The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, March 24, 1899, Image 1

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News-Herald |aSd Constitution, I 12 2s^on.tla.s—sl.2s. i-i r—.-i i—CT 73 0m) 05 Gird sfvi GTrO CTrO Gi ttn) Cif3 Dp ,»r,*;SsJ!“s‘™w.. J Consolidated ta. 1,1898. Katablluhed In 1893. ) CUT PRICES We will not write the Declaration of Inde pendence, but will use what space we have in giving the people of G winnett and surrounding counties the LOWEST PRICES SOUTH OF BALTIMORE! We will sell you until further notice the following goods at prices named below: Men’s Fast Black Half-Hose, 10c kind at 2£c a pair. Ladies’ Mixed Grey and Black Hose, 12£c kind, at 5c pair. Heavy AAA Sheeting, 5c kind, 4c yard. ACA Bed Ticking, the best made, at 10c yard. The Best Appalachee Dress Checks at 84c yard. 5 doz. 18x30 Huck Towels to close at BJc each. 5 doz. Men’s Heavy Suspenders to close at 9c a pair. 5 doz. Club Ties to close at 4c each. 25 doz. Men’s Heavy 64x64 mixed grey and brown Half-Hose 5c pair. Good Dres3 Prints at B|c a yard. 4500 yds Best Calicoes, including Simpson’s, Games’, etc., at 4.)c yd. A few pieces Hamilton Robes to close at 6c a yard. A few pieces Manilla Organdies to close at 24c a yard. A few pieces Richland Ginghams, good quality, at 4c a yard. To every customer trading 5c we give a good Pipe free 80 best Slate Pencils for sc. All the best Dress Linings in Cambric at 4c a yard. 5 pieces White Table Linen, 50c kind, at 25c a yard. 5 pieces Blue and Red Table Linen, 50c kind, at 24c a yard. 10 dozen Ladies’ Hemstitched Handkerchiefs at lc each. 5 pieces Etonant Dress Goods, 10c kind, at 5c a yard. 5 pieces only Fast Black Satteen, color guaranteed, at 6sc a yard. 15 pieces best M. C. Cashmere at 22c a yard. 10 pieces T. C. and F. S. Cashmere, 25c quality, at 16c a yard 10 pieces plain White Lawn, best made, at 6, 64, 7, 74 and 84c a yard. Aluminum Thimbles, 10c kind, at lc each. Only 1 doz, Bailey Powder, to close at 4-J-c a box. 8 doz. Irish Linen Handkerchiefs, 10c kind, at 24c each. Ladies Black Cashmere Gloves, 20c kind, at 18c a pair. 25 doz. best Dress Pins at 11c per dozen papers. And everything in the Dry Goods and No tions line at prices never before heard of in Lawrenceville. Shoes. We have the best selected stock in Law renceville, and will save you from 20 to 30 per cent, on them. See our Men's High Cut Plow Shoes at 92c per pair. Groceries. Granulated Sugar 18 pounds for SI.OO Good Brown Sugar 22 pounds for “ N. O. Crawley Brown Sugar 20 pounds “ Best Green Coffee 11 pounds for “ Cheap “ “ 14 to 16 pounds for “ Arbuckles Roasted Coffee, 11c a pound. Lion Roasted Coffee 10c a pound. Soda, at 2c per pound. Nectarine Tobacco, others get 40c, our price, 25c per pound. Mansfield’s Magic Food for Stock, 19c pck. Pure Wheat Bran, 70c per sack. Hay, Corn, Oats, Meal, Meat, Lard, Hams, Cotton Seed Meal, and everything in the gro cery line always on hand, cheaper than can be bought elsewhere. Specials. We have a job lot of Hats at your own price. We have a lot of Clothing reduced to actual half price. We keep Worsted, Calico and Percal bundles all the time. Men’s Jeans Pants at 40c a pair. We have the best Corset ever offered in Lawrenceville at 40c each. Big line of Hardware; anything you want. Ladies. We have bought the largest and best se lected line of Summer Dress Goods ever shown in Lawrenceville. In Lawns, Ducks, Percals, Bucadines, Dimities, Fantaisie, Or gandies, Peque, Manila Cords, etc., and a full line of woolen dress goods that we will sell cheaper than other merchants can buy them. We bought everything for Spot Cash and got the prices almost cut in half. It has been said that we would break in less than 12 months, but don’t let that keep you from coming to see us; everything in our house is paid for, and we have a fair bank account left. We are going to wake the other merchants up for a little while, and sell goods to our customers cheaper than other, merchants can buy them. We have 150 bbls. of Flour that we will sell you for 30c per barrel cheaper than you can buy it in Atlanta. Bring us your country produce, It will pay countiy merchants to see us—we will save you money. Very respectfully, n. O. Ewing & Q. L. Webb, Managersfor Mrs. Webb’s Cash Store. At the Webb & McGee old stand. Lawrenceville, Georgia, U. 5. A. THE NEWS-HERALD. GRAND JURY PRESENTMENTS. We, the Grand Jury, chosen for the March term of Gwinnett Su perior Court, 1899, submit the fol [ lowing General Presentments, to wit: Through our committees we have examined the books and rec ords of the county officers, and find them neatly, and in our judg ment correctly kept. We find the dockets of the Justices of the Peace throughout the county well j kept. We hereto attach the reports of the several county officers, marked A„ 8., C. aud D. Treasurer’s re port marked “A.” County Com missioners’ report marked “B.” Tax Collector’s report marked “C,” County School Commissioner's re port marked “D.” Supplementa-I ry report marked l ‘E.” Through committees we have ex amined the public buildings care j fully. We find that there are some | glass broken out of the cell-room at the jail that let in too much cold air, and re jommend they be j replaced at once. We also find that the water supply at the jail is , insufficient to keep the sewerage; washed out, which is very impor tant, and call attention to the proper authorities to see that the sewer pipe where it empties out be opened and kept so, and recom mend that a good wind mill be put there at once by proper authori ties sufficient to keep the sewer properly washed out. We also find that the court house roof is in a very bad condition,and j recommend that the roof be re paired at once, before the house is further damaged. We recommend that a grate be put in the Solicit or General’s office, as it is very much needed. Also one of the mantles in the court-room needs repairing, aud should be attended to. The consultation room is in bad condition, and should be white-washed. We recommend that the County Commissioners appropriate $75.00 to build a court house in Cains district. We through committees have visited the pauper farm. W. B. Haslett. and wife, who are in charge, seem to have discharged their duty faithfully in all things pertaining to the wants and needs of those unfortunate persons in their charge. There are twelve in mates in all—three males and ni: e females. The buildings are in good shape and well arranged for the comfort of the inmates. The farm seems cared for aud averages with other farms in that section. We also call attention of the proper authorities to the roads throughout the county as being in a very bad condition, but as there has been so much rain and bad weather through the past winter we cannot attribute any blame to those in charge of the roads, but recommend that they be put in good condition as soon as prudent to do so. Vacancies having been reported to us ou the Board of Education by the resignation of H. L. Shad burn, we recommend that T. C. Shadbtirn take his place on the Board. Vacancies also having been re ported to us in the Notaries Pub lic offices of the 478, 1295, 1897, 408. and 1268 militia districts, we recommend that for the 478th dis trict Robert Ethridge succeed him self. For the 1295th district, John R. Wilson to succeed W. C. Wil liams. For the 408th district, G. W. Pharr to succeed J. A. Hannah. For the 1397th district, C C. Pool to succeed himself. For the 1268 rd district, Hiram Mathis to succeed A. H. Spence. We recommend that our bailiff, A. S. Sudderth, be paid $2.00 per day for hie services in waiting on this, our body. We recommend that • Col. J. A. Perry be paid $5.00 for taking evi dence at preliminary hearing in case of the State vs. Emitt King. We tender to His Honor Judge Russell our earnest and warmest thanks for the courtesy shown this body, aud are pleased to say that we are very much pleased with the speedy and intelligent manner in which he dispatches the business of the court, and the good and quiet order he maintains in the court-room, which we very hearti ly approve. We also tender our thanks to Solicitor-General, C. H. Brand for his courtesy shown our body, and his untiring energy in the prosecu tion of crime, and believe him to be one of the best prosecuting of- LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 1899. ficers in the state, and feel proud j of him as our county man. We recommend that these Gen eral Presentments be published in the Lawrenceville News-Herald. EXHIBIT “A,” Gwinnett Superior Court, March term, 1809. To the Foreman and Gentlemen of the Grand Jury: I herewith submit the following as my my report, to-wit: To bal.on hand Bept. term 1898, $ 8511.88 Amount received since last report 1164&68 $15164.46 Paid out on proper vouchers $5973.70 Com. on ree. SIOOO.OO at 2V4 250.00 ** “ “ 16422)8 at l l * 20.52 “ on paying 4861.10 at 2 l i 121.29 $687»2»2 Making report to Grand Jury. 1.00 S6BBOJ>2 $15154.46 0880212 Balance on hand March. 8,1899 $ 8773.94 Received’si ace la9t report 17.42 $ 8791.86 All of which ig respectfully submitted. C. 1). Jacoih, County Treasurer. EXHIBIT “B.” To the Foreman, and the Gentlemen compos ing the Grand Jury, March term, 1899,Gwinnett Superior Court: I submit herewith my report showing amount of orders drawn an the County Treasurer for the six months from September Ist to March Ist, inclusive: For General County Purposes $2524.44 For Bridges 222.18 For Paupers Inside Poor House 160.49 For Paupers Outside Poor House 570.40 For Keeper’s Salary Six Months .... 1122)0 For Physician’s Salary Six Months 40.00 j 18630.01 j All of which is respectfully submitted. J. P. Bybp, Cl’k. B’rl. Co. Corn’s. EXHIBIT “C.” To the Foaeman and Gentlemen of the Grand 1 I Jury, March term, 1891*: The undersigned Tax Collector of Gwinnett j | county would respectfully ten lerthe following as bis statement of collections and payments of | State and County taxes for the year 1898: FOR STATE EXHIBIT. ! Chargeable on Digest $2955277.00 Slate’s tax rate 6-21-100 18862.27 Professional tax 4202)0 Poll tax on Digest 8818.00 ! Poll tax not on Digest 304.n0 j General tax not ou Digest 299.68 1 Special tax on show „ «0.00 j Amount chargeable. $ 232182*5 CB. Receiver’s Commission $ 500.27 | Collector’s Commission 518.65 Insolvent General Tax 617.88 ! Insolvent Poll Tax 173.59 Em>rs on Digest, gen’l tax 69 28 | Errors on Digest, poll tax .. 14,00 f 1713.67 i Paid Treasurer of Georgia. 21429.18 $ 23218.86 FOR COUNTY BXHIBIT. Chargeable on Digest $2955277.00 Tax rate 3-39-100 10018219 Col. not on digest (including HR tax) 2961.45’ $ 12379.84 CR. By Insolvent List $ 202.78 Errors on Digest 82,35 Relieved by Co. Com 5.83 Collector’s Commission 334.93 Receiver’s Commission 143.90 $ 719.84 Paid County Treasurer 11660.00 $ 12379.84 All of which is respectfully submitted. C. A. Fleming, Tax Collector. EXHIBIT “D.” Lawrenceville, Ga., March 14, 2899. In conformity to the law re quiring the County School Com missioner to make an annual re port concerning the public schools of the previous year, I desire to submit the following: The Board of Education organized 104 schools in this county, 82 for white chil dren and 22 for colored; and chil dren from this county entered 16 schools in bordering counties, ma king 120 schools. 5.774 white chil dren entered these schools, and 1,069 colored, making a total of 6,848 in school, and leaving out about 600 children of scholastic age, who failed to avail themselves of the_ privilege offered them by our public school system. The to tal number of days made by chil dren in this county is 417,078. This number should be increased to at least 740,000 days, if we ex pect to educate the boys and girls of this county. I am confident our people are too negligent con cerning this great work of edu cating the children. We may write of education in our news-pa pers and give it a boom there, but where the work must be done is in the school room. The teacher must be wide awake and full of respect and love for his work, with an active Lrain, showing the child that he has an interest in its be ing useful, and laying the founda tion of its education that the pu pil may be delighted with it, even in dotage. KINANCE. Received from Htate $18682.48 Paid on proper vouchers slßßßo.ol* Balanceoii hand Mch 14. ’09... 248.30 $18682.48 $18682.48 Respectfully submitted. W. T. Tannkk, C.S.C. EXHIBIT “E.” The the Honorable Foreman and Gentlemen of the Grand Jury March term, 1899: I would beg leave to offer as a supplementary report for March 16, 1899, the amount of taxes col lected since report of Marsh 6, 1899, to the above body: Collected on Insolvent list, $288.88 APPROXIMATELY. There are something like a hun dred or a hundred and fifty dol lars collected and uuder levy and advertised to be sold yet in bauds of the Constables that haven’t made final settlement. C. A. Fleming, T. C. Gwinnett Superior Court, March term, 1809. It is ordered that these General Presentments be entered upon the minutes of the court and be pub lished as recommended. C. H. Bkand, Sol. Gen. By order of the Court. R. B. Russkli., Judge. A true extract from the minutes of Gwinnett Superior Court, March | term, 1899. D.T. Cain, Clerk. After Big Trusts. The fight which Attorney Gen eral Monnett of Ohio is making against the standard oil trust and the sugar trust is beginning to at tract the attention of the whole country. The fight oil the Stan dard Oil trust has been in progress for several months, and for a time it was uncertain whether he or the trust would win, but now it looks as if he would bring the trust to terms. It may be, however, that the conclusion of the fight will be staved off until the end of Mr. Monnott’s term of office. There appears to be some ground for j saying that the purpose of the trust is to delay proceedings with the hope that he will be out of of fice before a conclusion of the le gal battle, which he is now waging against it, will be reached. A sto ry was published a few days ago to the effect that he had been of fered $400,000 if he would let the pending case drag along until the end of his term. How much truth there is in this story is not known. It is alleged that Mr. Monnett in tends to bring the fact, that he was offered a big bribe, to the at tention of the Supreme Court of the state. If he does that it will be ample proof that the great trust is alarmed and sought to avoid the consequence of its al leged illegal acts by means which will not stand the light of day. The fight ou the sugar trust promises to be no less sensational than the Sandard Oil. It seems that under a law of Ohio foreign corporations doing business in that state must file with the Sec retary of State a sworn statement of the amount of business it does in the state. It is alleged that the sugar trust has refused to make this statement, and has according ly subjected itself to a heavy fine that proceedings have been be gun against that trust. The amount sued for is $56,000. The statement will show the amount of business done by the trust in Ohio and its method of doing bus iness, and it is to these disclosures it is supposed that the trust ob jects. Attorney General Monnett is about the only public officer who appears to have made headway in fighting trusts. On that account he is getting to be very generally known throughout the country. The law forbidding trusts, how ever, seems to be practically a dead letter. It looks as if the business enterprises of the whole country were being organized into trusts of one kind and another. There is hardly a day but that the announcement of the formation of a great trust is made in the news papers. The movement towards trusts is so powerful that it looks as if it would be impossible to ar rest it. One thing is certain, aud, that is, that before trnsts are crushed out there will have to be more vigorous legislation than there has yet been or else there will have to be prosecuting officers who are more aggressive than those we have at present. —Savan- nah News. Bob Means, a young farmer of Greenville, Kan , has found a rem edy for hard time's which is worthy of the attention of those of his neighbors who may be always in clined to howl calamity. Bob has what he calls a farmers’ alliance corn patch. When the alliance was organized he set off a ten-acre field and vowed that he would nev er work it except at such times as his neighbors, members of the al liance, were off at political meet ings discussing what should be done to save the country from go ing to the dogs. He says that he was compelled to abandon the scheme, as ten acres were not enough, and he found that he was working his corn to death. —Ath- ens Banner.. Pitts’ Carminative aids diges tion. regulates tho bowels, cures Cholera Infantum, Cholera Mor bus, Dysentery, Pains, Griping, Flatulent Colic, Uunatural Drains from the Bowels, and all diseases incident to teething children. For all summer complaints it is a spe cific. Perfectly harmless and free from injurious drugs and chemi cals. Annexation Talks. The sentiment in favor of an nexation is becoming stronger in I Cuba. The men who have some thing at stake are becoming sat isfied, if they are not already, that the Cuban people are not yet pre pared for self government. What they want is a stable government and that they cannot have for a long time if the Cubans are put in control of the island—at least, that is the opinion they hold. What they would like is annexa tion, with a state government like the government which each’ of the states in the American uniou has. And they have au eye also to the commercial advantages which an nexation would give them. If Cuba becomes an independent state the United States will not be an open market for her sugar. She will have to pay a duty on it before she can sell it in the Uni ted States. In that respect she will be at a a great disadvantage with Hawaii and I’orto Rico. And it will cost her a great deal more to maintain an independent gov ernment than L would a state government, and the independent government will not be nearly so stable as a state government would provided of course Cuba were a state in our union. It would be to Cuba’s advantage from every point of view to become a state in our union. The Ameri can people would be the losers to a certain extent, because tho reve nue from Cuba would not be as great ap the amount that would be collected on imports from Cuba at our custom houses, if Cuba should remain independent. It is doubt ful, however, if the majority of the Cuban people can be made to see that it would be to their ad vantage to become a state in our union. They have got their minds set on independence, and nothing will satisfy them but an independ ent government. Of the burdens of Buch a government they know nothing, aud, judging from the kind of men who will be at the head of affaire, the burden will in crease very rapidly. Tho time will come, however, when the conservative sentiment will get the upper hand in the is land, and then annexation will come, but by that time the debt will be so large that the people will have a hard time to pay the interest oil it. It is a pity that the business men and property owners of Cuba have not power to settle the question whether she shall have an independent govern ment or be annexed to tho United States.—Savannah News. Curious Timekeeping. The most curious of timekeep ers in the world, perhaps, are those used by some south sea islanders. Taking the kernels of the nut of the candle tree, they wash and string them on the rib of a palm leaf. This is placed in an upright position and the upper kernel lighted. As the kernels are of the same substance and size, each burns for a certain time, setting fire then to the kernel below. To mark divisions of time the natives tie bits of bark cloth around the string at regular intervals. The American Indian reckons time by days, by sleeps, by moons and by winters. Hours and min utes must take care of themselves, as he has no means of indicating their passage, except in a very general way. Wien ue desires to indicate a shorter period than a day, he points to the heavens, and measuring off a space says, “It was as long as it would take the sun to go from there to there.” A day is from daylight to dark ness; “sleep,” or night, from dark to daylight. He has no name for any day. nor has he any subdivis ion of time corresponding to our week. A moon commences with the first streak of the crescent in the west aud lasts until the next one appears, but the days of the moon are neither numbered nor named. “Prom winter to winter” is the nearest approach he has he has to our term. The year commences with the first fall of snow. An Indian will tell you he is so many winters old, but having no months or days he never has a birthday. Ray’s Immune Kegimtut is ex pected to arrive in Macon soon, where they will be mustered out of the service. The regiment has been in Cuba since last August. « • Henry lioff is now under arrest at Calhoun for disposing of some funds belonging to the fire com pany of that place. He is out on bond and his friends hope to clear him. The Xcit Extravagant Oongren in Bietory. The fifty-fifth saw the “billion dollar” congress and went several better. Its appropriatons foot up I $1,666,980,016. This is a record breaker sure enough. It is esti mated that there will be a deficit! of $100,000,000 at the end of the year. And another bond issue may follow. Mr. Dockery, of Mis souri, the ranking democratic member of the house appropria tions committee, makes the fol lowing statement: “This congress easily surpasses all its predecessors in the stupen dous aggregation of its appropria tions. ' It was thought that the fifty-first congress, commonly known as the “billion dollar con gress,” had in part of extrava gance of appropriations, touched a limit which would not be reached, or at least surpassed, by any of its successors. “This congress, however, has far exceeded the appalling total of appropriations then made and it will be remembered that the “bill ion dollar congress” was followed by overwhelming disaster to the republican party at the ensuing election. “Confronted with a war with Spain, requiring the imposition of additional taxation, it is obvious that rigid economy should have been applied in all other direc tions to the expenditure of public money. The people are willing to meet all the demands upon the national treasury made necessary by the Spanish war, but it is fair to presume that they expected their representatives, in viow of the cheerful disposition manifes ted, to meet these added burdens, to limit the appropriations to the necessities of a wise and economi cal administration. These expec tations have not been realized.” Dr. W. L, Brooks, of Lexington, Qa., has a wonderful freak in the way tree growth. It seems that two postoaks grew side by side and a limb from one grew into the oth er or two limbs, one from each, grew together, making a connect ing link about eighteen inches long between the two trees. So smoothly has the bark grown over where the uniou took place that it cannot be told whether there are one or two limbs or from which tree the limb, if one, sprang. The trees are about six inches in diameter. It is certainly a very odd growth. Cauada has not yet either for gotton or forgiven that it was Kip ling who fastened upon her the name of “The Lady of the Snowß.” The Ottawa Citizen expresses the lingering resentment of this phrase by remarking: “We wouldn’t like to say that it was a case of poetic justice, but here Rudyard Kipling, the gentleman who wrote “The La dy of the Snows,” comes over to New York, lands in the midst of a ’steen-below-zero blizzard, and is laid up with what Mr. Dooley would call pee-neumonia. If he had carried out his original inten tion and wintered up here in the banana belt of this fair dominion, all might have been well.” Misß Jennie Hancock, a nurse, of 2111 Belmore street, Philadelphia, has received a letter from Berlin, Germany, stating that George Richtman, a lawyer, who for a short time lived in Philadelphia, recently died there and bequeathed to her S92,(XX). Miss Hancock, who is 20 years old, says Richtman fell in love with her some time ago and offered to marry her, but she rejected him because she did not love him, as he was above her sta tion. A bill has been introduced in the Massachusetts Legislature to provide a penalty for wagon dri vers who trespass on bicycle paths. The measure was drafted because of the fact that Bostou built a path for wheelmen on Massachu setts avenue, aud before the bicy cles had a chance to use it the track was ruined by teamsters. The late Elder Crawford Tucker, of Colquitt county, Georgia, was the father of thirty-one children, seven by his first, eleven by his second and thirteen by his third wife. Of this number, seventeen were boys and fourteen girls. His direct descendants now number 707. _______ At Cape Grisuez, on the French coast of the British channel, a new lighthouse has been erected. The light is of 1,600,000 candle power in thick weather, and can be seen 48 miles off on a clear night. It sends five successful flashes. y O r ntv M.iw woiy.SeHsiy.^F<CfF3FF O F FF3jj News-Herald jj Err Journal, „S' LV , j ©n.137- $1.25. 1- .... f> - . nIK-i r . 'ni (X^SMSSIGnI VOL. VI.—NO 22 Interesting Paragraphs. There aro ‘450 employes to every 100 miles of railroad in the United States. Admiral Schley and General Otis are both natives of Frederick, Md. It is stated that they are still picking last year’s cotton crop in some sections. The Columbia State says tnat “tho white man’s burden" is smeared with more blood. Wall street is said to be paying something like $1,000,000 a month for war revenue stamps. Crows are being put to new use in New Jersey. They are being caught and sold to trap shooters. The interests in' the success of the State fair to be held in Atlan this fall is increasing steadily. Georgia lost a brilliant aud sue enssful lawyer when Hon. John T. Glenn passed away at his home in Atlanta. The woes of the United States are just beginning. Even Porto Rico, the peaceful, is now fixing for a revolt. Since Admiral Dewey has de clined to run for president, Henry Watterson has another guess, says an exchange. It develops that the Cuban ar my contains as many privates as officers. The Birmingham News thinks that this beats Keutucky. “The name of Wheeler will live and be revered,” observes the Brunswick Times, “when that of Bailey and Reed will have perished in oblivion.” There was more land plowed over in Morgan county last week, according to the Madison Adver tiser, than has been known in years in the Hame length of time. Gen. Gomez did not fight thirty years for money, and because he would not become a mercenary and bleed the United States the patriotic (?) Cubans depose him. Last year the farmers of Geor gia used 400,000 tons of fertilizers for which the paid upwards of $7,- 000,000 or about one forth as much as they received for their cotton crop. The Texas senate upheld Mr. Bailey in his fight agaiust Joe Wheeler by a bare majority of 1. The Macon Telegraph thinks this was a scanty victory for state pride. The Macon Telegraph thinks that it was fortunate fdt Dewey that Sampson was not somewhere within eight or ten miles of Manila bay when the fighting was going on. A little eon of Mr. J. R. Lindsey, of Lawrence county, Georgia, dropped dead while playing in the yard. This makes the fifth child Mr. Lindsey has lost in exactly the samo manner, three of whom died within a year. John W. Holland, of Laurens county Georgia, met death in a terrsble manner. He was at first knocked down by a falling tree, pinioned to the ground and liter ally roasted to death by a fire which his own hands had built. The county school commissioner of Forsyth county in his report to the grand jury says: “The length of the public school term was fixed by the State Board of Education at one hundred aud thirty days. In order to meet this requirement and give the children in the coun try an opportunity to reap the full benefit of the common school fund the board of education of this county allowed the term to be di vided into three sessions, to be taught in the month of January, February, March, July, August, September, November and Decem ber. But owing to the continued wet weather in the fall, the irreg ularity with which the crops ma tured, aud the unfavorable condi tions for gathering the same, but few of the schools were opened du ring the months of November and December, and but few of them were in session more than five and one-half months. Ido not believe that it is practicable to attempt to keep the schools in the country more than five months in each year. The agricultural classes cannot spare their children out of the crops for a longer term than this. It is useless to appropriate money to give the peopie a thing they cannot enjoy. ”