Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, October 26, 1904, Image 5

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THE GAINESVILLE NEWS, WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 26. 1004. BARGAINS Emm .NO form yWBNTY-ONt V • Factory Checks, worth 6 l=2c. yard, at - = - - - = 5c. Sheeting, yard wide, good quality, worth 61=2c. yard, at 5c. Calicoes, in all the standard makes, all colors and best quality, worth 6c. yard, at = - = = = = = = 4 3=4c. Apron Ginghams, all size checks, and colors, 6c. quality, at 4 3-4c. 13 yards Standard Bleaching, - $1.00. " CLOTHING EST BARGAINS we ever had in this. Department. Our buyer found a factory that wanted to close out. They had 183 suits worth from $6.00 to $12.00 a suit, and bought them, so we can sell at NEARLY HALF-PRICE. One lot Men’s Suits worth 6.00 to 8.50, at $.500. One lot Men’s Suits worth 9.00 to 12.00, at $7.50 to $8.50. Our regular line of Men’s Suits run from $5.00 to $25.00. One lot Boy’s Suits worth 2.00, at $1.50. One lot Boy’s Suits worth 3.00, at $2.00. One lot Boy’s Suits worth 4.00, at $3.50. Carry lull line Men’s Pants, price, l.oo to $7.50 pair. One special lot 202, bought under price, tliey are worth from 2.25 to 3.00, in one lot, at $1^98. Men’s and Boy’s OVER COATS to suit all,.prices from 2.00, to - $20.00. KrtMUU igppipr LADIES’ READY TO WEAR THI3 DEPARTMENT we carry a fall line of Ladies’ Tailor Made Suits, Ladies’ and Mieses Jackets, Skirts aiid Furs, Children’s Ruffers, and a full line of Ladies’ Muslin Underwear. Tadics’ Tailor Made Suits 7.50, to Tadics’ Jackets x.75, to Tadies’ Skirts 1.00, to Tadies* Furs 75c., to CHILDREN’S COATS 1.25, TO $30.00. $15.00* $lo.oo. $lo.oo. $5.00. We got one special lot of Ladies’ aud Misses Jackets, they were the samples of a manufacturer. They come in all sizes colors > styles. „ A ■ ONE LOT WORTH 8.00. AT ONE LOT WORTH 400, AT ONE LOT WORTH 6 00, AT ONE LOT WORTH 10.00, AT $1 76. $2 60. $5.00. $7.50. Don’t Fail to see the Bargains we are Offering in Skirts, one Special Lot every one in it worth 2.00, at $1.50. MILLINERY The greatest line of Millinery ever shown in Gainesville, everyt hing in the newest and latest styles, and at prices to suit all. Radies’ immed flats, from 75c., to $15.00. q?ildrei/5 fiats 50c., up. Don’t fail to see this [partment, will take pleasure in showing yon, whether you buy or not. Carpets, Rugs, Matting. We toldy^u something of tills new department hast week’s issue, tout were we to write tills whole fee about this mammoth stock we could not V- P to tell you of it’s beauties. I- Smyrna Squares for • ■ • * $10.00 |2 Smyrna Squares for .... 12.50 p Smyrna Squares for ... - 15.00 |2 \ elvet Squares for • » • • 15.00 \ elvet Squares for . - • • *7*5° r Velvet Squares for - • - • 22,50 |2 Velvet Squares for • • - • 25 00 I- Velvot Squares for - - ■ • 27*5° I- higraiu Squares for • > - • 3*5°' |- Ingram Squares for * • • . • G.oo p Cl >rtains, Portieres, and a full line of small rugs also In this department. Bar<§aips ip SDoej 260 pair Men’s Georgia Ties, the kind that sells everywhere for 1.25 here now at $1.00. 200 pair Men’s Fine Shoes, worth 1.25 - — —-$1.00. 200 Ladies* best 1.00 grade 85c* Children Shoes same proportion. Also big job lot shoes—-shoes of different kinds, from which can always pick bargains. /T^ei/s fiats One lot Men’s Hats, the odds and ends bought from the factory. The faotory price on these Hats was from $1.00 to $2.00, but they closed them out to us, aud we will sell them at-—... 69c« Linens If it is possible for us to be stronger in one line than another, it is Linens. Our hobby is good LinenB at less price than our compet itors. We have made a special effort toout*do all of our past reoords on Linei*B, and think we have succeeded. Our Liuen business has grown to suoh magnitude that we now buy direct from the manufact urer, aud as a consequence, save the middleman’s profit. Also have full line of Linen Lawn, Front Linen, aud Liuen 68-inch Union Linen Damask, worth 65o., for - . 48c. 72-inch pure Linen DamaBk, worth 95o., for 65c. 72-inch pure Linen Damask, worth $1. for - - 85c. 72-inch pure Linen Damask, worth $1.26, for • • $1,00 68-iuoh Cotton Damask, mixed with Linen, worth 85o. for • 25c 68.iuch Cottou Damask, mixed with Linen, worth 50o. for - 35c 58-inoh extra special Turkey Red Damask, worth 60c. for - 35c 10-4 Linen Sheeting, worth $1.25, for $i.oc Cambric, all priced very low.