Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, October 18, 1922, Image 1

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warns mm ml ' /. m ■V'NW.'Si r > ' GAINESVILLE, OCTOBER JUDGE GEORGE IS WINNER *>, * $ * Nominated for United States Sen- ; NEWS J0B SHOP;; EE- ator by Overwhelming Ma- j OEIVES. ORDER FROM : jority Over AH Opponents i* CALIFORNIA. — * H: ❖ * presentee Judge Walter'F, George was boniiua-, WL , T . . t;3d in yesterday’s primary for United c j^° NeWS (>fTicc T^terday re* States Sooatbr to fill the unexpired term ^ ^er lronL a large insuranee I, of the late Hon. Thomas K Watsou, de-.f 8ft $ 9§£ * ra ? clBU0 ''- Calif ? rnia, ikWk w - or • tVsro *nousand -forma, which will this feating Governor Thomas W. Hardwick, Ron. Seaborn Wright of Rome, and Hon. J. K- Cooper of Bibb. Judge G. H. Howard and Hon.. John wehk bo printed and forwarded.- This is, perhaps; the first OTder.eyer received by fa Gainesville printing esatblishmcat ivom this far away, eapecialy-from the *‘Golden State;" and it only goes to prove that oven in. that far-away state, they have heard of and. want some of flio n*nA,i! '<!aL ill,: '. • • * the good job work this office is con stantly turning-out. for 'its customers. Floral: Whether far-or nearpdf you want gpod job printing, send your or ders to The Gainesville News.' • . BRENAU NOTES The past ‘Week has been filled with tho activities Of the Young Woman's Christian Association. On Thursday Pledge Day ;for the organization wan (ft the chapel hour. The bud get which is .quite large was pledged, and on the following day, which had been set aside as Pay Day, a goodly jpOr cant Was paid.. The treasurer; Mi Mofiett and her committee, are alih|iiy fulfilling their promise in making i banner. year. _ /, < ,.r ,. .. .... Tue Recognition Service of the Youug Woman's Christian Association wus held on Sunday evening in the auditor? ium. ‘ > / -:<i' ;• i\ The piocessional). which was sung by the choir, heralded the entrance of those who have pledged themselves to the or ganization. The new members, dressed. * ’ 1 - it nn n/1lnO NORTH GEORGIA OLDER BOYS CONFERENCE. ' Large delegation's of boys repre senting•! high schools, churches, Sun day schools, Y., M. C. A., and 6ther organizations, will arrive. here Friday to attend'the Older Boys’ Conference to be held the. 20th to 22d under the auspices-of the State Y. M.. C. A. . 188:1 The conferences are held to bring together the older Christian boys iflf the state for guidance and inspiration in the doing (if worth-while.-things in. the home, the church, the school, and the community; and to enlist boys in the superintendent had no authority to administer the assets of fchp bank, and that the charter of the Marietta Trust, a campaign of health betterment, pd Banking-company'had expired, mind acquirement, sool enrichment The'bank act was attacked from al- -7 -.f.—J-Y .-Ti-ikiAi x . v 1 most every angle. The suits sought, to BANK SUPERINTENDENT IS UPHELD BY JUDGE IN ^ARIETTA CASE ' Judge J. B. Jones of the northeastern circuit, on Saturday rendered his' opin ion-in the two cases from Marietta in volving fho defunct Marietta Trust and Banking company, in which Judge D. W. Blair'was disqualified. . The suits-were by ’ depositors and stockholdars; attheking tho constitution-' r.lity of the banking act; alleging that and service achievement. > Plans have been m#le by the pas- en 3 0in riirthcr. activities of thesuperin- _ - 1,’ • ... / +Anrlonf' Cinrl 'ri.alr-nrL—P/V»» nrinnitvlmnnl- tors and laymen bf the Gainesville' dnd ftskedrfor the appointment churches to entertain jiaeir^guosts in! a Reiver on’the three grounds of private homes. On fintur lay evening 1 ^ u^Mtdtutionality of the act, on. 1. •• . fiY”nn*n.t.inTi nf flio plmrfnv or»^ An' ' T, Boifeuillet, who first entered the face, retirefh'lhst week anil only’ the four mentioned candidates foughtmt until th'o end; ; /; f/- '7 V / v i.-.y Accuidihjg to-lust, reports, receiv tliis morning,- Judge George oiirrii votes; Governor Hardwick carr counties with 76 county unit vot Hon. Beabovn. Wright carried 7 counties with 28 county unit votes. As only 208 county unit votes wore. needed to nominate, .it will' bb • observed that Judge George has" 108 -more ebunty rnnit votes than required to give him the nomination, Judge George has served respectively as Solicitor General ?and Judge of tho MRS. HARRIET ELIZABETH RIGSBY DIES IN ATLANTA. The remains of' Mrs. Hariet' Eliza beth Rigsby, who died Tuesday morning at the residence, 94 Pcachfrce place, Atlanta, were brought to. this, city for funeral and interment this. morning. The funeral cortege proceeded from tho station, to Alta Vista cemetery, where services-were conducted by Dr. T. R'. Kendall, Jr. ' Mrs. Rigsby was a formdr resident of Gainesville, having made hbr home here for thirty.years or more.- Sho inoved .te Atlanta about four years ago, where she has since resided! , Phe was the widow of the late J. W. Rigsby, who for a long number of years conducted a slioe store in Gainesville? . . Mts - Rigsby was a..Vyoman of noble 'Gliristian character, wllosei deeds kindness are v fresh id the memory of many, and who. had hosts of friends in Gainesville Who aro. saddened at. the nows of lior ‘death. lie is survived,by three sons, Messrs. in" white, and. bearing lighted candlbs; ^as-fcban hrranged for' the ’tb^ expiratidn of the charter, ..and bcauVl ‘ delegates, and^Yellowing the afternoon 1 bHo ground that the superintendent made-this a most impjessive.and ful occasion. r * *" * * I. Another of the many Y. W. C -^$ of interest in and about Gainesville. ' ; Lvxties oi the past week, was holding - ^ , stat e committee; whicb is .fos- it. . Y! i. li TT/i..nn Unnlmn Jr\vi av&itakfe irf automobile to.pointe *»S ot tie bank. j . . - ' . 4 , v. .. . vs _ ; On flAVnlni'if aud and wB/st- fivitiea for the first time House Parties on Saturday evening in the various houses. The pafti os ranged from very, formal On the developed that tn? rtooptiouma duuook to kiumaxpurtio;. «,o Hi-Y, blub «t,/i provod to be most en3oyable • . c supdrintondent had, despite the theft by tering tho“ conference,' hag obtained' the ofeicers of this bank of moire than W .U krwvnm' iVipn'to sneak' on‘ S330 ) 000 >mWw was more/^than double . subjects- conceiming : Sunday sdhooie», l tll ° entire capital stock; and despite the- g ? tt ^ e8yille t0 one - touchdown la ■ - . ' . - ' ,• « . -nirOftAH+..'nnnrlitinytG Aviafinor ir» • pSilOQ. - - GAINESVILLE HI DEFEATS COMMERCE HI 26-0. The Rod aud Whit# football team of Gainesville High school defeated bierce High in Commerce Friday afte noon by the score of 26 to 0. A larg delegation from Gainesville was preset at tho game and it also seomed that s cf Commerce was on hand.for the < casion. • > •, . ' > Commerce won the toss and elec to receive. On the first play after kick-off Commerce pulled a forward pass which betted them their only first down of te game, Gainesville then took, tha ball on her bwn 4fi-yarcl line and; boa a march down tho field which brought i touchdown. Commerce again received, but soon lost the ball on downs. Gainesville.- again began a triumphant anarch whiu’v netted another score.. Commerce elec ted to kick this time*.; Gainesville re ceiVod and aagin scored.. The first ha! showed marked superiority by tha Gainesville team. Gainesville had ex perienced little trouble in making first, down during this half. r ‘ Commerce came back in the second, half with a great ‘ fighting spirit and. -present conditions existing in the state movement, and the Employed Boys’ As ‘joint recital of unusual interest wins given, on Thursday evening by -Mf| brotherhood. on account of , defiati on, paid to tho common; depositors ■ ijf. this blank. 30 per , The bnlliajot Work of Captain Black- shear, at. half, was the feature of tl game from a Gainqsyillo standpo' - Corinne Pearce" Turnipseed, prano, Mr. Bruno Michaeijs, violinist, wi'h Mrs.. Michaelis at. the piano. -Both Mr. Miciiaelis tod Mrs, Turnipseed are excellent artists, and gave a lovely, pro? gram. . ..; • • ■“* * ^ •• - V • cent in dividends and there was avail- game xrom a trainqsvnio stanapou The opening- meeting. Friday even- able (m a d d : tional 1Q per t h at ; tkQ P 0 rt e r, M a nes S , P a ris ,and Pilgrim al iytle So- ing will be held in the Sunday-school • , - . — ■.TllflVPfl AnRfl vinll fni* . ilninootnla « room of the First Methodist church, at which place a rally will be held! morning.; ^ ' Several ;bf the Gainesville churches will be occupied by the conference during the session. interesting visitor; of the past-i week .was Mts, RussqII - Snow, of QuitV; T LILLY—CLARK. man, Mrs. Snow; as Miss Leslie; Hd'r- fell is muf^'^beloved bY the students Gaiiiesville, announce the engagement old law andVundey a receivership th^ apd facirity of! the’college,..having or-, of/their,.daughter,'Mardclle, to MrfEv- foes of Mich a received.would k^ive been and Mrs. Oscar . James Lilly, of sta,:J,ohn C; Rigs- ■ E.; Rigsby, pf this . LAy/ OFFICE HERE. Col. G. F. Kelley has opened a law office at 514 Jackson building, and" will 'enter the ’practice of lav-i in this sec-, tiou.. Associated .with Mr. Keley will be . his bi other,-Hon. John I. Kelley, and the (firm name-will be Kelley & Kelley Mrs. Bnow libs been delightfully on teftaihoa aiT. cRnnera; -partietHand'- thea tre parties. ? Among the hostesses were Miss Florence M. .Overton; Miss Eva Pearce,. Mrs. Lester Hosch, and -Mt&- Ella P. Leonard. . , , w.. Col. Kelley is a former representative superior courts of the.Conlolo circuit, of Gwinnett county i n ^he/legislaturc, Judge of the Court of Appeals, n ftnd a law ei . of . Wiilian t attainments; f in Cm.,,/,,,,,, p.en.-m.i 1 ' , " 7 Judge of the Supreme court of Georgia, who ;. 8 wel ^ med to tho Quoen , resigmni,- the last named position Jau-' ^ •j&ry 1, 1922,00 return-tp .the * of law at hjttihome .in .Vienna. He is a ( gr:,dualo of";Mercer University in thdl class of 1900, and" is only 44 years 'pi . age. He is married and has two ch dven, hi; wife being a daughter of Hon. Joseph P. Heard of Vienna/ Majoi Charles E. McGregor of War- Venton, was nominated oyorwhelmingly for Pension Commissioner to succeed tlie late' Judge John W, Lindsey, de feating four opponents. He is the fa ther of Mrs. D. C. 8tow of Gainesville, hence Gainesville, and Hall county peo ple have a peculiar interest' and pleas ure in his nomination: The State Democratic convention will niejt October 28th in Macon and for mally ratify the action of the primary hy declaring Judge Goorgo and Afaj^r Mc&rogcT ,t® nominees of the party for Huited States Senator and Pension Com- Jiiissioner, respectively. ■ Hall county Wont for both George tad McGregor, tho vote for the various candidates befog as follows: George. 781. Hardwick, 298.' Wright, 284. Cooper, 9. Mo Gregor, 1,124. Clark’, 188, Butt, .85. Stone, 31.' m Dent, 25. UNION SINGING AT DUNA- GAN’S CHAPEL. There will be a union singing at Dun- ogan's chapel ion the. first Sunday in November. will be there are Jones, McMillan, Turk and many others. It will bo an all-day affair; -with dip-, n’er on tho grounds, and everybody is invited to come, not omitting the song book under one afm and the. w.f. bas ket under thd other. and faculty of.the college,;^liaVing or-,of.toeuyoaiighter,'MardoJJe, to Mr; ganized aud'koitad as president for twbd erf’ Ballm'd vplark,- of. La Grapge, tlio fears of. the Student Government, as . marriage to bfe. solemnized in November, wo have it. in force now, ' Hp cardi-. , V . 1 .. superihtondent still had on hand $154,- phpy e< 3-. good ball for Gaincsvile. 000 bucpHected bills repeivable and otb- pai ne s v iHe hps. rup. up a total of s er assots,. out ,*of which the depositors P°i n ta tc .their opponents’ 14 this saa,- would reeeiVe additional And substan- | s( m,.-having been/scoredon by Clarkes- dividends. The/ • superintendent They have a splendid team and showed, that the profits under his dpor- : win W 'watching, in their remaining: ^ aticu, exceeded-the expenses toder his j G^ les on schedule, . > ■-■■■ manugement',by $5,000, that under his' Y- dtil farni f hes tU noxt opposition, management; tho liquidating agent bad Commercial- High of Atlanta; Ath- received-only $1;250; whereas under the/! Toccoa .and Fulton High are also on the schedule. BOUGHT HOTEL PROPERTY The decision- of Judg’d Jones denied!; Dr. J.-U. Downey.recently bought or the receivership and injunction,-and is Mr. A. J. Lovolady'tho latter’s hotetl important boeivuso of. other attacks at, Ball-Ground. In company with MA ‘{•ado oil the banking act throughout .‘ John W. Jackson, Dr. Downey spent a. •tho state.* ' ij day m nvo-nl Ball Ground, last week sold in the city’Of Gainesville ■. Ju v g v G ^“ l 'gy Gober,. and iH. B.' looking over the property with a view* inspected tod, iiaohse ihsued ^ Mar ^ a ’? .^sont^^thm. to making some 'repairs to the hotel, ■ > , . ' y j stockm/lders and depeaitors, 'while Her-. which will continue to be operated h r ' 7 ... V I khitt fllotr nnJ Uwn J i!i'X 1 i ■ n Ivt A ,.a1a« 1.7 J x Miss Pearl Smith of Valdosta, and a popular member of the class of'1922,.is the guest of n\em sorority* y. of the Phi Mu , J J'7 NOTIDE. '' _ After Oct. 15,1922, all meat and dairy- products must" bo to sell .frame, ^ V ' HOPKINS j BhrtkOWy and Fred Morris, of Maridt- ! some on ■ \ City Food Itnspedfe-S ff ® avi< ?’ of ^ , ' ■ \:i ./- v■ , v v * resontea the superintendent.’ « Miss Mary E/ Carden had ha hqr guest during the past week her father, Mr. C. R. Carden,, of Munfordville,, Ky. Mr. Pa|'Haralson of Blairsville, Gp;., spent|several days at the coliegp' visit-- ing 'her', daughters, Misses Austine and Jutoit'a Haralson. \ Mrs.. Mamie’F.' /Reese of Atlanta, is tho guest, of her daughters, Misses Mary Among the prominent leaders Wh°- £opo anu Kathryn Rqese,/at thp Zeta i?au chapter house. V / Mr. C. J. LeFleur of Detroit, Mich; spent.'sevotal' days with, his daughter. Miss Metta, recently. SINGING AT ANTIOCH NEXT SUNDAY. , There will be a singing'at Antioch church next Sunday afternoon, begin 2 o’clock. . Mr. J. E. Owons and othor prominonjt leaders will be on hand, and u pleasaut timo 1b expected. Th ) “FVork and AVorsbip'y songboolts wil bo used. * SIXTH GRADE HONOR ROLL CANDLER ST. SCHOOL. IVniier Griggs '- ,-. //; Roy Jackson Ferdio Hutchins Arnold Griffin Evoiyn Griggs Frances- Hill Lessio Simmons • .1 • . ;• 7 RIVERSIDE TO PLAY U. S. B. HERE SATURDAY. A football game which promises to bo hectic struggle 'from the blovying of the roferee’s .whistlo until the end'of flu) gain-.* is sluteil ,-it tlui city p.-uk Saturday afternoon-betwcon the “fight- 'in\r” Rivorsido cudets anil the Uiiiver- Lity School for Boys of Atlanta, f Riyor-iide has quite n number of stars' j buck lit llio. school Ibis year, ami this M earn will no doubt be a.contondor for I ijio state championship. Tho University cloven is noted as one.of tho best in the state, and probably the liost in At- lanta prep circles. Llpivormty fans are 'onfidont of the outcome of the game, but witl- Rivorsido playing their usual game; in their own bnelc yard, they' will - IRVIN JARRARD. - n d Tho Rlv0r M 0 team r - and Mrs. L. Y. Irvin, of Cornelia, W? 0 C - . in , hd _ •mnounco the engagement ..of tholr nust.lined qtG^y o^ fon ‘‘ ^ 10 ” ^RlUer. Loin Florence, to Mr. Louis _ J/Jt;,, ^ | /lll0 •crimes Ev °” mi “ M, " y Wmmfa ‘*'%v ■ M mm Mr. atid Mrs. J. D. Smith tod son, Lamar, Mrs. O' H. Humphries ’of Bar- nesville^ Ga., motored tip for the Week end and.wore guests of tlicir'daughtors, Miss Noll' Smith and Mis*, lola. Hum phries, , ; Among those who spent the week-ond in Atlanta were Misses Mary Holmes, Holbn Torrence, Alary Jane Huddleston and Joan Davis. Dr. H. J. Pearce ‘isy spending some t ime in N6w. Orleans, La. CALLED * COMMUNICATION. There will be ,a cullod cdin'iuumeation of Ginnes/ilia Lodge No, 219, F. & A, M.y next Friday night in the lodge room, Tliore will‘bo work in tlio Master Dogree and the membership, ns well as visititig brethren, is cordially invited to attend. WHOESXLE GROCERY FIRM CHANGES HANDS. A large'business deal of last week was the purchasing of J. F. Carter- Co*. APPOINTED MEAT INSPEC TOR selected by the new owner. CHILD’S DRESS CAUGHT FIRE Mrs/ J'esepliine Tunilin had one of h?c hands severely burned 'Thursday while putting out the flames which ignited th*;- y Carter Grocery Co. The entire line f wholesale; merchandise' stock was •ought; but the J. F. Citrtoi' Co. 're tained the- builditigs. v However, .this firni is i o’ ’ring from .jjfcd wholesale gro- oery business. ■ j The J. F., Cartep Co., of; which Mr, J. F, Carter has b'bon proprietor, has- been in tho wholesale grocery business here for a numbor of* yews past and had grown to bo a firm of well-known reputation. Mr. .T. F. Carter lmd : for merly been-ii stockholder in the Carter Grocery Co. ' • Carter Grocery Co., with the addition of this stock, will continue in business ct the smile location,* . —- ■ -o—;—K&! ' ■ WEEK-END FESTIVITIES . AT N. G. A. COLLEGE, DAHLON- - EGA The North Georgia Agricultural cob Jogd had a very eiijoyilble week for tlio students beginning witii a very interest 1 - i:ig footl'-all gnmo in the aftornobn^ fol lowed by g daneo at tlijj Mountain-Inn Hotel in , tho evening.' Tho football giyiio wuu a hpetic struggle from bo- to /end, Rivorsido and the .Ag gies furnishing sumo, which ondqd in a vlctoiy for the Gniuosvillo laddies by u score of 2^ to 12. Dablonogu. stnrtod the scoring early in the game ruu up thoir 12 points .before Rivorsido rallied, ’ ey*nobly boginning ( in the last of the Dr. W V. Hopkins at tho last, council , ; dross of her little six-yedr old daughter., meeting ,was appointed moat inspector i w hich caught fire while the little girL for.the icily. ThisT is a'great step»for- -,fa^ standing in front of the fire-place, ward to ’improve sanitary .eruditions as |Mrm Turalin had her husband, Mr. Chn*.. this officio takes charge of "and inspect^ Tumiin, toro off the little girl’s dress;. aj|. 'dairy; and meat prodiiets coming in when the flairies 'wore discovered with-- >r ‘ SHI nr going but of the municipal corporate limits. Dr. Hopkins, who. is a very ca pable veterinary surgoon,here.for the past few-; 3'cars, should make an excel lent mr.u .for- this important posit,ipn. STILI^-PICKENS. Mavrii-b at the homo, of the brido’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Still, at Montoe, Ga., Monday evening, October 9ti., Miss Lucille Still of that city and M:\ Chus. L. Pickens of Bowman; Ga. The ceremony was. performed by an «u *h of tho bride, Rev. Mr. Woodruff of Dallas, Ga., in tlie presence of friends and relatives who hadassembled for tho evvint. The. bride is pii, estiiuablo young .womr.n. of Monroe, is a graduate of tho Eighth distric-il A, & M. school u.nd I lie Stiite NornTal School at Athens, his tiuight for sometime at.Triad, Ga, and other places.. Mr. Pickens is out thc child be|ng in any way*, injur?*I. by the flamfss, but Mrs. Tiimlin.’s hands were badJj' burned. They lived on route 2/noar the 7 city.' NOTICE TO REGISTER. Every one in the City off Gaines ville whoisen titled to register, undet the law, must come to the City Clerk’s Office at the City Hall am£ register that they may be qualified! to vote' in the election to he -held; out the, 12th day of December, 1922'. ,-Every one is entitled, to register who is twenty-one years of age, has 1 resided in the State for twelve* months, and who has paid all tales' required of them and which they haw. had an opportunity qf-paying, except; taxes fto-this year. The registration book is now open;* a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. 'Pickens of ^ ^ bfeen since October 2nd amli this city and is manager of tho Bowman wi]1 vemain open until November 2nd,. Drug Co., of Bowman, Ga., having grad-; WgV which time no one ^11 be allow, .mted-r.i the University of Goorgia bo^ ^ register oral .years ago. Mr and. Mrs. Pickens ' ^ 0lefction r wiH be held for three- after a honeymoon.trip to Frauklm and other points in that ft other points in that! soction, came’ to Gninosviiie Saturday and remniued lUH.i] Sunday with-tho formor’s parents, ro\ '-.irhin^ to Bowman Smidny afternoon, MODERN TOPICS CLUB. Mrs/Tsutiior- Bridgors ontpri ninod tin! jncuibor3 of tho Afodcvn.Topics Club on Tuesday ufternooq at her homb'On Main street. MtB, S/O. Smith read an inter- paper on "Unitbd Stuto^ and esting Her Possessions, ” after which Mrs. Brldgor*-. favored liex guests with sev eral. beautiful piano.selections. Mrs. Hammond Johnson and Mrs. James Merritt assisted tho'hostess in korving a salad course. The visitors present were Miss Katie i‘«d quarter.’ Hatcher -wa^ probably 'vlio^re t'/.iy are at jiomc to their friends, the outstanding star of the game, be ing very capably aided by Rosonfolt, whoso long run. through tlio entire Bah- 'Winiwrn fnem i. ...n 1 • _ ./• j.r.. .. MR, 0 H. WILLIAMS DEAD. News of tlio death of Mr. C. H. Wil- lonoga ti'um.anjl tho rest of his fighting lmins, fpriuorly qf-A.tliyita Imi re- -.u’•;/ tcam-n-.f.tes,. Dahlonega outclassed the tf Bnini>rldge, reached here Muhuuy and rami ns a severe; shock to- his friends here. Hn is tin .ihiie . yisitovs-in the firsl half and put up a very excellent brand of ball. Ai 8:.'t0 tho guests of the different fiats at tin* school and other visitors Edwin A,-Smith of this v *.,r. -««, ^ . -s-.. .. . m at H. ]«..»» in MM# nftor » hWj«W™ >"gW led “ the Commissioners as required undou the; recent act of the Legislature amend ing the City Charter; this election will he held on the 12th of December, 1922. .* N No one cap register for you; YOUV' MUST COME IN PERSON and tuk». the oath before the City Clerk. It you are sick or for any reason son- are unable to come to the Clerk’s Of-. €ice> 'he will come to yoii if you wiE ; : ask him. It is important that ev«ury- liu I' d I Body register, and thereby show that} •any a-.her o' lire; ity. gathered at tho Mountain Iifn for n.’jwioss and tho interment took place in the City. •evy enjoyable daneo. 'Music was fur* •lishcd by the BJue Birds of Gaines- \iili* uho kept up their re]» as being the best in N.orthensf Gnorgin. Thp daneo vvii'n a huge success, being spon sored by tho Pan-Hellenic of tho scho Thomnsvillo. •He is survived by his wife and seven HOWARD THOMPSON, Mayor..