The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, March 10, 1899, Image 1

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News-Herald [a*d Constitution, | 3.2 —51.25. tphk fIWINNETT HERALD. ) THE I .r^; NK.w S , ! Consolidated Jan. 1,1898. Established in 1993. > NEW SHOP. Bring rae your— Wagons, Buggies, Carriages, Bicycles, Guns, Pistols. And all repair work oi any description. Horse Shoeing a Specialty.4~ All work guaranteed, and done on short notice. Give me a call and be con vinced. Respectfully, C. C. WALL, Crogan St., next to Oakes’ livery stable, Lawrenceville, Ga. COWETA FERTILIZER COMPANY. -v; announcement *• W. M. SASSER, ° 'fOR THIS SECTION, FOR 1899. With the opening of the new year, we desire to call the atten tion of our farmer friends to the undiminished popularity and the excellence of the various brands of fertilizers manufactured by our company, as evidenced by the following comparative statement for the past five years, to-wit: t In 1893-94 we sold 6,000 tons; in 1894-95 we sol'd 7,500 tons; in 1895-96 we sold 9,400 tons; in 1896-97 we sold 12,000 tons; and in 1897-98 we sold 14,100 tons. This appears to be pretty good evidence that our fertilizers have given satisfactiom to our patrons; and it is peculiarly grati fying to know that this satisfaction has been most complete where our fertilizers have been used in competition and alongside of other brands. Our fertilizers are absolutely free from worthless adulter ants. We furnish more plant-food for the money than any other fer tilizer concern whose goods are offered for sale in Georgia. We deal with the farmers direct, through reputable agents. Our company does not belong to the Guano. Trust. We are free and independent, and expect to hold aloof from all entangling alliances. No combina tion will be allowed to dictate to us the prices we may see fit to charge the consumer. Our dealings are open and fair, and we stake our reputation on the quality of the goods manufactured and offered to the public. Do us the kindness to examine carefully the official analyses of the State Chemist printed below. These analyses were made from samples drawn by State inspectors after the goods had been shipped from the factory, and are officially certified. Read the official analyses, accord to us such merit as we deserve, and then give us your trade. ■—» . _ T _ Available I - V..GV .Imp I Phos.Acid Aminouia Potash. W.O.C. (A Pare Bipod Guano.) Georgia official analysis for 1893-4 ~ ' Georgia official analysis for 18&1-5 0f 8 |42 442 Georgia official analysis for 1895-6 041 Z'.X Georgia official analysis for 1890-7 -60 841 807 Georgia official analys.s for 1897-8 ■ ■ 1183 305 200 COWETA HIGH GRADE FERTILIZER. Georgia official analysis for 1893-4. . JJ?.OI 300 Georgia official analysis for 1894-5 J 0 ( J _ „„ “ _ Georgia official analysis for 1895-0 * 10.05 2 oJ Georgia analysis for 1890-7 L3B 3 59 2 29 Georgia official analysis for 1897-8 11.22 - 56 2 23 CCWETA ANIMAL BONE FERTILIZER. Georgia official analysis for 1898-4 9 or, 7, s 0 Georgia official analysis for 1895-0 JJ'*® « 4fi t fto Georgia official analysis for 1890-7 • 1.78 240 209 Georgia official analysis for 1898*8 12.28 - 1 AURORA AMMONIATED PHOSPHO. Georgia official analysis for 1883-4 ROA - ~ - Georgia official analysis for 1894-5 IRL7 2 oO Georgia official analysis for 1895-0 j 5 94 oil Georgia official analysis for 1890-7 H 9 nn i Georgia official analysis for 1897-8 11.07 - 1 74 A. A. P., (Bone, with Ammonia and Potash.) Georgia official analysis for 1898-4 J 2.05 1 Georgia official analysis for 1894-5 •■ • • 12.13 -13 Georgia official analysis for 1895-0 12.2- 17 101 Georgia official analysis for 1896-7 9 “. ? *2 Georgia official analysis for 1897-8 11.80 - 1 83 COWETA HIGH-GRADE ACID PHOSPHATE. Georgia official analysis for 1894-5 1^.22 Georgia official analysis for 1895-0 17 08 Georgia official analysis for 1896.-7 10-23 Georgia official analysis for 1897-8.. 1i.47 .... COWETA DISSOLVED BONE AND POTASH. Georgia official analysis for 1894-5 12.36 Georgia official analysis for 1895-6 14.8< 1 <8 Georgia official analysis for 1896-7 ...... - - - 15.50 -90 Georgia official analysis for 1897-8 14.10 2 42 “18 X 4” DISSOLVED BONE AND POTASH. Guaranted analysis for 1897-8 •• 14.44 ■ ■ ■ ■ 'l These goods for sale in Lawrenceville by myself, J. P. Byrd & Co., the Evans-Coop er Co., at Trip by H.A. Nix, at Loganville by J. R. Wilson, at Gloster by W. T. Miller, and at Luxomni by Samp Garner. Give us your order, and we will guarantee satisfaction. Also at Mrs. Webb’s store, Lawrenceville. W. M. Globe Warehouse. Lawrenceville, Ga. THE NEWS-HERALD. | “puts’ Carminative v Saved My Baby's Life." V Johnson Station, Ga.. September lfl, IS9S. 2 LAMAR A RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga. A Gentlemen: 1 can not recommend your Pitts’Carminative too 2 stronrly as I owe my baby’s life to it. Sbe had Cholera 5 whence months oil and 1 could ret no relief until I } Carminative. The fever left her when I had Even her but twobo«l«- t and she had fattened so she did not look like flie sameJ * M. 11idviaeafl 5 mothers whohave sickly or delicate children to jive this remedy a mu. f Respectfully, Mrs. LIZZIE MURRAY. J It Saved Her Baby-Will Save Ywmrm. . . . .TRY 1T.... LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 1899. FARM WORK DELAYED liITTIiR ACCOMI*I,I SHED AS YET BECAUSE OK THE RECENT STORMY WEATHER. STEVENS GIVES HIS OPINIONS Agricultural Commissioner Write* of Conditions In Georgia at Pres ent an«l tile Outljolt. Atlanta, March 1, 1899. Since my last letter we have had most unfavorable weather for farm work. Hence but little has been accom plished upon the farms during the month of February. The passing of the old year has car ried with it a sad experience for many of ns, in our farming operations and business transactions generally. Tho new year was ushered in with the usual good resolutions by onr farmers; in fact, the majority of us are trying to do bet ter in the future by correcting the mis takes of the pest. It is to be hoped that the present year will mark the begin ning of what may be regarded as a new era; that tho smouldering embers of for eign war and internal dissensions will be amicably adjusted, and onr nation will settle down to business once more, with a future so bright that the average mind will but partially comprehend the magnitude of its results and possibilities. The new year is remarkable in moro than one respect. It brings ns not only face to face with new and strange polit ical questions, but the long hoped-for ' prosperity promised ns by the present f4>., *1 administration upon the settle ment of these questions. During the past five years we have traveled wearily through a most trying period of depres sion. Met on all sides by discouraging conditions, w* have hod many hard ships and set-baoks, but much of it has boon onr own fault. We have the rem edy in our own hands for many of our troubles. Will we apply it, and apply it now? As I see it, the remedy lies, Crßt, in the farmer raising his own sup plies at home, ample and sufficient; then raise as ranch cotton as you can. When your bams are full, your mules will do a good day’s work. Your cows give milk, and your butter is Bweet, rich and of a golden hue. Your hens lay every day, and your hogs are healthy and prolific. But when your barns are empty, your mules have the lampers or blind staggers, your cows have hollow horn, the feathers on your hens are tnrned the wrong way, and your hogs get lonsey and have the mange. I speak to the farmers from practical experience. I was born and reared in Southwest Georgia, in the heart of the cotton belt I belong to your profes sion, am one of you, and I know that no man in that section can produce cotton at the present price, to the neglect of his plantation supplies. He oauuot keep up his farm, support his family and educate bis children. You may take the best farmer in Georgia, let him adopt this plan, and it will only be a question of time—the end of that man will be bank ruptcy. Do not misunderstand me. I am not against the production of cot ton as a prodnot, because Georgia is a cotton state, and we need a cotton crop as weH as other products, but not to the exclusion of other crops. Therefore, let me beg yon, once more, to arrange and diversify yonr crops, so that this fall we may arrive at the gates of prosperity, to see stretched peacefully before ns the broad, rich and sunny fields of industry, laden with the golden fruits of con tented toil—a picture, as well as a reality, whioh all the people of Geor gia will hail with joy. There has been a great deal o( com plaint, in a general way, that the in spections analyses of fertilizers, af ter all, have been unsatisfactory. I have, therefore, determined to make a complete and thorough inspection of all guauoa, in every section of the state. To this end, if at any time a consumer or retail agent may desire an in spection of any brand of fertilizer, he can, by giving notice to this depart ment, have a sample taken by an au thorized inspeotor, and the same shall be analyzed by the state chemist; pro vided, however, that in all such cases samples shall be taken from unbroken bags or packages. The consumers pay the tax on gnanoe.aud it will be my pleas ure te see that they are amply proteoted, and it shall be done, even though it take all of the fertilizer tax to accom plish it. All I ask is the co-operation of the farmers of Georgia. In the face of a short corn and forage crop the farmers generally, throughout the state, had determined to sow more largely of grain,;but the weather condi tions have been very unfavorable for both fall and spring seeding; hence the acreage both for wheat and oats falls far short of what we at one time ex pected. The spring sowing of oats has been seriously damaged, and in many Motions entirely killed. Of coarse, this is a beavy blow to tbe agricultural in terests of Georgia; bnt we must meet these conditions as best we can by sub stituting such forage crops as are best suited to our soil. I wonld suggest the planting of an acre of sorghnm, an acre of rye, an acre of millet, an acre of oats, an acre of early speckle peas for a for age orop. Use the best land at yonr command, with special care in the prep aration of the soil, and manure Hber- Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. The best Salve in the world for Cuts, Burns, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and, positively sures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect aatis jaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. M. Winn & Son Lawrenceville, Ga. It is estimated that there are in the world today more than 200,- 000,000 Bibles, printed in 880 dif ferent languages. ally. Yon can increase or decrease the size of your lots as yonr needs may sug gest. These crops can he cat in the green state, as you may need the for age, and allowed to dry a day or so be fore feeding, As farmers are from throe to five weeks behind with tiieir work, especially plowing, many suggestions made in my February talk will be applicable for this month’s work—heuoe, I would ask that you read again our last month's "Talk," as well as the questions and answers therein contained. Do not, in yonr haste, plow your lands too wet—neither will it pay to plant corn until you have thoroughly prepared yonr soil for the grain. I would rather be two weeks late in seeding my crop, with the land well broken and bedded, taking special care to put in compost or commercial manure, than to plant the nsual time with the ground hastily and ill prepared and the grain and fertilizer pat in in a careless manner. “What is worth do ing at all, is worth doing well,” applies with peculiar force to farm work. O. B. Stevens, Commissioner. As to Onioti Planting. Question.— Will yon please inform me how many onion sets I will need to I plant one acre in onions? I would be j glad to have any information in regard j to onion planting, culture, harvesting j and marketing the same. Answer. —The onion crop is regarded . as one of the most profitable of the gar den. It is usually grown from sets Bold in bundles in the green state; how ever, many gardeners raise their owu sets and save the expense of buying I them. This can be done by selecting a poor piece of land, pulverizing the soil with a plow, harrow and rake. It will take about four pounds of good onion seed to plant one acre if you have a machine, otherwise, it will take a little more if yon use the hand. Sow in rows about nine inches apart. Skip every seventh row. This will form an alley 18 inches wide. As you want a small bulb, sow thick. Take up the sets, lay about Aug. 1, well dried, place in '/onr ! barn loft, spread out not more than four inches thick When frost oomeu I cover with straw or hay about six inches : deep. In the early spring you have your own sets for use. As you want, now, the biggest onion, you want the ’best soil at yonr com mand. Broadcast and plow in well rotted manure at the rate of 75 tous per acre. Again, your preparation of the soil must be thorough and deep, and the land put iu perfect order. Plant Bets in rows 9 inches apart, leaving the seventh row for an alley. Place sets in the drills at the distance of 9 inches apart, pressing the bulb firmly down, righ: side up. Close the rows with a rake or the foot. Roll the ground well and make it compact. As soon as you cau plainly see the onions begin to start up, use the hoe in the middle, and where yon cau not nse the hoe, use the fingers in breaking the ground around the plant. Two or three good workings, if done at the proper time, will be sufficient. It will take from H to 10 bushels of sets to plant an acre, depending upon the size of the sets.—State Agricultural Department. Poliits on Upland Ktcc. Question. —I want to plant a few acres in upland rice. Please give me some information on the subject Answek.—lt is a matter of surprise that more upland rice is not planted in Georgia, as it is a healthy food product, liked by most people, easy to raise and productive in yield. Any land suitable for corn or cotton will answer for rice, though new ground is preferable be cause of greater case of cultivation. Prepare the land well, lay off rows 18 inches apart, nse a good, complete com mercial fertilizer at the rate of 200 or 300 pounds to the acre in the row and cover it so as to leave a low, flat bed. When danger of froet is over, open a shallow furrow and sow the seed either in a continuous row, or what is perhaps better, drop 8 or 10 grains every 10 or 12 inches in the row. Cover lightly, cultivate shallow, only being sure to ont down all weeds and grass, as rice is a tender plant when yonag and is easily crowded oat by any other growth. Harvesting should be done when tbe upper half of the head is ripe. Tbe straw will then still be green, and after cur ing makes fine forage for horses and cat tle. Cut and place the "hands" on tbe stubble to dry. In 24 hours of good weather it will be sufficiently cured to tie in bundles and bouse or stack. Never tie iu bundles while tbe straw is damp. The grain can be separated from the straw either by flails or thrash ing machines. The great difficulty with most farmers is the cleansing of the hulls from the rice. This can be done in a wooden mortar with a Wooden pestle, bnt this process is very slow and laborious. Small rice mills can now be bought for about S3OO, and there should be one iu connection with every large ginnery in the state. The knowledge that rice could be cleaned for a moder ate price would very much encourage the growth of this valuable grain, and I believe such mills wonld be profitable. By planting and cultivating as di rected, the crop should yield, with aver age seasons, from 15 to 20 bushels to tbe acre. Bice is the principal food orop of more than half the people in the world. —State Agricultural Department. For frost bites, burns, indolent sores, eczema, skin disease, and especially Piles, DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve stands first and best. Dock out for dishonest people who try to imitate and counterfeit it. It’s their endorse ment of a good article. Worthless goods are not imitated. Get DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Bagwell Bros, of Dawrenceville, and Dr. Hinton, of Da cula. It takes a police force of 7,461 men to protect the interest of New York’s population against crime aud disorder. Constipation of the Bowels may be easily cured by a few doses of Dr. M. A.,Simmons Diver Medicine. THE SAN JOSE SCALE RAVAGES OK THIS AWFUL PEST IN GEORGIA ANIJ HOW IT MAY BE CHECKED. ANSWERS TO MANY INQUIRIES Department of Agriculture Supplies Information on Subject* of Interest to Karmers. Question.—ls the San Jose scale more dangerous in the south than at the north? Answer.— This pest is #iuob mure de structive in the south than at the north, owing to the longer breeding and feed ing season afforded it by the southern climate. In Georgia, the scale lies dor mant only abont two months—from Deo. 16 to Feb. 15—leaving it ten months in the year in whioh to multiply at a very rapid rate, aud prosecute its destructive work of sapping the life of the tree. Even during the dormant pe riod there come days warm enough to revive the insects and set them to breed ing again. In Janunry, 1898, infested pesoh twigs were received from Danville, Ga., on which liviug young were crawling pro fusely. On Feb. 14, 1899, specimens were received at this office from Cairo, Ga., and upon examination they were found to be breeding. Oa March 8, 1898, I inspected sn orohard in South Georgia and found the scale breeding freely on plum trees. From this almost incessant breeding and feeding it oan be readily understood that the Han Jose scale is more dangerous in southern olimates than at the north, where the period of its destructive work is cut short by the oold of winter. Again, the peach trees being more susceptible to iujnries of any kind than almost any other orchard tree, and since the (leach is the principal frnit grown in this state, we suffer more from tho ravages of the scale than other states that grow apples aud other fruits that are more resistant. With us peach trees are entirely killed in two seasons after they are first at tacked. Un April 50, 1898, I inspected an orchard of 1,000 3-year peach trees at Pine City, Ga., aud after careful search found only six trees infested with the San Jose scale. No treatment was applied to this orchard, and on Nov. 16 of the same year I visited it again, and found one-third of the treos entirely crusted over with the scale and iu a dying condition. In view of these faots, with other similar oases, we must conclude that the San Jose scale is much more de structive in the southern states than at the north.—State Entomologist. ltalsleg “llreem Corn.” Question. I have decided to grow “broom corn” for the market. Please give me all the infor mation along this line possible. Answer. —This plant is a variety of “sorghum,” and a native of the East Indies. The introduction of this plant is attributed to Dr. Franklin, who, find ing a seed on a whisk broom that had been imported, planted it, and from this originated the oulture of “broom corn" in the United States. The average pro duot of brush per acre is about SOO pounds. There has been produoed from very fine soil and locality as high as 1,000 pounds per acre. As there seems to be no substitute for broom oorn brush, there is always a de mand for it, and It is a orop that can be easily cultivated. It is a profitable one for the farmers to raise in those sections to which it is well adapted. The seed make very good food for horses when mixed with oats. It is also flue food for poultry after tbe chicks are two or three weeks old, when fed with other food. When ground with our common Indian corn iu pro portion to three bushels of broom corn to one of Indian corn, it makes good food for cattle, hogs or sheep. Generally speaking, broom oorn grows best where onr native oorn grows best, and the preparation of the land is similar to that for corn. Good river or branch bottom land in best suited to this plant; bnt any good land well drained will, with barnyard manure, or a gaod fer tilizer, make a good yield. The better plan is to broadcast the manure, plow and harrow the same so as to pulverize the soil thoroughly. Plant in the drill or iu bills. Tbe rows may be from throe to four feet, according to the va riety to be grown; the dwarf varieties in three feet rows and the larger varie ties in four feet rows. The hills may ha two or three feet apart. When the I seed are sound and well-ripened, two l quarts will be sufficient to plant one ! acre. Be sure to get good seed. You can use the seed drills that will plant { small teed, or if ouly a few acres are to be planted, you can plant with the baud. The cultivation is similar to that of corn, only you have to use more I care and skill because of the smallness of the plant. Thinning should be done when the plants are two or three inches high, leaving five or six in the bill, or if drilled, the stalks should be left three or ! four inches apart. As to the harvesting aud curing of the broom corn, I will take pleasure in advising you later if you desire such in formation.—State Agricultural Depart ment. Georgia’s First Cotton Mill. Question. —Can yon tell me where the first cotton mill was established is Mrs. J. Silvers, Doogan, Ga., writes: Kev. 11. C. Hadock had torpid liver so had he could scarcely leave his room and was cured by Dr. M. A. Simmons Diver Medicine, which he recommended to me, and it cured me of indigestion. I think ’t better thau Black Draught, Dartmoor, which occupies one fifth of the county of Devon, is the largest tract of uncultivated land iu England. Before the discovery of One Minute Cough Cure, ministers were greatly disturbed by coughing congregations. No excuse for it now. Bagwell Bros, of Dawrenceville, and Dr. Hinton of Dacula. Georgia, also give me any information touching the early manufactories and ' the progress of the same in Georgia ? Answer.— The first factory estab lished in Georgia was built on the Oco nee river, 4 miles below Athens, in the year 1827. This enterprise proved suc cossful, and was soon after followed by | many others iu the same county (Clarke) and in Green, Richmond and other conn . ties. From small beginnings these en terprises have in late years developed to considerable magnitude, and with a pe cuniary success that points to them as agents of a most prosperous era in the history of onr state. The splendid wa ter powers of the Savannah at Augusta, and the Chattahoochee at Columbus, could not long fail to attraot the atten tion of a people alive to their own inter est and to the general welfare. Georgia has great advantages in this reßpect oyer the New England states, which have heretofore manufactured most of the American ootton aud wool fabrics, but the dawn of a brighter day has set iu, and we see from year to year capital ooming this way to onr beantlfal south land. Manufacturers are now convinced that the place to mannfaotnre ootton is on the ground floor where the ootton is grown and produced, and sooner or later, the whir of the cotton spindle will be heard from the top of every moun tain, as well as from every valley in our beautiful Empire state of the south. Here, we have no need of the middle man or transportation. Wages are mnoh less here than in th# New England states, the cost of water and steam power is less, building material of every kind is less, living expenses are leas and the climate is more favorable. The wheels are seldom dogged or obstructed by ioe, the consumers of our products are at our own doors,and for these reasons alone the manufacturer of ootton mast and will come southward. There is still room for greater strides along this line than Georgia has made in the past, and yet she has dono well. Just how many organized cotton mills there are now in operation, we are un able to say, but more than a decade ago we had more than 50. We also have many wool factories, paper faotories, iron foundries, floor mills, gold quartz mills aud stamp mills iu operation, and railroad shops, looomotive and oar fac tories, carriage aud wagon, boot and shoe factories, and sash and blind faoto ries, we have in large number. We have tanneries, potteries, liquor and tar pon title distilleries and fertilizer facto ries also without number.—State Agri cultural Department. Spraying For the Pest. Question. — Owing to the continned rains, I have been unable to spray a sin gle tree since Ohristmas. How late can I spray for the San Jose scale, and must the per cent of oil be diminished as the bads advance? Answer. —Twenty-five per cent of kereosene is the strength to be nsed against tke San Jose scale during the dormant period, and this can be used in the spring until the frnit buds begin to open. Iu tbe spring when the tree be gins to grow it is even in better condi tion to resist the ill effects of tbe kereo seue. It is invigorated and enabled to throw off the oil that might penetrate the bark. It is not safe, however, to spray with any per cent while the trees are in fall bloom. Tbe kereosene would burn the petals and injure the fruit After the bloom is sbed the spraying can be continued with a 16 per cent mixture. A greater per cent would likely burn the tender foliage. The 16 per cent strength will kill a large per ceat of the scale and check its ravages to a great extent. If tbe orahard has re ceived the 25 per cent winter treatment, however, it should not be neoessary to commence the summer treatment so early. Every favorable day np to the blooming |>erlod should be utilized in spraying infested trees with the 26 per cent mixture. It ie important that bright, snushiny days be Mlected to ap ply tbe treatment, otherwiM the oil may penetrate the bark of the trees and injure them before evaporating—Stole Entomologist. Spring ssd Summer Foaags. Question. The unprecedented fall and winter prevented the farmers from saving forage and sowing grain crops. What shall we do for spring and sum mer forage? Answer. —lt is not too late to sow tbe Burt or tbe White oat—can sow on good lands (branch bottoms and wall manured plots) until March 11 with fair success, bat advise that farmers should not depend entirely on oats for forage- Our plan would be to plant sorghara, (Early Amber is best) millet, (German and Cattail) milo maize, Kaf fir corn, whippoorwill paas, popcorn and the early varieties of Indian corn, on land thoroughly prepared and highly manured with lot and stable manure or good commercial fertilizers that con tain 2 or 8 per cent of ammonia, so as to rush the crops and afford plenty of stalk and foliage. The crepe should be harvested when they are in the dough, cured as hay aud fed to stock as hay or fodder; or can be cat earlier and fed ae green stuff. After cutting off the crop then plant peas, either in drill or broad cast, and thus renew the fertility of the land as well as produce provender lor Soother year.—State Agricultural De partment, Don’t wreck a Dife! From Girlhood to Womanhood the monthly oourcses should be regdlated with Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. Id the statistics of crime in the United States, Arizona stands first, Nevada second, and Massachusetts third. Not one child dies where ten former ly died from croup. People have learned the value of One Minute Cough Cure and use it for severe lung and throat troubles. It immediately stops coughing. It never fails. Bagwell Bros, of Dawrenceville, and Dr, Hinton, 1 of Dacula. Lt j i i- -j ir-rj ti iriL' Llffl M3 K 3 g, News-Herald L™ Journal, w ™',; Yi Oal y $1.25. VOL. VI-NO 20 Free Pills. Send your address to H. E. Buckleu & Co.. Chicago and get a free sample box of Dr. King’s New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particu larly effective in the cure of Con stipation and Sick Headache. For Malaria and Liver trouble* they have been proved invaluable. They are guaranteed to be perfectly freo from every delterious sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to the stomach and bowel* greatly invigorate the Hystem. Regular size 26c. per box Sold by A. M. VVinu & Son, Drug. I gists. Editor Beu F. Perry of Canton, editor of the Cherokee Advance, has been appointed inspector of fertilizers for the district in which he lives. He was an ardent sup porter of Commissioner O. B. Ste vens, and is one of the best known citizens of Cherokee county. His friends congratulate him upon his appointment. No other medicine builds up and for tifies the system against miscarriage as well as Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. The highest value of an English postage stamp is $25. The stamp is of oblong shape, and is very sel dom used. For a'quick remedy and one that is perfectly safe for children let us reo omend One Minute Cough Cure. It is excellent for croup, hoarseness, tick ling in the throat and coughs, llagwell Bros, of Lawrenoeville, and Dr. Hinton, of Ilacula. Having no jail at Jerome, Ariz„ the police handcuffed the arms of the prisoners around the telegraph poles. The lawbreakers can stand, sit or lie down, but cannot escape hugging the pole. “Give me a liver regulator and I can regulate the world,” said a genius. The druggist handed him a bottle of DeWitt’s Little Early Risers, the fa mous little pills, liagwell Bros of Lawrvnceville, and Dr. Hinton of Da oula. January was termed the Wolf mouth by the Saxons, as during this month (usually the coldest of the year) the wolves grew especial ly daring and fercious. A Sluggish Diver causes Drowsiness, Lethargy ami a feeling of Apathy. Dr. M. A. Simmons Diver Medicine arouses the Diver, and cheerful energy succeeds sluggishness. It is proposed that May 24 in the next year, being the eightieth birthday of Queen Victoria, should be celebrated in some specially brilliant way. As the season of the year when pbeu uionia, DaGrippe, sore throat, coughs, colds, catarrh, bronchitis and lung troubles are to be guarded against, nothing “is a fine substitute,’’ or is “just as good” as One Minute Cougb (lure. That is the one infallible rem edy for all lung, throat or bronchial troubles. Insist vigorously upon hav ing it if “something else” is offered you. Bagwell Bros, of Dawrenceville, and Dr. Hinton, of Dacula. Mrs. Caroline Morse runs the custom house elevator in San Fran cisco. She is the widow of a sail or, and she cares for and educates her children by means of her work. Dailies desiringa contented and hap py and happy old age should use Sim mons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets, commencing at 40 years old and con tinue during “Change of Dife.” The oldest singing master in the world is Manuel Grecia, who, at the ripe age of niuety-four, still gives lessons in the art. J. Sheer, Sedalla, Mo., conductdr on 'M electric street car line, writes that hi Si* little daughter was very low with;|g croup, and her life saved after all phy- ™ sicians had failed, only by using One ' Minute Cough Cure. Bagwell Bros, of Dawrenceville, and Dr, Hinton of Dacula. The lower grade of molasses, which is unsaleable, is used as fuel. Over 100,000 tons were used last year. Pitts’ Carminative aids diges tion. regulates the bowels, cures Cholera Infantum, Cholera Mor bus, Dysentery, Pains, Griping, Flatulent Colic, Uunatural Drains from tbe Bowels, aud all diseases incident to teething children. For • all summer complaints it is a spe cific. Perfectly harmless aud free from injurious drugs and chemi cals. The two little islands of Zanzi bar and Pemba furnish four-tenths of the cioves consumed by the world. Beats the Klondike. Mr. A. Thomas, of Marysville, Tex., has found a more valuable discovery than has yet been made iu the Klondike; for years he suf fered untold agony from consump tion accompanied by hemorrhages, and was absolutely cured by Dr. King’s New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs and Colds, he declares that gold is of little value in comparison to this marvelous cure; would have it even if it cost a hundred dollars a bottle. Asthma Bronchitis aud all throat aud lung affections are positively cured by Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption. Trial bottlis free at A. M. Winn & Sou s Drug | Store. Regular size 50 cts.and 91.00. Guaranteed to cure or price re ’ funded.