Newspaper Page Text
AY, DECEMBER 6; 1922.
j^st. Sunday evening .at'the Fir3t
jfeikodist church a 1 cordial welcome was
pvaa Bcv. W. P. King, pastor of this 1
tiurcU for the ensuing year, by the va-
n«8 denominations of the city. Bov.
JT. Y. Humby presided, and the opening
wur offered, by Bev. E. F. Camp,
of the First Baptist church,
p* behalf pf the First Methodist
church, Col. H. H. Fprry made a brief
impressive talk, after which Col.
A. 0. Wheel** responded on behalf of
iDc other denominations of the city.
«ev.' W.,P;*B^$Ws£ then presfehted
by the presiding elder and Appropriate-
l» thankfd the speakers and the people
<jf the community for their words of
iitdoesi and greeting and assured one
bid ail that he was hereto fill his plnca
it Us church and in The community as
, best ho could, v.- vA. ^
fw occasion wasra very pleasUnAoue
fir the large congregation that • atteavf-
Mr. Charlie Martin, Jr., popular stu-
(leijt of .the University of Georgia, spent
last week-end with parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. H. Martin.
Mr., and Mrs. J. W. Pickens spent
Sunday and Monday at Bosnian, Go.,
on a visic tp their son and daughter.
Mrs. J. M. Bell of Wayncsvilk, N,
C., was the guest of Mrs. Joha*. Bcd-
wine last Sunday.
Mi\ Ivuiij Bichardson, who has been con
nected. with Rogers * store 'here, has
boonktiransferred to, Nowntin, Ga., whore
ho goes immediately.
Mr. Henry Smith, now * promwjajd-
insurance man of Atlanta, was Alt kero
lost week-end as a guest of teaMfciSft.*
, Messrs. Howard' Thompson, Hammond
Miss Mttry Brown returned homo Snsv-
day after enjdying a very deUgMM
trip to New Yoyk.
' • " • *■
Mrs. | T. Baugheom of Bostwiek ban
been tlyt* guest for several days of be*
mother, Mrs. J. B. Mundy,;** "WesA
Broad stycet.
v"- • *?. ■
React the Christmas ads of local
Merchants in this issue and
The many friends of Mr. William
Vance cf-Buford will regret very- much
to learn that an operation for 'appendi-i
citis has 'been necessary, but aifd gratir
fipd to. know tjhat he is vapidly improv.-
big. ' ..
lor Hands,
were , in the'city last
. ofi Mrs. Ha^ri?’ par-
By authority of the Bodrd of Trtis-
.ees, the . President of bnGrango Col-
Mr. M. Gc Dunbar of. Greenville,. S.
spent 'Sunday with'M 1 tv.Bv, : 0: livaotui
.Mr Leonard Fuller of Emory Uni- -well, spent the Thanksgiving holidays
varsity was at]home last week-end, as j« Augusta, with Mr. Bagwell, who re-
, Ml-. Charley ; Jackson ia now«•#**-
ted'.-.wi'^. the firm, of .J. D.
v.^icrewill be glad to aoo.nad srspes;
his-friends. ^
" • • •
.Miss Helen .Estes left last weak tec
the Phil]ipincs, where she gww la kt
with her brother, Charles, who has w***.
mr.iiy my.itnT}' honors in the States
has been transferred to the Phili^imen,
She will remain with him some fins*.
* * * *
Messrs. Herbert apid Austin IJesav
spout . Thanksgiving holidays hero. wSGr,
tlieii- parents; Col. and Mrs. R BL Una®,
logo has written the Principal of the
Gainesville High school offering a schol
arship of one hundred dollars, this schol
arship to be awarded to that young
lady graduating first among the. girls.
ol hor clnss.
It is believed that this scholarship
prill, stimulate ~the girls'of^the High,
school to diligent 'application to work
liud that-i t; will be a fitting- recognition
of merit upon whom the
honor is bestowed, -
The Ninth district press Association
cwreaed in the assembly Hall at Bro
un College at J2:30. o'clock last Fri-
ia,y, but the attendance proved small
for some reason unknown. Messrs! Shan-
aoi of Commerce, McWhorter of Win-
-l.?r, Davidson of Cleveland, and Single-
t«# of Clarkesvilie, were the only, out- newspaper - men present. Chan
cellor D. C. Barrow of the State Uni-
v.eaity, and Mrs. Troutman of Bomc,
fhe latter a former resident of Gaines
ville when her late husband was pastot
of the First' Metho.dist church here,
both nddicssod the editors, making inf-
iwessive and inspirational talks. Dr.
S. J. Peatce, entertained the editors at
kaclieor. following; the'meeting. '
sides-there .now, having recently‘moved
/com Gainesville.
One of the most pleasant entertain
ments of the Thanksgiving lioilduys waA
a. drtnoe with, the BivorSide-Cadets us
hosts, given at the Academy on ..Thins-
day hyoniug.A' number of out-of-town
guests.wvere present. The Cadets'have
always euteieji into the fine ontertajri-
niopts. that. hkvc been given at thmr
■school with the greatest earnestness,,
'and, that is respoasibld tp a great, ex
tent for. their best dance,, the one of
last Thursday.
The evening was thoroughly enjoyed
by all who. pljt'enfled, ■ j I wa ?
ton', and her many friends at her for
mer home. .
Mr., f, -gaul..the very popular nianti-
gej of'Sj-aul/a Department Store,, spent
Aiwdwsday and Thursday' in th© Gate'
Misfe ..Tnlia, Sruith spent Sunday
Buford with her sister, Mrs. A-
Mr. ibid Mrs. Elbcrt'*Hogsedj of Toc-
coa, announce the -engagement of their
daughter, Janet Brioaficld,' ■ to Joseph
Dean' Carter of Gainesville. Nof cards.
•'.Mr. Kennington, assiatanimm*r
ngor ol the Western Union Tekfro^t
,C.o. here, spent the wcek-emd in Aft-
. * ». ■«
S M\-. Bufsell Chamblee of
CollegcrTijjont a few days wftit fcw
Quito n ^number of Gainosvillians at
tended tiic Tccit-AubUm football "gatnh
in Atlanta, which Tech won by the
score of'Td to-6! ; ." ’<
' * * • • ».
Mr. Chlfortl^Portex, ..attending Km-
ery Unirversity, spent the Thanksgiving
hoildays til home with his parents,. Mr.
and Mrs. W. 3. Porter.
•"^4. :+ '
Capt. and Mrs. O. A. Hill and daugh
ter, Neil, of San Pedro, Morcoifj aro
' IliCmwiilii «iT fiTi nini Mrs'. M, .0.Brown.
A. bouncing boy arrived last Wednes
day- to bless the homo of Mr. and Mis.
,1. W. Jacobs' on Brchau 'avenue. T -
Mr. B. A. Spainhour, connected with
the Beynolds Tobacco Co: here, Has
bo : eh ; ‘ttansforred to the Southern‘^is-
Ait occasion of great interest to qiuta-
a number of people was the auaual re;
union of children, grahdchUdfenriiahdt
relatives of Mr. and Mts.' 'T- Jar-,
ictt Thanksgiving day at tkeir. hqmc
near Gni>«esvillo. ■ ■/
Sixty guests enjoyed/ the bountiful:
dinnejr vyb\ch .wps^rvod wi-tkpvAWo..
The center decoration of thd tabk was
\i pumpkin filled with fruit. " Ait enjoy
able part of the dinner was the barbe
cued pig which Mi. ..Tai-i-ett ,hnd.,-P r °-
pared Ibr this’ ^ ; V !
On this day ,the date'of the reunion
was changed, to the fourj.h Thursday in
August. r : ; ; ; -\ • . • £
Those present besides the immediate
relativot were: Mr.* and Mrs. James
.Tarrctt, daughter, Sibyl, of .Toffth--
son; Mi. and Mrs. Thompson-and chib
yy the school .orchestra.
ejits, Mr. and Mrs. 3. T. ChamMw^ iMt
Week.. , .
like Cushmad-Clubnunouhcos.tho cow-
tj of the Thalian Drajnatie CJgb froW
:be^eiyerrity of'-Glorgia, qn Saturday
: , Mrs. W. E, Smith held the key. that
opened The silver chest given
jlie^Keibnont^rog-Go.vliTho key con-
! whilc^i key being given wtih- oacASCy
nurcha-ic' 'nil' V^fa‘iWdnr'%i'irilft''fri'(iV'irf ^
fare last Monday. /Numerous holders
of keys tried their, but only one key
.cquld open this..beautiful chest, Mrs.
Smith ,-v/ns: .the.. 1 Jn®ky /ono.
Miss Esther Smith of Atlanta, won
gyest % the week-end of tee
Hip.-' Mark' A. Ptfmoar of Atkntei
whs the guest tU mhinta k •». 08*57
The play to be given . is a farce;
'‘IfrH.Temple’s Telegrpm,” and prom-
Scserved seatS : i ^-dpn ; sale, .at Cin-
Alok"" ;v
A yoiy cnjiqrable feature- of dost
Wednesday evening was a,- dance at -the
Cliatialiooclioe Gulf Chib -raider the-aus--
pices of thc.Uaui E. ’ Boldrng "Post No.
The B. P. U, rally which was hold
it 6okwoOd church last Sunday was in
c^ery way a success. Despite the fact
>11$ weather-was: throatoning; a large
c-Qngregp.Uon was pregont, which filled
the house almost all day. The speakers
who were scheduled to spook /on the
program were on hand, each delivering
* real soul stirring message, which ,io-
'j*8d wore very inspiring .to.those prcs-
eut. The,, fine inspirational music con
tributed greatly to the spiritual - uplift
enjoyed: by those who attended,
Most.of the eleven churches of this
district were representc^iwith a good
7 American Legion,/Gainesville chap
We are prepared to deliver your meats,
and to give you quick service. /
So when you need meats call us. 27C
Watch our ads and our special prices.
They/added much to the REPAIRING PAVING,
the hoys and'being in The• .Georgia Bailway & Power 1 Co.
they .might w6ll. been , has fdr sovoml days had a crew ofmon
busy repairing .the puving which had
got in bad condition along the tracks
cf the company in Qainosvllloi '■
The work is being done on. the line
botwoen the Southern depot and th*
public, square find/OP' Groon street,
Tgo conipany is spending cOnsidottk-.
bl/ m.iiu-}'" in this work, and it is cot'--
taialy a'lnui-h unodod improvement.
fhc last game,
appearance, of
bchool colors, .. ...
called. gridii)Oii dress siiits.
The G 1L S. hub' showed their ap-
pyeciation by defeating the Commerciui
crew 33 to 0, but they and the othor
jmombovs of the student body and the
'faculty tie sire to express further their
i sincere appreciat ion of this beautiful
I gift and the kind spirit that prompted
I5, Thu following contriWod:
' ,T, E. I’nlmour, Mrs. W. E. Black-
shenr, Guy Barrett, Jt. W. Smith, Dr.
If L. l'hgcrs, Goforth. Bros., Wy C.
Whelcliel. A. C v Wheeler. H. F. Fuller,
,1’nu.k Crow, E. T. Parks, Airs. Oinciolo,
j’\V. M. liriee, Fred Kitnsey, Harold^ Ter-
ivll, Paljiiciuv Hnrdwtiro Oo., W. D-
13’iorcc,.Carter (Ivecery Co'., S. O. Smith,
j,;i. c. Pruitt, .1. A. Ibulolph, 0. V. Nal-
! l,. V) T. Hi Kobe it.son, Hoseh Bros., G.
Ej] 'pilgrim, B. D- Btnokweldo'r, W. J.
fortcr.-O. S. Keid. Boyd Sloan.
The quin lotto- of feminine dmskotee'lH
will open wabt promises to be a good
basketball souson ivhon tlioy moot tlic-
Baptist girls from tlm .Chattahoochee
High School Friday evening at • 7.-13
o’clock: Thy new floor in the Fair
building is good end the spectators vvnl
bo comfortable and everything point's
to a great occasion.
No official line-up has been given,'
but fifteen girls crc to be iii - uniform.
Most of the girl3 from last your will scon in action. They-tire
well kmnvn' to the fans and. no move
popular five could be found anywhere.
Don’t miss the first game! Be on
j hand and pull for G. H. S. .
G. 0. Barron has sold his cafe eh
too sqtinvg'to Messrs. B. H. Coker of
Roi «o, and, -M. B. Coker of Gainesville,
^ttor, having operated n shoe store
•tore for tho past year or more. The
no "‘ purchasers took charge of tho cafe
this morning.