The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, March 17, 1899, Image 1

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rw jBUgBBjjraBPMiSWII News-Herald j*w» Constitution, I 12 MontH3-$1.25. ™a2aSS3rSr»K D tU ! Consolidated Jan. t, 1898. THE LAWHBNCItULJJ k KMtabliehed In IHO.I. 7 “Pitts’ Carminative 2 Saved SVIy Baby's Life-” J Johnson Station, Ga., September 16, 1898. I LAMAR & RANKIN DRUG CO.. Atlanta, Ga. \ Gentlemen: 1 can not recommend your Pitts’ Carminative too } strongly, as 1 owe my baby's life to it. She had Cholera In £ when five months old, and I could get no relief until I began us n ? 5 Carminative. The fever left her when I had given her but two bottles Y and she had fattened so she did not look like the same child, lad vise all V mothers who ha ve sickly or delicate children to give this remedy a tnai. 7 Respectfully, MRS. LIZZIE MURRAY. a It Saved Her Baby-Will Save Yours, J . , . .TRY 1T.... a ranu whkioi 'aid emmlmek, No Extra Charge for Jiearse and Services. LAWBKNCKYILLE CITY SCHOOL. Thoroughly graded. No irregular pupils. Tuition must be paid in advance. Regular attendance of pupils is re ciuired. All friends and patrons are urged to visit the school. Spring term, January 2nd—June 4th. Catalogues free. JAS. A. BAGWELL, Superintendent. BRADWELL * ACADEMY. A HIGH SCHOOL. We prepare voung men for Sophmore class in College, or to take their place in life with % good High School education. Notice the studies our Senior class pursues, to wit: Higher Algebra, Geometry, Physics, General History, American Literature, Zenophon’s Anabasis (optional), and a combined course in Caesar, Sallust and Cicero. Pupils who complete the prescribed course will receive a High School Diploma. For any desired information, address SAMUEL W. DuBOSE, LUXOMNI, GA. PRINCIPAL. ORDER YOUR FINE BOURBON, RYE ANDCORN WHISKIES Gins, Ruins, Scotch and Irish Whiskies, Champagnes, Clarets, Bottled Beers, Port and Sherry Wines, Ale and Porter, Chib Soda and Ginger Ale (Cantrel & Cochran’s), and Apolinaris water from POTTS-THOMPSON LIQUOR COMPANY-, 7-1) Decatur St., Kimball House Block, Atlanta, 6a. Plioue 4S. Feb. JO, ’W.-tf NEW STORE at IvOganville, : G eorg la. D. Y. Hodges & Co. have open ed up a full line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, etc. Also a big stock of Groceries, such goods as the people need, and at prices to suit the times. We have just received 1 50 bbls good Flour, which we are selling cheaper than in Atlanta. We have the Genuine Cuba Molasses, also the Ribbon Cane and New Orleans Syrup, which will be sold cheap. We have moved to Loganville to stay, and solicit your patron age. Yours truly, 4 D. Y. HODGES & CO. mm AH AAl£* f\ I I A uut this ad out at>d send to us and If you JhC 111 I J I M fcV BJII I fi u\ ff live East of the Ro.kv M mtains we -- Vlfa send this HICH-CRADE TOP BUCCY v,,u bv freignt C- O. D. subject to examination* you e»n examine it at your freight depot ami if you fl.'nl it EQUAL TO ANY *IOO.OO TOP BUUGY you ever saw. perfectly satisfactory and the MUMtkSI BARGAIN YOT HAVE KVKHBKKNOKHKAHUOK, OUR SPECIAL OFFER PRICE $55.00 and fretebt Chaws, loss the pay the railroad agent - ... y ■• • One Dollar sent with order. *, 6 50 ——— l BUILT IN OUR OWN FACTORY IN CHICACO, 3 u v/ i.n h"H'«r n->m the t>»■ -1 niuuriul rt,..i.«■ y< an buy. WhiV n. XO \our Free Buggy Catalogue we shi.w. Top Buggies made I>> (tqn OO \ \ , 1/ M J 3 other makers at $21.50. $28.75 and $34.75 the exa« t jaw.ww X \ \ JfXJB /Hi >-ame buggy that are sold by macliinery dealert-, at *45.00 to BUGGIES X. ,\ A ■/ H $75.00 and are being widely advertised by many at 835.00 to SOO.OO. Akir> \ \V S' j 9 OUR ACME QUEEN AT 555.00 is the most Ari u \ v\ | fcl wonderful value over offered, THK lowknt PRICE kykh SURREYS \ AM ULtiM Ql-OTICB OS TMK BUST »ru«Y THAT t’AS BK BfILT. We mainUln * \ / \ X yfffff® our own five story buggy factory for the sole . ' v ■44444 k purpose of building and filing a HETTkK HI'GIJY r i | iVi (ft/iulifr THAN WE CAN HCY KLMW IIKHK and to HAVE OLH t | TV, (THfOIEKS HANI PACTt-RKK H PROFIT .• , Bchl \ / X Every Buggy We Make Is Guaranteed '**-* \/ \ Five Years and They Will out wear Five / "" I THE MATERIAL AND LASOR IN OUR ACME QUEEN i l IW 1 | •' -t mor*- Ifcan 4.»0i >• that the ordinary fat-' -ry I\ - - and v»f nj.-lie <..n <• ;cent and $1 UU*WB pAY ALMOST DOUBLE the pri-e most maker* ■ i “ *' ' -,hv fit Hhrrli, Avles. springs, lias he* and Socket*, ACME QUEEN. OUR OWN MAKE.) bccon-e WK WtST THE BK>T. <MI r wheals gear and bodies.lo>l*l.rttuMad >”<l tk»**t«ri»l mi ÜborloHunting OUR ACME QUEEN, "«u P»‘"* ScS. nn R APPLY COVERS COST of mate! ial and labor, leaving us the-mal.«-t profit wnagt n« t.lo but we aiu.’tmtUiuß7obUdKieH a day aud to advertise our bu ;tfy factory ».■ , willing . , si 00 PROFITKACH. We know $70.00 daily profit on 70 bugg cs will sati-fy us, advertise u» e\. rywhere Lu .«.. r . £ d ,p rr .b„ ff «. very'delicate modest striping, complete with shafts, side »n«Tbaek cut-ins l»o«>t stoi anti-raU^ert and shafts. Pale, Nerkyake aad WhllWetrrr* In |.l»r* as .kafu. $1.75 •*«»■■. »* ‘J* 1 * ViSoUll^ 8 St no SEND ONE POLLAR K .ntinfactory, pay the rmilroa.l .«,»! Id.* ..... hUlrtw. otberwieejiav nothini a.,.1 ti.engent .111 return (.uwyatour eipen.e and we will .. tun,. r»l .. BirY A CHftAP FACTORY BOGOY ~.,w ->H idmo-t excl.i-lveljr by Machinery iNaier. *d * BU THE BESTBUCCV MONO CAN BUILD direct trorn tbu at tbe LOWEST PRICE EVER KNOWN. ORDER TO DAY DON T DELAY WRITE FOR OUR FREE BUCCY, CARRIACE AND HARNESS CATALOCUE. dddie»» SEA RS, ROEBUCK & CO. (In c.), CHICACO, ILL. THE NEWS-HERALD. COW PEA ViNE SILAGE PLAN FOR BUILDING THE SILO AND BEST METHODS OF RAISING SAME. CATTLE EAT IT WITH RELISH State Agricultural l)i | ar! 111 rit Qnot •« Railway Commissioner ( n iislmw In Answer to 1 (Question. Question. —Can peavine silage be made a suet ess in Georgia? Write me in full, as I wish to try the experiment this year Answer. Railroad Commissioner Thomas C Crenshaw, who owns a farm in the county of Bartow, was recently interviewed as to the plan he adopted for building the silo, his method of rais ing cow pea vihes, his experience in the ensiloing of the same, and the feeding of silage to cattle. This interview ap appeared in tbr Atlanta Constitution a few days since. “I have,” writes Mr. Crenshaw, “an all-wood round silo, 27 feet high and 20 feet in diameter inside. I built my silo to the plan given on page 16, bulletin No. 59, issued by the Wisconsin agri cultural experiment station. The sills are of post oak, size 4x6 inches, cut in 2-foot lengths of the circle of the silo, the sections of the sills being ‘toe-nailed’ together, making a circle 20 feet in dia meter, which is then bedded in cement mortar and leveled. The timbers for the plates are cut in like manner, except from yellow pine, size 2x4 inches, and in lengths of two feet. The studding is of yellow pine, size 4x4 inches, cut in lengths of 27 feet, ‘toe-nailed’ to the sill every 12 inches from center to center. The sections of the plates are spiked di rectly upon the tops of the studding, doubling them, and thus making the plates when completed 4x4 inches. In framing my silo I put a round post 12 feet long and 8 inches in diameter in the center of the silo, about two feet in the ground; and as each stud was ‘toe nailed’ to the sill it was made plumb and secured by nailing a board to the center post. The lining is made of kiln dried cypress boards, one-half inch thick and five inches wide, dressed on both sides and edges to a uniform width and thickness. This lining is nailed on the inside of the studding with Bd. wire nails, horirontally, close together. A layer 3-ply giant P. and R. paper is tacked on horizontally to the first layer of cypress lining; then a second layer of cypress boards is nailed on horizontally with the same kind of nails as before, breaking the joints of the first layer. A second layer of paper similar to the first is tacked on the second layer of cypress boards. Then a third layer of cypress boards is nailed on horizontally, with KM. nails, breaking the joints of the second layer. I have three feeding doors, size 2, 6x3, with a dormer win dow of tile same size, for filling the silo. It is weatherboarded on the outside with the same material as the lining. The roof is of tin and of a conical shape. I think I have as complete and as nearly perfect and well-built silo as there is in the south. When all three of the feed ing doors are closed my silo is abso lutely airtight, and will hold water equal to a barrel. “I sow cow peas early in June on my wheat and oat stubble broadcast; about one and one-half bushels to the acre. I have them turned under with a one horse turning plow, then drag the land with an iron tooth ‘Thomas’ harrow, nothing more is necessary until the vines are ready for the silo. The time to harvest the. cow pea vines for silage is when one-half or more of the peas on the vines are ripe. Oare should be taken not to harvest the vines before they are fully matured, as when green they are very succulent. If cow pea vines are put into the silo when too green or when they contain too much moisture, the pressure hi the nrr* Be Careful No woman can be too careful oi her condition during the period be fore her little ones are born. Neglect or improper treatment then endan gers her life and that of the child. It lies with her whether she shall suffer unnecessarily, or whether the ordeal shall be made comparatively easy. She had better do nothing than do something wrong. MOTHER’S FRIEND is the one and the only preparation that is safe to use. It is a liniment that penetrates from the outside. External applications are eternally right. Internal medicines are radi cally wrong. They are more than humbugs—they endanger life. Mother’s Friend helps the muscles to relax and expand naturally—re lieves morning sickness —removes the cause of nervousness and head ache — prevents hard and rising breasts —shortens labor and lessens the pains—and helps the patient to rapid recovery. From a letter by a Shreveport, La., woman: “I have been using your wonderful remedy, Mother’s Friend, for the last two months, and find it just as recommended." Druggists sell it at $1 per bottle. THE BRADPIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, OA. ( Send for our free illustrated book, “ Before Baby a Bom." Trade ONE Mark MINUTE COUCH CURE cures quickly. That is what it war made for. Prompt, safe, sure, quick relief, quick cure. Pleasant to take. Children like it and adults like It. Mothers buy it for their children. Prepared oy K. O. DeWitt k Co . makers of I)p\Vitt*H l.lttle Karl* Kisers. . ij„ famous iLtie Din- LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 17,1899. cess ot settling is liable to express the juicess from the tissue and cause it to filter away, thereby entailing great loss. I use a McCormick mower to cut the vines. 1 then pile them atonoe in wind rows with a two-horse steel rake and haul them immediately to my silo, where they are cut with a feed cutter made by the Silver Manufacturing company at Salem, 0., and called by them ‘Ohio No. 16.’ It has a carrier feed and also an elevator. The vines after being cut in lengths of from one half an inch up to three inches are dropped into the elevator and carried to the dormer window and emptied into the silo. I keep two stout, able-bodied men in the silo all the while it is being filled, one man with a pitchfork to level and evenly distribute the vines as they are put in and the other to tramp them down while the filling is going on. Af ter the silo is filled and while the settling is going on I have two men to tramp the silage down thoroughly a few hours every day for about ten days. I then run green marsh grass throngh my cot ter until I get a layer on top of the ‘silage six inches or more in depth for a ! cover. This cover I wet quite liberally, using a pail full or more of water to tht square foot of surface, which soon de velops a thin, well rotted top layer, making an almost airtight oover for the silage. I then leave it alone and trust to providence. “I closed my silo containing about 129 tons of cow pea vine silage the latter part of September, 1898. A thick mold soon came over the entire surface and remained intact until I opened my silo early in January of this year. I found the silage in a perfect state of preserva tion, with only about 16 inches on top, including the covering, unfit for use. As I feed downward, I find the silage perfectly sound on the sides and next to the walls of the silo. My cows soon learned to eat cow pea vine silage. They now take it with great relish and are as fond of it as a child is of candy. It is a most excellent feed in every par ticular, ayd there is nothing better as a butter producer. I consider its feeding value equal to if not superior to any thing that can be produced on the farm. The richness of cow pea vine silage in a large measure depends upon the quan tity of cow peas on the vines at the time they are harvested. The cow pea vines I e a siloed the past season were very full of peas. I generally sow two varieties, the Olay pea and the Un known pea. Any cow pea will answer for silage that will produce long vines and a heavy crop of peas. In order to have a luxuriant growth of vines and an abundant crop of peas, I would ad vise (for Georgia) that the pea be sowed as early in June as possible. The cow pea is a wonderful land improver. “I only came in possession of my present plantation three years ago. I found it greatly impoverished, and I am now building it up quite rapidly by sowing it down in wheat in October and in cow peas the Jane following. If my land continues to improve hereafter as rapidly as it has during the past two years, in five years it will almost, if not quite, double its yield. I never turn under cow pea vines. They are too valuable for silage. I only turn under the cow pea vine stuble and roots at the time I prepare my land for oats aud wheat in the fall. In filling a silo with cow pea vines, I would not advise letting it stand too long between intervals of fill ing. Long standing allows molding to start, which tends to produce a waste, even after the next layer is put on. I consider it best to fill gradually, as wolt as continuously, after the filling be gins. ’’—State Agricultural Department. Slander. What gross injustice is often done by slander. And this word comprises a multitude of sins from idle gossip of harmless iutent up to malicious detraction of one’s character. Alas! how much mis chief is hidden beneath those bane ful words, “they say.” And who are “they ?” The cowled monks, the hooded friars, who glide with Bhrouded faces in the procession of life, muttering in an unknown tongue words of a mysterious im port ? Who are “they?” The midnight assassins of reputation, who lurk in the by lanes of socie ty, with dagger tongues, sharpened by invention and malice, to draw the blood of innocence, and, hyena like, banquet on the dead. Who are “they ?” “They are a multi tude no man can number, search ing for victims in every city, town and village, wherever the heart of humanity throbs and the ashes of mortality finds rest. Skulkers, cowards. Give us the bold bri gand who thunders along the high ways with flashing weapons that cut sunshines as well as shades; give us the pirate who unfurls the black flag, emblems of his terrible trade, and show the plank which your doomed feet must tread ; but save us from the “they sayers” of society, whose knives are hidden in a velvet sheath, whose bridge of death is woven with flowers, and who spread with invisible poison even the spotless whiteness of the winding sheet. Of all such ene mies beware. Bucklen s Arnica Salve. The best- fc'alve in the world for Cuts, Burns, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively sures Piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. M. Winn & Sou Lawrenceville, | Ga. ROCK SPRING. Special to THE NEWS. Last weeks letter. Rev. L. D. Ellington filled his regular appointment at Rock Springs Sunday. Quarterly meet ing will be held at El bethel on the 4th Saturday and Sunday of this month. Clareuce Gunter, who has been in business at Lila, Ga., has re turned home. Samuel Pharr, who lias been in New Orleans and Montgomery-for over a year, visited his parents at this place recently. David Pharr, who has been in colledge at Macon, accompanied his brother to Mont gomery. Miss Lillie Maffett. spent last week with relatives at Buford. Miss Baiiie Gunter spent Satur day and Sunday with friends at Dacula. Mrs. Woodward is visiting rela tives in Florida. She is not ex pected to return home before sum mer. Lasha Gunter went to Atlanta this week on business. Millions Given Away. It is certainly gratifying to the public to know of one concern in the laud who are not afraid to be generous to the needy and suffer ing. The proprietors of Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, have given away over ten millions trial bottles of this great medicine and have the satisfaction of knowing it has absolutely cured thousands of hopeless cases. Asthma,Bronchit is, Hoaraness aud all diseases of the Throat, Ghost aud Lungs are surely cured by it. Call on A. M. Winn & Son, Druggists, aud get a trial bottle free. Regular size 60c and sl. Every bottle guaranteed or price refunded. IIOG MOUNTAIN. Special to THE NEWS. Last wtek’a letter. Richard Smith and family visit ed Hog Mountain Saturday. Charles Oliver is n,o better. He has consumption and is not ex pected to live long. Mason King, of Meadow, was in our midst Saturday and Sunday. A. F. Guthrie gave the young people an entertainment Tuesday night, which was highly enjoyed. Miss Ada Mauldin is the guest of relatives at Meadow. Pitts’ Carminative aids diges tion. regulates the bowels, cures Cholera Infautum, Cholera Mor bus, Dysentery, Pains, Griping, Flatulent Colic, Uunatural Drains from the Bowels, and all diseases incident to teething children. For all summer complaints it is a spe cific. Perfectly harmless and free from injurious drugs and chemi cals. BAY CREEK. Special to THE NEWS. Last weeks letter. The rain, hail and snow storms Saturday and Monday stopped the farmers from work. E. S.Camp is talking of going to Texas this fall. John Patrick, of Woodruff, vis ited relatives at this place Sunday. Prof. Reeves’ school has closed until summer. A large number of our young people attended an entertainment at Windsor Friday night. P. M. Boss went to Loganville Saturday. The writer attended the enter tainment at A. S. Patrick’s Sat urday night. Neal Kilgore, of Rosebud, was here Sunday. A large number of our citizens are attending Lawrenceville court this week. We trust that they will go around and leave 75c for The News-Herald one year. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell ami completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucous surfaces. Much articles should never he used except on prescriptions from reputable phy sicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall’s Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. F. Cheney & Co. Toledo, 0., contains no mercury,and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It is ta ken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimo nials free. Sold by Druggists, price 76c. per bot ! tie. Hall’s Family Rills are the best. “Atlanta got it,” observes the Augusta Chroaicle. “None but the brave deserve the fair.” For frost, bites, burns, indolent sores, eczema, skin disease, and especially Riles, DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve stands first and best. I.ook out for dishonest people who try to imitate and counterfeit it. It’s their endorse ment of a good article. Worthless goods are not imitated. Get DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. Bagwell Bros, of Lawrenceville, and Dr. Ifintou, of Da cula. KILLIAN HILL Special to THE NEWS. Last week’s letter. There were “cold times in this old town” Monday and Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Black is still very low. Mrs. Still, of Sweetwater, is vis iting relatives here this week. The recent big snow and cold snap done considerable damage to wheat and oats throughout this section. Upon examination it is thought by several of our citizens that the entire fruit crop is killed. From present indication it seems that the chances for an overpro duction of cotton is slim. Killian Hill was visited last Sat urday by a Bevere hail, rain and wind storm, doing considerable damage. The black-smith shop of D V. Jones was completely de molished. The roof was blown off of his three stables, but fortunate ly neither of his mules were in jured. His pasture fences were greatly damaged. The stable of J. A, Lee was blown in on his mare, but the animal was not hurt. 16 large treo9 were blown up and twisted to pieces near the residence of Mr. Lee. It blew down the gin house of W. T. Nash aud demol ished the black-smith shop of J, A. Lee. The thunder and light ning was very severe, J. Sheer, Sedalla, Mo., conductor on electric street car line, writes that Ills little daughter was very low with croup, and her life saved after all phy sicians had failed, only by using One Minute Cough Cure. Itagwell Pros, of f.awreucevllle, aud Or, Hinton of Oacula. WILDCAT. Special to THE NEWS Last weeks letter. The peach crop will be a com plete failure. The buds wore killed by the receut freeze. Alviu Bell aud wife spent Sun day with the latter’s parents at Winder. Mrs. Townley and family visit ed relatives near Loganville Sun day. Oscar Smith and Nathan Ben nett, Jr., went to Walton county Sunday afternoon. Neal Kilgore, of Haynes Creek, was here Saturday night. Prof. S, F. Bennett was in our midst Friday afternoon of last week. Mrs. Townley is, we are glad to say, some better. Quite a number of our young people attended the party given by Mr. and Mrs, Garrett at Windsor Friday night. The singing given by Miss Ro beua Bennett Sunday afternoon was a grand success. J. E. Pratt has been on the pu ny list for the past week. Quito a number of our people attended Lawrei.cevill court this week. Rom Kennerly went to Atlanta last week. Saturday was Justice Court day at Bay Creek. Several cases were disposed of. An old-time quilting was given by Mrs. Patrick Saturday. The writer had the pleasure of attend ing in the afternoon. About 4 o’clock we were called into the dining room, where a delicious din ner was served. After this the young people repaired to W. A. Patrick’s, where a delightful dance was given. BERMUDA. Special to THE NEWS. Last weak’s letter. J. R. Smith, with his daughter, Miss Lena, visited relatives at De catur last week. Simeon and Henry Snead, who are largely interested in vegetable farms in Florida, write that their crops are a total loss, caused by the cold snap. A club of our most prosperous farmers is being organized for the purpose of buying guano by the car loads. Mrs. William Veal visited rela tives iu Norcross and Lilburn last week. Absolam Bracewell and family were the guests of Judge Smith’s family recently. No services have been held here in either church since Christmas on account of inclement weather. Pete Cheney, of Atlanta, Bill Cheney and Mrs. Plummer, of Ab beville, S. C., were here last week to see their brother, Martin, who has been quite sick. He is gradu ally improving. Miss Exa DeShong, who has been visiting her cousin at Athens has returned home. Mrs. Dr. Kelly and son, of Lux oinni, visited her parents here Fri day. Misses Myrtis Snead and Mary Minor visited relatives at, Caleb Sunday. Samuel Pickens, the popular real estate agent, effected a large land deal last week between Samuel Lindsay, of Tucker, and Charles Wallace, of Atlanta. The place is near the supberhs. The land is in Gwinnett and touches the county broadside. It is a very fine farm, and Mr. Wallace will commence to make improvements immedi ately. Ladies desiring a contented and hap py and happy old age should use .Sim mons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets, commencing at, 40 years old and con tinue during “Change of Life.” The Imperialists' Creed. This clever suttire on the incon sistencies of American imperialism has been contributed by The Out look: Article 1. I believe in keeping up tl e old war tnxes to prevent trade from Europe and the new taxes to force trade from Asia, Article 11. I believe in the ex clusion of ignorant Europeans,and the inclusion of more ignorant Asiatics. Article 111. I believe in a pro tective tariff where farmers would trade abroad but in free trade where manufacturers seek a mar ket. Article IV. I believe the pub lic cannot manage moqopolies at home, but can manage races on the other side of the globe. Article V. I believe in home rule for Ireland, but in alien rule for the Spanish islands. Article VI. I believe in a Mon roe doctrine which forbids Europe to interfere with relief government in America, but permits America to interfere with self-government in Asia. Article VII. I believe the Span ish islands are unfit to govern themselvos, but that whites and blacks have a right to govern yel lows. Article IX. I believe that tax ation without representation is tyranny when applied to us, but philanthropy when applied by us. Article X. I believe that gov ernments get their powers from the cousent of the governed in America, hut from the conscious superiority of the governors in Asia Article XI. I believe that mil itarism and foreign broils are the rofuge of despotism in Europe and of republicanism in America. Article XII. I believe that American policies have made a little America, and that European policies will make a greater Amer ica. AS! YOUR DOC- sORI Ask your physician this ques tion, “What is the one great remedy for consumption?” he will answer, “Cod-liver oil.” Nine out of ten will answer the same way. Yet when persons have consumption they loathe all fatty foods, yet fat is neces sary for their recovery and they cannot take plain cod liver oil. The plain oil dis turbs the stomach and takes away the appetite. The dis agreeable fishy odor and taste make it almost unen durable. What is to be done ? This question was ans wered when we first made SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-Liver OH with Hypo phosphites. Although that was nearly twenty-five years ago, yet it stands alone to day the one great remedy for ail affections of the throat and lungs. The bed taste and odor have been taken away, the oil itself has been partly digested, and the most sen sitive stomach objects to it rarely. Not one in ten can take and digest the plain oil. Nine out of ten can take SCOTTS EMULSION and di gist it. That’s why it cures so many cases ol early consumption. Even in advanced cases it brings comfort and greatly prolongs life. 50c. and SI.OO. all druggists. SCOTT & bUWNL, Chemist*, New York. News-Herald p" Journal, Only $1.25. VOL. VI—NO 21 -TINt Of LARD'JIt =Mothers! rpnK discom child-birth can italorgans.nnd put* them in condition to do their work perfectly. That makes preg nancy less painful, shorten* labor and hasten* recovery after child-birth. It helps a woman bear strong healthy children. Win» has also brought happiness to thousands of homes barren for years. A few doses often bring* joy to loving hearts that long for a darling baby. No woman should neglect to tty it for this trouble. It cures nine cases out of ten. All druggists sell Wine of Cardui. fi.oo per bottle. ■ Fttr advice In cases ragulrinr special directions, address, eldne symptoms, the “Ladles’ Advisory Department.” The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chatts noof*. Toon. ■ra. LOUISA HALE, of Jenhrton. Sa., says: “Whan I Brat took Wins of Cardui wa had been married three ytart.but eould net have any children. Bins months later I had s One girl baby." fYirat Of CARDiii Nowadays, when people discuss the American hog and its products they speak of a group of packing states. None of the southern states is in this group, but Geor gia in 1807 had 2,078,254 while Illinois had only 2,159,425 head Georgia had nearly as many hogs as had the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan com bined. The state of Alabama fol lows Georgia, having 2,051,000 head. No other medicine builds up and for tifies the system against miscarriage as well as Simmons Squaw Vine Wine or Tablets. Reports from Texas indicate that an epidemic of meningitis is prevailing in that state. A tele gram sent out from Fort Worth states that the situation in that city is becoming alarming, thirty deaths having occurred there in a week. The same telegram says similar reports are coming in from other Texas towns. A Clever Trick It certainly looks like it. but there is really no trick about it. Anybody can try it who has Lame Rack and Weak Kidneys, Malria or nervous troubles. We mean he cau cure himself right away by taking Electric Bitters. This med icine tones up the whole system, acts as a stimulant to Liver aud Kidneys, is u blood purifier and nerve tonic. It cures Constipa tion, Headache, Fainting Spells, Sleeplessness and Melancholy. It is purely vegetable, a mild laxa tive, and restores the system to its natural vigor. Try Eleotric Bit ters and be convinced that they are a miracle worker. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50c a bottle at A. M. Winn & Son’s Drug Store. To restore the clear skin, the bright eye, the alert gait and sound health, use Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medicine. Some Things Not to So, Don’t work yourself to death try ing to make a living. Don’t envy your ueigbor’s luck; envy his pluck if anything. Don’t attempt to talk if your mouth is full or your head is emp ty. Don’t forget that quitting a fault is the best way to correct it. Don’t forget that nothing ap pears or disappears quicker than tears. Don’t deride the vanity of others. It isn’t modesty that creates a censor. Don’t think because a man never ! knows what be can do until he tries that it’s always expedient to try. Edward Hines, a famous Eng lish specialist, says: “I am wil ling to risk my reputation as a public man if the worst case of small-pox can’t be cured by the simple use of cream of tartar. One ounce of cream of tartar dis solved in a pint of boiling water, drunk at intervals when cold, ie a certain and never-failing remedy. It has cured thousands, and nev er leaves a mark, never causes blindness aud avoid tedious lin gering.” The Philipino sharp-shooters keep picking off our soldiers around Manila. At the rate now going they will need some new re cruits at Manila. There never was a greater blunder than our govern ment trying to set up a govern ment 4or a nationality across the waters. Constipation of the Bowels may be easily cured by a few doses of Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medioine