The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, January 13, 1899, Image 1

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News-Herald '1 i i ani> Constitution, 12 —51.25. I THE OWISNETT HERALD, ) the lawrkncevilSe news. [ Consolidated Jan. 1,1898. KnUbliahed in 1893. ) GWINNETT’S OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Sheriff—Thomas A. Ilaslett. Deputy Sheriff, K. T. Martin, f'lerk Superior Court—D. T. Cain. Ordinary—John P. Webb. Treasurer —C. D. Jacobs. . Tax Receiver—Eli P. Miner. * Collector—Arbin W. Moore. Chroner —James II Wilson. Surveyor—Robert N. Matfett. Board County Commissioners—James T. Lamkin, Chairman; J. P. Byrd, Clerk; J. T. Jordan, S. H Hinton and M. A. Born. Board of Education—\V. T. Tanner, Commissioner; A. M. Winn, President; B. 1.. Patterson, W. P. Cosby, Thos. C. Shadburn and E. G. McDaniel. Superior Court—R. B. Russell, Judge; C. H. Brand, Solicitor-General. Con venes Ist Monday in March and Ist Monday in September. City Court—Samuel J. Winn, Judge; F. F. Julian, Solicitor. Convenes 2nd Monday in January, 2nd Monday in April, 2nd Monday in July, and 2nd Mon day in October. JUSTICES OF PEACE AND NOTARIES PUBLIC: 1295—8ay Creek, (Ist Saturday) Thos. Langley, J. P., W.P. Williams, N. P. 31H—Ben Smith, (3d Saturday) J. S. Pate, J. P., J. 0. Hawthorn, N. P. 405—Berkshire, (Sd Saturday) J. R. Cain. J. P., W M. Jordan, N. P. 550—Buford (3d Friday) W.W. Wilson, ,J. P., G. Legg, N. P. 552—Cains, (3d Saturdry) ,1. M.Pool, J. P., J. R. Cain, N. P. 408—Cates, (2d Saturday) T. A. Pate, J. P., J. A. Hannah, N. P. 1564—Dacula, (Thors, before 4, Sat.) J. W. Freeman. J. P„ J. D. Hood, N. P. 1263 —Duluth, (Thurs. before 4, Sat.) G. H. Barker, J. P., A. H. Spence, N. P. 404—Goodwins, (Fri. before 4, Sat.) J. T Baxter, J. P., W. J. Maxie, N. P. 478 Harbins, (Sat. before 2, Sun.) A. J. Bowen, J. P„ Robt. Ethridge, N. P. 444—Hog Mountain, (4th, Saturday) Cicero Maffett, J.P., J.L. Mauldin, N. P. 407—Lawrenceville, (Ist Friday) W. M. Langley, J.P., J. M. Mills, N. P. 644—Martins, (4th Sal urday) J. F. Wilson, J. P., Dallis Corley, N. P. * 400—Norcross, (Wed. before 3d Sat.) A. J. Martin, J. P., J. W. Haynie, N. P. 1397 —Pucketts, (2d Friday) Win. Wallace, J.P., C. B.Pool, N. P.' 571—Rockbridge. (3d Saturday) J. A. Jphnson, J. P., E. T. Mason, N. P. SPECIAL CUT RATE O-oodL ’Till T’e’b. Ist, 1899. sl.lO ...ONE t>OLLAR AND A DIME... sl.lO GETS THE News Herald Weekly Constitution. Twelve Months. This cut price is made to enable the people of Gwinnett county to read two of the best papers in the South during the year 1899. Bring along your dollars and dimes and let us enroll you as a subscriber NOW! Ai nr SEMI-WEEKLY .JOURNAL. (H f f 7 C V/[ '/h WEEKLY CONSTITUTION. /*\ 01i il/ NEWS-HERALD. lj> 111 (/ * For (fflass Down DauvSeMcb TO ATLANTA, CHARLOTTE, AUGUSTA, ATHENS, WILMINGTON, NEW ORLEANS, CHATTANOOGA, NASHVILLE AND NEW YORK, BOSTON, PHILADELAHIA, WASHINGTON, NORFOLK, RICHMOND. Schedule in Effect July IS, 189® No. 408. | SOUTHBOUND. Atlanta S.A.L. Special. I Sxreea Lt New York, Tia Fa. U. K. *ll OOa.n ,* » oopm •• Philadelphia P” “Baltimore 3 15 Ly Washington J JO » k *• Richmond, via ACL 856 p m 9 0»> “ Norfolk, Tia SA L * »** “ 306 “ “ Portmouth 845 p m 020 Lt Weldoa.ri.S AT niMpm •11»J» Ar Headeraon U 6*am lJßgm “Ss"**.* 1 ' SSJSlil'ffi ifri •••’■ “ Southern Pinea !S „ S m “ Hamiet f! , I *• Wadeaboro 558 :» 2 “ Monroe «*» ! *" “ Wilminaton : *l2 06 pm A r (A. riot te. Tia SAL [* 7 50am I *lo2.'jm Ar Cheater. TiaS A L 8 oSam 10 58pm Lt Columbia. C.N. A L. R. R. . ■ . ~Clinton **‘s»m 12 14 am “ Greenwood 10 35 1 ?■ .. “ AbbOTille 11 M * 35 . “ Klberton 12 «P" *}‘ „ “ Ath «» 9 J,** .. 515 - “ Winder 1.5« “ „ “ Atlanta. U. D.. cen. time 250 “ j-0 No. 402. No 38. NORTHBOUND. Atlanta 8. A. L. Special. Kipress. Lt AtVaata, 8 A L,cea. time | •12 00 >n *JB» pm “ Winder *“ pm 040 “ Atheea P" ,n “ Klterton <ls“ 12 «1 » m “AbbeTille 5 15 1 A’ “ Greenwood £J* .. *Vr M “ Clinton 30 ._ - Ar Columbia, K. C. A l BeK. . . . f 7 m r'hfuUAr *8 13 u *1 Ar Charlotte, vi»»iL | *1025 pm 1 *7 50 »m Lt Monroe. Via a A U I “ Hamlet 111 15 I 8u» A r Wllmiagton, *l2 o_s_pm “ Southern Pinea I 12 00 am 900 “ “ Raleigh ** lß *i> 2 “ opm 13 38 am ?ggs Ar Durham Lv Durham via a a l Ar~Weldon, via SAL J *4 f>6 a id I “ Richmond 820 “ i M Waahining, via rB m |1231 p I “ Baltimore I 1 P m : “ Philadelphia 3 50pm: “ N»w Yof* \**tZ “ ; ( A r Portsmouth j~7 26 “ | I . * * * .Norfolk _ 1 *7 85 “ 1 _ • Daily. +Daily, Kx. Sunday. | No 406 and 402.- -The “Atlanta Special,'’ >Hd Pullman Vealihuled Train of Pullman 81«- o*r aad Coaches berwron Washington and Ati nta also Pullman Sleepers between Pur turnout I and Chester. B.C. Nos. 41 and 88. “The S a 1- Express,” Solid Train, Coaches and Pulliun Sleepers bei wees Portsmouth and Atiante. Company SU jpen between Columbia and Mint*. Immediate Connections —At Atlant i foi Montgomery. New Orleans, Texas, Mexico Cali fornia, Macon. Pc isacola, Selma and FI rids No extra fare on any train, For t *ket sleepers, and information, apply to ticket ,gen w or to B. A. Newland. General Ag nt, WM. B. CLKMKNTB, T. P. A., 6 Kimball House, Atlant ~Gi B. Bt. John, Vice Pres, and General ; Mana cr. V. K. Mcßkx. Gen. Superintendent. H. W. B. Glover, Traffic Manager. T. J. Andebbon, Genera! Pass. Agent, I General offices Portsmouth, Vm. TH E NEWS-HERALD. gfrgpnOPTnJGTKitTifAHnfODr, tilfgCTpHnrO 5^5^55 BORN’S Consumption Core, X £% i# V The Great Consumption —And— Blood Remedy. Renovates the Whole System and Strengthens the Lungs. A positive cure for 1 Consumption in its first I stages, and one of the j best known remedies in the later stages. Es ] pecially beneficial for girls suffering from ] suppressed menses, who are likely to de ! velop consumption. l Price, 50 Cents. j DIRECTIONS—Thke a tableapoonful j every four hours. DR. M. A. BORN, Proprietor. Lawrence ville, Ga. ! Hold by Bagwell Bros., Law renceville. Lawreneeville Branca Railroad Leave Lawreneeville - - - 7am Arrive Suwanee - -- -- Bam Leave Suwanee - - * - - 10 :08 a m Arrive Lawreneeville --11 a * Leave Lawreneeville - - - 4pm Arrive Suwanee 11 P,® Leave Suwanee - - - - - 6:58 pm Arrive Lawreneeville - - - 7 :50 p m Patronize home industry. Where tc this morning ? To Atlanta. By which i line ? Why, by the Lawreneeville Branch, our home road, same rate as other road. Give them your business They will treat you nice and give you good service. J. K. McKklvey, E. L. McKklvby, I.essees and Managers, ALL COTTON FALLACY OLD BLUNDER THAT FARMERS SHOULD AVOID IN THE COMING YEAR. RAISE SUPPLIES AT HOME Time Has Arrived to Stop Relying on a Crop Which Selin Below Coat of Production. Atlanta, Jan. 1, 1899. The beginning of the new year is upon ns and 1898, with all its hopes and dis appointments, is a thing of the past. It will be well for each of us at this time, before we commence our work for the year, to take a calm and thoughtful view of the situation, and then to act as become sensible men. What, then, do we find to be the con dition of the average Georgia farmer at this time? After working 12 months to make and gather a large cotton crop, has he any money left from its sale? I •ay emphatically no. Those farmers are fortunate indeed who have been able to pay the debts incurred by them in mak ing the last cotton crop, the vast ma jority having unpaid accounts against them either for gnano, meat, corn or goods of other kinds. Has the average Georgia farmer a supply of corn, oats, hay and fodder, with which to feed his stock of every kind until he can make another crop? Has he plenty of homemade meat and flour and syrup, with which to feed all hands on his farm for the next ten months? Ars his mnles, and horses, and cattle, and hogs, and sheep in good order and well cared for, now in the midst of a cold, long winter? Has he an abundance of poultry of all kinds, well housed and well fed? Has he plenty of good milk and batter from graded Jersey or Holstein cows? Has he a rich garden from which he can daily gather the winter vegetable to add to his bill of fare? To all these ques tions I must regretfully answer no. And yet 1 assert positively that all these are within easy reach of every land owner in Georgia who will throw off the curse of all cotton growing, and return to the ways of our fathers. Shall we continue to grow and sell cotton below the cost of production (to the great delight of the balance of man kind, who care nothing for our suffer ings) until total ruin overtakes us, or shall we make a united and determined effort to raise onr own supplies in abun dance, and thus make onr cotton crop an absolute surplus? I see no hope for our farmers save to adopt the latter plan and stick to it regardless of the price of cotton. Don’t delude yourself with the idea that your neighbors will diminish their cotton acreage and there fore yon will increase yours in the hope of getting a good price. There could be no greater mistake of judgment than this, as the selfish farmer so acting will find to his cost at the end of the season. II Georgia made no cotton this year, the loss would doubtless be made up by the yearly increased acreage of rich cot ton lands brought into cultivation west of the Mississippi river. We had better prepare ourselves for a long period of low-priced cotton, for the outlook prom ises nothing else, and being prepared, we can better endnre such a calamity. For 88 years we have relied on cotton alone with which to purchase every thing else. During that time we have made not less than 20,000,000 of bales, worth at a moderate estimate, fnlly $800,000,000. What has become of this vast amonnt of money, which, if kept at home, would have made ns one of the richest states in the Union? It has all gone to pay the farmers and manufac turers of the north and east for supplies of various kinds, every item of which we could and should have produced within onr own borders. Suppose we had made only 10,000,000 bales in the past 88 years, and in addition had produced all the supplies that we have bought from other states, is it not self evident that we would be better off by $400,000,000 than we are at present? The entire property of the state, cities included, is now bnt a little over $400,000,000, and the farmers of Georgia ought alone to have been richer by this vast amonnt, had they not been deluded by the all-cotton fallacy. Look sronnd you in yonr different communities and note the successful farmers of your acquaintance; invaria bly you will find them to be the men who have diversified their crops and raised their own supplies. No state or section can prosper that relies entirely on one crop. Kansas tried it with wheat, until most of her (arms were mortgaged, and she was only saved from utter ruin, it is said, by the “hen and the cow.” Now, with diversified farming, she A again on the road to prosperity. I write as a farmer to farmers, know ing and appreciating the difficulties in the way, bnt I believe they can all be overcome by a persistent and determined effort in the rignt direction. I by no means advise the abandonment of cot ton culture, for we have no other money crop upon which we can with absolute certainty depend; bnt I do urge upon, and plead with each and every farmei in the state, to plant no seed of eotton, nntil he has planted such an acreage of each and every other crop that will grow on his land, that, let the season be dry or wet, he will be assured of abun dant and varied provision crops. In ad- Buckien s Arnica Salve. The beat Salve in the world for Cuts, Burns, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively sures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis jaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. M. Winn & Son Lawreneeville, Ga. ■ The way of the transgressor is often-times the shortest route to Canada. For Overworked girls and Feble women, Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets are nature’s greatest boon. LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 13, 1899. dition to this let proper attention be given to the raising of stock of all kinds, particularly cattle, hogs and poultry. With proper management, it is easier and cheaper to raise a pound of pork or a pound of any kind of poultry, than it is to raise a pouud of cotton, and yet a pound of pork is worth as much and a pound of poultry from two to three times as mnch as a pound of cotton. The papers stated that Atlanta alone used 10,000 turkeys on Thanksgiving day. and I venture to say that nine tenths of them came from Tennessee and Kentucky. What a commentary on onr method of farming 1 A good beginning has been made in the right direction in the sowing of the largest wheat crop probably in the late history of the state. A f%ir crop of fall oats has also been planted, but the acre age should be doubled or trebled with out delay. Prepare to plant a good corn crop, not less than ten to 12 acres to the plow; and be sure to either broadcast field peas in yonr corn at the last plow ing, or drop them on, or by the side of the corn rows at the second plowing. Then prepare not less than five acres to the plow for such crops as gronndpeas, po tatoes, sugarcane, millet, etc. After that, put ten acres, and no more, in cotton, regardless of who may advise you to the ’ contrary. A crop like this will give yon 26 acres to the plow, and that is enongh for North Georgia, though in Middle and South Georgia, a few more acres might be cultivated ia oorn or groundpeas. Buy ae little guano as possible, bnt use all the homemade fertilizers that you can get together between this and planting time. Stop bnying hoehandles, axhelves, hamea and other things that yon can and shonld make at home on rainy days. Never go to town with an empty wagon, but alwaya carry something to sell, if only a load of wood. Buy nothing on credit if you can pos sibly avoid it. Better suffer some pri vations than go in debt. If we would be independent and pros perous, we must farm on the lines sug gested. No other road will lead us out of the woods in which we are now al most hopelessly lost—but if we will fol low the course -I have endeavored to blaze out, wo will in a short time be a happy, prosperous and contented people. In the laudable effort to become self sustaining, all must lend a hand. The merchants and the landlords can greatly aid in the good work by not insisting that their customers ana tenants shall plant a large cotton crop in order to get supplies. This course, hitherto pur sued, has resulted in greatly increasing the cotton acreage, to the serious in jury—I may even say almost ruin—of all hands concerned. If they would try the opposite course, exteuding aid and credit only to those who make their food supplies, how different and how gratifying would be the result I ap peal particularly to the merchants, who, by their insistence on a large cotton acreage before credit would be extended, have practically "killed the -goose that laid the golden egg.” Let them “face about” and refuse credit to their cus tomers who may contemplate planting a large cotton acreage. If such a course should be adopted and carried out, it needs no gift of prophecy to foretell that a vast amount of poverty and suf fering would be banished from our state. 1 am more than willing to help on this good cause by every means in my power, and the greatest reward that the con duct of tbis department could offer me would he the satisfaction of feeling that I had aided, even thongh in a very small degree, in restoring to the snffering farmers of Georgia, that plenty and prosperity which they once enjoyed. O. B. Stbvbns, Commissioner. Work For the Month. Start the plows as soon as possible, and finish sowing wheat and oats. Take advantage of every day when the ground is in suitable condition and speed the plow, that you may be ready to plant the various crops at the proper time. Subsoil, or at least double furrow as much of your land as possible, particu larly for such crops as corn, sorghum and sugarcane. Arrange for a good garden by heavy manuring and deep plowing, and in South Georgia plant the hardier vegetables the latter part of the month. During the many days that it will be too wet to plow, repair the fences, gates, terraces, etc. Make your composts; mix your fertilizers; haul leaves and keep your stock well bedded; pnt good homemade handles in all your tools, and keep away from town. Too much of this month is often frittered away in comparative idleness, many farmers thinking they have plenty of time ahead in which to prepare their land for planting, and then shonld Feb ruary and March be very wet, planting time will catch them unprepared. KaUII Dearer Tkon Muriate. “Throughout the entire sonth we aotiee a tendency among farmers to purchase kainit in preference to the other salts of potash, we presume bu oause it is lowest in price per ton, ” re marks a writer in Texas Farm and Ranch. “A ton of kainit at sl3 is dearer than a ton of mnriate at $46; while the freight on each wonld be the same, the former wonld ooutaiu bnt 240 pounds of pure potash to the ton, while the lat ter is half potash, or 1,000 pounds to the ton. Ob the score of economy, it from no other oause, this latter fact should be borne in mind. ” These are dangerous times for the health. Croup, colds and throat troubles leads rapidly to Consumption. A bottle of One Minute Cough Cure used at the right time will preserve life, health and a large amount of money. Pleasant to take; children like it. Bagwell Bros, of Lawreneeville, and Dr. Hinton of Dacula. There is no earthly love so true and inexpensive as a mother’s love. If gloomy and Nervous, and looking on the dark side of things, take a few doses Dr. M. A.Simmons Liver Medi cine, and the gloom will disappear. Cuban Soldier* to be Paid. 11l the urgent deficiency bill there is an appropriation of SB,- 000,000 with which to pay the soldiers of the Cuban army, and also the Philippine army, SIOO each. It is the understanding that when the soldiers of these ar mtes are paid the amount stated they will be mustered out. No doubt the question of pay ing Cuban and Philippine sol diers has been fully discussed by congressmen of both political par ties, and the conclusion reached that it would be cheaper to pay them something than to have to contend with them as brigands, robbers or malcontents. But there does not seem to be any oth er reason why onr government should pay them SIOO each. It is assumed that we are to pay them that sum each for the as sistance they gave us in our war with Spain. It is not generally known, however, that they gave us any assistance. The Cubans were at war with Spain when we interfered to assist them. They are now free from the rule of Spain, and are to have their indi peudence. It cannot be said therefore that they assisted us; rather our government assisted them. It seems a little curions therefore that we are paying their soldiers on the theory that they assisted us. If they had assisted us in accomplishing anything we would be under obligation to pay tbeir soldiers all that is due them. The truth is we are paying them to acoept the situation and not make trouble.J The soldiers of the Philippines gave us no assistance whatever. Od the contrary, they were a source of trouble to us. When Aguinaldo wanted to assist us his offer to do so was declined. We do not owe the Philippine soldiers anything, and the only reason for paying them anything is that which has already been given. It may be the intention to col lect from the revenues of Cuba aud also of the Philippines the amount our government pays to the soldiers of each of these terri tories. It can hardly be probable that we are going to pay out SB,- 000,000 without any expectation of its return. The satisfaction of freeing Cuba and the Philippines from the rule of Spain will hardly be regarded by the people as be ing ample compensation for the lives sacrificed and the money ex pended in destroying Spain’s gov ernment in these islands and giving the islands new govern ments. —Savannah News. A Son of Oareia. A few days ago a young man in deep mourning passed through Macon with several ladies. His face here marks of a life spent among the tropics, and he had the appearance of being of the higher type of those who spend their liv> s where there is no such thing as natural ice. He left the train a few minutes while in Macon, and it was evi dent that he was a stranger to American customs and practices. He was evidently looking for something, but hesitated about asking for information. He final ly addressed a bystander, but iu a tongue that was as unintelligible to the practical man as the voic ings of the sea. H 6 looked the traveler over curiously, ana told him in English that it was all Dutch to him. The tanned traveler was the son of the late lamented Gen. Garcia. Capt. Carlos Garcia, who for years served as an aide on his father’s staff. He, in company with sev eral ladies, was returning to his prostrate mother at Thomasville. from Washington, where te had been to attend the funeral of his father in Washington. Capt. Garcia boarded the wrong train out of Macon, and in this lost his companions, who went on to Thomasville. He soon discov ered his mistake, and at Cordele he took the train for Americus, hoping to catch the Central train there in time to meet his compan ions. The train had passed Amer icus, however, and he was in as bad condition as before. Capt. Smith, of the Twentieth New York, saw him, however, and securing a team drove him to Albany.—Ma con Telegraph. Mr. S. A. Frankler, Editor of theMicauopy (Fla,) Hust er, with his wife and children, suffered terribly from La Grippe. One Minute Cough Cure was the only remedy that helped them. It act ed quickly. Thousands of others use this remedy us specific for La Grippe, and its exhausting effects. Bagwell Bros.of Lawrencevill, and Dr. Hinton, of Ducnlu. Oatsip at the Zoo- Country people who are in the habit of brkigiiig home a few sprays of catnip now and then for the delectation of pet cats will enjoy the following breezy para graphs from the Chicago Times Herald: Some time ago an armful of fresh catnip was picked aud taken to Lincoln Park to try its effect on the animals there. So far as known, catnip does not grow in the native homes of these ani mals, and tbis was the first time they had ever smelled it. The scent of the plant filled the whole place, and as soon as it reached the parrots’ corner, the two gaudily attired macaws set up a note that drowned thought, and made for the side of the cage, poking their beaks and claws through. When the catnip was brought near them, they became nearly frantic. They were given some, and devoured it, stem, leaf and blossom, with an avidity com mensurate with the noise of their voices. The keeper and the catnip car rier then made for the cage of Billy, the African leopard, Be fore the front of his cage was reached he had bounded from the shelf whereon he lay, apparently asleep, and stood expectant. A double handful of catnip was passed through to the floor of the den. Never was the prey of the Afri can dweller in his wild state pounced upon more rapidly or with more absolute savage enjoyment. First Billy ate a mouthful of the catnip; then he lay flat on his back and wriggled through the green mass until his black spotted yellow hide ■was filled with the odor. Then Billy sat on a bunch of the catnip, caught a leaf-laden stem up in either paw, and rubbed his cheeks, chin, nose, eyes and head. He ate an additional mouth ful or two, and then jumped back to his shelf, where he lav the very picture of contentment. In the tigers’ cage there is a very young but full-grown animal, and when this great surly beast inhaled the first sniff of the catnip, he be gan to mew like a kitten. I’rior to this, the softest note of his voice had been one which put the roar of the big-maned South Amer ican lion to shame. The vicious tiger and his kindly dispcsitioned mate fairly revelled in the liberal allowance of the plant which was thrust into their cage They rolled about in it,and played together like six-weeks-old kittens. They mewed and purred; tossed it about, ate of it, and after getting about as liberul a dose as Billy, the leopard, had had, they likewise leaped to their respective shelves and blinked lazily at the sun. The big lion, Major, was either too dignified or too lazy to pay more than passiug attention to the bunch of catnip which fell to his lot. He ate a mouthful or two of it, licked his chops in a “that’s not half bad” way, and then went back to his nap. The three baby lions quarreled over their allow ance, and ate it every bit. Two Flighty Young Things. “John, are you sure you have the extra bottles ?” asked the young wife, according to Harper’s Bazar. “Yes, my dear. You have the can of milk all right 7” “Oh, yes. You didn’t forget the extra wraps, did you ?” “No; here they are.” “Nor the extra linen ?” “No, indeed. \ r cu have the bag with the toilet things, haven’t you ?” “Yes, dear. Oh, John, won’t mother be pleased! You are posi tive you have the bottles?” ‘‘Yes, yes, my dear. Also the wraps and linen.” “And I have the milk and toi let things. ” “Well, I guess we are all here, then. And here’s our train. Hasn’t the little darling been good? She hasn’t given you* a bit of trouble, has she?” “What"! Mel John, haven’t ycu got her?” “Oh! Oh! How could y'u forget her? Oh, my poor little ba by! You unnatural father! And she’s all alone in the house, and I’m sure it’s burned up by this time! Oh, my baby, ray baby, my babyl” “Here, Mary, get in here, quick. | Cabby, drive like the devil home again. 1 ’ j To relieve Mental Worry, cure De spondency and give refreshing Sleep, | use Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or I Tablets. ALL OVER GEORGIA. ITEMS FROM OUR STATE EXCHANGES Grip is prevalent in Athens and many are suffering. It seems now as if the saloon license in Fitzgerald for the year 1899 will go up to SI,OOO. The new cotton factory recently erected by the Forsyth Manu facturing Company, near Forsyth, will be in operation in a few days. Prohibition went into effect at Newnan last Monday, as a result of the election on December 14. The saloons did not open Monday. At its meeting a few days ago the Darien Ice Manufacturing Company declared a dividend of 10 per cent. This is the first div idend. Miss Allie Williams, of States boro, who was burned about two weeks ago, is gradually getting worse. It is feared sho will never get well. Mr. W. M. Darby, of Koine, haa resigned as auditor of the Chatta nooga Rome and Southern road and will enter commercial pur suits in Atlanta. State Treasurer Speer has sent out a circular letter requiring re ports from all the banks in Geor gia as to their condition at the close of business on December 81, 1898. Augusta has become tired of traveling humbug cure-alls and will hereafter charge them a li cense of $25 per week for their practice of medicine or any other method of curing diseases. Atlanta’s sl2s,oooflour mill will get to work some time this month and by the close of the present year, it is said, will turn out $2,- 250,000 worth ot wheat and corn products. Thomasville Times-Enterprise: This is a year, thank the Lord, without elections in this state. In the most distressing circumstances thero is always something to be thaukful for. The Farmer’s Agricultural Soci ety of Harris county has appoint ed T. T, Murrah and S. R. Cornett as delegates to attend the igricul tural convention at Quitman, Brooks county, in August. Ed Hart, a negro railroad hand, shot and seriously wounded an other negro named John Williams, in Buck’s quarters, at Douglas,one night last week. Dr. Sibbett Bays the wounded man cannot recover. Hart escaped." Hon. W. W’. Brown, of Macon, died in that city Sunday. He waß a Union veteran and always prominent in republican politics. At the time of his death he car ried $121,000 life insurance, most ly in the New Kork Life. Arrangements are now in prog ress for what promises to be the greatest poultry and pet stock show ever held in the south, to be held in Atlanta February 14th. The Atlanta Poultry and Pet Stock Association now has the matter in charge. Judge W. I). Nottingham took charge of the City Court of Macon Monday morning and began work at once. One of his first acts was to appoint Mr. William Brunson solicitor pro tem of the court. Mr. William Ross was also appointed deputy clerk. Mr, W. 11. Harrison, of the comptroller general’s office, has compiled all the public laws pass ed by the last general assembly and will have them in pamphlet form ready for distribution soon. The pamphlet contains much oth er information. They can be se cured by addressing the state li brarian or Mr. Harrison and en closing one dollar. Special instructions to the tax collectors of Georgia have been is sued in pamphlet form from the office of the attorney general. The most important changes in the tax law noted is the changes relating to circuses aud bicycle dealers. Circuses showing in towns of 20.0C0 •or more inhabitants will be taxed at the rate of SI,OOO per day; to show iu towns of 5,000 up to 20,- 000, will require a tax of S4OO a day. This will be au awful blow to the business and means that the circuses will in all probability cir culate around the state without coming inside. The bicycle tax is something entirely new. The law fixes a tax of SIOO a year for each bicycle dealer in the state, and any person violating the law is li able to a misdemeanor. News-Herald | =jANi> Journal BEMI * s 3 * ,UUI WEEKLY, J Only $1.25. VOL. VI-NO 12 1 Toe Waycross Journal notes a rumor that Mr. Flager, the rail , roa( i magnate, is arranging to r build a big tourist hotel in Macon. In Madison Mr. J. R. High died r 011 Wednesday and Mr. Harris . Campbell oa Thursday. Both were well known and highly respected citizens. t Mr. W. H. Barnett of McDon ; ough, the grocer, closed hiß doors last Wednesday and turned over his stock of goods to his creditors, the, cause being the geueral strin gency of the times. Jol u N. W’ebb, one of Thomas ton’s oldest and respected citizens, died there Tuesday afternoon from an attack of paralysis. He en joyed the distinction of being the last oue of the three men who made Gen. Washington’s second coffin. Miss Mamie Maddox, a young lady abeut 22 years old, died Thursday night, Dec. 29, 1898, at the home of her uncle, Mr. Irwin Jackson, near Brewton. She was from Texas, but had been living for several years in Laurens coun ty. The youngest mayor in Georgia was installed Monday night at Stone Mountain He is J. C. Mc- Clelland, of that town,and through his splendid character has been elected to that responsible position by an overwhelming majority by his fellow townsmen. N. R. Lewis, the lunatic who walked into the Atlanta jail Mon day morning of last week and de manded of the jailers that he be al lowed to see Edward C. Flanagan, was given a hearing op a writ of lunacy before Ordinary Ragsdale at Decatur in the afternoon and adjudged insane. A freight train on the Wrights ville & Tennille Railroad ran into a team of two mules and a wagon below Harrison a few days ago, killed one mule, crippled the oth er, demolished the wagon and scat tered corn and household goods promiscuously. The driver es caped unhurt. Judge E. E. Youmans of Tifton killed a couple of pretty pigs Mon day that tipped the beam at 610 pounds, dressed, one weighing 820 pounds, the other 290. The judge thinks they would have done even better than this had they been permitted to live until they got full grown, Mrs. Emily Ford, of Atlanta, received a letter from her brother, Prof. George Hawkes, living in London, stating that her cousin, Miss Emma Hawkes, of Redding, Berkshire, England, had died,leav ing an estate valbed at SIOO,OOO. The letter also mentioned that Mrs Ford had been remembered in the will to the extent of $25,000? Parties from Mscod county say that the prohibition question is getting exceedingly warm in that county and is likely to be more so before the election comes off. As iu such cases the result is doubt ful, but present indications point to the removal of Old Booze from his accustomed haunts in that county. W. 11. Carrier of Springfield, Mass., a brother of Charles Cur rier, who was killed by Will Goens at Griffin Christmas day, arrived in that city Monday, and will se cure counsel and prosecute Goens with all possible vigor. He thinks his brother was foully murdered, and says that he is going to see ; that punishment is meted out to his slayer. On New Year’s eve Joe Waters, colored, of Mclntrye, in company with his wife and some of his older children, went to a party at the house of a near neighbor, leaving three of the youngest children shut up in the house. When he reached home he found that his house was on fire, and the roof had tumbled iu on the helpless ohildren, all three of whom pernhed in the flames. Middle Georgia Progress: The city council of Sandersville did the right thing in offering rewards for the arrest with the proof to con vict the illegal sellers of whisky. They had become so bold in their operations they began to think it was a legitimate business. Some of their white sympathizers, prob ably their backers, say that the ne groes are being persecuted. When a fellow has the itch he is sure to scratch.