Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, January 08, 1919, Image 6

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Watch Your Imprint* A child’s mind is plastic. The im* i x young are x' 1 • n the process 1 in pliable; but H'« .1' so hard that ,'vt r,(u irt>ak It with a it" d id i' was soft, a til' >i h«> material; In fd it •einenf hardened, id made ov the child’s ino 're.—Ernest Ai. Glenn IT’S NOT YOUR HEART rrs YOUR KIDNEYS THE WORLD'S GREATEST OPERATIC TENOR Willj be Seen at diately. The soothing, healing oil Btim- u la Leo the kidneys, relieves inflamma tions and destroys the' germs which have caused it. Do not wait until to morrow. Go to your druggist today and ihsist on GOLD MEDAL, Haarlem Oil Capsules. In twenty-four hours you should feel health and vigor returning and will bless the day you first heard of GOLD MEDAL, Haarlem OH. After you feel that you have cured yourself, continue to take one or two capsules each day, so as to keep In 'first-class condition and ward off the dangef of other attacks. Ask for the original Imported GOLD MEDAL, brand. Three sizes. Money Vo- funded if they do not help you. Kidney dhseas® la no respecter of per sons. A majority of the ills afflicting t eople today can be traced back to idney trouble. Th© kidneys are the most important organs of the body. They are the fllterers. the purifiers, of your blood. Kidney disease is usually indicated by Weariness, sleeplessness, nervousness, despondency, backache, stomach trou ble. pain in loins and lower abdomen, Call stones, gravsl, rheumatism, sciatica and lumbago. . All theso derangements are nature’s Signals to warn you that the kidneys need help. You should use GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil Capsules imme- Ju&t “Substitution." Here ip a “substitution” story that will take a lor of beating. It concerns a fanner who was given a shopwalker as a farm laborer. The first morning he said to his new hand: “Take a horse and go to the station for a load of potatoes." When-he arrived the sta tion agent said : /VAll right, hut how are you going to takp them without a cart?” “Deur me 1" saltf the man, “I’ve ^Wednesday and Thursday, Jan. 8th and 9th MONEY TO His First AftcrdJt Special WE HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ON HALL COUNTY FARMS AT 6 PER CENT PER ANNUM BJ) QTTILLIAN* A.TTqR»ey • at-jla w R. F. Ouiuuk ! 102 JACKSON BUILDING that will remove the bile from the liver end cleanse theSystem THOROUGHLY without arfplhj or disturbing the stomach is truly a Perfect Hz- stive. LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN Is the name of a Reliable and Perfect Laxative which soon relieves Sick Headache, Dizziness. In digestion, Stomach Trouble, Gas and Piles caused by a Torpid Liver and Constipation. Always use a Reliable Laxative in the treatment of Colds, Grip T JjAX^WjTHPE System,both asa ton Just as good for Childre to take. Children like ^eandrecom^n. SUPPORTED BY CAR- OLINE WHITE, THE FAMOUS BEAUTY OF THE OPERATIC STAGE. AS GREAT AS ANY OF HIS GRAND OPERA ROLES, WHERE YOU PAY FIVE DOLLARS Stow, Bell & Company Funeral Directors and Embaimes open Day 4m*y sight. PHONE 224 45 S. MAIN ST Mo., manufacturers of P«wibly Hadn't Beep Introduced; Arthur owned a bulldog that, he/had been teaching to hunt rats, and when ever he called out the word to him he would run frantically to various places to scratch. A neighboring woman was so amused at the perform ance that she wanted to show the dog’s, tricks to her son, but to her repeated call of “rats” the dog only stood and looked at her.. “Oh,” said Arthur coming up at this point, “he doesn’t know your rats.” Feeble Old People because it contains the very elements needed to re- ? lace weakness with strength, viz: Beef and Cod -iver Peptones,'Iron and Manganese Peptonates, and Glycerophosphates, with a mild tonic wine. This is a splendid combination to restore strength, vitality and vigor. It has given ninety percent satisfaction for sixteen years. HERE IS PROOF: Malone. N,Y. Winchester, Va. “1 am 84 years of age and got into “lama farmer's wife, 76 years of ft feeble, weak and nervous condition age, and pneumonia leftme in a weak, so I could, not sleep. Vinol has not run-down condition, ao I could hardly only built up my strength but it has keep about and do my work. A given me ft good appetite and I sleep neighbor brought me Vinol and it has all right now. Without doubt Vinol built’up my strength so fast that I it the greatest straurthener for old think it i& the best medicine I have people obtainable.”-~Mrs.S.B. Wells. ever taken. V—Mrs. Jennie Chapman. Rw w lew, ■irrwa, anaemic condition*, week; wemen, overworked man, feeble old >eaf»a OMddktte children, there la no remedy Uke Vinol. Good Advtoa, The man who doesn’t worry when ha ought to ta as bad as theabne who iforrles when he shouldn’t. Worrying Is bad for the health, but probably not. ta bed as letting things drift. In case sf rain, ran for an umbrella. Instead »f saying “Don’t Worry” the best ad- rice to give a man in trouble is “Get Busy.”—-Thrift Magazine. ENRICO GA.IIU.SO in ’ A»AnrCDAFTiW» Admission: Children 15c, Adults 25c. COMING NEXT WEEK: Edith Cavell, the British Red Cross Nurse, or,“THE WOMAN THE GERMANS SHOT ” Pottery the Oldest Art Pottery is the oldest, the longest and most widely diffused of all human arts. Its history, If recorded, would be ah old as the histpiy of man; its record ed history begins with the building of the tower of Babel. The'oldest pot tery known is Egyptian, but every peo ple, civilized or barbarian, has prac ticed the art In one or another form. All study In every department of art begins at a .period not Jong after the Mosaic deluge, but -7pottery is the earliest of all forma of art George's Drug Store and Druggists Everywhere. 8Em YEARS OF INSURANCE SERVICE. Seven yens ago this agency was established at Young Harris, Ga., where it still write* 100% of all business in force. Five years ago we opened our Clermont Ageaey, where we get about 90% of the total business done. Throe yean age we opened our GainesviHo office and prepared to write ail forms of immmmee, and the agency has had a steady growth, representing com panies With total (Mttte of over ONE HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS. During the seven yean we have had many claims for looses from death, ac cident, aicknea^ fire, hail and plate glass breakage, and without a single excep tion, every lens hoe been paid to the full satisfaction of the policyholder and without idtceounl While our companies are prepared to resist fraudulent claims, they nee fifaenai and speedy in their settlements, which the public should de mand wnth onesy policy purchased. HERBERT TABOR TeL SW amt 906-W Gainesville, Ga. 409 410411 Jackson Bldg. Athens Hide Company of Athens, Ga., are largest buyers of express shipped green cow hides in South. Reason is, “They weigh the weight.” Don't give your hides away, ship one or two by ex press, it's edsy, just box them. Mule and horsehides $3.50 each. 1-22-19 H. Eugene Fant, Mgr. We have just received another car load of Fordson Tractors. Order one now for spring. We have these Tractors now at work in our territory. They are plowing, pulling mills, pulling road scrapes, hauling, harrowing, and by next summer they will be cultivat- ing with them. We refer you to any man who owns one. Grecian Building Material*. Brick is the most common kind of building'material in Salonlki undin all New Greece. Wooden structures are rare, on account of the shortage of ' timber. Stone is little used, except for underground walla and founda tions. Ordinary wails are built with both plain ami hollow bricks. The former, being more solid, are generally used for the building of lower stories, while hollow;bricks are commonly em ployed In the upper stages. The prin cipal kind of roofing used is made of flat tiling. 11 dartre moved my headquarters from the Iron Warehouse to Bob Hope’s Stable Gainesville and have on hand for sale or frakle a choice lot of medium farm mules and! nice mares. GEORGE M. QUILLIAN Hope’s Stable. Oak Street Miller 's Antiseptic Oil, Known as SNAKE OIL Will Positively Relieve Pain in Three Minutes. for Rheumatism, Try it right now Neuralgia, Lumbago, sore, stiff and swollen joints, pains in the head, back and limbs, corns, bunions, otc. After FOR SALE Five Passenger Ford Never Been Used' W. A. ROPER, Agent 3?- SL— ffttc Hse if yon wish to sell your Liberty B tur erefaaage them for other property, i LOUIS E. WISDOM, Agt, FORD CARS, FORDSON TRACTORS Gainesville, Ga. AiS/iaaaffi Creates Strength