The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, January 27, 1899, Image 4

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The News-Herald. " issued Every Friday. Guaranteed Circulation 2100. SUBSCRIPTION ratks. One year (on time) $1:00 Cash with name. “j Six months. ™ Three months CLUBBING RATKS : . Constitution and News- Herald $1 25 Journal and News-Herald jf.Y .Wor!d(3 times a week) ‘-.w Cash with order. JANUARY 27, 1899. 1 SougHnfOdvjce Father Gave His Daughter Wise Counsel Proved to B# • Friend In Need- Intereetlng Statement. <* I was in good health up to about 16 rears ago, when I began to suffer trom constipation and piles, snd neglect of a cold brought on catarrh, followed by heart difficulty, and liver and kidney troubles. My constitution fought against them all, until my suffering drove me to consultation with my lather, who was a physician. He advised me to take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Having confidence in his Judgment 1 began taking the medicine, to gether with Hood’s Pills, and 1 ended with them, taking no o'.her medicines, and the benefits I have derived from them have been great and surprising. Since then Hood’s Sarsaparilla haH been to me. as my husband says, ‘a friend in need . Mrs.’E. C. Hixon, Robinson, Georgia. Hood’s Sarsaparilla lathe best-ln fact the One True Blood Purifier, rr ~ ..... are tasteless, mild, effeo hood S PIIIS live. All druggists. Wo. If a woman is patriotic she nev er deserts her colors. If lies had only legs they would not be able to travel quite so fast. If love made the world go round there would be fewer revolutions. If a man is given daily bread lie kicks because it is not buttered. If some men fail to get their just deserts they have cause for rejoicing. If a girl proposes marriage to a man she merely tries to make a name for herself. If a man is as honest as the day is long it is sometimes well to turn the search-light on his night rec ord. if a girl tells a young man she can put her skates ou without help it’s foolish for him to waste any mare time in that direction.' Free Pills Send your address to H. E. Buckleu & Co.. Chicago and get a free sample box of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. A trial will conviuce you of their merits. These pills are easy in aotion and are particu larly effective in the cure of Con stipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver troubles they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly free from every deltorious sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowels greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 25c. per box Sold by A. M. Winu & Sou, Drug, gists. Don’t insist on hearing both sides of everything—especially bass drums. Perhaps some wealthy men are chronic kickers because they are well heeled. And now there are many “ban quet halls deserted.” Don’t rush out of single bliss into double blisters. Every mother has the best boy, the worst boy invariably belongs next door. SIOO Seward *IOO. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all its stages, and that isCatarrh. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Being a con stitutional disease, requires a constitu tional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly up on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative pow ers, that they offer One Hundred Dol lars for any case that it fails to cure. Bend for list of testimonials. Address. F. J. ORKNEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. For Overworked girls and Feble women, Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets are nature’s greatest boon. There are 4,500 women printers in England. Americans pay $8,000,000 a year for looking glasses. The Chinese have a special god for every disease. World’s annual coffee produc tion is 1,600,000,000 pounds. There are 000,000 people em ployed in Italy rearing silkworms. More than $1,250,000 has been paid in royalties for Moody’s Hymns. La Grippe is again epidemic. Every precaution should be taken to avoid it, Its specific cure is Ooe Minute Cough Cure. A. J. Sbeperd, Publisher Agricultural Journal and Advertiser, Elden. Mo., says: “No one will be disap pointed in using one Minute Cough Cure for La Grippe.” Pleasant to take, quick to act. Bagwell Bros, of Lawreuceville, and Dr. Hinton, of Daenla. The number of medical periodi cals published in the United States is 275. Among the 780,000 persons em ployed in Russia’s factories about 200,000 are women. London enjoys a greater area of open spaces than any other capi tol in the world. No fewer than 1,401. patents have been taken out on processes for making sugar ahd salt. The University of Oxford has type and appliances for printing in 150 different languages. Miss Alice Palmer, Wadly, Ga., writes: Have used Hr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine 20 years. It is the best remedy for Dyspepsia, Sick Head ache, Sour Stomach, indigestion, Bil iousness and Constipation I have ever used. In my opinion it is much bet ter than the medicine put up by Zei lin, and Black Draught, which I have used. A law granting SSOO to every burgher who is the father of twelve boys has been introduced in tin Transvaal Volksraad. There are now about 40,000 mi ners at work in the gold mines of Siberia. The grains of Siberian gold are said to be on an average larger than th se of any part i f the world If gloomy and Nervous, and looking on the dark side of tilings, take a few doses Dr. M. A.Simmons Liver Medi cine, and the gloom will disappear. Baron Munchausen had more actual existence than the facts ot his tales. He was born in Ger many, became a colonel of the Russian Hussars and fought brave ly against the Turks in 1740. Among the Tartars, if the wife is ill treated, she complains to the magistrate, who, attended by ti e principle people, accompanies her to the house and pronounces a di vorce. Horrible agony is caused by Biles, Rums and Skin Diseases. These are immeditaely relieved and quickly cured by De Witt's Witch Haxet Salve. Beware of worthless imitations. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrenceville, and Dr. Hinton, of Dacula. If Irritable, Out of Sorts, Depressed in Spirits, have a Dull Headaches, take a few doses Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicicine for quick relief. In Mexico everything and every body pays a direct tax, from the street portor to the largest mer cantile establishment, and the stamp tax for documents aro equal ly lucrative. Morning Sickness, or Nausea from Pregnancy, is dispelled by Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. The Japanese language is said to contain (10,000 words. It is quite impossible for one man to learn the entire language, and a well educated Japanese is familiar with only about 10,000 words. Regardless Of Age. The kidneys are responsible for more sickness, suffering, and deaths than any other organs of the body. A majority of the ills afflicting peo ple today is traceable to kidney troub le. It prevades all classes of society, in all climates, regardless of age, sex or condition. The symptoms of kidney trouble are unmistakable, such as rheumatism, neuralgia, sleeplessness, pain or dull ache in the back, a desire to urinate often day or night, profuse or scanty supply. Uric acid, or brick-dust deposit in urine are signs of ologged kidneys, causing poisoned and germ-filled blood. Sometimes the heart acts bad ly, and tube casts (wasting of the kid neys) are found in the urine, which if neglected will result in Bright’s Dis ease, the most dangerous form of kid ney trouble. All these symptoms and conditions are promptly removed under the influ ence of Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Koot. It has a world wide reputation for Its wonderful cures of the most distressing oases. No one need be long without it as it is so easy to get at any drug store at fifty cents or one dollar. Youcanhave a sample bottle of this wonderful dis covery, Swamp-Root, and a book tell ing all about it, both sent to you ab solutely free by mail. Send address to Dr. Kilmer A Co., Binghamton, N. Y. and kindly mention that you read this liberal offer in The Lawrenceville News-Herald. The aboriginal population of Australia is dying out so rapidly that it has been proposed to estab lish reservations, where the rem nants can be instructed in agricul tural labor and cared for. An eating-house proprietor in Tacoma, Wash , arrested for sell ing game out of season, escaped on evidence satisfactory to the jury that his wife could prepare mutton to make it tarfte like vension. To subdue Nervous Irritability, Neuralgia, Hysoeria, St. Vitus' Dance use Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. Scientists have demonstrated that the purest air in the cities is to be found about twenty-five feet above the street surface. This goes to prove that the healthiest apartments are those on the third Boor. Coughing injures and inflames sore lungs. Or.e Minute Cough Cure loosens the cold, allays cough ing aud heals quickly. The best cough cure for children. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrenceville, and Dr. Hinton, of Dacula. Rome’s death rate for 1898 was very low. There were 122 inter ments for that period. Of this number 55 were white aud 67 col ored. A few doses of Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine will do more for a weak Stomach than a prolonged course of any other medicine. One Minute Coigh 7itie, cures. That is what It was m. ilc far. _ Ayers Hair Vigor | <‘l have sold Ayer's Hair Vigor for the past thirteen years and have known of no case where it has failed to give satisfaction. I sell more of it than of any like preparation." J. P. BRISCOE, Harrison, Ark. “For five years I have been selling Ayer’s Hair Vigor under a positive guaranty that it would produce hair on a bald head and restore gray hair to its natural color. I have not had one bottle returned, nor has there been a single case where the dressing was used that it did not do all that was claimed for it." H. M. ACUFF, Elba, Va. Removes Dandruff r ** For some years my hair had been coming out. It had become very dry, and my scalp was covered with dandruff. I have applied < Ayer’s Hair Vigor regularly for some weeks now, and I could hardly trust my senses when I first found that a new growth of hair had started. It is much thicker than formerly and of good color. The dandruff has disappeared, and my scalp seems to be in a .perfectly healthy condition." Miss R. WRIGHT, Perth, Ont. “ Some time ago my head became full of dandruff, which caused me great annoyance; after a time the hair began to fall out. The use of Ayer’s Hair Vigor stopped the hair from falling and made the scalp clean and healthy." Mrs. C. M. AYRES, Mount Airy, Ga. Restores to Gray Hair its Original color “I think there is no toilet article in the world so good as Ayer’s Hair Vigor. lam fifty-three years old, and my hair would have been all white now if it were not for the use of the Vigor ; but the application of that dressing has preserved its color and kept it soft and glossy." Mrs. W. H. JARVIS, Otsego, Mich. “After five years' use of Ayer’s Hair Vigor, I can cheerfully recommend it as a desirable toilet article. It keeps the hair soft and glossy and helps it to retain its natural color." I). WARNER, Dunnville, Ont. Makes Hair Grow “ For about five years my hair kept falling out, until I was almost bald. Some New Hampshire friends asked me to try Ayer's Hair Vigor, and insisted on getting it for me. I used it during that summer and fall, and found that a new growth of hair had started. I continued to use it steadily for about four months, and at the end of that time had as good a head of hair as one could wish." HOWARD MELVIN, Carlisle, Mass. “I am well pleased with Ayer’s Hair Vigor. When I noticed that my hair was getting thin I commenced to use the Vigor, with the result that the hair not only ceased to come out, but a new growth of hair started. It certainly is an excellent tonic." CHAS. C. GRAVES, Brookton, N. Y Your druggist sells Ayer's Hair Vigor: SI.OO a bottle; six bottles for $5.00. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. tondansed MtatluU of t*us*«ng , or Train*. I VeS. No.IBKM.MI Northbound. No. 38 Ex. No. 36 Dolly, sun. Daily. Lv. Atlanta, C. T. 760 a|i2 00 m 4 86p 11 50 p *' Atlanta, K. T. 850 a ioo p 5 35p 12 50 a “ Noreross . 900 a 028 p 1 30 a “ Buford. ... 1006 a 7 08 p “ Gainesville... 10 35 a 222 p 743 p 226 a " Lula.. 1058 afg42 p 8 08p 250 a Ar. Cornelia 11l 25 a fa 00 d 8 35p Lr-Mt. AWy . 1.1 30 a Toco b. 11 53 aj s ao p 3 42 a “ W eatenluster 1231 m 4 20 a “ Seneca . 12 52 p 4 15 p 437 a " Central 140 p 502 a ** Greenville 234p5 22 p 550 a '* Spartanburg. 387 pj 0 10 p 6 45 a “ Gaffneys.. 420 p « 44 p 7 25 a “ Black*(mug .. 488p7 00 p . . 745 a “ King *Mt 503 p 808 a “ Gastonia. 525 p j 833 a Ln Charlotte 880 p 8 22 p 9 25 a Ar. Greensboro 952p10 43 p .'l2 10 p Lr. Greensboro 10 50 p 1 Ar. Norfolk 750 a !!.. .. .. At. Danville 11 25 p 11 51 p 1 1 85 p Ar. Richmond '.. 640 a 640 a ....... 625 p Ar. Washington 1.... 642 a . 910 p BaItmVPRR. 8 lift a 11 35 p Philadelphia. 10 15 a 2 56 a New York .. | 12 4& in JO2B a Fst.Ml Vee. I No. 111 Southbound. No. 35JSo. 37 Daily! Dally. 'Daily. Lv. IN'. Y.,k\ R.R Ijlh a 4 ;V| ~ . ... Philadelphia . 350 a 6 55 p “ Baltimore. 081ay 20 p Washington. 11 15 h 10 48 p CvT Richmond . 12 01 m 12 01 nt) 12 lOnt Lv. Danville . ti IS p Lv. Norfolk. 9 35 p I Ar. Greensboro 045 a . Lv. Sreensboro 723 p TTcTii ;hj7 Ar. Charlotte |lO 00 pi #25 a 12U5m ... L.V. t+aatonia .. ..10 4# p 1 )•> „ guut’sMt i as p . Blacksburg 11 SI p 1046 a aOH .> Waffueya 1 1 445 p 10 68 a 224 p ' Bpartanlmrg.jli al all :i4 a als pi OreenvUto.. 105 al2 ao 4:50 Central 525 {, Seneoa 2 30 a: 1 33 ji : fi 13 pi Westminster 080 p ***• “ Tore..* 825 a > 18 p 7 10 , Sun „ *<- Airv 7as p! ~ Cornelia ffl 00 p 740 p| 535 a „ Lula 4 15 af3 18 p Sl4 pi 057 a „ flAineaville 435a337p8 40 p 7 20 a Boford #l2 p 1 48 a Noreroas, is a #43 p 827 a Ar. Atlanta, K. T. 0 lo a 4 65 p lollop #3O a Ar. Atlanta. C.T. 5 10 a 3 55 p #3O pi 330 a "A" a. m. ,: F" p. m. "M" pool!. ■ V N" night. Chesapeake Line Steamers in daily service Norfolk aud Baltimore. Non. 3i and3B- Daily. Washington aud South western Vestibule Limited. Through Pullman sleeping cars between New York amt New Or leans. via \\ ash.ugton, Atlanta aud Monticom #ry «P , alsn '**•*» New York and Memphis, via W aslnngton. Atlanta ami Bi riuiiighfcin. First class thoroughfare coaches between Washing ton and AHanta Dining cars serve all meals E n route. Pullman drawing-room sleeping ears etwee n Greensboro aud Norfolk t'iose con nection at ForfoLk forOLD Pi UNTCOMFORT. Nos. 36 and 86— United States Fast Mali runs solid Iwtween Washington and New Or leans. via Southern Railway, A. it W P. R. R. and L A: N. R. K.. being composed of baggage car and coaches, through without change for passenrare of all classes. Pullman drawing room sleeping cars betw«*eo New York and New Orleans, via Atlanta and Montgomery. Leaving W ashipgtoneach Wednesday, a tourist sleeping oar will run through between Wash ;Inft on and Han Francisco without change Dining carsaerve all meain enroute j . ■B7, 38 and 12— Pullman sleeping ear«* between Richmond and Charlotte, via Danville, southbound Nos. 11 and 37, northbound Naa 88 and 12 ntAXZB. OAKNON. J. M.OiJIJ* Third V-P. A Hoi. Mgr., TmtSo Mg r. » aehiugtou. 1). C. Wu»liingt«u, a C. W A. TUKK. S. H. HARDWICK, I P«s> Ag’t , As*ta«u I l»im,. Ag'v.!, D (2. Allan ia. Da. j . A number of northern capital ists were near Rome Friday look ing over the territory with mi eye to locating a large knitting mill. Weakly females should remem ber what we said the other day about Planter’s Female Regulator. You get your money back if you want it. Bagwell Bros. Everett Pianos, Harvard Pianos, Bush & Certs Pianos, Strich & Zeidler Pianos. Any of the above makes of Pianos can be bought very close for cash or on installment pr.vmoots. There are 25 Everett Pianos now in use at the Clai> isville Seminary, and are giving entire satisfaction. The Harvard Pianos have the “Plectraphone” attach ment, by the use of which you cau imitate the Banjo, Guitar •or the Mandolin. The new Opera House, Athens, Ga., has a Harvard in use, and is very satisfactory. Mrs. M. J. Perry-, Carl, Ga., has just purchased a Har vard Piano. I also handle the “FARRAND & VOTEY” Organs, aud •purchase them in CAR LOAD LOTS, having already sold four car loads this year. The Farrand & \ otey is the only absolutely Rat-Proof Orgau 011 the market, notwithstanding others claim to handle them. Prices and catalogues will be promptly mailed on applica tion. HOPE HALE, Athens, - - Georgia, Tlie: Prudential INSURANCE COMPANY OF AMERICA. HOME OFFICE—NEWARK, N. J. JOHN F. DRAYDEN, PRESIDENT. I Assets July r, 1898 ..... $26,029,137 04 ji Surplus July 1, 1898 5,627,584 24 Income for 1897 15,580,764 65 | Insurance written in 1897 143,900,000 00 ;j Insurance in force in 1897 363,1 17,590 00 ji Paid policy holders to date 34,000,000 00 The PKt DKNTiai. has torged its F°~ ~ =“■= way ahead until it stands in the I front rank of the great life insur ance companies of the world. It j 'offers all that is good in life insur- ; /! ance, and under the best condi- j For particulars as to General ! Agency Contracts apply to jh SOUTHBBN INSURANCE AGENCY. JAS. O. WYNN, ' i* - -Manager Sout’n Dept., Atlanta. 1 2=—.-- _ - J 38. C. LESTEE, Special Ag-ent. -5^.-2- ;< J / : mMkf4 iM* hd 15535® jjjpj For 1899 do your very beet to do well. If you can, pay as von go; if you can not, then pay after you go—don’t fail to pay. Hope is a good capital on whicti to labor for the new year. With out it none of us can do much. People are getting down to work and when this is true they feel better and are hopeful for the fu tu re. Some one suggested that every body resolve not to worry during this year. It is a good resolution, but tit many it may be a very hard one. Sometimes the source of worry is outside of ourselv s. 1 he disarmament of the nations is much like the movent nt among our lurmers to reduce the cotton crop. The more the matter is tailed about, the greater are the orders made by the different pow ers for big battleships and other fighting machine?. ' t Mr. CTvelaud treated the ques tion of expansion in a satirical way and there is a wonderful amount of force in what he said He apparently agrees with Tom Waison that pacifications of Fil ipinos and Indians means to make “peaceful corpses” of them. To relieve Mental Worry, cure Di spoinlency and give refreshing Sleep, toe Simmons Squaw Vfne Wine or Tablets. , The science of gardening has been taught in Russia since 1812 It was instituted in the Crimea lor the purpose of c Rivaling South ern plants, but there are low many courses in the various prov inces. Many a household is saddened by death because of the failure to keep on hand a safe and absol utely certain cure for croup such as One Minute Cough cure. See that your little ones are protected against emergency. Bagwell Bros of Lawrenceville, and Dr. Hinton of Dacuia. CHEAPEST MUSIC i HOUSE IN THE SODTH T. C. CONOWAY S, Atlieiin, Ga. -#BIAtIBS ARD ORCANS#c - —AT LOWEST PRICES For Cash or ors the Installment Plan. * * * * * for Catalog"u.e. After two years Premiums have been paid Mutual Benefit Life Ins. Co. Of NEWARK, N. J., Your Policy is 1. Non-forfeitable, 2. Has Cash Value, 3. Loan Value, 4. Paid-up Insurance, 5. Extended Insurance that works automatically. 6. Will be re-instated within three years after lapse if you are in good health. After Second Year 7. No Restrictions, 8. Incontestable. Dividends are payable at the beginning of the second and of each succeding year, pro vided the premium for the current year be paid. They may be used 1. To reduce premiums, 2. To increase the insurance, or 3. To make policy payable as an Endown j ment during the lifetime of insured. | Note.] Every member of the MUTUAL BENEFI t is SURE of fair,and liberal treatment under ALL circum stances; and no matter what happens, he w ill get his money’s worth in insurance, for it is all put down in b ack and white “in the policy.” 3t3rCASH ASSETS OVER $63,000,000. CLARENCE ANGIER, State Agent. L. M. BRAND, Agent, Lawrenceville, Ga. ICASTORIAI The Kind You Have Always Bought,, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature oi - and has been made under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Substitutes are but Ex periments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Harmless and Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS yj Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENT AU R COMPANY, TT MURMY STHEIT, NtW VO WW CITY. fInSL This splendid three piece suit, mahogany finish frames, upholstered in fine silk figured damask for .$12.50. We carry the largest stock of Furniture, Car pets Rugs, Mattings and Draperies in Atlanta, and guarantee lowest prices. K. S. CRUTCHER FURNITURE CO. 53 and 55 Peachtree St., Atlanta, Ga. k, f. .muas l.f.McDonald. juiian & McDonald, attorneys at law, Lawrenceville, - - - Ga. Will practice in all the courts, State and Fed eral. Long and successful expedience in every department of the law. Bankrupt I* met lee a Specialty. 1 f voiacan’t pay what you owe come and let us give that relief the law provides for you, and begin life anew. Age and long experience, youth. proflciencV and energy combined, Try us, and you will not regret it. R. W. PEEPLES, ATT ORNEY-AT-LAW, Lawrenceville, - - - Ga. ulose attention given all business placed in my hands. N. l. hutchins7jr., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in postoffice building. Prompt atten tion given to collections and practice in State and federal courts. OSCAR BROWN, JNO. R. COOPER. Lawrenceville, Ga. Macon. Ga, BROWN & COOPER, attorneys-at-law. Criminal Law A Specialty. JOHN M. JACOBS, DENTIST, Lawrenceville, - - Ga. Offlce over (i. W. & A. P. Cain’s store. jTXTkrrY attorney-ax-law, Lawrenceville, ; ; Ga. Otti< e over G. W. A A. P. Cain’s Stor 3. All- business entrusted to my care will re# ceive prompt attention. A .Nix, attorney-at-law. Office-Crogan st. Next <lo«>r to News-Herald Lawrenceville, Ga. Will practice In all the courts, Careful at tention ta all legal business. s e p y T. M. I ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Lawrenceville, - • . Ga. Practices in the State coarts. Special at teal turn gi\en to the winding up of estates. s. L. HINTON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Dacula, - - - - Ga clam; Tanks. -*THR OLD REL'ABLE BARBER, Can Le found at his old stand around the corner from Dr. Winn’s drug store, on I’ike street, where he has been for the past 8 years. He invites his friends to call, as- , sunng them of an old Georgia welcome. First-class work Sat isfaction guaranteed. 11-20-ly