Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, November 08, 1922, Image 1

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mjk. •0< 4 J ' ' WiM ■ ». V I'.' i® «§ INDUSTIIIA^ ir. : m mWm ' ’ - a | |£$g§£$5| Jj, mm volume XXXV. GAINESVILLE, GA./ WEDNES^Y, NOVEMBER 8,* 1922. NO. 13, DEMOCRATS achieve vic- TORY YESTERDAY. ]n -he national election yesterday, the ° rats reduced the Repdbliacn ma- the House of Representatives Jfemo jority to less than 40, gaining 120 but be a? liberal fro® i 'msp while in the Senate the Rq- ^nblican majority, wits cut' down to a ^Lmium from a majority of 24. , F#Tn „ )r Gov. Alfred E. Smith was •verwhelmingly elected Governor of KeW York state, defeating Rppublican Lertor Nathan L. .Miller lpy noany £00 000 votes. Two years ago. the Re publics swept New York state by a Loritv of nearly a million votes. Ifcenator Cal®, Republican, also suf fered defeat at the han^is of Royal id. Copeland Democrat..; la se'.v .lerscy, former Governor .Ed- flarafl * Democrat,, defeated Senator frelimcdotysen, Republican, 'tho , Erosi- L: ? "personal friend, b/more than jo.'ooo majority. M genui ir At leu Pomerene o^Ohio, Dem ocrat. appears to have been’ re-elected over Congressman Foss,. Republican, rrhile A. W. Donabey, Democrat, ap- , can to have been elected Governor over Cut mi A. Thomason) Republican. r his tos-ilt in President Harding’s homo state was somewhat of a surprise. jj Indiana, former Governor Ralston, ■Pemocrii! has defeated former. Senator Albert ,l. Boveridge, close fiend and confidant-.' of the date President Roose velt, for the Senate. Boveridge defea- iodWuaaor Harry S. Now in the Rer iibilean primaries' for the Sonate in the spring only to meet defeat in the general election. , . la Tennessee, the entire Democratic ticket but. swept the state_by old-time Democratic majorities. Senator h£cKei' hr, Pr.iiocrat, is returned victor in that ilate. la Massachusetts, Senator Henry .Ca bot Lodge, is funning behind /lolonei Williamson Gaston, Democrat, by nearly 4,000 votes, and it appears, likclyHthnf he will be defeatod., Thi§ is one cf the most astounding pieces of, political news of the entire campaign. Senator .lames A. Reed, of .Missouri las been elected over R. R. Brewster, Sepublichn, by 15,OOO.ghia3qrity. la Wen, Virginia, M. M, Neeley, Deja- ttret, appears to ha^e been elected Uni ted States Senator over the present ’P- cumbent, Senator Sutherland, Repub lican. ’ ’ i ' ■ POPPY DAY SALE On Saturday, Armistice Day, you will meet on tho streets a bevy of bright earnest young girls who will offer poo* pres, for sale. Pay whatever ’yob Want, blit bo A.S HKnrnl nn ^ ■<* (» to 'fliSfeM *£• c »?»r iLin progresB "> ™ court. These case grew out of the fai DaWsonyille BanU Gases Attract Much Attention in Superior Court The trial-of the Dawsonville ba: tire ladies of the American Xegion Aux- „ ■. <■ . „ _ _ . ffiaty ata SSd|i to complotc the « « * Ba " k f work. early last year. A change of venu i This may be the last call, and you| becaine n ® cesSa ^ b ^ cause f * he inr cannot, must not break faith with those bili wbo died in Flanders Fields where the ity to' obtain a legal jury, so man; ( .v. MO „ u „„ luu ople being related to the defendant poppies blow, between the crossesTrow ^ p hd tbe ' ba ™ depositors. , 1 ‘<'a row. The sight ~of a poppy should arouse our loyalty and patriotism, and we feel sure the efforts of theso sweet young girls will not be in vain. , When the tablet is er-ectedtin honor qf the boys from Rall^ounty you will be glad that you helped. Be true to the living aid the dead, and you wiirj' be True to yourself. ( o——-—. , - AN ENTERPRISING FIRM OF HUSTLERS. We direct attention to the page ad •ilsew^ this paper of Goforth Bros. Hardware, which-will', be road withih- terest. This enterprising firm will in a, shoft time celebrate their fourth" an niversary in the hardware business \n Gainesville, and in this time They have built up a wonderful business, which is growing daily.. This fim is composed of fopr brqth: ers, Messrs. John A..,, Charles; L., Clink- ton. H. and Clifton Wi, who, together with their, father r Mr. C. L. .Goforth, Sr., ’■have Movcftod .their undivided at- -lontion to .the upbuilding Of. this bush ness,. /■ / ;/ ; : ; , : ; t Hast Week, they added to their line a 1 complete outfit of electrical fixtures', in beautifuT Resigns: These fixtures are' shipped unassembled and are assembled at the storo Of this company, which is a saving to the purchaser. They install ,!ho fixtures’,on short notice. . Besides having fohr’years experience in the. hardware line, members of the firm have had seventeen years experi ence in the electrical business, and they arc experts in this 'work. Their policy lias always been to give the best service, and they have thous ands of .satisfiedCustomers throughout, this territory.', - ■ o ■ All the officers and, directors of the bank are under indictment in one 6: more counts, as follbws: Hoyt Brannon, charged wTh fraud ulent insolvency, defended by Sloar! and Ghiilard. Mr. Brannon is a present 'serving, a sentence for for- ,gery. , '' . ■ .1, ■E. McClure,’charged with fraudu lent insolvency, defended by Charters,' Wheeler & Lilly. S. A. West, charged with fraudulent insolvency, defended by Charters, Weeler & Lilly. E. McClure, charged with forgery and false, entries, defended by Char ters, Wheeler & Lilly. Hoyt Brannon, charged with embez zlement, defended by ✓ Sloan and Gaillard. ~ T B. H. Howard, charged with fraudu lent insolvency and, false entries, de fended by. Baker and Gaillard. The following jurors are hearing the case; ‘ G. B. Westmoreland, G. B. 1' raser, E. W. Roper; W. L. Land, C. Couch, H. C, Simmons, Ri C. Sim mons, H, T. Oliver, Will Coffee,. 'TV. L. Pirkle, T. N. Tribble, W. J. Dea ton. Solicitor-General Collins is assist- SUNDAY SCHOOL TEACHERS’ AND WORKERS’ Y'RAIN- . ING CORPS. Beginning at B.50 Monday evening, 'November 13th, a training' school) for Sunday school teachers and'workers will Ho held at theFirst Baptist church qv- try evening during the week, | f , PROGRAM. 6.50-rDovotional. 7.00—Study coursed y ' 7.45—^Refreshments. ; 8.15—^tudy eourbe and Lectures. 9.90—Adjournf v COURSES, j. ' ' s The fallowing six courses are offered: x 1st. * 1 Plans "add program for Cradle Roll aim; Primary Departments. ’ ’ ATTENDING NORTH GEORGIA CONFERENCE. Presiding Eldor W. T. Hamby; Dr. T- R. Kendall of First Methodist churchy Rev. A.F. Watkins'of St. Paul; Rev-.WV H.- Venable of the Hall circuit; Mif. Wnv - H. Hosch, district secretary; Mb! * ^ w (osch, Dr. H. J. Pearce, Mr. T- J- Syfan, and other laymen, left Monday afternoon to attend the North Geor gia Conference, which began Wednes day morning at Wesley Memomt, church, Atlanta. They will be gam about a week. > This seSsiqn of the conference wIS; be featufed by Beverai^f Snterestinp; matters, the most prominent of which- pertain, to'the conference body’s tak- Director,-’Miss Blankenship. . „ . - . • .. . .... Mtoal- Jj?iY.t T,™ “» ° Ut *”*» 7 ivisions. /’• Dire'ctol', Jas^W. Merritt. V- ning of a hew quadrenninm under z«~ | vised laws, and the definite inauguxar 3rd. “Normal -Manual.»^Blble Di-'% ! °f ^ enlarged and perfectly . . . - ajR; Ivan Brannon arid E. C. Brannon, ed in the prosecution by Howard charged- with fraudulent insolvency,; defended ( by Sloan and Gaillardl Jim Anderson, 'Jack Anderson, and; Thompson, C, N. Davie, and P. R Mathew^ of the local bar; ana Hooper Alexander of Atlanta. rision.” ( , ganized laymen’s movement. Addir Director—Rev.'j. T. Grizzle. jtional -interest is manifested in the I 4th, “Talks, to the Training. Class, ’ ’ conference this year due to the fhuett; By Rev. |3. /F. Campbell. .I,-5th. ■ “Building the.Bible Class.”■ by Col. F. G. Kelley. m D. W. Eberhart Attacked by Negro '* r'* '' 1 n| mp" ‘ ' a If D. W. Eberhart, living fiv9 miles blade across the neck, cutting a 6fh s. of-the New Testa-: that ; Bishop William B. Mnrxah, of Memphis; is to pres'ide. During ' :—*- -* resent years the Work «£. laymen, has been developing rapHIj^; ii.ent” fPost Graduate Class.)—By T. but not until the recent general'con-- H. Robertson. | ferehce of the Southern Metho^ak Special features will bo an ! address church was a law enacted and a hoard! by - Dr. r,,C. McConnell on Monday ov- ereated giving due recognition to the m from the city in Tadmore diistrict, hadriT been a ihusky fellow for a man o¥ 63 years-he, would probably have It ;.ll sections, the 'Deimpcrats won firtgressimml seats, the total running srou*id ISO. | 9 . ... It freo.-gia, all Democratic nominees »ere detted. A light vote, as usual, vas polled iii the State, the primaries laving i-lism'bed practicaly all atten tion. The - constitutional amendment .""eating the new county’of Peach ap- pears to have beon defeated, though H will rake the official count to decide, many mail boxes being ERECTED. k is giatifying to .the local postoffice Ikat patrons who have mail delivered if dry carriers are-' cqmplyfng with the request oi the Postoffico department' to erc,, t mail boxes. During the past aveok i r tr/n more thanThr-eb hundred uiail re-, ttplaeks have been provided. Thero INTERESTING MEETING'\OF MISSION STUDY CLASS. The Mission Study Class held a very, interestii:g meeting. in the . Sunday c\. l l '■ T.'i i'uf ‘M'oilirtft-al-. had his liiglits put qttt last Thursday night. On' his Way homeland when about three; miles out, just about deep, twi light, he Was bailed by a negro with a request for a ride. Eberhart consent^ ed and the negro got in the 'wagon. He said his name was Ellis and was on his way to Commerce looking for work, Wanted to know if Mr. Eber- hartMi'dn?t wantlT hand, but was an swered in the 1 negative. When. Mr. Eberhart came -to turn off the main road toward his borne he informed the Jiegro'that there was. his place to get off. The negro sdid v H6 ; didn’t want to get off. Then he grab bed Mr v 'Eberhart around the neck and stabbed hiim in the back of the head witlf a knife—then drew the low gash several inches lqrfg. , Eber- :hart seized his assailant and threiv him from the wagon. During the scrimmage Eberhart’s School ropin' tot* the First MelJuMRut church;'Monday, October 30th. “ Building, with, India, Circle Np.vl, representecl by Mrs. Los- sail wrig amvan address by Miss Blanket.-! Also> & cordet61Ke ^ to , I» JariH..deerei plrovidad for hat fell to the ground and the negro’s hat was left in the wagon-bed. r , . After driving home Mr. Eberhart of ministers in;'retirement» and ff«c for their families in case of deattb. NEW TRAIN ; SOME CHANGES; INs SCHEDULE. Tho Scutheru Railway last put on nvo now passenger trains, Nlis*. m WHO SHOULD ATTEND. The teachers and officers of every Sunday school in the Chattahoochee As-, sociptior. aro cardially invited to attend tho school. 'v Those for .whom it is specially inted- a-r'd -?>•’- - All/. Sunday School teachers ..... r ... end ofPicc-rs, all who arc capable in the rpturned to the scene of the conflict, c- 0 ^ 0l , fm u Adult Departments. ./ >".■■■ the directors. Mw ais5. n«. «i«™ Attest at .town “ a : mp "" 0 ’ d “ 4 ' E ““»«”»- “•> «* 1 morning with the captured hat. Upon CoJ> Kplloy is' a practical Sunday, showing it to Deputy tilieriff Hop- f, c hool -wcrkcr and has been eminently; kiria^the lhtter remarkea,. ’’That hat j successful in organizing and building belongs to a negro named Etiis who the Bible Class, worked around the jail fot several ! Our Sunday School Boards have no months.” ■, . L v'. : ,i workers.'snpei^or to- Mr. Merritt arid The negro was arrested, and Mr* .Ush Blriiikonship. It is fortunate that readily identified ■ him. -ttqpj^oth of iht'iit' eduld he secured- for 1his ; is no\V in jail. He came siere sevei'al, school and no one who it at all intor- months ago’ with a band of gypsies- "ste'd can fail to bo inspired and bono- and has been here since. He is said ritt ed by coming in contact with them. to be a hard proposiition. isiitjjjr THE GAINESVILLE .CLINIC IS . NOW IN OPERATION Our new Charity Clinic, located over tho City; Hall is now in operation. . ■- Tho upstairs of the city hall has boon rapidly converted into a,Oharity Clinic by/D.v H. Si Titshaw. The drug room m. noscn-xnuia ^ xxoH^v. [ {rtld drugs aro ready,.the; operating tn- CiroKNo. 2, IWffa'Sag the op.mW ligVt. .«• u op e _HMteupp U <l to pr0B ’ I ursthotlo outnt (or Mnotsoney wo,), tor the needy ai’g installed;, also other ne- oorg- ross. .Circle No. 3, represented by Mrs. Hayxie Palmour—India’s striving and cessniqs for the ' Clinic. aspirations.’’ «-fCircle .No., 4, ’.represented by ,Mvs. Haiiimonc’ Johnson—Co-operation of the Christian West. , ,' Cirt'lQ -No. 5, Mrs. Alva Maxwell— Distihcti\' , o opportunity in India. , ; Circle No, 6, Mrs. Luther Roberts— Tli’o Indian church. • ■ t AH of 'these papers were excellent : .tie miinv yot, ■ however, who have not j ^ . c ' ar o.f«l;study, and the lumr rompJiei! with tho post ofiico depart-. . jonJ . ; , 1n ’ ]5 8tou ing to tfiese ;wo'mbii was U't-m 's , nior. The Postmastor o worth^vriiile> iriformatioitus inspirdiion. JlyijLiiqt delay further, ns it 13 1 'muchiiotowledge, is gained through j®peiati\c that mail reeptacles be pro- vitled'i v tliu ond of, tho year, .else do- bver 5’ «i mail will bd 'withhold front leddeu-T.' where hq mail rceeptachs. tt,; provaied.: Alnil loxcs of an apiirovod typo may I j* piiri'tir.^tul at vory small 1 cost, or a i f '0t in the door may, be cut tit no ox- I'eiiM' in . p The Department■ does not. I-®* provided, but it does require that I; **"-' pin 1 i receptacle bo erected so that I .Ms city niuil carriers will not bo're- b’qujreri to wait at. your dooi' until you , li y in' Mnnmoriod from the back of boii.i,., i n the yard, or elsewhere, ^•ficcive Vour mtiil. .Ample notice Of 'tbe order to pro- receptacles has been S'. lhro «g’i ll'rt local' press and by tho city earriojs, who have boon provided with ''Ups conta'in’.ng the necessary I'tir , i | |v will confer a favor upon ■""•-elves ami upon the post office do- (Wnieut by an eai;ly compliance with n( "Mor. which becomes effective Dc* ‘‘ember l. lj>22. Gel . your nmUjocop- ‘ l( v, *a<lv, thoroforo, before your mail ^withheld from the city delivery sor- V| ce, tlio study (Class There were ovor 50 members present and afterwards a social hour and. re freshments. Mrs. Sam Smith was clmir- oian'of tne refreshment qnd.flowcreom- .miftee and all enjoyed the aftcriiooh, and left tho church with a.feoling of good-fellowship Jor another and nmiiy Kweet memories, . ■ —Pub Agt ■ The Clinic hours will he 10 to tl n. m. ; i; to '4 p.- m. .and 7 to. 8'-p. m. Oliulc phone No. 11/ : At. this Clinic patients will fie. admit- l ed froa, no charges fo* consultations' jir oxnmiimtlonfi, -;buly a small fee, ahout fiost for the' drugs : given '-thrift. Heiutc this will eiia’blb hundreds of deserving in'"!', women; and;, children, to roobiye ! onosf medicaV’Vtfoption f^eo,-ai{d;. : got. tho'firugs for in few- cents,scr in other words this'clinic will be rqn on tho sumo pf.uciples qs the Charity Cliuic (Gray .Ciinic). bf Atlanta or the U\rgqr eUr.'ibs of the East. y ; ELECTION RESULTS IN HALL . .... COUNTY. At the election in Hall county yes- terday, . Governor Gliffqrd Walker, Uni* ted Stfites Senator Walter F. Georgo and the remainder of the, Domrtcratic nominees for -State house offices each received a total of J081 votes, as did tfe candidate’s for State Senator, Ren-. Tosontatiyes, Judg’e; and Solicitor /of. Halt i ity court,Ghairmqn Boai-d Couqty Chin- missioners, Commissionor and Supervi- ... ' ^ i For Congress, Hon'. Thomas.M, Boll i-efeoivcd iG^G votes, Mrs. Grace Bayis Brifikman, Republican,. 8 votes, and John Gaston, Republican, 0^ / '• AH constitutional: amontbnpnts wore voted .dowm from as low a■'.'majority .op >168 do 374; The chief ..intorest ;in'the constitutional amendments . was that. of croating Peach county, on wliiph the veto wps. as follows: for, ;2(i3. ' Majorityagainst, 374. ' / / On the referendum bill to increase tho Vilarios of the Jiidgb'and S,olloitor of tho ;Qity. Coiirt .of Hall/ooiinty, the ,voto DEATH OF LITTLE BOY. On Saturday, 1 November 4th, at 11.30 o ’clock cteurred the death of little John William Pierce, the U-montbs-pld son' of Afr, and Mrs. ’ Wiiltnpv ^. erman IMe/rffe; giandson' of Mr. and,Mrs. \Y. D, Pure: of this city, and Mr. and Mrs. j. y/wenl.y of Helen, Gn. . I’iinjir.l sevirjees wore held br.odny morning at ton o’clock, Dr. Ernest F. Campbell, pastor-.of tliri First-Baptist church, officiating. -Interment was at jWbodluwn e'eniotery. Gainesville at 10.30,. p. xu. No. 135 ar rives Gainesville at 4150 a. m. The mw train from Atlanta, will prove a graaS convenience to Gainesville people, nrxajf o" whom can now go down on Nm Sin ,vt '10.22 a, ni. and have an entire half dp.y foi’ shopping and other matters. Tlie complete schedulo^of all trntve arriving Gainesville vid Sbuthern tmSL way is as follows: Northbound. ,. . No, 36—: 1-——__ 2.40 a. hr. Np. 9^5 a., ml No. 38.1 SHOW OF MYSTERY, y -Phe Great Lloyds gay<v a vory .rV uirkabio performance in4I10 theatre at New Holland Saturday night, with their magic and illusion 'show. it was the. largest crowd the theatre i n ; t° liquidation: several months dga has over had and hll wore pleased with t lfc show.' They will -appear at; the AlainchTfiq^-, re Friday night.' ' ' 0 —■ ir.ibs of the East. . ’ ' Iwhs as fellows: For, 597; against, 440. T ‘ ,star "" a Mujorit- for, 1 57 . Wq ieiiri; S5'o'ni_ Black welder that they liny'o given -throe to five thousad troatmohts for gonor rhea, about, one thousand doses of “iiOG”, Or.'treatments for Syphilis sineb this venereal olinib started int June, which is a yvopderful picco oAyork for our city, y^nr county and , humivnity, Then if' these two physicians can do this excellent, work foi* luimm^i'ty in SGT. OOAN HERE TO ENLIST ibis short time, how would you bo able RFCRUITS FOR ARMY. io estimate the vnTuc of tho wbrk.vvhich IvflvJiU ’ ,1 ii.Uh itrhnln uTinl-ni Sgt. imr sorvice at Ft. McPherson, .— • , - , , .>m>»u.,uvv .vi uuihmiik uaie. m $$& ,„d will I- lo«* ■" * l i'catnif cv,^ .!~rvv.ep?™ , i „ rm 0 . , r . K. vcrcivc onlislii«"il» for 0": J- 1 1 " Hmulr.x ond (Urns. W. n«,l Ikov ..j,',- '•v .■ - »■'support of,every, physician m ,the city/. . T T C Conn of the army recruit, may done with the whole iqistairs «m? * * arriv-ed verted into , a l-enl charity clinic, for TO ENTER -UNDERTAKING BUSINESS. '.Hendrix & Laws, who, hjivc for sev »ral' years crondtifeted a ifuniituve bu:d : ness hero, will In a short time enter the undertaking business in;connection ■tv Ith thuir furniture Itae. Tho dnio will ho announced -soon. They a i'o now -v eeiying tltbii* equipment, nn'd will be roody ,to/ open shortly. Watch • papers tor announcement of opening "date. GRACE CHURCH BAZAAR. The ladies\ Sf. Mary’s,Guild of/ Grace Episcopal''chnieh will hold.a bit zan rat tho^lodvGroKory store, bogiii* inn#,: \Vedn<jsdny, .November loth, at 10/30 a. int.Y'On Saturday- of tihat'.weoit the ladies ’will have a delicatessen booth, whoif orders for brown bread, salads, (takes,/'etc,.; will be gladly re*. coivrid.'VV” <i " banks to close nov. it A *‘ bio* banks of .the city will ob . c ' "l mi Saturday, November 11, which ^ ""'"lice Day. Therefore’ all busi mrn nnd othors interested vyill gov-. ' themselves accordingly. V ‘ ' » S. army. 11,,. following bninidies of service-aro Infantry; field open foi wOiilistnuint: artillery, const artillery, medical eorr-;, qiiit.rtormi.stof. corps, engineers, or*l- lance, signal corps nnd air service^ Applicants have choice of .assignment to the following places,: Hawniiun Is-, lands, Panama, 8tli Corps Aron, tih Corns Area. i—o :— MODERN TOPICS CLUB. Mrs.. Fred Crnig entertained the Modern Tepics Club last Tuesday. \ pafier on the influence of tho news- pn-ier an modern life was read by Mrs. Hoyvvftrd Pearce, Jr. Mrs. Barnhill nnd • ...^1.^-..isfmgos played-'several so* ,on.i oir ti»* piano’. PROGRAM HISTORY CLUB. Three o’i'I’m-It, P. ,M„ Fntm-day,.No- vemlief 11. , IHri'etestr—Mfs/ -w. T. Hobbs. j ' t ‘ Roll CeU^Currout events. Clldef points of interest—--Mrs. Wator- [vent«uky’s pfirt /in Rovolutionaiy nr—Mb> NelJ .Mur.p].iy. . ' .Tmn'of Lr-pe . A|U>n-rSclcet)ou—-Mrs. .>. W. Smith.' , . ' ■ » ■ Ilor Trio, of IVnie—i-Mrs. Merslion. liavo many frionds who wish them suc cess irr their now venture. THE BIGGEST LIQUOR HAUL YET MADE. Will and Frnnk Crow,and Jack Hop. k ns made the biggest li(|tnii' haul of the yoav last week when they caught Rex Light with a now Reo truck which contained 220 gallons of mountain dow Tiio capture vvas hnjde on the White Milphnr end Gaines Mill ( l'Oad, near iVliite Gulphur.. o Mrs- A (""S'/- Vlavdy left 'Frldny fot tarnesviile Id spend n wept or tiyo with', tor, Mrs. f?. E. T.ninbdin, and her sister, M rs, Pierce Hamomud.•, . , Eva is the .name, given the.*winsome pcllq .girl vvho.i camo hunt Thursday to ’dogs, the and.'Mrs. E. P eidford. T 1.42 p. rat No. —_—' r — 3.02 p. rau. No. 30_— pi w. : No. 18-:. 7.5a p; rat No. 44. ——.V---10.30 p. m. Southbound. No. 13fig—_— 4.50 a. pcB. NO. 35_„_w/___.._J_____. 5.05 a, rev. No. 17„__ r.12 a. r«u. Nq. 29-1 - —— —. 10.22 a. r.v. No. 137— . T __. 4.00 p- sis.. Np. 37—"5.10 p- arc. ' "No. 15— 6^0 p. sn. C. W. TRUITT BUYS CARBIH® HARDWARE STOCK. Mr, C. W, Truitt pf Commerce lkis; bought the hardware stock of the Car-, Jinn uiumuh snuw. . ' ^ , v The manager, >Mr. Tlumipsoi, claimsHardware Company, vriwr -weafc. * . * . ' ivifrv csovoral ynnntKv: mwi- - WOOD! WOOD! ' If you arc in arrears to The Nows a,id have some'good Pine, Onk or Hick: ory wood with! which you want to pay f yonr subscription wc will take It and rylciW' you the pro vailing, price. How- over, wo will not take “skimpy” loads;: prefer buying by the cord; nor will we pay more tluin it is vvorth. Wo will t.ilu; the wood to accommodate yo v . na, well ns to gel your :n-<-«n:ll: Hi':.' Call at ‘ if you want to sottii} your nccount this wftyl ^ I Q. Mr. Truitt has been operating w. hardware store in Commerce for sev eral years and is known as a succcsss ful merchant. He will bring Mb stock to Gaiupsville and combine lit with the Carbine stock. He is "tiating for the store room now ovoiv- pied by'.]. C. Morrison, in the Graa:- ite building. • Mr- Truitt’s wife was fornwarll 1 Miss Maud Montgomery of. this riitgt;. who is loved and esteemed, by all ana people/ .. U>.V“*. Mr. Carbine has moved to Atlaariu and Mr. Overby, the other member «C the tfarbine fiqn, is connected! the army store on. North. Bradfasot street, HOSOH MADE OAPTAIU. J. Alton ifoSeli, ’of Gainesville, a mem ber of the Kappa Alpha fraternity, nnd one of the . must brilliant stpdonts■ at tlio University of Georgia,.has ,'bfeiqj •leered enptnih of the Scabbard, .and e, an honorary military fratornitv ALAMO. Thursday, November 9: Another big special—-Anna Q. NiJh-. son, Bebe Daniels and James Kisifo-. wood ib “Rink Gods.” Hearts awl/ Diamonds, Warm Roraanca ana adventure, thrilling and exciting. Also a Comedy. 10 am) 30 cents. Friday, November 10: M Lon Chaney, the man with -v tlmte- sand faces, in “Flesh and BfcwtfLr**’ Also... “Terror of the Fold.” 10 and 20 cents. ' ; Sutiirduy r November 11: rt.tHo nuivovsity,' ifll SS—h xpiled term, of Dearie,Donaldson....who did 'not .return |o llm university thi-fMrpsh .frail.’’ year.' M. O. Murray was electe* lieutenant, t ! ' ■' • first ,;/;j(i Mglrjorie DaW In “Tlut JSMp-V; V' A'Iso ii Comedy. *'ro'and 20 cents. -JKLH