Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, October 25, 1922, Image 1

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W&&&3 * - -■ - • - * ■ ■.. . .' -.' ni»©u>s»TrwnftJ*> VOLUME XXXV. GAINESVILLE, GA., WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1922. MBS. H. W. CAMPBELL SERI OUSLY INJURED IN AUTO MOBILE ACCIDENT. Mrs. H. W. Campbell, of Atlanta, Tvife of II. W. Campbell, genoral agent ol i ij u; International Life Insurance ii still in a semi-conspious condi- tion in the hospital here, suffering from injuries sustained in an automobile ac cent four miles beyond Buford'Sun day afternoon at 6130 o'clock. Mrs. ijampbcl i was returning to Atlanta af- t, i a visit of several days to relatives in Gainesville, and was accompanied by Mr. Campbell, their 13-year-old son, William, and Miss Mildred Walton, of Atlanta ; , :v To avoid striking a pedest.rian who stepped into the road almost in front of the car, tho chauffeur made a quick turn across a shallow- ditch, the rear fender striking a fence, the car then turning to the other side of the road, when it was righted and stripped. It was immediately discovered that Mrs. Campbell had either been thrown or had jumped out of the car, no oho knowing in what manner, due *• to tho excitement of the moment. She wins lying unconscious by the side of the road, is believed-her head must have struck the ground. Loving hands carried her into the home of Mr. Patillo and a physician summoned from Buford. Mrs., Camp bell’s injury appearing to be seriops, an ambulance was called from Gaines ville and she was brought to the local hospital. .She; is apparently suffering from concussion of tho brain and sc vere shock, never having regained con sciousness. At present .her condition seems slightly iipproybd, and .tho physi cians are hopeful of recovery. No bones are broken, very few bruises were found, the injury apparently being in tee head. ; .. ‘Mrs. Campbell is a sistor of . Mrs. J. E. Jackscc and aunt of Mrs. E. 0. Ham and Mrs. James Rudolph. ^ She has a fun, Robert, in attendance at Riverside Academy, William, a younger s&~Mnb was in' the -automobile' at- : the time- of tee accident, and one daughter, Mrs. Louise (jJnmpbell Jones, of Port Wayne, Ind., who will reach Gainesville todiiy, joining the other members of the fam* i>y here. Mr3. Campbell] is a woman of sweet and charming personality and is loved, by all who know her. She has visited Gainesville of ton, having many friends here who are deeply grieved at. her sib- rioos condition, and jhojpe for.a quick and complete recovery. ■■ v' ADDRESS OF WELCOME. Mr. Jdm Finger, Jr., representing the Gainesville Hi School, made a most happy address of . welcome to the Older Older Boys Conference Held Was Enjoyable and Inspirational Boys’ Conference, which convened hero j . The following article, .written by Mr. superintendent. The adult leaders and Friday evening, and in response to nu merous requests that it bo published, it ’a herewith given f - Mr. Chairman, Members of the Con ference, other gentlemon, and ladies: Upon me has been conferred the honor t,\d Measure of extending, a welcome to you f ‘Older Boys.” Our city is small;.but not little; it ,s niqch broader than its corporate limits ;■ in fact, it is the best town that I have ever lived in. Churches and schools are the two great est indexes 'of civilizatiop. We are proud of our churches with their ample buildings and largo congregations. As to schools, Gainesville is an educational center. Wo have Riverside Academy with its two hundred cadets, Bronau College with its four or five huqdrod studontB, our city schools .with aWarmy of pupils^ aud a high school that is^Ano of the very highest—“out of sight.” Our city is always true to, its name; for every time Gainesville moves it gains, gains, Gaines-ville! . Our city also boasts a street railway. ,Lt is run by electricity and eight cents c-.r fare. Our trolleys vsdll take you to tho four points of the compass; you Chattahoochee;, 1 ' you can travel !h the cun go north and hear the "song of the opposite direction as far as the-South-■ railway; you cpn go east to New Holland; and, when you have to “go, Harllee Branch for the Atlanta Journal' delegation heads taught the various regarding the bldor«Boys Conference’classes, the lesson being based on the hold here, will be road with a great deal ■ srtbject* “Temptation. -'I Vnllnwiflfl of interest : . . I Following Sunday school, the delegates Three hundred boys from a numbefj%hdd in a body to tho Bjst.;Metho- of cities in north Georgia, delegates, .1.51^hurch, wliero they beard a special TUv,' Hnn-1 conference ;se.rma*, by Dr. Harvey W. TO OPEN UP-TO-DATE DRY CLEANING PLANT. Mr. W. J. Scoggins is making prepar ations to open in about thirty days ouo 't the most modern and up-to-date dry cleaning and tailoring plants in this sec- lion of the 8onth. The plant will be located in the build- ug now occupied by the Georgia Rail way & Power Co., and Will occupy half to tho North Georgia Older Boy.' Cou-i conforeiiefc aotmol*,by IfeJ «UU dosed its M «•*■.!«* •» ' tioo hd. Sunday evening under tlio nns-l *4 ®«“?.IIStf 1ggS pices of the state committee of tho Y,;«nce, aside from its religious and moral M. C. A., left Gainesville Monday bound; for their homes', with the instructions' and inspirations received from (the con fer onco fresh in their minds. The conference closed with a furewoll meeting in theVFirst Baptist church on, Sunday evening, which was attended by some seven or- eight hundred people. The closing mooting marked the end of a conference that it is expected is dm 1 aimed to work wonders religiously and morally for-the youth of North Geor gia. ■ Tho pastor^ of all the Gainesville churches gave, up their evening services cn - Sunday in order 1 that the -church people of' this city might attend the aspects, was the big banquet .tendered the delegates by the; ladies of Gainos- vilie, and held in the spacious Coca-Cola plant Saturday evening, which had boon cleared and decorated for the occasion by Mr. Terrell, manager of the local bottling works. An elaborate supper was served and a jolly good ijjime was the reward for the ladies’ work. Yells for the various high schools represented wcto given by the delegates find a number of special talks .were de- liyored by the boys themselves, .The tu/o principal addresses of tho .evening wore delivered by O. B. Hia- ii ant of Wilmington, N. C ; and Df. Hit- vey Cox, of Emory University. Mr. iina. meeting of the conference. I Tennant’s subject was “That Somo- W. W. Orr, chairman of the Y. 1K and Dr. Cox spoke of “Things A. state committee, was unavoidably the . Torch. " Both addross'es detained in A-tlanta, and was unable to I v0ro tll0 ^me of the confer ence, “.The Message of the Torch.” of this building. The mo^t modern machinery will bo installed, and - Mr. Scoggins is making an investment of several thousand dol- ars in the plant. He has just received Vue blue prints; and they call for a beautiful and well equipped plant. When completed the plant, will be able to handle anything from ilu over coat to tho finest silk. 1 - Ah export man will take charge of all She work, and the worli will be guaranteed through OUt. •'' j • V Work on remodeling the building has already befun, in charge of Joe R. Brice, and the famlding will he reraod-. tiled threughout.Tln artistic' partition will bo placed in the center, and' a flno plate glass front put in,and the building will present a splendid appearance whin completed. Tiie Georgia Railway & Poorer Co., vill still occupy the building, using the •ther half. 11 o-' BAPTIST WORKERS CONFER ENCE OCTOBER 30th. A workers’ conference has been called i t Gainesvillp^^t the First Baptist church cn October 30th at 9.30 a. m. pastors, clerks, moderators, chairmen of executive committees, and one be uf-ro rnenibers of the committee, presi dent or seme officer of each of tho As- S'ociational organizations of Sunday School, Baptist Young Peoples' Union, Woman ’s Missionary Union, laymen and any other interested persons are cor dially invited. Tho day will be spent in planning and prayer. The Georgia Educational - , . . , . ., „ , Orr ’s' absence, West,”.tho cars can take you to “ 10 !Q a j nosvi ] I . to ho?d their annual Oldor Boys'con- , ..... , , , „ lie Will be forever . ^OB.tUii.great importance of carrying forence thoir fair city , w bich invita- | Hansford, recently of Washington, ’ n^W.. home, to their companions.. ^ wa8 gffidly accepted, and, gV and Mr - C * L- Newton of this city. “Whereas, the success of confer- Newt °ii is a prominent business cnco, and the entertainment of the dele gates during their stay 1 tn this .city is traceable directly to the efforts of va rious organized agencies of Gainesvillej therefore, HON. WM. J. HARRIS TO SPEAK HERE MONDAY. Hon. Wm. J. Harris, United States Senator from’ Georgia, will address the I«oolo of Gainesville 1 and Hall county m tho court house at the ndoql hour, of court ou Monday, October 30. , - Senator Harris is a popular public .of ficial, and wilPno doubt bo greeted by o largo audience Monday. Ladies arc especially invited to bo present. . deliver the. farewell address, as had been scheduled.. t. E. Montague of Bio state “Y” committee, spoke in Mr. absence, telling the people of , .._ , , 4, . . vmjuuoville just what had been accom- Mn |M> the meetings of the t«, Atlantic, tell ns thnt if . pemen e , nfOTra „„ ®npon the dele take. the . treatment of on y «yn mJes m g,„t importance of corryinj on nor street eats, he mil he forever > home ,5 ftoh . Mmpan i„ M , ii»mnho_ from nonlickne... . j— his brfel b „, Onr eity has on go. 0, hot oh; tat ho ., a Itom the vnrthns we have three newspaper. «v. bnnk», J 0 ul , n „ mb e. of delegate, a dtp company, a jail,.and othnr mode,,., ^ ^ ^ ^ t0 tostUy t0 conveniences. . ' . . , . 1 , l0 d that the confcTence had done for If you “older boys” are interested, in p , . .. , the “younger sisters,” Gainesville has * em P° ,sona Y* . . mere.proity girls (domestic as wcllme| ' testimonies from the boy dele-£ im^rtort) than hny other city of its ' .'tes -wera very impressive nud^coymc- size imho world. Our North Georgia png, and werq proof enough that the blue-ribbon ’lasses is a “heap” sweoV I <onfccnco had been highly successful fi than 'South Georgia ribbon-cane,i’> carrying out the purpose of its 01- f.yrup. ganizers. . , - / Gainesville is ever ready to welcome! While the:big audience sang “Bleit anything that makes for its unlift and Be the Tie that Binds,” the delegates i,ettcrment; honce this Conforehce has! rose and formed a friendship circle mf unusually cordial welcome. The]around the church auditorium. This latch-string'is not on the outsidethe,ircle has always closed the filial session door i^filread'y wide open; you are more | of the older boys ’ conferences, and titan Welcome; come, in. and make your-j deeply affect6 the boys who form it. selves at home. We are at home, and Only two Verses of the grand old hymn i/o 'Wish you were; I mean we wish you | Was, sung, and then tho delegates, still to bo also. The Gainosville Hi School joined m a circle, bowed their heads : The following resolutions were adopt ed by‘the conference: “Whereas, the pastors and laymen of tho churches of Gainesville so kindly invited rho older <boys of north Georgia new Undertaking estab lishment. A r ow undertaking establishment will or. on for business in Gainesville on the first of November. It is to bo known as Eansford-Nowton Co.; and will be located at No. ^0 North Bradford St. The-members of tho firm are Mr. J, and Enlistment program will bo dis- v-ussod, lopprts will be macte by repre- sentativfs of Associations and a round table discussion conducted. The conference seeks to solve prob lems and lay plans for the coming year. The goor. people of furnish entertainment for all who comm’ Please write Rov. E. F. Campbell, Gainesville Ga., if you will be able to 1 lie present A day m instruction, inspiration, anl. offered, Come! ' ' E. F. CAMPBELL. ■ ielp j IN NEW YORK. Mr. .Goo. P- Estes off the Estes store eft Saturday for New Yorl^ where ba is making extensive purchases of new fall and winter goods for the really-bo- wear arid other departments of this, popular store. Patrons of the store may expect. soon, to see the arrival of 1 ho new goods, ready for ii ■ Mr; Pinckney Wholchel has returned! from New- Orleans, La., where he was an attendant at the American '..onvention. He rejnorts a delightM S, m tm ■ m B m man here, cashier of the Citizens Ban!:. Mr. Hansford is- an undertaker of 12 years experience; and comes highly rec ommended. The new firm will have modern find “Bo it. Resolved bv the Delegates .of- equipment, and will doubt, be NfSrr^Geibfiti'a'tBderi-'Bbys* Oonf^f>iu. their .nnd s er-. « N(^rtL < 'G6Tbfgi > a'Qldhr Boys cnco, that sincere thanks bo extended 1 h the fcllowiug individuals and agen- eies: • “The churches-of Gainesville, fer the m e of the same as a meeting place for tlie conference. u inking. “The pity of Gainesville and the local ‘ UNION SINGING AT ANTIOCH A GREAT SUCCESS. - The singing at Antioch last Sunday ! afternoon was one of the best of the p U 3t of tho American Legion for the of the community house. “Tho hospitable people of Gainesville tor the enter^ainmout of tho delegates in their homes. “Tho members of tho local commit tee, for their efforts preparatory to our season in every respect. A large croxvd extends you the “glad hand,’,’!of,which I am proud to be the little Finger. in silont prayer. :1‘ I coming. Each delegate offered a short prayer “Miss Pope and tho committee of MRS. WILLIFORD WEDS MR BROOKS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Justin Griffin, Jr./Unrioimeo the marriage'of their sis- UI1 d George Sharp, of Atlanta, president ter,. Mrs' Francos' Griffin Williford,' of Gaii.osville, Ga., to Mr. Pfiul r Bailoy Brooks of Knoxville,. Tbnn., Thursday • t^mooii October 19, at the residence young ladies, who assisted, her in the assignment of delegates to the homes. ‘Mr. Terrell, for thgmse of the Coca- Cola plant as a banquet ^'oom. The committee of ladies,for lightful banquet they served the’dole-. oi\ the .conference* declared the confer- . I t rpi Vorthe delegate first on his left then .oh liis right, and then foe the carrying out of the aims of the conference at homo. Rev. E F. Campbell of tho First Bap tist- church, pronounced the benediction, once* adjourned. The Sunday afternoon sossion of the conference was held in the First,Metho u. S. B. LOSES TO RIVERSIDE ON FORFEIT. The footfiall gamo last Saturday, af- iiirnoon between the University S&hool ior Boys of Atlanta and 1 Rivovsido .was forfeited to Riverside by'the .referee, thoitiy after tho bogiitning of (be see- ( nd half, at which tiiiie the score \Vns ■“ to 0 in favor of Riverside. / Hoaoh Kaliska, of the University School, took his team off the field when die referee banished'one' of his pla'yers i :or rilogwl unsportsmanlike conduct. The official records show that during •fin Urge half' every penalty which the friou-e a warded went, against Rivovr irio; but, notwithstanding this.fact, the •«ul boys ninclo a touchdown.’ Shortly after (ho beginning of tho second l alf, a forward pass from Rid- 'fi 0 to Rnsenfold noltod tlio cadets on- i-thor touchdown, It xvas during m Hint one of the Atlanta players i'aa ordered from, tho field fori alleged uns|>-,rtsiMnuliko conduct, whereupon. < - cac> ' Kuliska refused to eomiinio the Wme longer. Tho game was holly con- tostod. _ of Mr. and'. Mrs. Griffin, in Linwood ( |. g) . and was devoted to a mhss Park, Rev. E. L. Thomas officiating, -0 ORDINATION SERVICE. On Sunday, Oct. 22, a Presbytery xvas cal'od in by- tlio Central’- Baptist church, GainosviHe, for- tho purpose of ordaining Bio. Lonnie' Tyngr to the gospel ministry. . .. Rov. J T. Grizzle was made model- F. Cainpboli led the-;exa'iu- *itor, Dr. Tuy iiiation of the. candidate, Rov. G. f, Shiiiley led jtho ordination prayer, Rov. G. T. Ituut delivered the charge; and Rov.'-'r. D. Hawkins presented the Bi- Mo, Bro. Tyner preached the ordinii* tien sonhoh; hiriiself from the- text* “Wlat ye 110$ that I must go about my Father’s business.” ' Bro; Tvrier is a graduate of the Chat-, tahoocime High School, and has spout some time in Meteor Univfiretty. Ho -s •i very promising young mail. . ■. ^ . —— Wit* ■ ■ ' ■ m u— all-day singin “‘a aiimml nil-day song and prniso •orvi.-o v. ill be held at Lula Rnptisi 'hureh, Ln]|| on next Sunday, October -fi-^ Como xvith well-fiHod bafiket8 nml )0ur lnli'th song books, mift let us have a Grand uld day of song and praise to ’toGne Most High ?or His ever drintin- i’iid blessings, Singers especially invl- ,0 d. Kverybody xvoleomo. E. -F. WHIT Obriir^nn - --si attended, and good singing xvas enjoyed ell the aftenioon. After the singing a business sossion was held, and it xvas voted;to mako tliis an annual affair. J. E.‘ Owen was elected .president and L. N. Jay secre tary. • The next session w-ill bo held at Sai- on the fourth Suiiday in April. Mrs. % C, Brannon and son,' Edmund, of Millou, are spending some time with Mrs. N. M. Pope. . Not much: fall plowing wader- way yet. Somebody better get on the job arid sow plenty of gram erops. l Governor rioiuieed that he'will shortly begin the publication of a weekly pape’f to be known as “The Georgia Cracker.) ’ We published a % that name for awhile and wo. want to Warn the Governor that 'it’s no cinch. ' When Indian summer comes v;ms think it s the prettiest time of 4Se,o year. Again' whenSpring arrives we are . convinced that is, the tie^st season of the year. ( ,vuth of the business is, if yon. ass feeling fit, all seasons of the yssec- are pretty, and you enjoy them asJL 1 --J—i l ' BRENAU AND RIVERSIDL ' Dpy AT METHODIST. Sunday, Oct. 29th, will be observed Rlvorsiclo und-Brcnau Day, Tlio mimic will be ‘in ^ jnsfitulmiis. There w«U be a brief lion by the phstdr and shoit tu w, UJ Vopresc.ntatives of these schoo.. A cordial invitation to all. kindnoss Mr ami Mrs..D. IV Casey wish to. ox- uress appreciation for nhowit them, and tlio of lheir friondfi iiig tlio idpess of Mrs . *’ - .« , iHi tic so meeting ior boys fifteen year or over, The principal address of the mooring xvas dolivcred by 0. B. Hinpunt, who elioso .as his subject, “ Tho Call- of the Torch.” - Mr. Hirinarit’s address was docidedly the must impressive, of sbmd eighteen or twenty that had been spoken during tho sessions of.the conference.' Ho' stressed in a moist touching man nor the necessity of ansxvering tho call of God and giving all to his- xvork. He ibentioned the need of ministers, the ncml of “Y” secretaries, of missionar ies Tor foreign' fields, and' last, but nol leant, tlif. world’s great need of Chris tian business men. He closed his address with an appeal to tho delegates to hear the call of the church and to surrender to God’s wdll. Many boys ansxvcrod his appeal, and volunteered to give their lives'unreserv edly to tho work of Christ aud the; church. Follpv/irig hip talk, final action was taken on a motion made lit the Satur day ovcmiig session to pledge sup port to "« simultaneous -statc-xvido cam- paign to raise funds.for “Y” work in Lidia. . .' \ The conference voted to laxirioh such a campaign, provided tho Noxvnnn con- fereiien, ia bo hold in Noycmbor, would pledge its support. Practically all of tho'. doVxgofes signed personal pledges .Cor contributions to such n fund, The delegates hoUFthoir own Sunday The : speakers at the conference, for tho instructive as w.ell as; inspiring ad- di'.ssos made to tho conference. “Mr.-Stancil, for the nso of the high school auditorium as a Sunday School room. 1 “Tlio nexx-spapors, both local and iu (ther'parts of the state, for tho accounts thoy published of the -xvork of tlie cou- forericc, and “The state eonmiittop of (he Y.. M. 0. A., for ptarmiug and promoting tlio saipe. APPRECIATES REST ROOM. iho i'Lapwing'lot cOr, xvgieh is'seu-ex- puuiatoiy, xvas leit this, xv’ook tit the Ariioricau Legion rest rimin'by a..Visit- iug laay: “Dour Friends,: -On niy trip over tk£ oauntry 'from Paris Isiuria, S, 0., 1 must leave yon a note giving my thanks slid good wishes, and must state-that I have not found any place in uuothor town half so nice; and everywhere 1 go I will speak a good Word for you, You have a boaufiful plafco—eloau; uoat as a reali home ana 1 Rave coratinly enjoyed my trip here and regret to go away with out telling you ail and mooting all of, you in person; ' ' • MRS. ;10HN F. DAVIS, Marine Barracks, Paris Island, 8. 0.’ "" " ST ATTENDED MEETING OF BA KERS IN ATLANTA. • T/t'j-a. W.; E. Blackshenr last week at- tendod the meeting of tho Southeastern Bailors Association in Atlanta, and niiido an address before the. ussoeiatien 1 £