Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, November 09, 1904, Image 1

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GAINESVILLE, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 9, 1904, NUMBER 25 <tati‘ Fair at Macon, which Saturday, was a suc- iiciirly 100,000 people at- Mrs. Longstreet Thanks Gainesvil le j and The South. , The warm support given me by the people of this city for appoint ment aB Postmaster has vety deep ly touched my heart, aud I desire to thank them for it all and for the hundreds of telegrams of con gratulation and thanks which they were kind enough to send to Presi dent Roosevelt when the appoint ment was announced. X have been profoundly gratified by the expressions of friendliness aud sympathetic concern that have come to me frotn the press and people throughout the coun try, which I hold of infinitely greater value than the commission of the office. And 1 am very grate ful for assurance of the good will of all the people whom I am to serve. Having made no promises, I have come into the office, pledged ouly to give the people unsur passed postal service, to devote all * the intelligent effort of which I ! am capable to the discharge of the duties incumbent upon me so that 3 I may measure up to the confi- » dense anil favor with which I am 0 honored by the President of my y country. '• Mrs. Jambs Longstreet. J 1 Mothers Praise It. ’ Mothers every where praise One e Minute Cough Cure for the suffer- e ings it has relieved aud the lives o of their little ones it has saved. A e certain cure for coughs, croup and g whooping cough. A. L. Spafford, Postmaster, of Chester, Mich., 6 says; “Our little girl was uuoou- September 1 to January 1. For the next two months at least, practically everything in this line is legitimate game to the hunter. There are several points in the-, neiv law which may be of interest to those who love ft day in the field with gun and dog. No per son is permitted to kill more than forty doves in one day, Bications are that flour is to be a very dear article this L a8 tliH price is steadily ad- one can kill any game for the purpose of selling it, except The Kind You Have Always Bought» and which has been in use for over 30 years, has home the signature of - and has been made under his per- sonal supervision since its infancy* v * uz S*)r t /•CttCJu/K Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-—Experience against Experiment* own land, unless, of course, he obtains permission to hunt on the lands of otheri Pot hunters,” a! those who kill game for the mar ket, are generally known must pay a fee of $25 to the ordinary of the county before they can do business. It is strictly against the law to ehip any patridge out no matter where or What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups* It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind < Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend* GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS yj Bears the Signature of _ of the state; by whom they are killed Thousands Cured. DeWitt’a Witch Hazel Salve has cured thousands of cases of Piles. “I bought a box of De- Witt’s Witoh Hazel Salve on the recommendation of our druggist,” so writes C. H. LaCroix, of Za- valla, Tex., “and used it for a stubborn case of Piles. It cured me permanently.” Sold by The City Pharmacy. „ Legal Ads. For November. Mess. Jno. D. Deaton Jr., and Andrew J. Deaton Jr., exeontors In Use For Over 30 Years. Chattahoochee High School. Attendance is off a little at pres ent on aoooanl of the very busy crop time. However, the enroll ment thus far is one hundred and we hope to be favored with a larg er attendance as soon as the looal patrons have finished their crops. Quite a number of the students visited the beautiful Walka Moun tain Saturday evening, Oct. 29. Most of the poople of. this sec tion attended the service at Trin ity church Sunday Oot. 80. We are informed that the Rev. Cobb Standridge of Hiawaseee, Ga„ will move ceased, has niea her petition tor QUILLIANS. letter, of dismission. Mrs! Birdie Huleey bee rented Mr. P. N. Pirkle, administrator u wo 0 f ^e cottages near Concord of the estate of Mr. A. R. Cooper, an( j j g preparing to open a board- deceased, haB applied to Ordiuary ^ U g house os soon as convenient. Dyer for dismission. We w j 9 h her every possible success. Mess. A. J. Warner, W. W. Mur- The yell of the hound aud the ray, W. A. Carlisle, W. S. Slack, J quick successive strokes of the are heard quite often through this section yet the opossum smiles as sweetly and inuocently as ever. Once upon a time, so the story goes, Prof Weber Bowen, assistant teaoher in the Cotioord High Sohool, aud son of Mr. Web Bow- I on, after returning from Sohool in the afternoon iu order to rise a- above the scam and vulgarities of this life and get nearer the stars, climbed a sapling. After he bad Mr. L. D. Puckett, administra- olimbed to the hei * ht of about eix tor of estate of M. A. S. Whelohel. P r ei « ht fe ? fc the tree broke and deceased, desires all debtors and Urbie fell to the ground creditors of 6aid deceased to call bruising himself as well as mother on him at onoe for settlement. earth. The shock caused a little Mess. G. W. McCrary and D. diwuuesB aud a laok of appetite at A. Owenby have filled their peti- 8 «PP er hut Urbie was able to re- i tion, with the estbate of Mr. G. C. Bume hlB P ,a ? nexfc morn | n 8- gf Owenby, deceased of this oounty. Parents should use a little pre- ti oantion in training their children ! Once wheu Judge Gary, of Chi- along here. cago, was trying a case, he was The services ut Triuity Church disturbed by a young man who last Sunday Oot. 80, were quite a kept moving about in the rear of treat to all preset. £§ the room, lifting ohairs and look- In the A. M. was a sermon bj H ing under things. Rev. M. L. Troutman whioh was jj “Young man,” Judge Gary oalled just grand. || out, you are making a great deal The P. M. service wascouduotec M of unnecessary uoise. What are by Col. Johnson who made a splen- || you about? did talk to the S. S. v •;§ “Your honor,” replied the There was some string muBio bj * young man, I have lost my over-1 a looal band, who played for th< coat and am trying to find it, S. S. and address. M ‘‘Well,’ ’ said the venerable jur- — ist, "people often lose whole suits Best cqal, low price, quick deliv | m here without making all that ery. ’Nuff said. Towery&Owen I disturbance.” IPhone 207. a sudden and terrible attack of Oue Minute Cough Cure croup. Oue Minute Cough Cure quickly relieved and cured her and I cannot praise it too highly.* 5 ' Oue Minute Cough Cure relievos coughs, makes breathing easy, cuts out phlegm, draws out inflam mation, and removes every cause of a cough and strain on lungB. Sold by The City Pharmaoy. “Bob White” Can Now Be Shot. The period from November 1 to March 15 is the open season for quail, partridge, pheasant and wild turkey, but doves, marsh A Startling Test, i save a life, Dr. G. T. Mer of No. Mehoopauy, Pa., made lartliug test resulting in a nerful cure. He writes, “a but was attacted with violent prrages, caused by ulceration [he stomaoh. I had often W. F. Huntley, and D. S. Green- hunters leaf have filed their petition for Incorporation of the North Geor gia Sanitarium, with a capital stock of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Mess A. J. Warner, J. F. Moore, I W. H. Slack, C. M. Merriok D. S. Greenleaf, and H. H. Dean have filed their petition for Incorpora tion of the Chattahoochee Park Hotel, with a oapital stock of one hundred thousand dollars. acute stomach aud liver ble s so I prescribe them. The uit gained from the first, and not had an attack m 14 tha.” Eleotrio Bitters are lively guaranteed for Dyspep- indigestion, Constipation aud lay troubles. Try them o n " >c at M. 0. Brown and J. B. into our midst shortly, for the purpose of patro nizing the sohool. We will be glad to welcom him. WILSONS. And still they go. Apother good neighbor is going. C. M. Howiugtou has sold his farm to H. P. Gravitte, the consideration being $700. He is going to th* laud of promise, goiug to settle in Goshen, a land flowing with milk and honey. David said on one occasion, “O, that one would give me to driuk of the wells of Beth lehem.” Next July or August thf Something on Which You Can Depend . . Dr. Dixon’s Diarrhoea Cure for diarrhoea and Dr. Dixon’s Dys- entery Cure foi Dysentery. 25 Cents