Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, November 02, 1904, Image 1

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&«K XVI. GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 2, 1904. Ill Hart Puzzle. •nrv Jacobs wore orit !>. years. Cut this out ijr it to Parks Bros and n il explain why - so many ure puzzled Irrv line? Nov. 2Gth. at 11 o’clock a. m. Matters of very great importance pair of Battle I in which evei T one who ex P ects to teach in the county are directly concerned, are to be considered. We would be glad to have the because "they i tni8tce8of a11 the Bchools meet ,i t the same cost I with us. Id onos, like the Battle Axe | On this day we will have our j annual Oratorical contest by ; which a speaker will be selected Roosevelt Alarmed. j to represent Hall county in the ,iir independent newspapers | Northeast Ga. Contest which will York and Philadelphia be held at Demorest Dec 28d. „t special correspondents We hope to have several contes tants from which to select our representative. T. H. Robertson, C. S. C. uMic | doubtful states to feel nulse on the political poii, i heso correspondents, ijr tin* past week, have re- \l a lvmarkable • turning of of popular sentiment to- ’)irk(*r and Davis. This rilml od in a large measure series of striking speeches judge Parker has made dur In* past ten or twelve days, |to Mr. Davis’ whirlwind cam- in West Virginia. And icident with these reports the announcement that Parker will take the stump lew York, New Jersey and poticut.—Ex. Governor Terrell Has issued a proclamation de claring that all the proposed oousti tutional amendments) which were submitted to the people for ratifi cation at the recent general elec tion, have been ratified and now form parts of the constitution of Gnorgia. School Book Law. The State School Commissioner has issued a circular letter calling attention to the fact that the pu pils in the public schools cannot gut their old books exchanged for the adopted new books later than December 81, 1904. Her Little Joke. delights in a practical but having one played on A a vastly different matter other day his wife rushed lessly into the room gasp- “Quick, Henry, quick! s a catamount in the barn!” lies grabbed his ritle and ited for the scene of action, his most cautious reconnoi- failed to discover the animal, inre is the beast?” he de- ded. iVhv, Henry, dear,” his wife J, “Tabby has some kittens that makes a cat amount, n’t it?” use observers declare that the uf the Jones residence was to suddenly elevate, but it lv settled again in the course toenty-four hours. A Heavy Load- To lift that load off of the stom ach take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. It digests what you eat. Sour stomach, belching, gas on stomach and all disorders of the stomach that are curable, are instantly re lieved and permanently cured by the use of Kodol Dyspepsia Cure. S. P. Storra, a druggist at 297 Main street, New Britain, Couu. says: “Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is gluing BuchSuniversal satisfaction and is so surely becoming the pos itive relief and subsequent cure for this distressing ailment, I feel that I am always sure to satisfy and gratify my customers bv rec ommending it to them. I write, this to show how well the remedy is spoken of here.” Kodol Dys pepsia Cure was discovered after years of scientific experiments and will positively cure all stom ach troubles. Sold by The City Pharmucy. to phers Meeting-Oratorical Contest. Ill t he teachers of Hall county [requested to meet at the court fee in Gainesville on Saturday Prof. Dillard Blackwell is gone St Louis, sightseeing. As mauy of our teachers &b possible should go to the World’s Fair. It is a teacher not of the “human kiud.” The News this week is like sock less Jerry, it is a paper without an editor. The editor iB gone to the World’s Fair and when he gets back he will have something to tell you that will make up for “no good” this week. Mr. Walter Wills Was chosen street overseer at the meeting of the city Solons, Saturday eyeuing. He takes the place of Mr, Dave Lay who takes oharge of the grocery department at the New Holland store. For Better Schools. The purpose of the constitu tional amendment providing that any county or school district may leyie a local tax for its public schools is, that the people df any community may have better schools if they want them. There are now in the state of Georgia 105 looal school systems having 289 schools averaging over eight months of school each year Most of these are in the larger cities and towns of the state. The citizens of these 105 communities are looking on the rest of the state to see who is now going to leave the old rutB and lead the way by establishing a new looal school system—why not Hal! couuty lead the way? msmwp* m SI V mmmm Something on Which You Can Depend . . Dr. Dixon’s Diarrhoea Cure for diarrhoea and Dr. Dixon’s Dys- entery Cure foi Dysentery. They Will Not Fail. 25 Cents. I George’s Drug Store. Mothers Praise It. Mothers every where praise One Minute Cough Cure for the sutler ings it has relieved and the lives ot their little ones it has saved. A certain cure for ooughs, croup and whoopiug cough. A. L. Spafford, Postmaster, of Chester, Mich., says: “Our little girl was uncou scions from strangulation during sudden and terrible attack of croup. One Minute Cough Cure quickly relieved and cured her and I cannot praise it too highly.” Oue Minute Cough Cnre relieves coughs, makeB breathing easy outs out phlegm, draws out inflam rnation, and removes every cause of a oough aud strain on luugs Sold by The City Pharmacy. Garuett Coahran, who is now stopping in Atlanta, spent Sun day with his pareuts Mr. and Mrs Louis Cochran. Messrs. Boring and Hayes are running a restaurant in full blast now, at No. 89 S. Main St. Eat early breakfast with them anc. don’t miss the train. Thousands Cured. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve has oured thousands of oases of Piles. “I bought a box of De Witt’s Witoh Hazel Salve on the reoommeudation of oar druggist,’ so writes C. H. L&Groix, of Za valla, Tex., “and used it for stubborn oase of Piles. It oured me permanently.” Sold by The City Pharmacy. Saw Mill Burned. Last Friday night the saw mill of Messrs. J. W. Browning anc. M. C.Buffington, near Bowdre, was burnen. They think it caught from a spark from the engine They had watered out three four plaoes where it had caught that day. Most of their lumber was saved. The damage amounts to about $200. gseissisj IliulilliliimillUIUHUIlUHMiulHDitliiliUlltiDlllUMlIliiTi inrniii.ifr.uiT Vegetable Preparationfor As similating the Food andRegula- ting the Stomachs andBowels of w&ssMmmm Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness and Rest.Con tains neither Opium,Morphine nor Mineral Nox Narcotic. SHU ,, P»etpe of Old Dr SAMUEL PITCHER Pumpkin Sad/* A lx. Senna * RotktlU Salts - Anise Seed, e A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. Atb monUti dld )5Uo«s-)5C, IN 1 In Use For Over Thirty Years EXACT COPY OF WRABRER. THB OKNTAUN COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. epidemic of shows this week. The C. W. Park Big Stock Co., all the week, and Miles Orton’s Southern Shows, (under canvas) and Bar- low & Wilson, minstrels, at Hunt’s opera house, Wednesday night. A Good Complexion. “Sparkling eyes aud rosy oheecks restored by using DeWitt’s Little Early Risers,” so writes 8. P. Moore, of Naoogdochee, Tex. A certain cure for billiousness, con stipation, eto. Small pill, easy to take, easy to aot. Sold by The City Pharmacy. Tax Limitation. According to the Constitution as recently amended the state can now only collect 50 cents on the hundred dollars for state tax. The county tax is not affected by the amendment recently ratified by the people. This amendment was introduced by Hon. H. H. Perry. A Startling Test. To save a life, Dr. T. G. Mer ritt. of No. Mehoopany, Pa., made a startling test resulting in a or wonderful cure, He writes, patient was attaoted with violent hemorrages, caused by aloeration of the stomach. I had often found Eleotno Bitters exoallent for !aoute stomach aud liver troubles so I prescribe them. The patient gained from the first, and has not had an attaok in 14 months.” Eleotrio Bitters are positively guaranteed for Dyspep sia, Indigestion, Constipation and Kidney troubles. Try them o n - ly 50o at M. 0. Brown aud J. B. George. of some of them. He said that his wife, upon oue occasiou, left a greasy dish rag in a new bright dish pan on a shelf at the side of the house and it took fire about 11 o’olook a. m. The next day they fixed it just the same way to experiment, and it took fire again. It has beeu known for some time that old rage, saturated with lin seed oil aud thrown among shav ings and trash, would oause spon taneous fires. These are fucte worth knowiug. A Sure Thing. It is said that nothing is su « except death and taxes, but tnat it not altogether true. Dr. Kiug’s Nev Discovery for Consumption is 1. sure cure for all lung aud throar troubles. Thousands can testify to that. Mrs. C. B. VanMetn of Shepherdtowu, W. Va., says 4, i had a severe case of Broncbith- and for years tried every thiug l heard of, but got no relief. Our< bottle of Dr. Kings New Disoover) then oured me absolutely.” It*, infallible' foi Croup, Whooyiu; Cough, Grip, Pueumoma aud Cot. sumption. Try it. It’s guarat- teed by M. C. Browu aud J. B. Georgb Druggists. Trial botth free. Reg. size 50o, $1.00. Gainesville seems to have an Spontaneous Combustion. In speaking of frequent fires during this dry hot weather, Hon. S. K. Christopher advanced a theory whioh might be the oarse Myrtle Street Church. Reunion at the Myrtle Stree* ohurch. All the members c Myrtle Street ohuroh are espec ially requested to be at tbi ohuroh and bring all their friend* Sunday, Nov. Oth, at 11:80 a. m. We want to get all in oue mor* servioe before Conference. Every body bring all the old hymi books you have. Bill Smith with cornet, Fit Simmons and little daughter wit violin. Walter Jackson wit), mandolin-banjo. Everybody ur* vited. R. M. Dixon, Pastor. : ■' r ■ :