Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, February 22, 1922, Image 1

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7-v v '.1 7 ' '• - v • : 7* .. *' 7 -> . ’ • ’• ' ■ —•' J ' ' '- • V :■> V'_- ‘V• ' ■-_77 ’• • -7 '■7;./7 ' ■; '■ * . . INOUSTRIA^ If Every WIPE KNEW What Every WIDOW KNOWS, Ev ery Husband Would INSURE. W. A. ROPER, Agent The Prudential Ins. Oo. We Write Women Also. VOLUME XXXIV. GAINESVILLE, GA., WEDNESD DAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1922. -» —— , NO. 2i7, m Delegation of Business Men Goes to Athens in Interest of Midland Road A delegation of sixty or more busi- aes3 men of Gaincsvillo went to Athens Thursday lo appear before the business roett of that city in the interest of the Gainesville Midland, Railway. A spceinl (rain was operated by Mr. W. B. Veazcy, general manager of the road, which left Gainesville at 10 o'clock a. m. and reached the city-on the return -trip at 7 o ’clock p. m. The Gainesville delegation was joined at Belmont by representative citizens of Hoschton and Braselton, while others joined the party at Pendergrass and Jefferson. The Winder delegation went direct to Ath ens from their homo city. The meeting wob held at the city hall at Athens, the Chamber of Commerce rooms not being large enough to accm- modate the crowd. Mr. W. G. Mealor represented the Gaincsvillo delegation, while others from the city who address ed the meeting were Messrs. W, B. Yeazey, .T. H. Hosch, J\ F. Carter,' ,D.‘ W. Anderson and others. Representa tives from each of the towns spoke in behalf of the Midland and told of its value to this section. Athens business men stated that they j Mr. W. N. Randle is' ro-buildiug a had not realized the seriousness of tho portion' of the Georgia Manufacturing situation regarding tho railroad' and Co. plant on tho Gaincsvillo Midland promised thoir host efforts in securing Railway in which ho will shortly install Fertilizer Mixing Plant to Be Put In Operation in Gainesville Soon more tonnage from tho business men of Athons, that city now only giving tho road 2 per cent of its freight business. Committees wore appointed by tho Athens Chamber of Commerce to work among the shippers of that city and en list thoir support for tho road. Herewith is presented as near a com plete list of those attending from Gainesville as could be secured: W; G. Medlor, president of the Cham ber of Commerce; C. B. Romberg, W. C. Ham, R. G. Harper, John H. Hosch, J. H. Lambert, E. R. Barrett, J. D. Hardie, A.S.Hardy, William 'Summer, ptis Lathom, G. C. Reid, R. e! Groon- way, E. E. Mincey, H. W. Morgan, Jeff Hulsoy, W. B. fenzoy, B. B. Cheek, Rov. W. T. Hamby, J. 11. Styles, W. I. Hobbs, Charles Laws, H. H. Perry, E. C. Pal- a fertilizer mixing plant, It will bo recalled that, this plant was burned a year or more ago and the contents and machinery destroyed, since which time the walls only of tho “building have stood. Mr. Randle, who was, ono of tho owners of the former plant, is pro paring to start another industry which will give employment to a number of people, thereby contributing to the pay rolls of Gainoavillo, and establishing a business' which will afford convenience to farmers in securing their fertilizer. Shortly after work was begun on tho building and it was understood a ferti lizer plant was to bo operated, a peti tion was circulated by some ‘of the rcsi League of Women Voters to Meet Next Wednesday, March 1st, 3.30 Mr; Randlo frankly stated just what kind of a plant lie proposed to operate meet Wednesday afternoon, March 1st, and said he could not see how it would at 3:30 0 * clock at thc chamber of Com bo objcctionablo to any fair-minded man, who was unprejudiced, as there would be but little odbr from a- dry- Women have not yet learned tho iris mixing plant such as he intended to and ou * 8 tbc C0Ult bou8t '> whore they conduct. He invited questions from .«■«' supposed to register for all olec- those opposing the granting of license tions, other than city elections, and tho and told each and every one the nature Tax Collector, Mr. Odum Whclchel, has of the materials to bo used, etc. Dr. most generously offered to meet tho E. H. Murfee of Breftau college, a chem- womcn of thc cit y at tho Chamber of 1st of wide reputation, was requested Commerce rooms at the appointed time by Mr. Randle to describe the technical at this meeting, where he will register content and effect of tho mixing of them. 1 tho materials he proposed to use, which threw ‘considerable light on the subject and answered much of tho objection as previously expressed by the petitioners.' Tho League of Womcn Voters will trouble of carrying his books from the Court House to thc Chambor of Com merce room, and it is urged that every This means that he has to go to tho woman in tho city who has not register ed meet him there at this timo. Unless, tho women do register now, it mean* that thcro will be nothing doing, later, whon everybody will bo in the-thick of the coming political fray, oxcopt the unregistered, and also that they o&& not got in by any manner of moans, no- mat,ter how badly they may so desire. All niombers come without fail on, Wednesday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock sharp, and bo present for the regular meeting, which follows the registration. MRS. PAGE LATHEM DIES. Mrs. -Dona Lathem, aged 32 years, RECEPTION AT GOLF CLUR< The reception given to the officers of ? After going into the matter thorough ly, the itayor and Council voted to wife of Mr. Page W. Lathem, died at j thc Chattahoochee Golf Club last night, dents in the neighborhood requesting 1 grant the license requested by Mr, her home on North Main , street last ( provpd a very delightful affair. An un- tho Mayor and Council to refuse Mr. j Randlo and associates, and the plant night at 10 o’cIock from the effects of usually large crowd attended and the Rnndlo a license. Tho matter was'will begin operations just as soon as bums received Monday afternoon, inour, J. L. Harrison, S. W. Darnell, J. heard by the municipal authoriti-s at j’the building is rendy and the machinery i Mrs. Lathem and her young step- W. Jacobs, H. Tabor, C. A. Rudolph, j a special meeting last Friday night, is in place. G. E. Pilgrim, J. F. Carter, 1L M. New- 1 ■ 1.111 —■u— man, D, W. Anderson, A. C. McEyor. occasion proved to be one of gonuine pleasure. The affair was planned as a daughter were tho only ones at home' sort of “get-to-gethcr” of tho morn- at the timo, tho daughter being on- btirship to stimulate interest in the TWO BROTHERS KILLED "AT DULUTH. Jco and Orin Simpson; brothers; were -Ant to death at Duluth Monday after- r.nnn hv’Deputy Sheriff Victor Dowis, following their refusal to lot the dep uty gearch their caT for whiskey, it is said tho ear aid not contain w.hiskoy HIGH SCHOOL ENTERTAIN MENT. An entertainment, reception, or what was more correctly termed a “book 625 POUND HOG A hog weighing 625 pounds net was sold to Mr. Byron MitcholVs market Monday morning by tho County Coin missioners. The hog whs raised at the county homo farm and was a fine speci- showor,” was held at the High .School j men as is-'/arcly over seen in these building' last Thrnsday ovening. AiP nrls - The hog 'was just a little ovor largo crowd was present and thc school j 0, io year old. Thc Commissioners bo- roeeiyecVfour or-five hundred books for !licvc in ra58i . n g something at the county when. searched immediately after the i the library. During the evening rc-. * nrm on whifib to food the inmates and shooting, arid that relatives of the slain Turn will chargo Dowis- with murder. Dow is surrendered to the sheriff at L&wfenceville, and is. being held for trial. It is said lie will enter a pica of self-defense. * •’ ' , , _■ ■■ . Both the slain men were married, Joh. Simpson leaving a widow and throe children, and Orin Simpson a widow. They wore first-cousins .of Mrs. Charles GoforthjHff^Tfeis city, and Wore members of t very prominent family of thoir sec- ,tioi. The ajh^;-is,^j^^ v v|^rojtjbec() ; ' 0- —— DEATH OF LITTLE ONE. tonstanco, the year-old daughter of ^Commerce of that city Sind owner and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. McEver, died at the home on Ptork street last Saturday (afternoon at 5.30 o’clock after being ill o*ly a little while. Tho funeral was hold from the home Sunday afternoon t # t 3.00 o’clock, conducted by Rov. E. F. Campbell, and interment was in Alta Vista cemetery. This was tho only child of Mr. and Mrs. McEver, nnd tho heartfelt sym-. I pafby of the community goes out to I f hfm in their great loss. —O ; Hr. ,T, W, Livingston of the Living- | «to* Medicine Co. of Atlanta, manufae* I tnrers of < ‘ Regonerator, ” a popular medicine, is hero today and is making the riedmont Drug Co, headquarters. ] He knows a good many Gainesville peo- [ l*le and has been cordially greeted by his friends. »» »»»»»»»,» ♦ * freshments were served, and, also, dur- tho convicts, and they are certainly ing the evening, various ontovtainments 8u pceeding, as is evidenced by tho fine wore enjoyed by thc guests, the school porker brought to town Monday, children doing tho performing. The- . ■ 0 High School is endeavoring to equip SPEAKS HERE MARCH 4. AU up-to-date anil first-class library, and ^ r * ^°- spr > one foremost the students and faculty deserve the' f, S uros in thc Unit °d States in thc pros- heartiest support in their efforts to so-J ont nation-wide movement for thc co cure books for tho school. 1 operative marketing of cotton, AS TO RURAL MAIL SERVICE By direction of thc Post Offico De partment, postmasters- throughout tho gaged in, sweeping thc front yard, tho mother being in the house. Tho daugh ter hoard her scream and upon rushing in the house found her sitting .upon the bed with her clothes afire. At this; of the flub as a social and' civic* ceu- routes from thoir. of- moment,' Mrs. Jack Rogers, who had* for, while Col. II. II. Perry, Col. H. B, so was that they might hejrd Mrs. Lathem’s screams, ran into! Dcan/an(1 othcr g , 8poko o£ tho Clu ^ w country have reeontly made an inapec tion of tho rural routes from thoir. of fices. The purpose ascertain by personal observation and club’s affairs—nnd it was a success in every sense,of tho word. Mr. D. VI7 Anderson, president of the Club, spoke of the needs and purposes. thc house, seized a rug, and extin- mako, roport whether the roads used guishod tho flames. « were in good condition for travql, the! Mrs. Lathem was badly burned about routes- well-arranged, boxes properly j the face and lower limbs, and tho phy- erceted, so as to bo easily reached Ly sician, who wiyr summoned immediately, the carriers without difficulty, and held out no hope for recovery. Mrs. without obstructing travel, the,carriers Lathem had been in bad health'for sev- sorving their routes as'officially pro- oral years, suffering from pellagra. She scribed, the schedule observed, and had borne her illness with fortitude, . , . -1* _ . w'hcther tho families served wore satis- 1 and her Christian virtues had won for 1 d ° r °I ;1 * P mu8,c - Dollcious wfresk- fiod with the service rendered, or thcro her many friends "who deeply regret her were improvements which could bo sug- j tragic death, and who extend sympathy gestod in the interest of the patrons or to the bereaved ones! an asset to tho city and urged support for it. Some of the proposed entertainments at. the Club during the spring and sum- jner were outlined, and It is believed that these entertainments will afford much pleasure to the membership. During the evening the orchestra ron- -will the Department. ' speak in Gainesville and Flowery 1 Branch next week, Saturday, March 4. I Mr. Moser is touring Georgia in be- ihaif of. the Georgia Cotton growers'! their hox’os might conform with the ■m - • ‘ It became necessary, in connection with tho inspection, to request many pajrons to take action to the end that LEADER^ IN THEIR HOME 7; ' ../.TOWN,..,....... _ Among the visitors to the city Thurs-1 Goop ^ tlve Assooiatlon > which aims to regulations as to kind, condition, loca- day from Gainesville were Hon. W. G. p0 °! " ,oro thaa 200 > 000 balea before Mealor, president of tho Chamber of p ™ * 11 Shipment of New Crop operator of tho Gainesvillo Iron Works. Mri Mealor is well known to tho peo ple of this city, whore ho has a number of rolativcs. Ho has met with much success in thc “Queen City’’ and ho' is one of its most substantial citizens. He has taton tho lead in the movement to prevent the scrapping of the GcincRvillo Midland road and if - lie .ffeeives the support the movement deserves, the Gainesville Midland road will not only come out from under a receivership, but it will soon be rnaking money and declaring dividends. 4 Hon. E. It. Barrett, known ns “Eb’’ to his thousands of frionds in Georgia, was present with tho delegation from Gainesville. Ho is a leading merchant and business man of that city and he has been prominent in state affairs for these many years. He .is a trustee ’of the Georgia Normal and Industrial Col lege, Millodgevillc, to which institution he hah rendered valuable service. / —Athens Banner of Friday. The meeting at Gainesville will bo hejd,at 10 o’clock in tho morning, and thc one at Flowery Branch at 3 o’clock in tho afternoon. NOTICE All automobile owners aftor March 1 will have to pay $1 (one dollar) extra for liconse numbors. All refusing to do this under the- now act of last legisla ture will bo prosecuted. Very respectfully, W. A. Crow, - Sheriff. -o Turnip Seeds Onion Sets i! Now is the Time to Buy! “The Friendly GOOD ftOADS COMMITTEE MEETING. Chaimian W. G. Mealor of tho Cham bor of Commerce, has appointed tho fol lowing committee bn Good Roads, with Mr. O. A. Carter its Chairman, nnd tho committee has boon called to moot at the' Ohainbor of Conmiorco Friday af ternoon, Fobruiiiy 24th at 5 o’clock: O, A. Carter, Chairman, J. H. 3 0SC hi tion, 6r height, and in having the name of tho owner plainly printed on them. Also, to bring to the attention of road overseers or other responsible persons the need for improvement in roads or repair or construction of culverts or bridges. The funeral was held today at Mount Carmel, Banks county,.Rev. T. L. Rob inson conducting tho services. o ments wore also served. Tho affair was much.enjoyed by those, who attended. GILLSVILLE R-l There will bo preaching at Lebanon noxt Sunday morning |by pastor, Rev. G. C. Chambers. Mr; and Mrs, W. L. McIntyre spont 777"7 Sunday with Mr. nnd Mrs. L. A. Hat- j ohor. I So, patrons of rural delivery can Mr. nnd Mrs. E. P. Eberhart and Miss ‘ greatly holp themselves by helping thoir It is tho desire of the- Department, and its purpose, to provide adequate and convenient oerviec, so far as may be possible, to oil persons residing in rural communities, but this ond ennnot bo attained without the full coopera tion of tho patrons in the efforts of postmastors nnd carriers to serve them promptly, regularly and satisfactorily. Whatever facilitates tho wo^ of tho carrier is of direct benefit to the pat rons, for the greater thc easo and speed with which a carrier may cover his routo the earlier and better the service CITY COURT IN SESSION. The February term of Hall city court is in session this week. The civil doc ket i^-being disposed of, and the crim inal docket will be taken up next week, A case which has aroused considera ble interest, is the Cartcr-Loith case, in which Mrs. L. Leith m sueing S. S. (Dank) Carter and Mrs. Arminda Git- strap for a large sum for alleged slan der. _ Tfte case was taken up Monday nnd went to the. juy this morning. Up to the time we go to press no verdict has boon rondorod. LANGFORD—SNARE The marriago of Miss Lula Langford and Mr. Marion L. Snar.o, formerly of Lake, Miss., was solemnizod at the Rome of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs* Homek A. Langford, in T&dmoro dis trict Sunday, February 12, at 3 p. m. Rev. G. A. Chambers of Pendergrass^ Gn., officiated. Tho ring ceremony was, used. Only a few friends and relatives wore present. • Mr. and Mrs. Snare loft immediately aftor thc ceremony for their future homo, near Greenville, Ga. SONG SERVICE AT CENTRAL. There will bo a song service at Cen« Following are the jurors serving this | tral Baptist Church next Sunday even- week : v ‘ ‘ x ~ Jessie Odell visited Mr. D. A. Thomp son Sunday p. m. Mr. Willig Walker spent Sunday with Mr. Johnnie Buffington. Misses Mattie and Lucy, Alice Buf fington spent Monday with Mrs. Omia Hatehor. Messrs. Eurvin and Frank Thompson visited Gillsvillo Sunday. D. W. Andoson, J. F. Carter, H. M. Newman, D. T. Quillian, H. J’almour, A. C. Whoolor, H. Tabor, E. R. Bar rett, G. H. Haines, J. D. Hardie, E. E. Mincey, L. E. Wisdom, A. S. Hardy, G. E. Pilgrim, C. V, Nalley, J. E. Rod- carrier, seoing to it that roads are kept in good condition and promptly opened aftor storms, by keeping the approaches to thoir boxes clear, and by promptly and willingly correcting any irregulari ties affecting their boxes whon asked to do so. v Another groat assistance llmt patrons can render curriors is by koopiiig thcin- Mrs. Mattie Buffington and son, Joo,‘solves supplied with apd using stamps* hftvojoturned to thoir homo in Atlanta ( instead of placing unstamped mail, with after a few days visit to her daughter, monoy for the purChaso of thc required Mrs. E. L. Buffington. postage, in tho boxes. This delays tho Mr. Howell iLipscomb was running carrier and sometimes imposes a great late Sunday aftornoon, | hardship on him, especially in cold or Mrs. Hillio Highflll and daughter, J tonny woathor. If preferred, stamped 1 8. 0. 10. 11. 12. wine, Goo. P. Estos, E. 0. Palmour. Loola, visited tho sick in Jackson coun ty Sunday. 1 Littlo' Misses Daphcno and Homer Hatcher visited thoir unqle, Mr. E. W. L. Buffington, Saturday. . onvolbpes, cither printed or plain, A nmy bo obtained from the carrier, nro of good quality, and cost, tnlt littlo moro than tho ynluo qf tho stamps upon | hem, and are rc-doonmblo at tho value 1 of the stumps if damaged, bu^Srefurned | in a pvactibally wholo condition. If 6. 7. 8. 0. 10. 11- 12. ARTHUR RETURNS FROM NEW YORK Mr. Arthur Roper voturned ‘Sunday afternoon- from Now Yok brimming ov er with enthusiasm and. optimism—en thusiasm over, his trip and optimism over-what ho ho]iovos to bo an early ro- turn of prosperity. - Ho says the 1 rail road trains and hotels are full every where, and to got accomodations you must., make resolution several | days ahead, Folks with whom ho talked, along the way and iu Now York, say tho “ worst is pdat” and 1022 is going to mnko a “come-back” that will sur prise you; ifi fact, they Bay business is already picking tip all over tho country nnd is going to got hotter as ovory day RED CROSS MEETING. There will bo. a mooting of tho locttl, chapter of tho Red Cross Friday after noon at 5 o’clock. All lhembors aro urgod to attend ns business of impor- tniice is to bo transacted. q-* INCOME TAX MAN Josiah T. Roso, Collootor of Intornal Revenue for tho District of Georgia, has announced,that Doputy Collector N. N. Granger will be in Gainosvillo, Ga., op March 10 to 15 inclnsivo, for tho pur- poso of assisting tax payors of this county in filing thoir current Federal Income Tax returns. All tax payors are urgod to have thoir figures and all nec essary information in proper shapo lit ardor to export 5 tq the work of tho dopu- should bo put in a coin-holding-recep tacle or be properly wrapped so us tp bo easily pickod up by the carrier. Mouoy for tho purchase of monoy or ders should not bo loft in tho boxos, but should bo handed to tho carrjor nnd a roceipt obtainod. NEW PASTOR AT ST. PAUL. Rov. A. P, Watkins, who has boon pastor of tho Mothodist church at Flow ery Branch, has moved with his’ family to Gainesvillo to mako his homo. Ho is now pastor of St. Paul church hero. Mr. Watkins flllod tho pulpit at this ohurch last Sunday) and dolivorod two strong 8ormohs to infgo congregations. JURY NO. 1. J. T. Morrow A, McEvor John Miller \ F. W. Roark P. W. Lathem Thos. N. Hulsey F. K. Couch H. C. Stephens F.. B. Glover F. B. O’Kelly Walter Martin P. C. Smith JURY NO. 2. F. P. Nix- ' " H. M. Gilstrap J. W. Pass J. F. Parker J. C. Turk W. F. Long W. T. Jnrrott T. P’. Gaines L. T. Deaton W. T. Truelovo W. J. Hopo W. L. kfinccy JURY NO. 3. M. O. Forrester H. F. Whiting Eli Cnglo R. D. HollnnS W. D. ftiroon 7.. J- Fuller H. F. Durham T. M. Woldon H. H. Stephens 1.. F. Roberts S. Waters A. O. Holland •' . 1—o—;— ing at prenj-hing hour, it being custo mary for the church to devote the fourth Sunday ovening service to a mu- ..sicul program. Thoro will be one ot- more numbers by the oehostra, and the singing will be intersporsod with duets, solos, and quartettes. The public, and especially the mem? bors of the church, is most cordially Ir-. vited to be present. ' 0—' FAIR CHECKS AWAITING DE LIVERY The Northonst Georgia Fair 'Associa tion. has chocks for: M. L. Soabolt $3, Mrs. C. C. Stover (?) $2, Mrs. Howes $1. Tho management has boen unnblo to lo- cato those parties. Information leading to thoir location will bo apppreoiated. Address Secretary Northeast Georgia MAYOR AND COUNCIL EN JOINED Judge J. B. Jones on Saturday after noon granted an injunction brought by somo twenty or moro citizens of Gaines ville restraining tho Mayor and Council from paying for an automobile which, it is alleged, tho council contracted t« buy and did buy from Mr. J. B, Thax- ton," agent for Mr. Will Summer, Jin, trading ns tho Gainosville Auto Co., the transaction, according to tho allegatlaiiui of tho petitioners, being illegal because Mr. Summer is a mombor of the oily council and is-by law prohibited frets [trading with himself. A bill far flash lights*, etc., purchased from the Gaines? villo Drug Co., of which Mri Summer is a stockholder, is also estopped fkowi payment on tho-same grounds as th*. automobile transaction. A bill of Mr. E. T. Parks, another councilman', is also enjoined for the snmo reasons as given in the transac tions of Mr. Summor, it being alleged, that Mr. Parks is soiling goods on cred it to tho city, tho particular accounts at issue boing for clothes for the raKoH- of tho poor amounting to $11.7(1. Tho Mayor and Couneil are Author restrained from employing counsel at the oxponso of tho city to defend thorny selves from tho injunction filed against them. ' Judge Jones set Mareh 11, . tho dnto for tho hearing on the injunc tion. i/'dg - •77? Miss Laura Small is now with Gertrude Frazier, milliner, where ebs will be glad to welcome and servo bee friends. and is going to get hotter u - • He is cordially weleomod to the city. Fail; Association. rnomis. ^ pusses^ 7 ' f J | " '