Hews. INDUSTRIAL Official Orff an City of G-ainesville Gainesville, Ga., Feb. 25, 1003. Deolares Sun is Inhabited. Laporte, Ind., Feb. 25.—Alexan der Young of Laporte, an astron omer, yesterday announced that from observations made by him he is confident that the sun is in habited ; that with his instruments he has seen on the sun’s surface mountain sides with great and precipitous rooks which glow with prismatic colors, mingled with the greenness of a perennial vegeta tion and with a floral radiance more beautiful than that on earth. Beyond these mountains he says he saw valleys and plains where people live. He says the solar spectrum is a division of the com ponent parts of the electric cur rent proceeding from the sun after it enters the earth’s atmosphere, upon which is electrographed the image of the solar fields of color and which spread over the vast tnrface of the sun. $100 Reward, $100- The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages and that is Catarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure now known to. the medical fraternity. Catarrh being ' a constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Core is taken internally, acting direct ly upon the blood and mucous surfacas of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers, that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O, Sold by Druggist, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. A Golden Rule of Agriculture: Be good to your land and your crop will be good. Plenty of Potash in the fertilizer spells quality and quantity in the har vest. Write us and we will send you, free, by next mail, our money winning books. GERMAN KALI WORKS, 93 Nassau Street, New York. A reproduction of Lula Hurst, the “Georgia magnetic wonder” of some few years ago, seems to have been discovered at Port Jervis, N. Y., in the person of a little girl of 12 of the name of Stella Lundelius. She is a frail and President Spencer, of the South ern Railway company, made an address at Atlanta the other day in which he gave the young men of the South some excellent sug gestions. He told of the demand for competent men to manage the great corporations of the country, and urged that more attention be given to education which will fit men for such work. The country has been overstocked with lawyers and doctors, and there is a great demand for practical business men, observes the esteemed Washington Post. Whatever may have been his theory, the Washington Past calls attention to the fact that George Washington was not a believer, in practice, in large families. There, again, President Roosevelt is de parting from the footsteps of the fathers of the republic. Cough. Biff Eruption Threatens Cities. City of Mexico, Feb 27.—At 5:15 o’clock this afternoon the most violent eruption of Colima volcano which has occurred in years took place. At2:26p. m., there was a severe earthquake shock at Tuxpam and a heavy pall of smoke hangs oyer the en tire vicinity. Both Cuidad Cuz- xnan and Tuxpam are near the volcano. What Is Life? Walton News and Messenger: Farmers have done next to noth ing toward making a crop. Tho weather has been unusually disa greeable for the past month. The nervous child, weighing sixty-five I roads are in an awful conditios pounds, nevertheless four strong and in many places almost impas- men, acting together, have found J Fable, it impoossible to raise her i{rom the floor against her will. A touch of her hand upon the hand of a strong man seems to rob him of all his strength. By opposi tion, when she places her hand upon a heavy object, such as a piano, it can be easily moved by a person of no great strength. An other feature of her strange power is that she can control pain in others. Limbs stiffened with rheumatism become supple under the slightest manipulations of her small hands, and a few passes of her fiDgers over the fprehead will cure a violent headache. These, at all events, are the claims that are made for her. If they are true, she is a remarkable’child. Pointed Paragraphs. Any joy that isn’t shared with another is of short duration. No man is ever wholly unhappy until he is deprived of all hope. A man isn’t necessarily cool when he thinks of the price of coal. She that will marry when she may, may not get a divorce when she will. The golden rule is one thiDg no man should allow his neighbor to overlook. A $10 a plate banquet may be appropriately termed a spread- eagle affair. The advice a man gives is far superior to the advice he receives —so he thinks. Any man who lias no good reason for doing a thing has a good reason for not doing it. Love may be a tireless worker, but it wont start a fire in the fur nace on a cold morning.—Chicago News. Paine's Cety Compound The Most Remarkable in the World. A Captain on the King of Rivers- A captain on a river steamboat came to me the other evening and asked me to recommend something to cure a cold. I told him Cheney’s Expectorant was the best thing I knew; he tried it and on his return trip said to me that one half bottle brought him around all right. ALONZO J. ELLIS. New Orleans, La. Is the last analysis nobody knows, but we do know that it is under strict law. Abuse that law even slightly, derangement 1 Memphis and Savannah before lo- Judge Henry B. Tompkins, a widely known lawyer and jurist, died at his residence in Atlanta last Wednesday, aged 57. H9 served in tho Confederate army and after the war practiced law in “My wife had a deep-seated cough for three years. I purchased two bottles of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral, large size, and it cured her com pletely.” J. H. Burge, Macon, Col. Representative Waggoner has just introduced into the Kansas Legislature a bill to “make homi cide justifiable when committed by a person m defense of the rep utation of any member of his or her family.” That is to say, Mr. Waggener wishes to legalize pri vate killing. No such bill will be passed, of course. It is too dan gerous an experiment for even Kansas to try.—Savannah Morn ing News. The True Medicine for the Cure oi * eases of the Blood and Nerves. Paine's Celery Compounded cases given up as hopeless; it 1 up, strengthens, restores, tired and discouraged, this medicine will give new life vitality. Paine's Celery < is the ideal medicine and should! in every home. [Gold Probably you know of cough medicines that re lieve little coughs, all coughs, except deep onesl The medicine that has been curing the worst of deep coughs for sixty years is Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral. Three sizes: 25c., 59c., SI. All drafflsta. Gardens will be more backward this sprmg than usual, as ma v have not yet planted. The unfav orable weather has interfered with the plans of many who usually plant during the month of Febru ary, but will now have to wait un til March.— Sandersville Prog ress. m your Garret Consult yonr doctor. If he says take it, then do as he says. If he tells you not to take it. then don't take it. He knows. Leave it irith him. We are willing. J. C. AYER CO., Lowell, Mass. in Constipation, Headache or Liver trouble. Dr. King’s New Life Pills quickly re-adjust this. It’s gentle, yet thorough. Only 25c. at M. C. Brown’s Drug Store. Hearst to Enter Broader Fields. Representative- Elect William Randolph Hearst announces his coming withdrawal from the ac tive management of his vast news paper properties, and his future devotion to politics. He will however continue to control the editorial policy of his papers, which have taken such an unvarying stand for the people. He speaks modestly about the popular talk of bis presidential candidacy and says a good word for Judge Alton B. Parker. He sees a brightening of Demo cratic prospects and criticises the recent Republican trust legislation as ineffective. eating in Atlanta. Judge Tomp kins served on the superior court bench for five years. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. Has world-wide fame for marvellous cures. It surpasses any other salve lo tion, ointment or balm for Outs, Corns, Burns, Boils, Sores, Felons, Ulcers Tet ter, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Chappec Hands, Skin Eruptions; infallible for Piles. Cure Guaranteed. Only 25c at M. C. Brown, Druggist. Most of the fruit tree experts a- gree with Major Pyals that the cold spell was a blessing in that it prevents the rapid development of the tree and reduces the chances of the fruit being killed in the fu ture, later in the sprng. The members of ‘*the Arctic Circle in Brooklyn are determined, if possible to secure $150,000 to fit out another Arctic expedition in the spring under the direction of Commander Robert E. Peary. If you know Malaria, you certainly don’t like it. If you know Ayer’s Malaria and Ague Cure, you certainly do like it. Sold by All Druggists. Price, 60 ots. Tender-Hearted Automobilist. Town Topics. The automobilist watched his victim writhing in the mud. “Why m blazes didn’t you get out of the way?” he demanded at last in tones of exasperation. “i’m—I’m very sorry, I hope I have’nt] inconvenienced you ” quavered the victim, feeling his broken lege. “Well, you have,” complained the automobilist, bitterly. “Here’s a great splotch of your gore on my lamp and a whole bunch of your hair flew plump into my face. Ugh!” “I hoDe you will forgive me,” begged the victim as well as his smashed ribs would permit. “I’ll be hanged if I will,” c. A. DOZIER. Real Estate and Insur ance. Agent. Office No, 1 State Bank Building, Sell, exchange and rent all kinds c eal estate. Have in hand anythinj on want in this line. Will make it our interest whether you want to se r buv. Will insure your property against loss by fire in old reliable and prompl paying companies S. C. Dunlap, Jr, B. Thompson. Dunlap and Thompson. INSURANCE AGENTS. FIKE, LIFE, ACCIDENT SURETY BONDS. AND OFFICF: de.|DUNLAP BL’DING. the automobilist savage- Phones 35. -VIA- clared ly. ‘’Oh, please do, please forgive me,” wailed the victim, fixing the eye that was left imploringly on the other Vface. “Please, please, if you have any humanity, forgive me.” “Never,” asserted the chaffeur, positively. “It’s the last request of a dy-l WEST, NORTHWEST ing man, gasped the victim Illinois Central RAILROAD- VERY LOW RATES Hundreds of housewives whonw er dye anything, who think they can’t dye, or imagine it is a task, are losing the good of castawayfab- rics that could be made new with DIAMOND DIES It is an extremely easy process tol color with Diamond Dyes, and the cost is but a trifle. They are I for home use and home economy. We have a special department of advice, oi will answer free any questions about dytiaj. Send sample of goods when possible. Direction book and 45 dyed sample free. DIAMOND DYBS, Burlington, Vh, For a perfect fit go to C. H. SOUNDERS Moved to Daniel Building, over M;s.| J. E. Jackson’s store “The Artistic Tailor. 1 Clothes cleaned and pressed u short notice. Also LADIES - SKIRTS cleaneD and pressed All work P' ! prompt at ention. 'Wanted: To See and Figure ’ any person who wants FIRE or U* INSURANCE. I will esteem it a if you will see me before taking any kind of policy. Respectfully guy clofto-V. Third floor Hudson House Bid?- GEORGIA RAILROADi Kontf* For information a s to Schedules and Rates, bote TO THE faintly, as the death rattle soun ded in his throat. “Oh, well, I’ll forgive you, then; but don’t let it happen again,” relented the automobilist, as he started up his machine; for after all, he was kind-hearted, and his sympathies were mucbjtoo eas ily stirred for a successful chaf feur AND CALIFORNIA Commencing February 15th: Ending April 30th- Free Depots. Chair Cars. Union FAST TRAINS. For full information, pamphlets, rates and tickets, address FRED D. MILLER, Trav. Pass. Affent. „ ATLANTA, GA. Ncv 1 Brown Building. PASSENGER and Write to either of the d c *1 signed, you - will receive p*° reply and reliable lmona^b 0 I C. C. McMillin, Gen’l M 1 Dep’t. tj A. G. Jackson, Gen’l. O. A. Dawson, S. A. Augusta, Ga. s. w.ywy T. F. & F® 69 * ^ Atlanta. G* RiS * W. W. Hardwick, W. u- .a Gen’l. Ag’t. bol ‘ Macon. Ga- W. M. McGovern, G _ A ' Athens, Atlanta, Ga. 8. E. Magill, Gen’l Agt.