Gainesville news. (Gainesville, Ga.) 1902-1955, November 15, 1922, Image 1

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MagstsggaaHgBgggmggsKKBBgggamm^m ’ • < • '-7 T ■■ - : ■ ■ '■ IfIBCPWrRIAfc- VOLUME XXXV. GAINESVILLE, GA*, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER, 15, 1922. WRECK; Mr. arid Mrs. E. A. Spencer are at home after an exciting experience in *u VERDICT IN McCLURE CASE; NEW TRIAL ASKED FOR. What is being called ‘ 1 the bank.ccu rntnmobilc wreck, which occurred three brnk.^s- deal of attention since it beefime known that they were to be tried in Hall county. auto to visit their daughter, Mrs. How ard Carlisle, near,,Valdosta, Ga. In at tempting to pass a team at night'south of AmerieuH the car skidded off a three- foot embankment into a ditch some six or eight feet. deep. The ditch was hot large enough to take the whole car, which turned onto its side, breaking the top and crushing a portion of the body. Mrs. Spencer was on the side which slid into the ditch a,nd two of her ribs were broken and she suffered numerous ■es and hurts. She was taken 'to a bruise MONEY AVAILABLE FOR FARMERS The Gainesville National Bank of Gainesville, constantly alert to the leeds of - our community and'd1ive|fe every oppqrtunity to 'expand its ser vice, has perfected arrangements with was the case of the‘state vs. E. Clure, who along with other directors cf the; Farmers and Citizens Bank of Dawsonvillo, was indicted for the of fense of fraudulent insolvency. The ■'^vvwfwjus* «- vpi-uiot ux guiixy^ fixed the punishment at from five 1q Ic- uancial assistance tb'thf agricultural n- tercsts of this locality. The Atlai ta Joint Stock Land'Bank, of Atlanta, is the strong financial' .institution orgi a- - igtH | nmined a day or two and then came cn to Atlanta and home, arriving here Friday. '■ • . ; '.../ ' Mr. Spencer, who was unhurt, drove the car or. its owh power batik home. Thei • friends regret the accident and trust that the injured may soon be en tirely recovered. •' - returned'a verdict of guilty ( and -ized‘under the'provislqns ofthe Fed Farm, loan Act, chartered by the G< hospital at Americas, where she reJ y ears in the penitentiary. ThW do ± RIVERSIDE DEFEATS; BOYS’ HI 66 TOO fondant, through his; counsol, filed a mcil tul sunorvision motion for new trial which will be mcntal supomsiou. heard some time in the latter part of December.' The chances are that a now trial will bo granted, in this case be cause of the relationship of two of'the jurors' to• depositors and stockholders of said .bank. **. If this is made to appear and that defondant, was ignorant of the disquali fication, then the entire trial becomes a nullity and the defendant will have to be tried again. V; The trial attracted a great deal of in tereat and to , many of those who had' followed the' trial the Verdict of ' the Saturday afternoon before a compar atively large crowd the-Riverside Acad emy eleven annoxed another '‘scalp” io their pelt by defeating the Boys High School eleven .by 1 a decisive score u . w of 156 to °* A*.? 0 waffreely predicted that;the dofpn^iant l ear enough to the locals goal to on- would ‘be readily acquitted and found danger it. Boys Hi featured, however, uo t, guilty. . . ', V - - -,v ith a clever forward passing gameAt the conclusion of the McClure case and the ability to retain punts. Riv- judge Jones adjourned court arid will erside used their varsity players ony. ondeavor to hear the remaining cases, of. 105 yards was one of.-the outstand- ' j-nrninm,w«rmt:tiT"nnn -i r v ..... Joint-Stock Land Bank isi.pemitted-to jury .came as a surprise. Before tlic i isu0 , joint Stock Laiul Baiik bpiids jury returned a vordict in the case it n. ... down. if :.. . .. ’ iM. - 8 Riverside has a fine ball club and is still a strong contender foi- state -hon ors. Tlic stars for Riverside would be: hard to name, as men of both teams , played good ball. T—0- The McClure, case promise of awhile as his fight for . ^ tftqy* bjjieyd, is a most unjust vordict-until'the bitter end. MRS. MAMIE GASTON REED BURIED HERE “FATHER AND SON” BAN QUET. For the purpose of observing Father and.Son week and to promote a.,closqr relation between Father and Son a ban quet Was held on Monday at the- Coed Col. Edgar B. Dunlap was toastmaster iy one year, •- having been in Gainesville during the early part of her si ’ lied to St. Josephs being thepo.when death^occurrcd.. Mrs. .. - ... . - .. , a i Reed'wne 35 years of ago and a woman' tv '‘° visiting officials of the Boy/Scouts of fine disposition who had a largo eir, 1 America, Mr., .Turner, ot Athens and tic of friends hero who regret to learn• ?Ir * Stanley Ha ms of . Chattanooga, oi her death. Gainesville'had been her Tcnn. The latter is the chief executive home in the days of youth, but when, of Boy Scouts of America for.tlic South- slie married she moved to Atlanta, later eastern States and the former is gireet- returnlng :to Gaihesyille. She was a ly in charge of tho work in this' section ’ ImiiiHiiMM liiftaij Majifif. ‘ MMi mm daughter of the, late Judge J.'B. Gaston of the state. i!iul Mrs. Jqnie B. Gaston; this family! *t !11’inrr vftti 1 Iia-hh 4!« .. .. ■ /. 4-1 I [were the audince with having resided here for a long time, | the principles of scout work and tho Funeral services wore held at H. M‘. i need of . Gainysville for a sufficient itum- hody brought here. Another brief sev vice was held at, the now chapel- of Stow Bell & Co. here at 3.15 p. m. Sim; "day by Rev. E, M. Munrocyso that her aister from Texas might be present. In terment followed hi Alta .Vista como- teiy. She is survivbd by one daughter sum of movement, and Athens; Win der, Elberton.and Monroe^in tho forma tion of, the Northeast Georgia Council'. erilnient and; ed/ under Gov ,-en As representative of the Atlanta Joint Stock Land-Bank, the Chiinosville Na tional Bank of-Gainosyft(o, will fuiaibh information apri application blanks :!to farmers and farin' owners in our spe tion. . •TJrider. the provisions’ hir the : Fede&l Farm Lonr, Aet, the Atlanta Joint Stof Land Bank will operaf'e in the - Stares' id Goorgia. and Alabama, with an iliorizod capital of.$1*500,000.00 to. and including fifteen tiines the cai tal-qnd surplus, and thia iriil. afford mil lions of! dollars for the .relief of fijur- niers at ,u minimum expense. The Afet provides that farm owners shall not' be charged in excess of, 6% on ioans, to V^ tend over, a period of 33 ybars, 6a what ltnown as the arraottization pilin'. This means the gradual s liquidation of the loan' both priheipbUin4' interea), in semi-annual payments oii easy terms, so MARION O. GILMER. Marion O. Gilrher died at, his home in Gillsville last Sunday after an ex tended illness from' rheumatism and dropsical affection, in the 67th year of his age. The funeral and burial were con ducted* by Stow, Bell & Co., on Mon day at the home of the deceased. Rev. A. C. Ledford officiated at the.relig ious services. • He is suivived by his wife and three THE; RED CROSS. “In the Service of all Who Suffer,” calls for renewals of memberships. Beginning last Saturday. Armistice Day, and continuing through .November 30, the. enrollment qf members in-the American Red Cross is taking plaqo ihroughont the United States. . '; It is the Sixth Annual Roll Call of this Volunteer society^chartered by Con; gross to- relievo and prmferit Suffering in peace and in war. Whorever occiiia calamity, disaster, pestilence, plague,\her.o goes the Red daughters: Mrs. W. B. Chambers and- Cross to rcHeve, to i’estore, to salvage. Misses Lpttie and Martha Gilmer. - * * ao °^’ e He was a loyal member of the Methodist church ,ahd liyed by the pre cepts of |he Master in all his dealings with his fellow men. Also a member of the Masonic Order. V - N Mr. .Gijmer . served two terms as sheriff of.. Hall' county,, being' ejected, in 1900 and again in 1902. His' op- ponent in the first race was the late Andrew J. Mtmdy and in the seebnd When all is well and peace prevails, thoh the Red Cross' labors to enlighten, to prevent- sickness, to promote friend ship anu understanding among all peo ple, to give love without measure. / Tireless, forever doing “ The Univer sal Mother, ministers unto ^mankind, ^ The leye.ldne of 1903 -taught Gaincs- yille the tragedy of disaster. Were an other cyclone to descend* the first to co meto\fur rose.tre, organized, eqnipepd, ready with trained workers and every necessity for the emergency would ‘be , the Red Cfoss.y.^ ' | *' r ” race vvas opposed by.J. L. Crow.; Lbt Gmnesviile rally fp file roll call. . MaiSoh Gilmer was a true man in No AbU’riedn ^pldifer of thh groat war every sense of the word. Honorable; eviir refuses tlic ^all of the ,Red Cross. action was hV motto, n,nd he was es- 1 « n P wei ’f with a l.i|ht in m ; eyek .a . . V. . iquickncsfa in his st{ip,-a loyalty in ms ms "iff** ; koart, eager to .-prove his : gratitude, be- ’ cause he knows .what the Red Cross did .1 i*. . teemed by all 'his fellows for qualities of manhood. For years he had been president of the Bank of Gillsvilie, a position of great responsibility and trust. yr—’ -TT"' ■ MR- J. E. MURPHY DIES AT HOME IN CHARLOTTE. . Mr. J. E. Murphy, for many‘years a merchant in Gainesville, diied at his FALLS 32 FEET INTO TUN- I NEL; BADLY HURT ^•Robert,. Fowler, 17 of Gainesville, nil-, raculqusly, escaped death, . on last. Saturday night wliilo running for an iu> bound itariotta car just beyond the Chattahoochee' River. Young Fowler., unaware of the L, &- N.' Railway tuncci , > Under-the car tracks at this point, sped v into the opening’ plunging'32 feet. Hfi r ufforod a- fractured shoulder, Fowler and- a companion, Robert; Odoll, 18 also of Gainesvilje, had gene- to Atlanta Saturday and lind gone fcQi tho river on a pleasure jaunt; Fowloj; was tuken to Grady hospital. -. - "SS3»B r home: in Charlotte, 0.» last .Suxi^ay that at the expiration of the mortgage fo° m an attack of heart .trouble after an illness of several weeks. He was the • entire obligation has - been paid. Therefore, the Joint Stock Land Bao k mortgage is known as “ The Mortgage, that Never Comes Duo.” . 'V The, advantages of dealing with a Joint S|ock Land Bank are many. No stock subscription is required; no asso- cijation/is to be applied dio' w,ith the eff liability of all members, and the maxi; mum loan, is not restricted to $10,000.00. The Gainesvillo National Bank of Hall CountyyVsdll be glad to discuss the mat- an illness .of several weeks. He was btiried at Charlotte.; . - He is' survived, by his wife, Mrs. Minnie W, Mupphy, one. son, J. C. Murphy, one daughter, Miss Louise Murphy, and ope brother, J. W. Myrphy, living in Fork ^district, this county. When Mr. Murphy first. came to Gainesville, he took a position as a clerk in the, store of K. L., af terward going into business for him-- tor of applications and furnish inforpu- self under the firm name-of’J. E lion to those interested. Murphy Co. He went to Charlotte iiv 1902 and IN MEMORY OF NOVEMBER 11, 1918, ON THE BATTLING FRONTS, OF ,FRANCE My conception of November llj 1918, is'that of a day of memorial mixed wi tin t i, day of thanksgiving. . ■ WUen we look back beyond this great day, we see ^struggling world, stniig- gling to slay and destroy entered the l’eal estate .busiriess, ■ in which he did well. for him and his Buddy, By renewing Iris' membership the' citb ren can prove his gratitude to the soi- diq;’ asr well-ns to the Red Cross. ' A The chairroanref ; the Gairiesviflc Red Cross Roll Call : is Mr, J. H. Pittard^an cx-soldicr. He is planning litis orgnni- zatlon, md by tho help of tlie' Boy Scouts* ot'-which liq ip .loader;, the Junior Red Cross, and a splendid epmmittcc of* workers, lie will launch his drive the lattor part-of tlie week. Be ready with your dollar. Mr. Guy Barrett, tretUmrnr, is already taking dues. He can be found at the Pruitt Barrett Hardware company, , Dr. Rogers, pjesiderit of tho local clmpter, hqs. organized splendid commit imx throughout Hail county, who report enthusiastic responses to the Roll Call. O,: Thanksgiving Day let no homo', nor business concern be without a Rod Cross AVindow Flag. ; The vast majority of members in fhe Red" Cfoss are annual members—thoy pay $1 for mcn^ierships. They are the minute men mid women—tho greatest pVoved reserve, for relief the world over. The additional classes are: 1. Contributors who pay $ 5 2. Sustaining who pay 10 3. Life who pay 50 MADE DISTINCT HIT. • Miss Nancy Smith, a Gainepviile girt,, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Smith, Scored aii unusual stage triumph Friday- niglit at tlie 1 Elks Hail when she appeac- ed in •feminno yplc In ‘ The'rtireo ChauS-v fours, ” the first play of.^he season pro?v sentod by the LaGrange college drama,V ic club^ / ' Vcry few girls arc more attractive W? a stiijiious tplo. than- was Miss Patiescc- Primrose alias Miss Nancy Smith. ;Jf She made -an exceptionally pretty ;pieturo,. as an iqtellectual young lady mid soveral' of the boys became so thusiaatic., as to fall' in - love with tha dignified, yet adorable-Patience- - . Remarkable dramatic instinct enabled; Miss Smith to ylay her part very, real/ istically/-. . . rr—— '. ‘ • Mr. -ana Mrs. A. P. Newton, accora- punied by two daugbtors,. Miss Lens, ’ Nowtqn and Mrs. Green, spent tjhc week end in Atlanta .with tho family of their.- daughter, Mrs. Mooney, yi V i Mrs. Maggie’ RobertSoh left Monday •for . Birmingham, • Ala.; to be the guest- of Mr; and Mrs. Jim D'imlap. She wjp. httorid the National Convention of % D.';A. R. while there. - - / 4. Patron who pay ; Lit.! and Ratron mcmbersliip dues to tlie National Endowment Fund. The Gaines Vile and Hail courtly-chaser.; I, . -.LtCI ..hQUse two objectives for 1923!:Tib> s of membership -installation of an American Red Ckeeat Public Health Nurse to teach the ver.tion of sickness and tho esfeabJSs*,- ment of a Public Dental Clinic, to aensva; rurai districts. I cf Boy Scouts, which council'will put j -Wo see the au^service of the opposing in the field a salaried Scout ^Ticiali m ^ es stmggling for supremacy of ^[to to spend his entire time in th,e organ-*. 1wv v, r ization of'’ Seqtit. troops in theso .cities aiT ? tfeo navies struggling with the U boats for supremacy of the seas, and the armies on land struggling tq gain 4j decisive victory which would turn the ^ --- and the supervision oi same. . ., t-arolyn Reed; her mother, Mrs.. Jamo • ^ y ir . pi an 0 f tho /focal committee Gaston, Of Gainesville'; two Raters, 1 in charge of this'work. consisting' of Mrs. Georgia D. Howell of Atlanta and Messrs.- j‘ C. Pruitt^ J- B. .Rtuiojph, ... , mr Mrs. Carolyn G. HoWell of Dallas, Tox., « piWrim and J. H. Hosch, to organize,battle m their favor, [111(1 livO Tr»Vin TP rimitn-n nf * . - 1 Gainesville, Gaston, Jr., wn nn wiHfi tut rt/i i<n nn m m m m m >yi m mm mmm M.w.m & nnd five brothers, John E, Gaston of troonln’oaCh eiiufcii diuVschool , Amidst all of this, amidst the dry and Gamesvilln. .f Tlnrif 1 r\r t’Sai'fl .Taninu R r I ■ - -11. „..ll l,nnna, nf -— --- 'ill-- il .li. 11 . .. • J. Beiitlcy and .Taiiies . . . p. of Atlanta"; Giauly H, and AViUiam D. of Dallas,' Texas. Tho following acted as pall-bearers: Messrs. Andrew Dorsey, W. B. Cox, Lu- mer Robtnsoh, Bealor Moore, Leonard Gincipfo and Jolm 1 Hobbs. MODERN TOPICS CLUB. . Mrs. B. T. Palmouv, Jr., Was hostess (1 H. n Vr,..l rn .Vn..,: -J! in'Gainesville as well as troops at the Gainesville Mill and at New Hplla-nd. This if. a raovindnt that, nil gqqd cit izens should support, as .it lojiks to the preservation and protection of. those ideals which moke .boys .into stood and useful citizcnfl. About $500.00 j?f_ thq fimd reqhirod to carry out. the program planned is.-lacking and committees will' canvass the city, during the next .week -i _ J _ A 4.tii nmftlirii'.OUn to tho Modern Topics Club Tudsdny af-! in an endeavor to raise this nmount,and. Imioon.-, v | ive feol sure that they will find-no freu- Tho hmiso was -artistically decorated bio in putting Gainesvillo. “ovcy ._ io uith pink, roses-and. white cluysantlio-1 cop,” especially os all monev subscribed ic inns. j-hnro will he'spent on our .boys ond in. Mm. Leonard McConnell road an in.-lour city, tercsting paper, on “Nobel Prizes and . «• ' 111'-" .'A-'.-:' • - ' ' riv XAumiers;; “The Crimo,of Sylvester,” which : s Ghi litorarj—sriloci.ioti receiving fast No- I'i'I priiv I'.-iist ably presented by riis. Sandy Beaver. —o BLAKE SAVAGE DIES Blake Savage of P'olksvitlo district, died at His libmo there Inst Sunday frbm 8 stroke of .paralysis. Blake was a K°od citizoii'apd served bis f.niuily and immunity iq an acceptable way.. He •J 78 *' wcll-knoiVn in Gainesville., where 'He frequently . came on business. Fun eral and interment took placo at Holly ^t'rings church, a large crowd of friends attending tho last rites. He is survived by his vvifb and several children. BELL—PIERCE. Mr. Harold Fierce amt Mrs. Ha ; ‘Bell were married last Friday at- the homo of tho officiant, Rev. ,T. T. .Grizzle. .Af- for the cc-remotiy -they loft, for a, slfqrt A^veddihg trip to Atlanta. Mr. Picrpe'is v: prominent young businoss nvan of ,;hb citv, being connected with hisMathor s Piorco Co., and the bride is n firm, no,an of the flying Shells, the; roar pf- fho, big guns, the pop-pop of tho ma- dripo.guns and the hum ahd buzz of ‘tlia flying bullets, whore tho torn and shattered, earth was sending up fumes of deadly gasses^ destroying everything that • brea the*, 'oven tlie insects and* the treoB,; there anddenly fcll’-a silohce,. a' Mloifcc as great as the felackost niglit v.iut oyer black. '• , ' . ' .Thefo iVas Pot a sound, not a living thing moved;; ' It was as if the voco of God saidj “ Stop, ’ ’ and the wholo world, died. 1 It was'il o’clock bn tlic morning of Novemhcri;i.l,;' 1918, on tho.^ battling -fronta ot 1 Franco. • * . AAflien I say that this is of mem orial; I ineati that Tt: is fitting that the irienioyy of those %vho brought about this day turd hour should bo kept green in tlic 'miiicl' 4 qf tlie nation, and nil uie urine is U - y* vouhg woman of nuu-h personal charm that this day brings- to up more fully, who has many friends hero to wish- her ., feeling of reyorence for those*who did riiappih^ai- TH° TA’ews joins their many • no( . roturai friends in extending congratu n ion.- ■ when I snr is-a day-of. thanks- and best, wishes. Dli, HAMBY TO PREACH SUN '' JMHVIil||HHM I Tho seriilcos at. the First Methodist „nd earn back with the st iU-innnt Hi;.- MILK O. K. It Inis befcn rumored by soveral per; sons in Gainesville that the -milk ob tained '.it Stringer Bros, was insanitary. Dv AV V. Hopkins took a specimen o the milk, sent it to b^lunl'i for n test f Burch next. Sunday, November 19th, j the milk was absolutely (>. K.^nnff/Oi ''■ill be conducted by the I’residing El-. Ugh quniity. H w with ni’.ici 1 , ! - ««r, Rev. AV. T. Hamby, preaching both that The News makes this announce- giving, I lucftui that on this day this nwful destruction ceased imd 2Q million l.eoples turned , from slaughter and. de- :-truction to nien'diug und repairing. For this day wo are fliankfu) and wo uYfer up thanks to our God. in Hpav- ' 7 y • —AVilliam O. Mueller, ■ " Riverside Drivo. lu orning and evening.' ' Imemt, ns .Stringer Bros, are a hurtling w I!,.,.. 1-. Ki".v. ...-I. ,»f JiU arrive November 3Qlh. Kev. T. li. Bcmlall, J r> , tho former |mstof, is con- businoss. They have one H'jKj Quoting a revival tor his brother in the t; nd most sanitary founts in the ■ ty aiiutnined a high standard in their They have one of the host) '’ill remove with his fund ‘■Burge, Madison, On. ctiim ho GAINESVILLE HI LOSES TO TOCCOA HI Pluyi ig an excellent brand of foot; ball t^nd outweighing tl\o Gainesville Hi team, tho Toccoa Hi school’s flag tyss Marguorlte and Mr. Russell Tho next plavrie to ic l.firi oo iirnip luAnir-And quests Oousiii,” by qo l CUSHMAN CLUB PROGRAM 'Plio Cushman Club program lor this {United -over the flag of Gainesville Hi year is oveumove nit motive than usual.. fi rtcv winning n-desperate strugglo on VWP. „ ........... . iuiking”on, Q with-!.gridiron by tho score 19,to 0; y; Cliambloc had as their week-end guests CmiBin,” «>J Valdosta, ’in thei The' GainesvilloSHi team put up an '' l 'lo at home Mr. and Mrs, Hnrry For- ! . ',” s j ' qq u . kjhy is under tho dire.'- (•xcellcnt gnmo, but could not or anu little daughter, fiances, i. ^ „f -Miss Grace Jean Balls, and w'H . enoiiccb force at’tho times uccdoi Fred Forrester and Mr. Fred Luffmnn -, )0 proB(1 , ll( , ( | in the Brenau auddfenum,_ pv(?t ^ a - touoh(lown l '- 1’icdmout College, 1 November 27. obtain Stock of the Carbine Hardware Co. At Gainesville, Ga., 43 South Main Street The best selected stock of Hardware ever , of fered in Gainesville, to be closed out by January 1st, regardless of former cost, a fine selection of Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, Plows, Paints, ■, Leather Collars, Back Bands, Pocket Cutlery and Farmers ’ Supplies of all Kinds Big stock of high grade si-verware, aluminum ware, Enamelware, guns and ammunition, and many other valuable articles, such as Carpenter Tools; Axes and a full line of Shelf Hardware. Every article is now on sale, nothing reserved. Hardware is advancing with other merchandise. Bpy your future wants in this Close-Out Sale and save from 25 to 50 per cent. Stock mustbe sold at the earliest possible moment. Out of town merchants will do well to visit this sale. Hi C. W. TRUITT, Sales Promoter L. H. GILLESPIE, in Charge lBWrriyrrTIT?T‘?T'FT < r / if-^ifff-r r in v T-ir'rT^TreyifrPirc / rew-f'r'TViyT v TTTrTTVpflPnTITr .