Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, October 26, 1904, Image 8

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1 m THE GAINESVILLE NEWS, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1904. R. SMITH, Real Estate & Renting. Ajjt . Gainksvillk (Ja QUICK LOANS. On farm and town property from one to ten years times at 8 per cent interest. J. 0. ADAMS, Attorney-at-Law, Gainesville, Ga. For a perfect fit go to C. H. SAUNDERS Room 2, Hunt’s Opera . House. “The Artistic Taior.’ Clothes cleaned and pressed o sbort notice. Also LADIES - SKIRTS cleaned and pressed] All work given prompt attention. MILLINERY! MILLINERY! My new fall stock of goods has been received and is now ready for inspection. A complete and select line of Millinery of all kinds is now open. My fall showing of Pattern hats is choice and Up-To-Date in everv particular. Call and see them. Mrs. J. E. Jackson. DONT be DECEIVED! THE PROCTOR COAL CO.^ are the exclusive miners of RED ASH JELLICO COAL, and TOW- ERY & OWEN are the Exclusive Agents for this Coal in Gainesville. Buy only of us and get the Genuine RED ASH JEJLEICO COAL. TOWERY & OWEN, (AT LITTLE'S OLD STAND. YARD’S NO. 107 S. MAIN ST. PHONE NO. a WE FIT THE HARD TO FIT ” Facts in a Nutshell: More Goods for Same 4. * Money—Same Goods for Less Money. If Style, Fit, and Workmanship are taken into Consideration. The time has come when men of reason and brains prefer aomfort and ease'in over so much value that goes to waste by lllfltting, there by causing the bearings to give way and dissatisfaction generally. We handle * class of clothing that makes'jus friends, besides being guaranteed. We are specialty people and are constautlypstudying your wants. Come to see us. No onepeftlout. WATERMAN, BURNETT & CO. EXCLUSIVE CLOTHING, MERCHANT TAILORING AND MEN’S FURNISHINGS. GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA. practically forty forty miles south of this city, and which rate is al most suicidal for this up-country* Gainesville is certain of a com petitive Eastern connection at an early date. Mr. George J. Bald win and his associates, who re cently purchased the old Gaines ville Jefferson & Southern Rail- Way, now known as the Gaines ville Midland Railway, are soon to begin the construction of 18 miles of track from Jeffersen, .leek non countv, to Athens, Clarke county. The Gainpsville Midland has a branch line running off ir- m the main line at Bellmont to Jefferson. It is 23 miles from Gainesville to Jefferson, aud 18 miles from Jefferson to Athens, making a total of 41 miles. The part to be constructed from Jeffer son to Athens will be made broad gauge, and the guage from Gaines ville to Jtfferson will be broadened making the entire 41 miles stand ard guage. At Athens connection will be made with the Seaboard, the Cen tral of Georgia and the Georgia railroads, thus giving Gainesville a direct collection to the East and to the Atlantic ports. This ex tension, together with the con struction of the road from hpre to some point on the A. K. & N., aud to Rome, would put her in “ou the grouud floor” on both Eastern and Western stuff. More thau all to her, however, would be the development of ber adjacent territory and the practical “cinch ing” of the vast trade of the mountain section, which could not possibly be taken away from ber after the construction of these lines. The people here are not going to be content in getting the railroads to give them lower freight rates. If the Southern Railway does not build from Gainesville to some point ou the A. K. & N. near Ball Grouud or Nelson; nor Mr. Bald win and his associates do not build this line iu the eveut the Southern does not, the people of Gainesville are going to do it. Their future prosperity and devel opment are so largely dependent upon the coustructiou of such a line that they cautiot afford not to build it, in the event the Southern or the Gainesville Midland do not do so. In addition to the proffered help to the Southern in the con- struction of the road, at the meet ing last week, a committee of cit izens was appointed to confer with the city counoil and work with them in an effort to get the railroads to give Gainesville better freight rates. This committee will* take up the matter with the railroad authorities at onoe, and urge them to give them immediate relief. Populist Meeting. ' The Populists of Hall count/ will meet at the court house in Gainesville Saturday October 29 for the purpose of arranging for the coming of Hon. Thos. E Watson on Monday November 7th. The call for the meeting is made by Mr. John T. Waters chairman of the Populist execu tivo committee of the county. M. C. ROBERTS Has moved to the store, second door below n office, 23 West Washington Street, where h° S better prepared than ever to accomodate the this section. ade < His stock of JEWELRY, CLOCKS, WATcbj Etc., is full and complete. As to repairing, lie does the BEST at tlie l 0 * prices. Give him a call. CINCIOLO BROS, For the — FINKST and BEST CANDIES Good For Children- The pleasant to take and harmless, One Minute Cough Cure gives instant relief in all cases of Cough, Croup and Latirippe because it does not pass im- medi&telo into the stomach, blit takes effect right at the seat of the trouble. It draws out the inflammation, heals and soothes and $ures permanently by enabling the lungs to, contribute pure life-giving and life-sustaining oxy gen to the blood and tissues. Sold by The City pharmacy. We wish to call Special Attention to Our Fine Line il FRESH CANDIES, made daily. Call and see our Full Lj U(1 FANCY GROCERIES aud the CHOICEST FRUITS. Remember. ‘‘I Sole Agents for NI7NALLY*S BOX CANDlES-FrJ Shipments in every week. PHONE 48. COAL. Now is the lime we can serve you Coal at Summer Prices. And ou will save the advance, which is usually about 20 per cent, and deliver! you the best coal on the market. Thel famous Montevallo, Red Ash Block Jellico, Anthracite Coal We thank you for your patronage iu the past and solicit a continuance of your trade ; also the trade of those who want Coal. You take no risk in buying your winter’s sup ply of the above brands, which have proven to be the best Coal. We will be glad to fill your orders now, and You will Surely Save Money. Respectfully P. N. PARKER. Money To Loan. We procure real estate loans for five years’ time, payable in installments at ? per cent interest. Call aud see us. Dunlap & Pickrell. Gainesville, Qa. Real Estate. I buy, sell and rent real estate, collect rents and return property for taxes for non-resident custo mers. W. I. HOBBS, Room 1, Dean Bldg., Gainesville, Ga. For Sale. Vacant house and lot near public square, 137 feet front by 336 feet deep. B. H. Pabks. money toLuan. I am prepared-to negotiate loans on real estate, at 6 and 7 per cent. W. F. Findley. If you want to get the highest prkj carry your cotton to the Planters’ Mill where they will gin a bale in ei teen to twentyfive minutes. No worc| no trouble; a complete up-to date tlon gin. You will save one dollar 1 bale. Try lt.(4t) Not ce Builders and Contractors .should theCook-Dorminy Co-, Fitzgerald, for Lumber and Shingles. DBS. HARPER. OSTEOPATHS; CHRONIC DISEASES A SPEC TY. CONSULTATION AND EX. NATION FREE. OFFICE i CORN SEMINARY AND SYCAMORE P30NE’ 17* CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bears the Signature of Subscribe for the Nkivs.