The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, March 31, 1899, Image 4

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The News-Herald. Tamad Irwy^day. Guaranteed Circulation 2100. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Tear. - Six Months Four Months CLUBBING RATES I Constitution and News-Herald - Twice-*-Week Journal and News-Herald... U*s N. Y. World (8 times a week) “ “ ~MARCH 31,1899. Does voir Back Ache? !l In oonstant pain when onß your feet ? 9 Is that dragging, pulling ■ sensation with yo« from mom ■ till night ? Why not put the medicine I exactly o« the disease ? Uhy M not apply the cure right toB the spot itself ? A You can do it with W Dr.Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral Plaster Immediately after the Plaster is applied, you feel ( its warming, soothing in fluence. Its healing remedies quickly penetrate down deep into the inflamed tissues. Pain is quieted, soreness is re lieved and strength imparted. No plaster was ever made like It. No plaater ever acted so quickly and thoroughly. No plaster ever lied such complete control over all kinds of pain. Placed over the chest it is a powerful aid to Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral; relieving congestion and drawing out ail inflammation. FOR SAL* PT ALL nRrOOTSTS. J. 0. AYER CO.. Lowell, Mmi. Names of States Alabama comes from a Greek word and signifies “laud of rest. ” Nebraska means “shallow wa ters.” Oregon is a Spanish word signi fying “vales of wind thyme.” Dakota means “leagued and al lied tribes.” Wyoming is an Indian word for “big plains. ” Washington gets its name for our first President. Montana means mountaineous. Idaho is a name that has never been satisfactory accounted for. California is a name in much dispute. Some writers say it first appeared in a Spanish romance in 1850, the heroine being an Amazo nian named California. Colorado is a Spanish word ap plied to that portion of the Rocky mountain on account of the many colored peaks. Connecticut’s real name is Queen eh ta cut. It is a Mohican word which means “long river.” Delaware derives its name from Thomas West, Lord de la Warr. Florida gets its name from Kau umas de Flores, or “feast of the flowers.” Georgia had its name bestowed ! when it waß a colony, in honor of | George 11. Illinois is supposed to be de rived from an Indian word which was intended to mean a superior race of men. Indiana means “land of In dians.” lowa is named from un Indian tribe, Kiowas, so called by the Ill inois Indians, because they were across the river. Kansas is based the named as Arkansas and has three or four Indian interpretation, the best be ing that signifies “smoke waters,” the French prefix “ark” meaning bow. Kentucky is from the Indian word “Kain tuk,” signifying some thing great. It does not mean as gome suppose, “dark and bloody ground.” Louisana was so named in honor of Louis XIV. Maine takes its name from the province of Maine, in France, and was so called as a compliment to Queen of Charles I, Henrietta, who was its owner. Maryland was also named in honor of Henrietta Marie, queen of Charles 1. Massachusetts is an Indian word signifying “country above the great hills.” Michigan is from an Indian word and means “great Jake.” Mississippi is a Natchez word and means “father of waters.” Missouri means “muddy wa ters.” Nevada is a Spanish word signi fying “snow covered mountains.” New Hampshire took its name ‘from Hampshire, England. It was originally called Laueonia. New Jersey was named for Sir George Carter, who was at that time-Governor of the Island of Jersey, in the British channel. New York was so named as a ; compliment to the Duke of York, ; whose brother, Charles 11., granted J him that territory. The Carolinas got their uames from Charles (Collus) 11. Pennsylvania takes its name from William Penn, the “sylvania” part of it meaning woods. Liter ally it is “Penn’s woods.”. Rhode Island gets its name from its fancied resemblance to the Is land of Rhodes in the Mediterran ean sea. Tennessee, according to some writers, is from Tenasea, an In dian chief; others have it to mean “river of the big bend.” Texas was called by the Spanish missionaries of 1564 “Mixtecaph” and the people Mixtecas. From the last word the name Texas is supposed to have been derived. Virginia got its name from Queen Elizabeth, the “Virgin Queen.” Wisconsin is an Indian word meaning “wild, 'rushing waters.” Robert Barr, the novelist, says that he will wager he can step off a train at any village in England, and at two out of every three houses receive an affirmative an swer to the question, “Have you any relatives in America ?” Sisals I Do you take cold with every change in the weather? Does your throat feel raw ? And do sharp pains dart through your chest ? Don’t you know these are danger signals which point to pneumonia, bronchitis, or consumption itself? If you are ailing and have lost flesh lately, they are certainly danger signals. The question for you to decide is, "Have I the vitality to throw off these diseases ? ” Don’t wait to try SCOTT’S EMULSION “as a last re sort.” There Is no remedy equal to it for fortifying the system. Prevention Is easy. Scott’s Emulsion prevents consumption and hosts of other diseases which attack the weak and those with poor blood. SCOTT’S EMULSION is the one standard remedy for inflamed throats and lungs, for colds, bronchitis and con sumption. It is a food medi cine of remarkable power. A food, because it nourishes the body ; and a medicine, be cause it corrects diseased conditions. Soc. and si.oo, all druggists. SCOTT it BOWNE, Chemists, New York Marietta lournal: On that cold day in February, when the the mometer was 8 below zero, John Boger, colored, whose family resid ed near the marble works, went two miles in the countrv to cut 1 cord wood. The consequence was i his feet and legs to his knees were frost bitten, and he suffered up to Saturday last, lockjaw ensuing, and death resulted. A most important change has been made in the instruction tc tax receivers just issued from the office of Comptroller General Wright. The day for making re turns has been placed on Feb. 1. Those who take the oath to give in their property after the tax re ceiver’s books open on April 1 will be required to swear to the amount they held on Feb, 1, instead of March 1, as heretofore. Monday afternoon a marring" I ceremony was performed with great solemnity in trout of the court house in Athens, T. F. Tid well and Miss Beulah Jones being the contracting parties. Mr. Tid- I well had just secured his license f and hail started hack to the bug gy w’here Miss Jones was sitting when he met Judge J. F. Foster, and asked him to perform the wedding ceremony. Judge Foster 1 t suggested that they step into the; | court house, hut they decided that ! was unnecessary, and the marriage J was solemnized with the two peo-; - pie sitting in the buggy. Crippled by Rheumatism. Those who have Rheumatism find themselves growing steadily worse ail the while. One reason of this is tiisl the remedies prescribed by the doctor! contain mercury and potash, which ul timately intensify the disease by caus !■* the joints to swell and stiffen, mduoiag a severe aching of the bones. 9. 8. 8. has been curing Rheumatism tor Iwrenty years — even the worst cases which seemed almost incurable. Ompt. O. E. Hushes, the popular railroad •Midactor, of Columbia, 8. 0., had an experi ence with Rhaamattaxn which convinced him that there !h only one earefor that painful HU ©Me. He saya: "I waa a great sufferer from mu a- / cular Rheumatism for . La two years. I.oould get no permanent relief Wr w\ from any medicine pre- L£. y 4j •art tod by my phyribolan. KjHHLV J I took abowtadoceA hot- Wgßmtk ftlee of your 8. B. 8., and mow I am as well as I ewer vm Inmy life. lam X JjSgF •Sro that your medicine f-’T •ared me, and I would rasrVHMF recommend It to any one T " ,iri / •offering from any blood disease.” Everybody knows that Rheumatism iff a diseased state of the blood, and eiily a blood remedy is the only proper treatment, but a remedy containing potash and mtreury only aggravate* the trouble. S.S.S.tL Blood being Partly Vegetable, goes direct to the very cause of the disease and a per manent cure always results. It is the only blood remedy guaranteed to con tain no potash, mercury or other dan gerous minerals. Books mailed free by Swift Specific Company, Atlanta, Georgia. Houston Home Journal: Hon. W. C. Dodson of Americus, presi dent of the Georgia Senate, is said to be preparing himself to succeed Hon. E. B. Lewis as Repreniative of the third congressional district. As he is a brother-iu-law of Mr. Lewis, the truth of this rumor would mean that our present con gressman will not offer for re-elec tion. However, we put Mr. Dod son on notice that he will have most vigorous opposition in this and other parts of the district. Dahlonega Nugget: The other night when the cyclone passed through Davis’ district it blew open the door of Jasper Satter field’s residence and burst a hole through the roof and passed out like a cannon ball. And down at Ed McDonald’s, near town, it blew a large quantity of home-made lye soap from a keg which was in the smokehouse and never displaced the vessel, only moving the build ing slightly. Quite a number of people have been there to see it since the storm, finding plenty of soap, but it is scattered all over the ground in the building. At Bruton, recently, J. M. Lov ett and Ben Maddox were shot by a negro named Steve Smith. Lov ett was shot three tftnes, once in the left knee and once in each side, while Maddox was only slightly wounded by two bullets glancing each side of his head. Lovett stabbed the negro several times while grappling with him, and finally got a Winchester and shot the negro several times, kill ing him instantly. Both parties are prominent merchants of Bru ton. Neither Lovett uoj Maddox received wounds of a serious na ture, and are now resting easy. Righteousness is walking up rightly in the place. Better live without an earthly friend than die without a heavenly I one. THRESHING MACHINERY ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS. HOE SAWS, TEETH, RINGS, SAWS REPAIRED. BELTING, MILL SUPPLIES. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST.—“THE RUSSELL" IS THE BEST. Parties who are contemplating the purchase of Threshing outfits will find it to their interest to buv “RUSSELL” machinery. It has stood the test of time for about sixty years, and you will find it up-to-date with the very latest improvements. We take pleasure in fnruish ish to parties interested catalogues and prices. WINDER, GEORGIA. DABNEY HARDWARE CO. “Pitts’ Carminative Saved My Baby's Ufa." Johnson Station, G*., September 16, 189*. LAMAR & RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen: 1 can not recommend your Pitts’ Carminative too strongly, as I owe my baby’s life to it. She had Cholera Infantum when five months old, and 1 could ret no relief until 1 began using Pitt’s Carminative. The fever left her when I had given her but two bottles, and she had fattened so she did not look like the same child. 1 advise all mothers who have sickly or delicate children to give this remedy a trial. Respectfully, MRS. LIZZIE MURRAY. It Saved Her Baby— Will Save Yeurm• . . . .TRY 1T.... nm nemi id mum, No Extra Charge for Hearse and Services. LAWRENCEVILLE CITY SCHOOL. Thoroughly graded. No irregular pupils. Tuition must he paid in advance. Regular attendance of pupils is re ouired. All friends and patrons are urged to visit the school. Spring term, January 2nd—June 4th. Catalogues JAS. A- BAGWELL. Superintendent.' The Easter Bornet Talks. Oho, gentlemen all, With big, fat purses and small! I’m Easter Bonnet! And, doggonit, I’m a-comiug A-humming! That’s what! There’s a lot Of me due! Sister <3 lie And Cousin Mary And all the rest must have fairy Creations in lace To crown each pretty face— That's me! W 1 ee! I’m a pretty face crowner from way Back—say! Man, poor man,gives me the frappe Stare! Every Month there are thousands of wo men who nearly suffer death from irregular menses. Some times the period ” comes too often sometimes not often enough-—sometimes the flow is too scant, and again it is too profuse. Each symptom shows that Nature needs help, and that there is trouble in the or gans concerned. Be careful when in any of the above con ditions. Don't take any and every nostrum advertised to cure female troubles. BRADFIELD’S FEMALE REGULATOR is the one safe and sure medicine for irregular or pain ful menstruation. It cures all the ailments that are caused by irregularity, such as leucor rhoea, falling of the womb, nervousness; pains in the head, back, breasts, shoulders, sides, hips and limbs. By regulating the menses so that they occur every twenty-eighth day, all those aches disappear together. Just before your time comes, get a bottle and see how much good it will do you. Druggists sell it at si. Send for our free book, “Perfect Health for Women.” THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR LO. ATLANTA, GA. But I get there With all My fal- Der of Flying in the breeze— Well, I should sueeze! Did you ever see Me Do up a fifty dollar bill ? Oh, I can make it look ill In four minutes by the clock! I can knock The spots off a pocketbaok, And make a bank account look Like a dyspeptic Spanish peseta— Wheel And, hully-gee! Ain’t 1 great? Wait Till vou see Me! I come in all styles; Some of me have miles Of ribbon, and then, Again, There are some of me So teeney we That You can’t tell whether I’m a hat Or a bottle of mucilage! But at any stage Of the game I’m Sublime, And a horrid tamale Man isn’t in it at all, he Cannot appreciate My great Beauty! He feels it his duty To swear And tear His hair Because I am so Small about the size, and, oh! So large about the hill! Man is a peculiar pill Anyway! Say! I'm the Easter Bonnet, And, doggonit, I’m a-comiug | A humming! Grab me, ladies fair, Let the men tear Their Hair And swear— What do we caro ? They’ll have to pay The bills and look pleasant, eh ? Who-o-o-o-o-o o-o-o-o-o-o! That’s the wind whistling through My feather—adieu! F. F. .IUHAN L. F MCDONALD. juhan & McDonald, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Lawrenceville, - - - Ga. Will practice in all the courts, State and Fed eral. Long and successful experience in every departmt'nt of the law. Bankrupt Practice a Specialty. If you can’t pay what you owe come and let us give that relief the law provides for you, and begin life anew. Age and long experience, youth, proficiency and energy combined. Try us, and you will not regret it. W. T. HINTON, PHYSICIAN AND J3URGEON, Dacula, - - - - Ga. Located at the late Dr. S. H. Freeman old stand, and any of his former customers will find me ready to serve them. Chronic Diseases a Specialty. All calls promptly' attended to, day or night V. tL MITCH ILL, T. B. BUSK. MITCHELL & BUSH, Physicians * and * Surgeons, LAW BENGE VILLB, GA. Mea on Pike itrMt Galls ivaawarad at aay hear, day or night. J. C. Harris, Physician and Surgeon, SUWANEE, GA. Diseaaae of womei a epeclaltj T. F. Bozeman, BARBER. Perry Street, Near Ewing Hotel First-Class Work, Clean Towels, Sharp Razors CLARK BANKS, -4-THE OLD RELIABLE BARBER,*- Can be found at his old stand around the corner from Dr. Winn’s drug store, on Pike street, where he has been for the past 8 years. He invites his friends to call, as suring them of an old Georgia welcome. First-class work Sat isfaction guaranteed. 11-26-ly JOHN M. JACOBS, DENTIST, Lawrenceville, - - Ga. Office over G. W. A A. P. Cain's store. j7a. perry, ATTORNEY-AX-LAW, Lawrenceville, : : Ga. I Office over G. W. & A. P. ( aln’a St or . All business entrusted to my care will re- j ceive prompt attention. (). A. MX. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office-Grogan st. Next door to News-Herald Lawrenceville, Ga. Will practice In all the courts, Careful at tention ta all legal business. Sep 98-]y T.XL PEEPLES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Lawrenceville, - - Ga. Practices in the State courts. Special atten tion given to the winding up of estates. S. L. HINTON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Dacula, - Ga. Office near the depot. Chronic diseases a spe cialty; 20 years experience. The patronage of the public solicited. R. W. PEEPLES, ATT ORN EY-AT-LAW, Lawrenceville, - - - Ga. close attention given all business placed in my hands. N. L. HUTCHINS, JR., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in postoffice building. Prompt atten tion given to collections and practice in State and Federal courts. OSCAR BROWN, JNO. R. COOPER. Lawrenceville, Ga. Macon. Ga. BROWN & COOPER, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. Criminal Law A Specialty. ffai/'w AuvS£Jlt>/C£ TO ALL POINTS NOBTH, SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST Schedule in Effect Dec. 11, 1898 SOUTHBOUND. No. 403. N 0.41. Lv New York, via Pa. K. R. I *ll ooam * 9 OOp m Lv Washington “ “ 4 40pm 430 am “ Richmond, via AC L 9 00pm 905 “ “ Portmoutb SAL *8 45 pm *9 20 ** Ar Weldon, 1110 pm 11 50 ani Ar Henderson 12 57 am 150 pm Ar Raleigh, 2 16am 334 p m “ Southern Pines 4 23 “ 6 58 “ “ Hamlet *5 07 “ 6 53 “ “ W ilmington SAL | *l2 05pm | “ Monroe, SAL | * 643 am | * 9 12 “ A r Charlotte, via S A L |* 7 50am j *1025 pm A r Chester, via SAL- j* 808 am *lO 56pm “ Greenwood 10 35 “ 107 am “ Athens 113 pm 3 48" “ “ Atlanta. • | 350 “ 620 “ Lv Lawrenceville j *2 31pm 1 *5 04am NORTHBOUND. No. 402. No 38. Lv Atlanta, S A L, I *1 00 pm | *8 56 pm Ar Athens 8 16pin 1119 “ “ Greenwood 5 41“ 2 03 am *• Chester 753 “ 4 25 “ Ar Monroe. 930 p m 555 a m Ar Charlotte, via sal | *1025 pm | *7 50 a m “ Hamlet S A 17~ *llls “ *7 45 Ar Wilmington, SAL *l2 05 pm “ Southern Pines SAL j*l2 08 am *9 00 am “ Raleigh 210 “ 1118 “ “ Henderson, 3 28“ 1250 j)m “ Weldon, J 455 ain 250 pm Ar Portsmouth I 725 “ 520 pm Ar Richmond AC L *8 45 “ I*7 12 “ “ Washining, via p r r 12 31pm 11 10 “ New York 623 “ |653 am L\ Lawrenceville | 207 pm f *lO spm * Daily. fDaily, Lx. Sunday, t No 403 and 402.---The “Atlanta Special,” Solid Pullman Vestibuled Train of Pullman Sleepers and Coaches between Washington and Atlanta also Pullman Sleepers between Portsmouth anti Chester, S.C. Nos. 41 and 38, “The S a D Express,” Solid Train, Coaches and Pullman Sleepers between Portsmouth and Atlanta. Company Sleepers between Columbia and Atlanta. Immediate Connections —At Atlanta for Montgomery,New Orleans, Texas, Mexico, Cali fornia, Macon. Pensacola, Selma and Florida No extra fare on any train, For tickets sleepers, and information, apply to ticket agem or to B. A. Newlanp, General Agent, Wm. B. Clements, T. P. A., Atlanta, Ga E. St. .John, Vice Pres, and General Manager. V. E. Mcßke, Gen. Superintendent. H. W. B. Glovkk, Traffic Manager. L. S. A LLEN, General Pass. Agent, General Offices Portsmouth, Va. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Condensed Schedule in Effeot Dec. 4th, IS9B. STATIONS. jf 0 8 }?- £>v. dharleeton... 7 It) a m Lv. Columbia 11 05 a m “ Prosperity 12 10 n’n “ Newberry 12 25 p m “ Ninety-Six 1 20 p m " Greenwood. 740 a m 155 p m At. Hodges BUP a m 215 p m Xr. Abbeville * m 245 p m Ar. Belton 850 ain 310 p m j£r. Anderson IT 35 a m 335 p m Ar. Greenville. 10 l 6 a m 415 p m Ar.'Atlanta 355 pm 9so p m STATIONS. jD 81l f 4 I»T. (Greenville. .. .".. 5 30 p m l 6 16 a m “ Pie<linont rtUOpm 10 40 am ** Williamston. 632 p m 10 55 a m tfV. Anderson 4 45 p m 10 45 a m Lv. Belton ... .7..... 645 p m 11 15 a m Ar. Donnalda 7 16 p m 11 40 am Lv. Abbeville. 6 lo p m I~TT~~2O a m Lv. Hodges 735 p m ll 5n a m “ Greenwood 800 p xn 12 40 p m “ Ninety-Six 12 55 p in “ Newberry .. 200 p m Ar. Prosperity 2 14 p m ** Columbia 330 p m Ar. (Charleston 8 00 p m gte stations. ~fl§bp 7 loa Lv.!'.. Charleston Ar 8 00p; 11 QQa ~B§oa 11 80n ** Columbia . .. “ T2up 9 30p 9 07a 12 lop 4 ‘ Alston. ..Lv 2 3op 8 50a 10 04a 12-Jp Santuc “ 1 28p 7 40p 10 20a 2 OOp “ Union. “ 105 p 7 30p 10 39a 2 22p “ Jonesville “ 12 25p 6 53p 10 64a 2 37p “ Pacolet “ 12 l4p 6 42p 11 25a 3 lOp Ar.. Spartanburg.. Lv 11 45a 6 Isp 1140 a 3 40p Lv.. Spartanburg. Ar 11 22a 6 OOp 2 45p ; 7 00piAr—Asheville Lv t\2Qa 3 05p j p. m. rr A,” a. m. Pullman palace sleeping ears on Trains3sand ; 86, 37 ana 38, on A. ana C. division. Dining care on these trains serve all meals enroute. Trains leave Spartanburg, A. & C. division, northbound, 0:45 a. m., 3:37 p. m., 6:10 p. ; i Vestibule Limited); southbound 12:28 a. m., :16 p. m., 11:34 a. in., (Vestibule Limited.) Trams leave Greenville, A. and 0. division, | northbound, 6:50 a. m., 2:84 p. m. and 5:22 p. m., (Vestibuled Limited): southbound, l ;25 a m., 4:30 p. m., 12:30 p. m. (Vestibuied Limited). Trams 9 ana 10 oarry elegant Pullman sleeping cars between Columbiu and Asheville enroute daily between Jacksonville and Oincin nali. tRANK S. GANNON, J. M. CULP, Third V*P. & Gen. Mgr., Traffic Mgr., Washington, D. (i Washington,!). C. W. A. TURK. S. H. HARDWICK, Gen. Pass. Ag’t. As’tGen. Pass. AgH. Washington, D. C. 4»innta. Ga. CUTAWAY HARROWS. CHATTANOO SYRACUSE PLOWS, ROTARY DISC PLOWS, MANURE DIS TRIBUTERS, CHAMPION MOWERS and BINDERS. _ a ■ ■ m iMb rut this ad out and send to us and If you SFND OWE DOLLAR 1?- V," m «>*,itu or, Oliß SPECIAL OFFER PRICE $55.00 »rd“r. the a BUILT IN OUR OWN FACTORY IN CHICAGO. on honor from the best material money can buy. While in our Free Buggy Catalogue we show. Top J 1 * 0 * J * other makers at $2’.30, $23.75 and $34.73 the ex* t sano- b iggy that are t»old by machinery dealers, at f45.()0 to |75."0 xml are being wiielv advertised by many atS-w.OO w. OUR ACME QUEEN AT 555.00 is the most woruerful va ue ever offered- THK hOWKST PHItS K>E« Oi l*.. UON TilK BIST BI UVT THAI C’AT BK Bl ILT. W e malntiun our own five story buggy factory for ths sole purp-ce of building a id selling a lIKTTKR ll> Til A 5 WK CAN BI T KLsKWHKRK sal U» HAM OIK CIBTOJHWB SUHt.TA'TI RKR'B PBOIIT \ I X Every Bugsy We Make Is Guaranteed Jy / Five V ;ars and They Will out wear Five \ THE tHATEIML AKG UkOli IN OU* ACME QUEEN yj more ih n duulde that In the ordinary factory /An. ij .uggy. We \i*e a *2.»« cushion cloth, some use / \ v 0 '>o cent wem-ta*! .iOi ad lining, some use4§cent: / \ "J we e* ni leiLther, M ine 9 cent; \ r colorsard varnishes, some u~e 75cent and 11.00 WB V" PAY ALMOST DOUBLE the price niotrt, makers T , av for Wh»l». A\l«s. s,,ri,, g N. Duhn mad Sortefß, ACME QUEEN. OUR OWN MAKE.) tM-raime UK W tNT THK BKHT. our wheels, gear an J h ~ .. .are W . erKubhed an.l theSatertal and Labor la Palcllnr OUR ACME QUEEN, would paiat thisM-rhsap buniss. ? \ "rrn io t? 70 buggies tv day and 'to advertise our burffy factory we .re —llllnv to MKI.L THfc. oil 7i w7' nu»?T «l“.l'. We know*,7o.(lodaily_ profit oo 70bUKFica will u», u, ~„r»»herr, ." J b Tt l ,' E i 'ac' : m E 'i?SiTi(l hwmXM,, « i I.- track, cloth or leather trlinmed, end »prlnm,bnlTeii douaSrr t"r. .“Spanel hack, spring in l.a. k. 1,.11.,r B.a. ...d h.i«, Huliber Stop. V.l.rt Urprt, i .... 21 ol inciif- Vo 1 Sarven’s patent screwed rim w heel- palmed In 16 eoats, body black, gear dark green w ith SFtND ONE LfOLLA.K . ..rt .'V pay the railroa.l ayent balanra. Plt.oo ...1 tl ,, hlni ,. , ... J the agentaill return Wkyat our expense and we will return yohr 11,00. frol*liltn.rt,. I y \CTORY BOGOY n sI I al-no-t by all Machinery Dealera a„,l SUV THE h,.iT BUOCY MONEY CAN BUILD, direct from the Maker attheLOWESl PRICE EVhli SNOfffl. OBDERTODAY. DON T DELAY WRITE FOR OUR FREE BUOCY, CARRIACE AND HARNESS CATALOCUE. mi™., SEARS, R3E3UC K & CO. (Inc.), CHIC A CO, ILL. BRADWELL * ACADEMY. A HIGH SCHOOL. We prepare vouug men for Sophinore class in College, or to take their place in life with a High School education. Notice the studies our Senior class pursues, to wit: Higher Algebra, Geometry, Physics, General History, American Literature, Zenophon s Anabasis (optional), and a combined course in Ciesar, Sallust and Cicero. Pupils who complete the prescribed course will receive a High School Diploma. B’or any desired information, address SAMUEL W. DuBOSE, LUXOMNI, GA. PRINCIPAL. ORDER YOUR FINE BOURBON, RYE ANDCORN WHISKIES Gins, Kutns, Scotch and Irish Whiskies, Clarets, Bottled Beers, Port and Sherry Wines, Ale arid Porter, Club Soda and Ginger Ale (Cantrel & Cochran’s), and Apolinaris water from POTTS-TIIOMPSON LIQUOR COMPANY, 7-9 I>eca.tur St., Kimball House Block, Atlanta, Ga. Phone 48. PVb. 10. - Everett Pianos, Harvard Pianos, Bush & Gerts Pianos, Strich & Zeidler Pianos. Any of the above makes of Pianos can be bought very close for cash or on installment payments. There are 25 Everett Pianos now in use at the Gaii isville Seminary, and are giving entire satisfaction. The Harvard Pianos have the “Plectraphone” attach ment, by the use of which you can imitate the Banjo, Guitar or the Mandolin. The new Opera House, Athens, Ga., has a Harvard in use, and is very satisfactory. Mrs. M. J. Perry, Carl, Ga., has just purchased a Har vard Piano. I also haudle the “FARRAND & VOTEY” Organs, and purchase them in CAR LOAD LOTS, having already sold four car loads this year. The Farrand & Votey is the only absolutely Rat-Proof Organ on the market, notwithstanding others claim to handle them. Prices and catalogues will be promptly mailed on applica tion. HOPE HALE, Athens, - - Georgia, C. A. WATKINS, Blacksmith, Machinist and Woodiorkman, Lawrenceville, Ga. Repairing of all kinds. With two forges, and mechan ics with a thorough knowledge of their business, we are prepared to do all kinds of work in Iron and Wood on short notice We have a machine for sharpening gin saws, a cutter and threader for working over iron pipe and boiler fittings, and can save you money on jobs of this kind. Old wagons, buggies, carriages, etc., made good as new. Horse shoeing a specialty. Give us a call—satisfaction guaranteed. At the old stand east of Cornett’s livery stable. i Pf&l/C RSdUCV IN THE Kitchen, and still have your OrtVt MIMtT : ne f ls , wel J p repare f„ by buyin s th / i ■ ■■■- v • best value for your dollars ever offered. Li ENTERPRISE E They are made of Southern iron by Southern workmen, who are sustained by the products of Southern farmers. They last longer and make more homes happy than any other Stove on earth. Fire Backs guaranteed for Fifteen Years. Over 200,000 have stood the test, and every one has proven sat isfactory. If your dealer don’t handle 'them, write for Catalogue. PHILLIPS & BUTTORFF MFi], CO. NASHVILLE, TENN. Manufacturers of Cooking and Heating Stoves, Mantels and : Grates, Hollowware, Tinware, etc. Importers of and dealers in China, Crockery, Glassware, Cut -1 lery, Wooden and Willowware. Everything necessary and convenient for the Kitchen, Dining Room, Laundry | and Dairy. Let us quote you prices on our NATIONAL STEEL RANGES^