The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, January 06, 1899, Image 4

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TKe New c * erald. _ - lasUAd-rid ay. Ottmxantfc«d One ye»r (on time)' SI.OO CasK with name / 7F Six months .. SC Three tnonth? .2f V QCTbbing ratbs : Constitution andNews-Herald $1.26 Journal and News-Herald 1.26 X. Y .World(3 times a week) 1.6(1 Cash with order. . JANUARY 6, 1899.' i . ■ ■ . ■■ ..,.—7 A Healthy Man Vfltd tht •rl(» Irak* town Ml* H*alth~ Hvod'a laraapartlla •as* Him Appatlta an! Slaap. “Bf ta tk. tiro* when I bad the grip 1 was a stream, health; men. After that I had a* appetite and was not able ta lest well at night. I decided to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla and pnrchaaed a aup pG It baa done me a vast amount es feed. I have a good appetite and ean sleep well.” Joseph M. Ward law, Heme, Georgia. “I have found Hood’s Sarsaparilla ln valuable for purifying the blood and lost as appetite. It cures all eruptions and ■takes me feel better in ever; wa;.’’ J. A. Croel, Brunswick, Georgia. Wonderful cures of Scrofula, Salt Bheam, Ulcers, Sores, Dyspepsia, and ether diseaaes, prove the great curative, Mood purifying and enriehing powers of Hood’s W The best—ln (set the Oue True Blood Purller. Insist upon Hood’s; take so substitute. rj.ti_ oure llrer Ills; easy Is Hood 8 HIIIB take, easy to operate, ata- Hard os the Boys. The Charleston News and Cou rier grows wrathful in discussing the recent action of the Georgia legislature in defeating the bill to tax the worthless dogs of the state. It says: “It could not be expected that there would be much sympathy for sheep in a company of assoß, and the dog prevailed. It will al ways be so in every legislature that is composed of men who cul tivate the yellow dog vote, and are dependent upon it for their success in politics. The destruc tion of the dogs, which are of no earthly benefit to any industrial or worthy enterprise, would mean the increase of shoep, the produc tion of wool, the establishment of factories and the employment of men and women at living wages. ‘Down in my county,’ said one of the Georgia legislators, in favor of the bill, ‘there is an average of tthree dogs to every colored citi ■d.' It is only when the law- regard the colored citizen his relations to the yellow ! ;Ht hat ho receives much consid- Hm. Georgia is keeping up Worn South Carolina in it's wor- W of the dog. W How to Look Good KGood locks are really more than Kin deep, depending entirely on a wealthy condition of all the vital organs. If the liver is inactive, you have a bilious look, if your stomach is disordered, you have a dyspeptic look, if your kidneys are affected, you have a pinched look. Secure good health, and you will surely have good looks. “Electric Bitters” is a good Alterative and Tonic, acts directly on the stom ach, liver and kidneys, purifies the blood, cures pimples, blotches and boils, and gives a good complexion. Every bottle guaranteed. Sold at A. M. Winn & Son’s Drug Store. 50 cents per bottle. John W. Kelly, an Ohio pension er of the civil war, has lost his pension by serving in the war with Spain. The pension bureau evi dently thought his ability to ren der military service upset the claim of physical disability, and therefore dropped him from the roll. Mr. S. A. Frackler, Editor of the Micauopy (Fla,) Hust er, with his wife and children, suffered terribly from La Grippe. One Minnie Cough Cure was the only remedy that belpe’d them. It act ed quickly. Thousands of others use this remedy as specific for La Grippe, and its exhausting effeots. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrenoevill, and Dr. Hinton, of Dacnla. With true Western enthusiasm The Dodge City (Kan.) Republic an suggests that the geographical lines of our common country be fixed ttus: “Bounded on the north by the aurora borealis, on the south by the procession of the equinoxes, on the east K y the rising sun, and on the west by the Day of Judgment.” To insure a happy year, keep the liver clear and the body vigor ous by using De Witt’s Little Early Risers, the famous little pills for constipation and liver trouble. Bagwell Bros, of Law renoeville, and Dr. Hinton, of Da cula. The enrollment of the Chickasaw nation has been completed by the Dawea commission, and shows a total of 18,400, of whom 9,988 are Chiokasaws and 8,562 an Choc taws. _______ Horrible agony is caused by Piles, Burns and Hkin Diseases. These are immeditaely relieved l,’id quickly cured by De Witt ’s uniitoh Hazel Salve. Beware of Carrthlees imitations. Bagwell lief fr© of Lawrenceville, and Dr. CarminatM Dacula. , o cures permaueasrr r~Tkw<-.»gnat to the taste, and in' 01 ’’■take it 1,, without coaxing, f, nl 'Be from I ®-! iufurous drugs and eh' uncals. lic on’t fool with the American flag, says the Louisville Courier- Journal. When a neighbor laid claim to the ground on which is the pig-pen of "Mrs. Bridget Kelly, of Conshohocken, Pa., and sent his hired man, John B!ak«, to remove the fence. Mrs. Kelly planted the Stars and Stripes on her pig-peu and dared John Blake to come on. John Blake came on and was hit by Mrs. Kelly with a clothes-line prop. John brought suit for as sault and battery, l.ut Mrs. Kelly was promptly aequitied by the ju ry on the ground that the plain tiff was disloyally advancing upon the Flag. An Alliance between England and America is well enough to talk about, but an Alliance between Ould Ireland and Old Glory is a bad thing to go up against. An Enterprising Druggist. There are few men more wide awake and enterprising than A. M. Winn & Sou who spare no pains to secure the best of every thing in their line for their many customers. They now have the valuable agency for Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. This is the wonderful remedy that is produc ing such a furor all over the coun try by its many startling cures. It absolutely cures Asthma, Bron chits, Hoarseness and all affections of the Throat, Chest and Lungs. Call at the above drug store and get a trial bottle free, or a regular size for 50c and |l. Guaranteed to cure or price refunded. In Buffalo a planer is in opera tion which at each cut removes a shaving full 12 inches wide from solid cast iron. The knife is be tween 12 and 18 inches wide. The finger of destiny is un doubtedly on the hand of fate. Women Should Enow It. Many women suffer untold agony and misery becuuse the nature of their disease is not correctly undeistood. They have been led to believe that womb trouble or female weakness ol some sort is respon sible for the many ills that beset woman kind. Neguralgia, ncrveousness, headache, puffy or dark circles under the eyes, rheu matism, a dragging pain or dull ache in the back, weakness or bearing-down sensation, profuse or scanty supply of urine with strong odor, frequent desire to pass it with scalding and burning sensa tion, sediment in it after standing in bot tle or common glass for twenty-four hours, are signs of kidney and bladder trouble. The above symptons are often attribut ed by the patient herself or by her physi cian to female weakness or womb trouble Hence so msny fail to obtain relief, be cause they are treating not the disease itself but a reflection of the primary cause, which is kidney trouble. In fact women as well as men are made miserable with kidney and bladder trou ble and both need the same remedy. Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is the great discovery of the emineut kidney and blad der specialist, and is easy to get at any drug store for fifty cents or one dollar. To prove its wonderfuf merits you may have a sample bottle and book telling all about it both sent absolutely free by mail Kindly mention’The Lawrencevill News- Herald and send address to Dr. Kilmer & Co. Binghamton, N. Y. Coughing injures and inflames sore luDgs. One Minute Cough Cure loosens the cold, allay* cough ing aud heals quickly. The best cough cure for children. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrenceville, and Dr. Hinton, of Dacula. The slip ’twixt the cup and the lip doesn’t prevent the mous tache from getting luto the soup. Milton and Homer were both blind. This is conclusive evidence that out of sight isn’t always out of mind. Women’s Complexion depends for beauty upon Digestion. Dr. M. A. Sinunons I.iver Medicine Kegulates the Stomach, Liver and Kidneys and secures the blessings of good Diges tion. If a lien lays for you she doesn’t mean any harm by it. If poets are bom a lot of them are unmade in after years. For Overworked girls nnd Feble women, Simmons Squaw Vine Wineor Tablets are nature’s greatest boon. If a young man is too bashful to propose he goes without saying. If a man can’t raise a laugh he is very apt to raise a few sighs. The man who forgets a favor seldom forgives an injury! A few doses of Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine will do more for a weak Stomach than a prolonged course of any other medicine. If people are very bright it is impossible to keep them in the dark. If a man gives himself away it is probably because he isn’t worth buying. To subdue Nervous Irritability, Neuralgia, Hysoeria, St. Vitus’ Dance use Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. The final volume of the British Museum catalogue of birds has just been completed. This cata logue was begun a quarter of a century ago, and is said to be a complete list of every bird known. There are thirty-seven large vol umes all of which are illustrated by innumerable wood cuts. YOU SHOULD KNOW What Hood's Sarsaparilla has power to do for those who have impure and impoverished blood. It makes the blood rich and pure, and cures scrofula, salt rbeum, dyspepsia, "afftrrh, rheumatism, nervousness. If you are troubled with any ailment caused or pro mot9d Ayy impure blood, take JlLod’anSarsaparilla at once. , .HOOD’S PILLS are prompt and Vfncient, .easy to take, easy to op leiioiV' /'V ** !i a stone’s throw of the ters of the Roval Horse i City road, London, esley’s Chapel, and the lived in. , Immediately he chapel is the grave, simple but substantial it of the great founder Vesleyan Church, which its branches among all ipeaking people through ’orld. you are netVous and take Hood's fUraaparilla. the nerves Strong and eshing sleep. estitution prevails among mere in parts of Califor nia, owing to the dry weather for two years. They appealed to the Governor for aid, but he had no public funds with which to help, and a fund was started in San Francisco, to which Claus Spreck les contributed a check for $25,- 000. SIOO Baward SIOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that isCatarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Being a con stitutional disease, requires a constitu tional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly up on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative pow ere, that they offer One Hundred Dol lars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. There is no music so suitable for Irish dances as that of the Irish bagpipes—a very different instrument from the Scotch pipes —but it is difficult to meet a pi per to-day in Ireland, although 20 years ago one could count ten fine players within a radius of as many miles. In the same district there is not a single piper to-day. Bucklen a Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Burns, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively sures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis jaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For Bale by A. M. Winn & Son Lawrenceville, Ga. In the bedroom of William IV at Hampton Court palace is a clock of the “grand-father” pat tern, which runs for twelve months without winding. It was con structed about 1660 by Dan Quare, and is such a splended time-keep er that it does not vary a second in a month. It does not record the hours ouly, but also the sec onds, days and months, and even the times of sunrise and sunset. The smallest things may exert the greatest influence. De Witt’s Little Early Risers are unequalled for overcoming constipation and liver troubles. Small pill, best pill, safe pill. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrenceville, and Dr. Hinton, of Dacula. If a man gives up smoking for a widow she ought to give up her weeds for him. If gloomy and Nervous, ami looking on the dark side of things, take a few doses Dr. M. A.Simmons Liver Medi cine, an-J the gloom will disappear. If we were all as good as we ad vise others to be heaven would be right here on earth. If you would know the difference between impertinence and repar tee size up the man who says it. To relieve Mental Worry, cure De spondency and give refreshing Sleep, use Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. If there is one man meaner than another he is the one who refuses to allow his children tt> attend Sunday school.—Chicgo Daily News. If Irritable, Out of Sorts, Depressed in Spirits, have a Dull Headaches, take a few doses Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medioiclne for quick relief. Another famous relic of ancient Loudon is coming down. It is at No. 17 Fleet street, the old palace of Henry VIII and Cardinal Wol sey, lately occupied by shops. It is generally believed to have been the office of the Duchey of Corn wall in the reign of James I. Morning Sickness, or Nausea from Pregnancy, is dispelled by Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. In the Chinese morgue, one ©f the strange sights is a number cf life-size dolls which are burqet. <#> accompany the corpse as their ser vants to the next world. They are doubtless a relic of the time when human beings were thus burned as companions of the de ceased . Miss Alice Palmer, Wadly, Ga., writes: Have used Dr. M. A.Simmons Liver Medicine 20 years. It is the best remedy for Dyspepsia, Sick Head ache, Sour Stomach, indigestion, Bil iousness and Constipation 1 have ever used. In my opinion it is much bet ter than the medicine put up by Zei lin, and Black Draught, which 1 have used. ’ The late Mr. William Black, the novelist, leaves a widow, a son and two daughters. All the family are well provided for. Mr. Black made a large income out of his jpitutyrnqvej#. •** • j “Pitts' Carminative I i Saved My Baky’m Ufa." J I Johnson Station, Ga., September 16, 1891. J (S LAMAR & RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga. 2 I Gentlemen: I can not recommend your Pitts’ Carminative too A strongly, as I owe my baby’s life to it. She had Cholera infantum l when five months old, and I could ret no relief until I began using Pitt’s J Carminative. The fever left her when I had riven her bpt two bottles, jj and she had fattened so she did not look like tne same child. 1 advise all v mothers who have sickly or delicate children to give this remedy a trial. $ Respectfully, MftS. LIZZIE MURRAY. C It Saved Her Baby-Will Sava Yaura. ■ aa a aTRY //• mam Everett Pianos, Harvard Pianos, Bush & Gerts Pianos, Strich & Zeidler Pianos. Any of the above makes of Pianos can be bought very close for cash or on installment pavmente. There are 25 Everett Pianos now in use at the Gan .sville Seminary, and are giving entire satisfaction. The Harvard Pianos have the “PJectraphone” attach ment, by the use of which you can imitate the Banjo, Guitar or the Mandolin. The new Opera House, Athens, Ga., has a Harvard in use, and is very satisfactory. Mrs. M. J. Perry, Carl, Ga., has just purchased a Har vard Piano. I also handle the “FARRAND & VOTEY” Organs, and purchase them in CAR LOAD LOTS, having already sold four car loads this year. The Farrand & Votey is the only absolutely Rat-Proof Organ on the market, notwithstanding others claim to handle them. Prices and catalogues will be promptly mailed on applica tion. HOPE HALE, Athens, - - Georgia, Eiseman Bros. ATLANTA. The largest stock of Clothing, Hats and Furnishings in the South. Thousands of styles for you to select from and prices here are from 25 to 50 per cent, cheaper than anywhere else, that’s because we ire manu facturers and do not pay a profit to mid dlemen. ***»**«» * Men’s Nobby Suits SSOO to $25 Boy’s Long Trouser Suits 450 to 15 Boy’s Knee Trouser Suits 150 to 10 We buy the best fabrics and choose the newest and handsomest patterns and coloring that are produced. tit t t t t t t Buy here once in person or through our mail order department, and the satisfaction you’ll re ceive will make you a permanent customer of Kiseman Bros. PTADI7O (ATLANTA, 15-17 Whitehall Street d I wRCIU WASHIEGTON, Corner Seventh and E Streets. KfM. vikuw ( BALTIMORE, 217 W. German Street. 15-17 WHITEHALL.— Our Only Store in Atlanta. lie: Prudential INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA. HOME OFFICE—NEWARK, N. J. JOHN F. DRAYDEN, PRESIDENT. Assets July i, 1898 $26,029,137 04 Surplus July 1, 1898 5,627,584 24 Ineome for 1897 15,580,764 65 Insurance written in 1897 143,900,000 00 Insurance in force in 1897 363,117,590 00 Paid policy holders to date 34,000,000 00 The Pr UDENTiaL. has forged its way ahead until it stands in the j . front rank of the great life insur- f ance companies of the world. It ; offers all that is good in life insur ance, and under the best condi- j For particulars as to General Agency Contracts apply to ' SOUTHERN INSURANCE AGENCY, I§| JAS. O. WYNN, President; v • Manager Sout’n Dept., Atlanta. | E. C. LESTEE, Special Ag-ent. HOTEL VICTORIA. ATHENS, GA. Now open, under entirely new management, for the especial benefit of the traveling public. Many changes have been made that add attraction to the house. When you go to Athens, you cannot do better than to stop at the Victoria. Every effort made to please our guests, and saiisfaction guaranteed. P-W- SUTHERLIN, Proprietor- J. A. AMBROSE. Lawrenceville, Ga., MANUFACTURER OF Harness Saddles, Bridles & Collars. DEALER IN Furniture, Buttes, Lap Robes, Whips, Etc. No house in. Georgia can down me in prices of tl\ese goods If you want a Buggy—Ambrose will make you the I right sort of prices. Since Mr. McKinley has lieen President, Speaker Reed has been ijust four times at the White Ho use, each time strictly on of fioial business. It is said by the Marne man’s friends that he has never asked the President to grant him a favor either in the matter of patronage or otherwise, hold ing that the administration ought to consult him regarding such mutters in so far as they affect the state of Maine. This the President has not seen fit to do. Ip the town of Martinsburg, W. Va., there is a small canning fac tory. The farmers of the neighbor hood raise tomatoes for it. They plant from a quarter of an acre to one acre each. The factory is run on the co-operative plan. The oth er day the season’s business was closed and the profits divided. The profit was sufficient to pay all of those interested at the rate of about $75 per acre for tomatoes planted; and not all of the crop was used at the factory, either. “Gen. Garcia,” says the Wash ington correspondent of the Chi cago Record, “had an aged colored servant who was horn a slave upon his father’s plantation and was brought up with him from child hood. The old negro had followed him in all his wars, and had shared his prison cells, and sat beside the bed when the general breathed his last. Every time his master groaned he would groan also; and the death which came to the one will not let the other linger much longer. The faithful servant does not care to live now. His interest in life is gone, and no one would be surprised if he died of grief withiu a short time.” Many a household is saddened by death because of the failure to keep on hand a safe and absol utely certain :nre for croup such as One Minute Cough cure. See that your little ones are protected against emergency. Bagwell Bros of Lawrenceville, and Dr. Hinton of Dacuia. CHEAPEST MDSIC f HOUSE IN THE SOUTH ~ ----- _r is T. G. CONOWAY’S, Athens, Ga. tR? { Jfc'ks* AOD OREfINSfr - —AT LOWEST PRICES For Cash or on the Installment Plan. * * * * * AXTrlte for Catalogyae. “Head not to Contradict and Refute, Neither to Believe and Take for Granted; But to Weigh and Consider.” He who offers Two dollars for One comes properly under the category of being either a rogue or a dolt, for he offers the impossible. It is manifestly impossible to give more than is received, else one finds he has broken all laws of common sense; yet this is often made the new catch-penny inducement to intending piano purchasers. We often read in the daily papers statements of offers made on pianos of high class, “containing every known inducement,” for an exceedingly small sum of money and on ridiculously low monthly or quar terly payments. The impossible is proffered, and he who does It knowingly falsifies himself and assumes that the purchaser is incompetent or foolish, else he could not be caught in such a net of fraud and deception. I’here is no oc casion for deceit, yet the history of the piano trade shows it to be crowded with miss-statements regarding the grades and prices. We have found it nec essary in the management of our wholesale trade to withdraw the sale of our pianos from some of our country dealers. In order to close the accounts with these particular dealers we have found it necessary to take from them a num ber of pianos of various makes and place them on our floors for sale, applying the proceeds of such sales to their accounts in order to settle the account with them. We do not expect to give Two dollars £br One, but we have in these instruments pianos of Standard makes, many of which could not be detected from new instruments directly from the Factory when placed side by side with new pianos in our store, and which these dealers have been asking a reasonable profit *for, that will be offered during the next few/ days at very much lower prices than these goods have ever been sold. We shall make an extraordinary effort to close out every instrument on our floors of this class between now and January first. In order to do this we find it necessary to offer these instru ments at wholesale prices to dealers, or even less. jWe would advise any r one who expects to purchase an instrument during the-rlext few years to consult us in regard to prices on these pianos at once. In addition to a large stock of the above described instruments, we have probably the [most complete stock in the South of Everett and Harvard pianos which art perfectly new and direct from our two Factories. These instruments are made in all of the fancy woods and are unequaled in tone, quality and durability. (Remember that the Everett piano is the only piano guaranteed for the entire lifetime of ,the instrument. This guarantee is not by a salesman or a local dealer, but is a signed guarantee furnished by the Everett Piano Company themselves. Would you like to see a partial list of the Everett pianos sold in the territory tributary to Atlanta ? We hAVt rak *J.fet*nd iPwould j*ok«fcty THE JOHN CHURCH COMPANY. General Factory of the Everett and Harvard Pianos, Cincimfti, Chicago, New York and 99 Peachtree Street, Atlanta, G* castoria The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 wars, has borne the signature ol and has been made under his per cJ* sonal supervision since its infancy. /■ccccAxn/. s Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Inatations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trife with and endanger the health of Infants and Childfin —Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substpite for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Sywps. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its ale is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cares Diarrhoea afui Wind Colic. It relieve| Teething Troubles, cures and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, r<|£uiates the Stomach and Hovels, giving healthy and njKtural sleep. The Children’s fanaeea— The Mother’s Frigid. GENUINE CASTORIA . | ALWAYS Bears the Signature of I The Kind You toe Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TM. CCNTiuR COMWmT. TT MW..*. .T..CT, W.W YO.W CITT. NgIIJTT LJSLi TP rfl (tip jrol lif This splendid three piece suit, mahogany finish frames, upholstered in fine silk figured damask for |12.50. We carry the largest stock or Furniture, Car pets Rugs, Mattings and Draperies in Atlanta, and guarantee lowest prices. R. S. CRUTCHER FURNITURE CO. 53 and 55 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga.