The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, April 14, 1899, Image 2

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The News=Herald. KnWrerl »t L»wreni-eTilli> pontoffice as nrronri-rlMt matter TUBLIBHKD EVERY FRIDAY Official Organ Gwinnett County. LairtDceTille Pnblishing Co., Proprietors. "W. G. McKslley, Editor. OCAL ZtSTETWS. Mr. H. E. Edwards, ror popular I depot ageut, will visit friends in ! the far west during May. “Dick" is one of the oldest employees ol j the Seaboard, and we are reliably informed that he stands at the head of the rack with the Seaboard officials. One of the teachers in the City ; school was up before the Board of Education last week for correcting one of the pupilj. After an iuves- i tigation, the teacher was exhon orated, and the obstreperous pupil has been withdrawn from school by his parents. There seems to be no disposition on the part of our leading farmers for a fair this fall, nor for making an exhibit of Gwinnett’s resources at the State fair. The backward season has convinced everybody that this is to be a year of hard work, with little play. Dr. W. J. Rowe, of Buford, was here Monday. While he reported that smallpox in a mild form ex isted in his city, he stated that there was no alarm felt and the excitement had about died out. Twc or three new cases developed this week, but none of the pa tients are dangerously ill. Judge John P. Webb ig proving to be one of our most wide-awake and progressive citizens. He has been adding greatly to the appear ance of his residence and premises on Mechanic street by the appli cation of paint, building new fences, etc. His residence looks real nobby since it is dressed in its coat of white. Mr. J D. Wallace has torn away the old eye-sore on Clayton street near the Seaboard depot, and is erecting in its stead a neat modern cottage. He is also preparing to build a store house on the corner next to the depot. He is entitled to the thanks of the town for his enterprising spirit, and the tearing away of that old building. Mr. C. U. Born having recently severed his connection with the Lawrenceville Branch Railroad, is now connected with his brother, Dr. M. A. Born, iu the manufact ure of “Born’s Consumption Cure.” “Little Bud” proposes to put the proper life in this business, which, together with the already famous reputation of their medicine, is sufficient assurance of it being handled on a large scale. The “Lawrenceville Orchestra” has been organized in our city, with the following members: ‘•Oscar Brown, Gus Shackelford, Bob Robinson, Will Pentecost, Tyler Peeples, Vic Hutchins and Jack Poe. The boys will begin practicing at once to be in voice for the spring picnics. They will also furnish music for the laying of the corner stone of the Baptist church, which takes place April 26th. Mr. J. W. Butler, of the Chat tanooga Plow Co., gave us a pleas ant call Tuesday. Mr. Butler is a native of Gwinnett county, hav ing been born in Harbins district. He moved away when he was only 10 years of age, and has since re sided in Tennessee. Temporarially he is living now at Barnesville and is educating his children at Gordon Institute. Mr. Butler is a tine gentleman of the old school, and is prond of Gwinnett, ' his native county. Hr. Thomai Says He It Not Insane. Lawrenceville, April 24. — To my friends in Gwinnett Coun y: There appeared a very humiliating item in The News-Herald against me last week. I had just reasou for leaving home; reasons I don’t care to state in the paper. I start ed to see my father in North Ala bama, as I was unpleasant at home. Wasu’t able to travel, and learning that my friends in Gwin nett were uneasy about me, I re turned to Lawrenceville, Some have stated I left for debt; not true. I intend to pay all I owe in this county just as soon as 1 can. lam willing under any and all circumstances to do what I couoeive to be the right. Respectfully, W. H. Thomas. CRUSE Special to THE NEWS. Sunday school at Beaver Ruin . is moving along very nicely. Our farmers are very much de layed, on account of so much rain. Dr. V.G. Hopkins visited home | folks recently. Miss Julia Hopkins, of near this , place, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Sam Craig, of near Lawrenceville. j CITY COURT CONVENES. 1 The regular April term of the City court convened Monday. The most notable feature of this court has been the large number of ver dicts returned of not guilty. Several remitters returned from j the Supreme court were made judgment of the City court, of which we make no mention. Other wise, following is a list of cases disposed of up toWeduesday night: State vs E. C. Speer, Assault and battery, Not guilty. State vs Charlie Hudson, As sault and battery, Not guilty. State vs C. B. Scott, Fornica tion and adulteiy, Not guilty. State vs Dora Holliday, Forni cation and adultery, Not guilty. State vs C. B. Scott and Mrs. C. B. Stfott, Nol prossea. State vs June Horn, Misdemean or, Not guilty. State vs Jasper Davis, Misde meanor, Not guilty. State vs Thos. Deaton, Misde meanor, Nol prossed. State vs Hance Stewart, Misde meanor, Settled on payment of costs. State vs Jim Thompson, Whip ping wife, Guilty. State vs Thomas Deaton, Carry ing pistol, Plea of guilty. Sen tenced to pay a fine of $25. State vs Emory Manning, Sim ple larceny, Not guilty. State vs Frank Braswell, Misde- I meanor, Not guilty. State vs N. G. Robinson, Selling liquor, Not guilty. State vs N. G. Robinson, Simple larceny. Not guilty. State vs W. F. Herrington, Misdemeanor, Not guilty. State vs Ola Banks, (col,) Lar ' ceny from the house, Guilty. State vs Charlie Camp, Assault and battery, Not guilty. State vs W. L. Hewatt, selling mortgaged property, Not guilty. Additional proceedings next week. The Court will probably be in session till Saturday afternoon. Death of Mrs. H. W Sexton. Mrs. H. W. Sexton, better known as Aunt Margaret, died at her home four miles east of Lawrence ville Saturday, April Bth, after a short illness. The body was in terred at old Prospect cemetery on Monday, before a large concourse of relatives and friends. Aunt Margaret was well advanced in years—perhaps about 80. She was the mother of four children, two daughters and two sons. One son and the two daughters preceded her to the spirit land, She leaves behind one sou and an aged hus band to mourn after her, who have the sincere sympathy of all who know them. I have known Aunt Margaret since I can remember. A better woman never lived. I have al ways loved her. Many times when I was a little bov I have eat upon her knees and heard her tell “the old, old story of Jesus and His love.” But Aunt Margaret is no longer among us. She has reached the end of her journey. She was a faitbfpl member of the M. E. church,South, at old Prospect, and loved her church, her family and all good people. I thank God for my own satisfaction that Aunt Margaret is today clothed with a spiritual body like unto Christ, resting, sweetly rosting in the Heavenly throng. Thank God for the memory of this good woman. Thos. A. Hasi.ett, Landers—Burges. At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noah Wiley on last Sunday Mr. James F. Burges was happily mar ried to Miss Linnie Landers. Miss Landers, is a sweet and accom plished young lady, while the groom is one of Fulton county’s most promising young men. Judge Barker officiated. A Friend. A Common Hanger. If you have ever had a cold which you permitted to “wear away” it may interest you to know it was a danger ous proceeding. Every cold and cough which is neglected paves the way for consumption, bronchitis, asthma or ca tarrh. Otto’s Cure, the famous Ger man throat and lung remedy, will cure any cough or cold and save you from consumption. Sold by all druggists. Prices 25c. and 50c. per bottle. The Gwinnett Singing As:o:iation. By invitation of Hebron church, this Association will convene there on the sth Sunday in April at 8 o’clock a. m. All are invited to bring their music books and well filled baskets. N. B. Bates, Pres’t. Oscar Brown, Sec’t. Doors Windows Blinds Lumber Laths Shingles Mouldings Locks Hinges Your , Patron age Solicited. Prices Right. J. A. AMBROSE & CO- Lawrenceville. Ga "SPRING MILLINERY -x- + -x- My stock of Spring Millinery • has arrived, consisting- of tbefj Latest Styles in Hats, Trimmed aad Untrimmed, if RIBBONS ami LACES, FAN-! €Y BELT BUCKLES, SHIRT 1 WAIST PINS, BABY CAPS.g NECKTIES, ETC. The styles are different and (| much prettier than last year’s, p and my stock contains the latest u shapes. Call and see my goods, and 1“ will endeavor to please you. A large stock of Sailor Hats, }= all colors and shapes, that are go- [: | ingat very low prices. Miss Hattie Melton, \ 1 LAWRENCEVILLE. GA. ! InllMfllui lillnllllnnliitMllHnliMnlßk a CtlTf ICf SNELLVILLE. Special to THE NEWS. Not much pickness. Some of the farmers are taking things fair and easy and some arc grumbling. R. R. Gresham, Samuel Worthy and T. L.Harris were elected dea cons of the Baptist church Satur day, and will be ordained next 2nd Saturday. There was some business trans acted in court Saturday. Dr. Co fer successfully plead a case against Col. Lon Field, of Stone Mountain. John B. Gresham and friend, of Meadow, were in our midst Sun day. Uncle Bob Whitworth i 6 an ex pert at rolling wet sand on a wheel barrow iib well as teaching the “young idea how to shoot,” the re sult of a trick played by the boys. Gladdie Snell is now called papa. A new boy has made its arrival at his house. CENTREVILLE. Special to THE NEWS. The farmers are making good time while the sun shines. Miss Henri Guess (laid Stone Mountain a visit last Sunday. J. T. Campbell has the prettiest field of wheat we have seen. Joe is one of our best farmers. Dr. Guess thinks there should be a law to prohibit the clipping of tongues of tongue-tied female children. He says it is against bis profession to clip them. Rev. Ilaslett filled his regular appointment here on last Sunday. T. L. Evans is having to hustle around more lively than common these days on account of the ar rival at his home of another bright baby boy. The boy and his moth er are doing nicely. W. T. Brady, accompanied by bis little daughter, Jessie, and Miss May Gresham went over to Atlanta Sunday to see relatives. Notwithstanding the cold weather some of the farmers are beginning to plant corn. W. J.Veal and wife, of Bermu da, were here Sunday. There will be an all-day singing at Rockbridge church on the fifth Sunday. Bring your ‘‘old book.” Harold Campbell is spending a few weeks with relatives near Nor cross. The small boy can be seen with his fishing rod going toward the small stream to catch the small minnow. Centreville has a flourishing Sunday school under the skillful management of W. T. Brady. Prof. Summers is having a right good school at this place. Miss Coruelia McCalla, of near Couyers, spent a few days of last week as the guest of Mrs. W, H. Summers J. P. Watson treated his family to a new organ a few days ago. PNIEY GROVE. Special to THE NEWS. Miss Mary Powell spent Satur day right and Sunday with Mrs, Palmer, of Between. Robert Barnett and Herbert Car ter visited Walnut Grove Sunday. The sick that we meutioued in our last week’s letter are all im proving some. M. N. Pratt and Mrs. Lizzie Bentley spent Saturday and Sun day in Monroe. Measles seem to be ragiug in our community. The debate at Bay Creek last Saturday night was very interest ing. The death angel has again visit ed our section, and claimed as its victim the infant of Mr. and Mrs. John Giggers. To the bereaved ones we extend our heartfelt sym pathy. - SUWANEE. Special to THE NEWS. An Epwortli League has been organized at this place with quite a number of members. The young people are much interested in it, and promise to make it a success. An interesting program is being prepared for the next meeting. Bascomb Brogdon is at home on a visit. Bsscomb hasi many friends, anU they are quite sorry to know that he will be with them for only a month. Miss Clio LaHatte has an inter esting elocution cluss. Their work shows the ability of their teacher. Miss Lailatte is well known in the circles of education and oratory. Everyone thinks that the town is exceedingly fortunate in securing her as teacher. Cliff Rhodes is on a visit borne. The Southern R. R.and the town have co-operated in the laying of sewers, and in the future Main street will be iu better condition, especially in rainy weather. Warner Beaty is on the sick list this week. Earnest George and wife, from New Orleans, passed through Su wanee Tuesday eu route to New York, from whence they will sail Saturday on the Euturia for’ Eu rope. Mrs. George is a neice of Mrs. John B. Brogdon. The farmers are hauling guano us fast as possible, and a large cotton crop will be planted, as . usual. John B. Brogdon, our enterpris ! ir.g merchant, is preparing to add * a bargain annex to his already extensive business. No doubt you • will hear about this through these columns, for he is an advertiser from “away back” when he has % bargains. An Importunt Quinton. If your friends or neighbors are suf , sering from coughs, colds, sore throat, or lung disease (including consump ’ tion), ask them if they have ever used Otto’s Cure. This famous German rem edy is having a large sale here and is performing some wonderful cures of throat and lung diseases. No matter what oilier medicines have failed to do, try Otto’s Cure. Large sizes2sc and 60c. Sold by all druggists. POSSUM CORNER. Special to THE NEWS. The singing at Dixie Garner’s Sunday night was certainly en joyed by all that attended. Mrs. Sade Jones, who has been visiting relatives here, has returned to her home at El Paso, Tex. Miss Connie Garner spent last week in Atlanta with relatives. Sunday school at this place is going on nicely, with a constant increase in attendance. Miss Della Garner, of Doraville, is the guest of Connie Warner this week. Pink Phillips is stayitg in At lanta, trying to have his eyesight restored, and under the skillful treatment of Dr. Calhoun he is fast improving. Mrs. Laird visited home folks in Rockdale county Sunday. Messrs. Campbell and Lawhorti, of Centreville, attended Sunday scheol at Garner Academy Sunday afternoon. John Garner and family visited Mrs, McClain Sunday. Gestou Goza, of this place, vis ited relatives at Clarkston Friday. Will Brown, after a short illness with pneumonia fever, died last Tuesday, April 4th. He was 25 years old, and leaves a wife and one child to mourn his loss. We extend our sympathy to the be reaved ones. HAY CREEK. Special to THE NEWS. The farmers have at last plowed a little. All of our sick is improving at this writing. Ranzel Johnson and wife, ofMiil wav, spent Saturday with Mrs. Sallie Bennett. Schley Palmer, of Midway, was over Sunday. Oscar Jacobs and Andrew Wil liams, of Trip, were in our midst Sunday afternoon. The singing at Wild Cat Sunday j was a complete failure, owing to the cold weather. J. A. Camp and son, Emory, went to Atlanta Saturday. S. F. Bennett and Bob Richard son attended an entertainment at Midway Saturday night. R. 1.. Keunerly and wife spent Friday with relatives here. Jim Garrett and wife, of Wiod sor, spent Sunday afternoon with relatives at this place. Berry Smith and John Bennett went to Logauville Saturday night. T. C.Cowsert went to Trip Sat urday. Joe Broqks was up from Monroe Sunday. Charley Davis, of Little Moun tain, visited relatives here Sunday. : Prof.F. M. Reeves, of Windsor, was up Sunday. First-Class Dress Making. I am prepared to do all kinds of Dress Cutting and Making for I.adies, Misses and Children My work is first-class anti up-to-date i in every particular. I can be found at I)r R. J. Bag well’s residence, where 1 am pre par, d to wait on any lady who I may need my services. Please call and see me and get mv prices before placing your orders else where. Miss Ci.vde Wallis. WOODRUFF. Special to THE NEWS. Plenty of ice on Jhe tenth of April. Mr. Johnson, of Snellville, was through this section last week sell ing guano distributors. The Ciceronian Debating Club had their public debate last Satur day night. The boys had very good speeches and delivered them with credit. The decision was given in favor of the affirmative, and our nation is destined to stand for many years to come. Messrs. Shelnut aDd Compton, of Youth, came over to the debate and spent Sunday with relatives in our community. Albert Woodruff, of Winder, came out to the debate Saturday night and spent Sunday with home folks. Rev. Maxwell filled his regular appointmeutH here Saturday and Sunday. Cash Bagett and brother, of Bethlehem, and Prof. Kilgore, of Winder, attended preaching here Sunday. The singing at Scott Hogan’s last Sunday afternoon was a de cided success. Our singing class can make good music when they try. On Thursday afternoon of last week the peace and quietude of our peaceful neighborhood was very much disturbed by two drunken, or rather drinking, men, John L. and Thomas .J. Toler, going to the home of Mr. H. T. Perry and act ing in a most disorderly and law less manner, cursing and abusing Mr. Perry and his family in the presence of his wife and children, usiug the most profane and inde corous language to be imagined. They were ordered to leave at once, but refused to do so, and threat ened to kill Mr. Perry, and at tempted to execute their threats, but were prevented from carrying them out by the timely use of a good stick in the hands of Mr. Perry, which brought both of the intruders to the ground. Still they refused to leave, and con tinued to curse and abuse Mr. Perry until the neighbors were sent for to come and carry them away. Justice J. O. Perry vas sent for and warrants were issued for the arrest of those lawless men and placed iu the hands of the proper officers, whose duty it is to arrest such people, but for some cause or other no arrests have yet been made, and the men are still at liberty, right here in this com munity. This is the second time that one of these men have goue to Mr. Perry’s home and abused him that way without auy cause whatever, and it vrill be the same thing over again the first time they get to drinking unless they are ar rested and dealt with according to law. We have laws to protect our homes and our women from such characters, and they should be en forced to the full extent Mr. Perry wants protection. He is one of the most honorable and up right men in Waltoy county. He is a good neighbor, and has al ways tried to live at peace with his fellow man, and justice de mands that he be protected from such outrages. Copper Colored Splotches. There is only one pure for Contagious Blood Poison— the disease which has completely baffled the doctors. They are totally unable to cure it, and direct their efforts toward bottling the poison up in the blood and concealing it from view. S. S. S. cures the disease posi tively and permanently by forcing out every trace of the taint. I was afflicted with a terrible blood disease. wMoh was lu spots at first, but afterwards spread all over my body. These soon broke out into £ Wk sores, and it is easy u> IB imagine the suffering I Wm H endured. Before 1 be came convinced that the if doctorscoulddonogood. w/ I had spent a hundred Ti dollars, which was really * Alb thrown away. I then fejX tried various patent JUK / Kw medicines, but they did not reach the disease. * WlWWo' When T had finished my Rkvfk/ ttrst bottle of 8. 8. S. 1 was greatly improved aud was delighted with the result. The large red splotches on my chest began to grow paler ami smaller, and before long disappeared entirely. I regained my lost weight, oeeame stronger, and my ap petite greatly improved. I was soon entirely well, and my skin as clear as a piece of glass. H. L. Mykis, 100 Mulberry St.. Newark, N. J. ; Don’t destroy all possible chance of a euro by taking the doctor’s treatment of mercury ana potash. These minerals cause the hair to fall out, and will wreck the entire system. S.S.S. r fhe Blood is pcbbly vso btabi,k, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no potash, mercury or other mineral. Books on the disease and its treat ment mailed free by Swift Specific Com pany, Atlanta. Georgia AUBURN. Special to THE NEWS. The election for Juatise of the Peace passed off quietly. \V. J. Ethridge was elected to fill the vacancy of J. S. Pate, who haa moved to Florida. Wheat is doing better than was expected, with a very good stand generally. The fruit crop ia a failure. Dr. John T. Wages has returned home from school and hung out his sign. Give John a call. John Jones, of Atlanta, and S. L. Adams are opening up business at Carl. J. N. and C. F. Ethridge will soon have their flour and grist mill operation. Auburn is handling more guano than usual, and will soon be a center for shipping wood, etc. There is some excitement here over the smallpox at Baford. No danger at Auburn, however. Mrs. J. 0. Hawthorn has been suffering with asthma for several days. Our village is enjoying good health, with the exception of colds. I learn that i. O. Hawthorn has quit drumming for Street & Walker, and will engage in farm ing as soon as spring opens. Join him, boys. We are glad to know that Mr. and Mrs. Sherman, who moved from here to Gainesville in Febru ary, are improving from fever. Miss Emma Hawthorn is spend ing a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Sherman, of Gainesville. J. H. Mitchell spent several days in Atlanta last week. He is a hustling egg peddler. KILLIAN HILL. Special to THE NEWS. April has stole a “March”on us. Charlie Kennedy lost a flue horse Saturday. Miss Dora Lee, of Garner, visited relatives here last week. The ordination of the three Dea cons of Yellow River church which was set for last Friday, was post poned on account of the in dem ent weather until Friday before the 2nd Sunday in May'. The death angel visited our midst last Wednesday and claimed as its victim Mr. Will Brown. Hs leaves a mother and little habe to mourn his loss. Pneumonia was the cause of his death. J. J. Jordau and family, of Trickum, visited relatives here Sunday. D. V. Jones and W. A. Lee went to Lawreneeville Monday’ to file a plea against the proposed change of road from this place to Garner’s creek. LUXOMNI. Special to THE NEWS. The Binging at R. P. Garner’s Sunday afternoon was quite enjoy able. Abb Bracewell and wife, of Pos sum Corner, were here Sunday. R. A. Glover and bride, of At lanta, were here Sunday. P. T. Mathews is on the sick list this week. Quite a number attended preach ing here Sunday. Mrs. Dockey Richardson visited in Atlanta last week. The show Wednesday night was well attended. Mrs. Phoebe Mathews is visiting here this week. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDITORS. GEORGIA— Gwinnett County. .Notice is hereby given to all persons having demands against A G. Harris, late of said eonuty, deceased, to present them to me, prop erly made out, so as to show their character and amount. And all persons indebted to said deceased are hereby required to jnake immedi ate payment to me. Jennek W. Harris, Administrator of A. G. Harris. Suwanee, Ga., April 12, 1899. TAX RECEIVER'S FIRST ROUND I will be at the following places for the pur pose of receiving State and County tax returns for the year 1899: Sugar Hill Friday •* 14 Puckett's Saturday, I’ve 2, “ 15 bacula Monday’ *• 17 Cains Tuesday “ IS Williams’shop Tuesday, 4 p. m„ “ lb I Ren Smiths Wednesday “ 111 ; Harbins Thursday “ 20 K P. Minor, T. R. T. B. BUIE. MITCHELL & BUSH, Physicians * and * Surgeons, LAWHBSOEVnXB, GA. Office on Pike street Call. ..swered ,1 but Wnr, d.j or nl«ht. ' J.c. Harris, Physician and Stirqeen, SUWANEE, GA. Diseases of women a apeclalt) F, F. JUHAN L. F MCDONALD. juhan A: McDonald, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Lawreneeville, - - - Ga. Will practice in all thecourta, State and Fed eral. Long and successful experience in everv department of the law. Bankrupt Practice a Specialty. If you can’t pay what you owe come and let ua give that relief the law provides for you, and begin life anew. Age and long experience, youth, proficiency and energy combined, Try us. and vou will not regret it. W. T. HINTON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Dacula, - - - - Ga.! Located at the late Dr. S. H. Freeman old stand, and any of his former customers will find me ready to serve them. Chronic Diseases a Specialty. All calls promptly attended to, day or night I To persuade you “Something just as Piano. It costs more than other makes but is cheaper in the long run because it lasts. The dealer who advises you not to buy it has a reason! Is it his profit or your interest that prompts him ? Think. Manufactured by THE EVERETT PIANO CO., j Boston, Mass. The John Church Company, General Factors. CINCINNATI. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. 99 Peachtree Street—Atlanta, Ga. NEW STORE AT —=— IvOg:anville, : Georgia. D. Y. Hodges & Co. have open ed up a full line of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes, Hats, etc. Also a big stock of Groceries, such goods as the people need, and at prices to suit the times. We have just received 1 50 bbls good Flour, which we are selling cheaper than in Atlanta. We have the Genuine Cuba Molasses, also the Ribbon Cane and New Orleans Syrup, which will be sold cheap. • ' We have moved to Loganville to stay, and solicit your patron age. Yours truly, I>. Y. MOI>GKS & CO. Gwinnett Sheriffs Sales. (ZZ EORGlA—Gwinnett County. Will be sold be fore the court house door in Lawreneeville, said county and state, between the legal sale hours, on the first Tuesday in May, 1899, the following described property, all situated, lying and being in said county t\nd state. Said sale to be made at public outcry, for cash to* the high est bidder: Fifty-eight acres of land, more or less, situ ated. lying and being in the 310th district, G. M„ of said county, and bounded as follows: On the north by lands of R L. and L. C. Russell, on the west by Mrs.M. J. Perry,on the south by J. T. Manders and on the east by Dr. J. C DeLaper riere and the MeAliff heirs. Levied on by vir tue of and to satisfy two justice court, fl fas, is sued from the justice court of the3loth district, G. M.. one in favor of T. A. Mavnard vs W. A. Manders, J. S. Manders aud J. P. Manders, and one in favor of Hodges, Camp * Co. vs. W. A Manders. Tenant in possession given due no tice. Property pointed out by W. A. Manders. Levy made and returned to me by J. A. Wa ges, L. C. This April Ist, 1899. Also at the same time and place and upon the same terms will be sold the following described property to-wit: One-half undivided interest in 84 acres of land, more or less, lying in Puckett’s district, state and county aforesaid, part of Lot No. 22*2 and 2*25, known as the Hamilton mill tract. Also one-half undivided interest in one grist mill and all machinery thereto attachtd, situated on said lot of land. Levied on as the property of K.T. L.Hamilton, to satisfy one justice court li fa issued from the 31rtth district, said county, in favor of J. J. Gonzales* Co. This oth day of April, 1899. Thoß. A. Jlaslett, Sheriff. Citation For New Roads. GEORGIA— Gwinnett County. Whereas, certain petitioners have made their application to this court for an order granting the establishment of the following new roads, viz: Begigning at the John Hopkins old place, thence by J L Mills', S C Martin’s and M M Mi nors, to connect with the Suellville road. Also road commencing at Asbury church, near Trip,Ga. running west through the lands of James M Patterson, J K Konnerly and J L c Johnson,to intersect Rockbridge road near the residence of George Pharr. Also road commencing near the residence of James Sawyer, in bnellville, Ga., and intersect ing public road near Judge Brownlee’s. Also road commencing at top of Killian hill and running westward by residence of Wash Lee, aud ro intersect Stone Mountain road at Garner’s mill creek, said road being about one half mile long. Also road yommencing at the termination of a newly opened road near the residence of C C j Blankenship and ruuning a south-west direc -1 tlon along a private road.and intersecting | renceville and Gainesville road near Zion Hill church. Road Commissioners appointed for the pur- I pose of reviewing said contemplated roads nave j filed their reports under oath, recommending 1 the opening ol said roads as prayed for. Now, this is to notify all persons, that at the June ses.-ion, 1899, of this Hoard, said roads will be granted am opened if no g*x>d cause is shown to the contrary. By order of Hoard County Commissioners. J. P. Byki* Clerk. 8-22-W—4t _ _ T. M. PEEPLES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Lawreneeville, - - Ga. Praoaiees in the State eourts. Special atten tion given to the winding up of estates. ~S. L. HINTON, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Dacula, - - Ga. Office near the depot. Chronic diseases a spe cialty: 20 years experience. The patronage of the public solicited. R. W. PEEPLES, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Lawreneeville, - - - Ga. close attention given all bnsiness placed in my hands. N. L. HUTCH INS, JR., ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in postoffice building. Prompt atten tion given to collections and practice in State and Federal courts. OSCAR BROWN, JNO. R. COOPER. Lawreneeville, Ga. Macon. Ga. BROWN & COOPER, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAVV. Criminal Law A Specialty. Ordinary’s Notices. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. GEORGIA —Gwinnett County. Ordinury’s Office April 4, 1899. C. P. Jackson having applied tome for let ters or administration on the estate of Mrs. Sa rah Johnson, late of said county, deceased. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concern ed to show cause, il' any they can, why said ap plication should not be granted on the first Mon day in May, 1899. John P. Webb, ordinary. TWELVE MONTHS SUPPORT. GEORGIA —Gwinnett County. * Ollioeof Ordinary April 3rd, 1899. To all whom it may concern: The appraisers appointed to assign and set apart u 12 months support to Mrs ?arah J. Harris, widow of A. G. Harris, having filed their report in this office, and unless sdrne valid objections to said report be made known to the court on or before the first Monday in May, 1899, the same will then be approved and made the judgment of the court* John P. Webb, Ordinary. LEAVE TO SELL LAND. O EOHGlA—Gwinnett County. Ordinary’s Office April 3rd 1899. John L. Smith, Administrator of the estate of Charles Burson, deceased, having in pro Der form applied to me for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, con sisting of the following lands situated in Gwin nett county, said state, to-wit: 101 acres of land, 40 acres part of Lot No. 200, and 125 acres off of Lot No. 285, in the sth district of said county. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned to show cause, if any they can, why said order should not be granted on the first Mon day in Majf, 1899. John P Webb, Ordinary. LETTERS OF DI3MIBBION. GEORGIA— Gwinnett County. Ordinary’s Office, February oth, 1899. N L Barker and J H Crumley, Administrators of the estate of Margaret Barker,deceased,repre sent to the court in their petition duly filed that they have fully administered the estate of said deceased. This is,therefore,to cite all persons con cerned to show cause, if any they can,why said Administrators should not be discharged and re ceive letters of dismission on the first Monday in May, 1899. 3 John P. Webb, Ordinary. LEAVE TO SELL LAND, i -EOKGlA—Gwinnett County. J Ordinary’s Office April sth, 1899. John M. Mills, Administrator of the estate of Elias Norton, deceased, having in proper form applied to me fur leave to sell the lands belong ing to the estate of said deceased, consisting of the following lands, situated m said county to wit: 05 acres more or less, bounded on the north by the lands of W. Sizemore, east by James Fowler, south by M. A. Born, west by M K. Ewing, being the dower of the widow of Elias’ Norton. This is, therefore, to cite ail person’s concern ed to show cause, if any they can, why said order Should not be granted on the first Mon day m May. 1899. John P. Webb,Ordinary. LEAVE TO SELL LAND. GEORGlA—Gwinnett County. Ordinary’s office April 0, 1899. John M. Mills, Administrator of the estate of jerry Hopkins, col., deceased, having in pro Der form applied tome for leave to sell the lands belonging to the estate of said deceased, con sisting of the following lands in said county atul state: One house and lot in the town of Nor cross, l)ingon Lawreneeville street, and known as the jerrv Hopkins place. This is. therefore, to cite all persons concern ed to show cause, if any they can whv said d»y e in‘ i Mv!ll»9 t begra “ ted 011 the « John P W ebb. Ordinary JOHN M. JACOBS, DENTIST, Lawreneeville, - _ Ga. Office over U. \v. * a. I>. Cain’s store. J. A. PERRY^ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Lawreneeville, : : Ga. qmee over G. W. & A. P. ( aln'e Slur i. All business entrusted to my care will re» ceive prompt attention. o. A. NIX, attorney-at-law. OlflM-Crogao »t. Next door to News-Herald Lawreneeville, Ga. Will practice in all the courts, Careful at teution ta all legal business. SepW v