The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, May 05, 1899, Image 4

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The News-Herald. m— *' indued Everv Frida:'. Guaranteed Circulation 2100 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One Year () Six Month* Four Month* CLUBBING RATKB. Constitution anil »w«-Heralct - " Twice-*-W«k Jonrml »ndNe**-Her»ld... IJS V. r. World (it iniw* wo-ti ~ " *" MAY 5, 1899. Thp Nile has a tall of only aix inches in 1,000 miles. Brazil produces about 7,000,(HX) bags of coffee a year. About 1,600,000 are employed in the coal mines of the world. The Earl of Aberdeen owns: about 68.000 acres of land in Scot- 1 land. It is against the rules to carry matches on board a modern man- 1 of-war. One-fourth of the coal used in : the world is mined bv American industry. The paper production of the world a year weighs 8,000,000,000 pounds. The newest cry of the London waiters is that they are being oust ed by girls. The state of Texas is about 85,- (XX) square miles larger in area than Spain. The number of Chinese in San \ Francisco is about 20,000 includ ing 2,500 women. There are only seven and a-half 1 miles of hqrse railway remaining in Massachusetts. Thursday Island, in Torres Sts., exports annually mother of Pearl ] worth $500,'000. The King of Italy will never be poisoned by eating canoed beef; he is a confirmed vegetarian. There are said to be fifty-seven j frog farms in the United States, and all of them are prosperous. The Riesengabirge, or Giant j Mountains of Germany, are to be covered with a network of electric railways. Recent measurements of the great Chinese wall shows it to be eighteen feet high and 1,800 miles long. In fourteen states and territo ries of the United States marriages between first cousins are forbid f den by law. Vultures cannot discover a car ess by the sense of smell. They rely entirely upon their sight when in quest of food. WOMEN IN TROUBLE. The Approach of Motherhood ia the Occasion of Muqfa. Anxiety to All. Every woman dreads the ordeal through which she must pass in becom- ! ing a mother. The pain and suffering whioh is fn store for her is a source of oonatant anxiety, fear and dread, to say nothing of the danger which the coming incident entails. The joyous anticipations with which she looks for- [ ward to baby’s coming gives way to an indescribable dread of the ordeal when she fully realizes the critical and trying event which will soon approach and have to be endured. Women should hail with delight a remedy which insures to them im munity from the pain, suffering and danger incidental to child-bearing. Such a remedy is now offered, and women need not fear longer the hourol childbirth “Mother’s Friend”—is a scientific liniment—and if used before confinement, gently and surely preparei the body for the great requirements and changes it is undergoing, insures safety to Doth mother and child, and takes her throogh the event witn com parative ease and comfort. This won derful remedy is praised by every woman who has used it. What woman ia not interested in “Mother’s Friend?” This wonderful remedy has been tested and its price less value proven by the experience ol thousands of happy mothers who have used it during the most critical period of woman’s life—the appro act and culmination of motherhood. It has won their everlasting praise, for it gave them help and hope in their most trying hour and when most needed. Every woman may some day need “Mother’a Friend.” The little book, ‘‘Before Baby ia Born,” telling all about it. and when it should be used, will prove of great interest and benefit *o all expectant mothers, and will be sent free to any address upon application to the Bradneld Kegulatoi Company, Atlanta, Ga. It time of war France can put 8.70 out of every 1,000 of her pop illation in the field, Germany 810, Kuseia 210. The Sues Canal is eighty-eight miles long, and reduces the dis tance from Bngland to India nearly 4,000 miles for ships. All students in the laboratory courses in the University of Heid elberg are required to take out life insurance policies. The Japanese foot has been praised for its strenght and beau ty. Japauese can walk incredible distances without feeling weary. The list of postoftices in the United States now includes Hob «ou, Va.; Sigßbee, Ark./ Dewy, X: C.; Sampson,Fla. and Manila, Ky. The Secretary of Agriculture believes that the United States could and ought to produce all the dates that are required for home consumption. He says that the department is spending some money in building up the iudtstry and that an improved tree, of which is expected, is soon to be introduced in New M xico. j Hon. A. O. Bacon has made the ■ announcement that he will stand ! for re-election to the United States Senate. It is announced that Italian ex periments on vegetable life with i Roentgen rays have shown that the effect is identical with that of sunlight. * Of the 88 Sultans who have rul ed the Ottoman empire since the conquest of Constantinople by the I Turks, 84 have died violent j deaths. East Tennessee sent S,(XX) vol unteers to the war against Spain, and the other day again exhibited its patriotism when recruiting sta tion for the regular army was opened in Knoxville. Nearly 1,000 men either appeared in per son or sent word they were com ing for enlistment. imevti i Heart! j out? 1 You may have heard | about SCOTT’S EMULSION i and have a vague notion ' that it is cod-liver oil with | its bad taste and smell and i all its other repulsive sea -1 tures. It is cod-liver oil, the [ purest and the best in the i world, but made so palata * ble that almost everybody [ can take it. Nearly ail * children like it and ask for 1 more. SCOTT’S \ EMULSION > looks like cream ; it nour ishes the wasted body of \ the baby, child or adiflt > better than cream or any : other food in existence. It \ bears about the same rela > tion to other emulsions that | cream does to milk. If you \ have had any experience > with other so-called “just as | good” preparations, you l will find that this is a fact. ■ The hypophosphitej that are I combined with the cod-liver oil , give additional value to it because I they tone up the nervous system | and impart strength to the whole P body. P goc. and $i O" all druggi-is. * SLOT 1 * HOW NI , chemists. New Y.*i: . Maine last year manufactured 15,000,000 feet of white birch into spools worth $1,000,000,. and sent abroad 18,550.000 feet of spool bars. A weekly newspaper editor re cently had a whole army of sing-, ing school teachers after him with blood in their eyes because he referred to an all-day singing as a “howling success.” If the armies of Europe should march at an eight-mile gait, five abreast, fifteen inches apart, it would require nine and one half days for then, to pass a given point. Some time ago the water- of a well not many miles from Berlin began to taste of petroleum. Though cleaned repeatedly, it got | worse, and at last accounts 75 per I cent, of the liquid was petroleum. The Americ'an Agriculturist es timates that there are 75,000.000 horses in the world. Of these 83 000,000 are in Europe, 17,000,000 in America., and 9,000,000 in Asia. The mules and asses in the world are said to number 9,000.- 0(X). Mexico's new tariff, which w r ent [ into effect on March 1, raises the duty on bicycles, of all kinds and i their component parts from J2oc to $1 per kilogram. Children’s I tricycles, without rubber tires, must pay 25 cents per kilogram, instead of 20 cents. Regardless Of Age. The kidneys are responsible for more sickness, stitt'ering, and deaths than any other organs of the body. A majority of the ills afflicting peo ple today is traeeable to kidney troub le. It prevades all classes of society, in all climates, regardless of age, sex or condition. The symptoms of kidney trouble are unmistakable, such as rheumatism, neuralgia, sleeplessness, pain nr dull ache in tlie back, a desire to urinate often day or night, profuse or scanty | supply. t rie acid, or brick-dust deposit in urine are signs of clogged kidneys, causing poisoned and germ-fllled i blood. Sometimes tile heart acts bad ly, and tube easts (wasting of the kid neys) are found in the urine, which if neglected will result in Bright’s Dis ease, tlie most dangeious form of kid- i ney trouble. All these symptoms and conditions are promptly removed under tlie influ ence of l)r. Kilmer's Swamp-Boot. It! lias a world wide reputation for its wonderful curas of the most distressing cases. No one need be long without it as it is so easy to get at any drug store at j fifty cents or one dollar. Youcanhave a sample bottle of tins wonderful dis covery, Swamp-Boot, anil a book tell ing all about it, both sent to you ab solutely free by mail. Send address to Dr. Kilmer «S Co., Binghamton, X. Y. and kindly mention that you read ibis liberal otter in The Lawrenceville News-Hera Id. %ihi<sT Wiiat is Celery King? It la an herb drink. »ml t» » positive cur* for M>n«U|»Oon. tw»d *■'»-. twtyou* disorder*. rh*um«li» ». ki-'u, - ' •»«•>■*•»<«* ,h * v “ rl ‘ on,, Ir> IM - »«i *■•rdered «lom iicb and <t>rv< iI W n agreeal'l# ■iMdi, -ifby phyalclan* . h. t conatlpatton. t 'v 'M - ■ ttw. kud '*)«-. pfwkftgrs l>v drugx i -1.-, jji.i dgutJerH. * l n-r-, ntv -p-vvn ea*-*s of sinull m>x • it" I.i;i >fitton, Gi. 4 IVxhh Mill n»i»" a gr,-at donl of hi* year. WI nt -tfwct it will have on the price of -ea island cotton remains to be •wn. Th« beef investigating commit tee has ended its investigation n d ill that remains to be done - ‘o render the verdict. The «r' it washing will then be complete. The news comes to us again that Speaker Reed in going to r-tire from politics, but Secretary Alger will continue to hang on like a millstone around the prendeii'. s neck. The Cuban I audits are on the war-path again, committing nil kinds of depredations <>n the is land. Acts of this sort were rune hailed as battles against '',llll1 —or Cuban victories. Croker testified in New York tne other day that !i“ was a Tammany “boss.” The confession came so easily that there is some reason to doubt the truth of it. Now that the snake season is it hand, the whiskey dealers have formed a trust and the glass work ers have gone on a strike. Even the “drop which bathes your droop ing spirits” must come higher. Pekin has a tower in which is hung a large bell which was cast in the fifteenth century, and an other tower containing a huge drum, whi h is intended to be beaten in case a great danger should threaten the city. Noonu is allowed to enter these towers. * Victor Smith thus moraliz'-s on the sham and hollow pretense of tnis world, in The New York Press: “I know lots and cords of men who smoke 25-cent cigars half up in company, throwing three inches away, but while alone at home or business they are mighty glad to puff a five-center up to the skin teeth and then chew the butt. This is a fake world!” nr carpui Winei&doi has demonstrated ten thousand times that it ia almost infallible FOR WOMAN'S PECULIAR WEAKNESSES. irregularities and derangements. It has become the leading remedy for this class of troubles. It exerts a wonderfully hsaling, strength ening and soothing influence upon ths menstrual organs. It cures '‘whites” and falling of the womb. It stops flooding ana relieves sup pressed and painful menstruation. For Change of Life it is the best medicine made. It is beneficial during pregnancy, and helps to bring children into homes barren for years. It Invigorates, stimu lates, strengthens the whole sys tem. This great remedy is offered to all afflicted women. Why will any woman suffer another minnto with certain relief within reach? Wine of Cardui only costa SI.OO per bottle at your drug store. For advice, in eases requiring special directions, address, giving symptoms. the “ Ladies' Advisory Department," The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chat tanooga, Tenn. Rev. J. W. SMITH. Camden. S.C., esys: •* My wife used Milne of Cardui at home for falling of tho womb and It ontlroly 1 cured her.” "fittE CF CARR lit" ' T. F. Bozeman, BARBER. Furry Street, Near Ewing; Hotel First-Class Work, Clean Towels, Sharp Razors THRESHING MACHINERY’ ENGINES, BOILERS, SAW MILLS. IIOE SAWS, TEETH, RINGS, SAWS REPAIRED. BELTING. MILL SUPPLIES. * * ■’ THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST .—"THE RUSSELL" IS THE BEST. Parties who are contemplating the purchase of Threshing outfits will find it to their interest to boy‘'RUSSELL” machinery. It has stood the tost of time for about sixty years, and you will find it up-to-date with the very latest improvements. Wo iak> pleasure in furuish ish to parties interested catalogues and prices winder odohoxa DABNEY HARDWARE CO. AYER'S Sarsaparilla is not only the oldest, but the Best Sarsaparilla Makes tne Weak String. Ayer’s Sarsaparilla cures all diseases that have their origin in impure blood: sores, ulcers, boils, eruptions, pimples, eczema, tetter, scrofula, etc. it cures cheaply, it cures quickly, and it cures to stay. That’s why it’s best. “After twenty years’ experience as a druggist, I consider Ayer’s Sarsaparilla superior to any similar preparation on the market, and I give it the preference over all others.” A. C. WOODWARD, Worcester, Mass. “In our estimation, as regards Sarsaparilla, Ayer’s is the standard. We have never heard it spoken of in other than the very highest terms.” W. E. TERRILL Sc CO., Pharmacists, 9 State Street, Montpelier, Vt. “ l consider Ayer’s Sarsaparilla the best blood purifier on the market.” Dr. GRISE Sc CO., West Gardner, Mass. “During fifteen years of experience with Aver’s Sarsaparilla, I have yet to learn of a single case wherein it failed to cure if used according to directions.” . F. O. COLLINS, Druggist, Paris, Mo. “I believe Ayer’s Sarsaparilla contains more medicinal value than any other similar compound.” £ JAMES DOANE, Dispensing Chemist, Kingsville, Ont. Your druggist sells AYER'S: SI,OO a bottle; six bottler. fe--’ Do Not Permit Dealers To persuade you That they have “Something just as good as” iggfeff PIAHQ. It costs more than other makes hut is cheaper in the long run because it lasts. The dealer who advises you not to buy it lias a reason! Is it his profit or your interest that prompts him r Think. Manufactured by THh E\ ERE 1 I PIANO CO.. Boston, Mass. The John Church Company, General Factors. CINCINNATI. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. 99 Peachtree Street —Atlanta. Ga. iiTTi ■ m DO YOU WANT ? It matters not what— W H A I sprayers, pumps, farm and factory machinery, II Hl* X nur gerv stock, evaporators, farm and garden implements, wire fencing, market quotations, fruit carriers, books, fpney stock and poultry, insecticides, iarm lands, any information, farm and garden inventions, household articles —anything. You Can Auvkktisk for it in the weekly AMERICAN FRUIT GROWERS'JOURNAL r* . v s You will g et answers from many rrCC Ul sources. It will save you money in the purchase. If you. want to get a month's trial sub scription to the best weekly horticultural trade journal in the world, the farmer’s great business paper, send ten cents to pay mailing expeilses. Subscription, 2 a year. Address, American Fruit Growers’ Journal, Atlanta or Chicago. “ Best ”is an easy boast. But there’s no best without a test. You expect some thing extra of best; something extra in bread from best flour; something extra in wear from best cloth ; something extra in cures from best medicines. It’s that something extra in Ayer’s Sarsaparilla that makes Ayer’s the best. That something extra is quality. Remember, it’s quality that cures, not quantity. Geo. Smith, of the People’s Drug Store, Seymour, Conn., says : “ I have sold vour goods for twenty five years, and when a customer asks me tor The Best Preparation for the Blood I say: ‘ If you will take my opinion, use Ayer's Sarsaparilla; I will guarantee that you will receive more benefit by using one or two bottles of Ayer’s than you would by using half a dozen bottles of some other kind.’ When they take it I never hear any complaint.” (LARK BANKS, -+THS OLD REL'ABLE BARBER,4- Can he found at his old stand around the corner from Dr. Winn’s drug store, on Pike street, where he has been for the past 8 years. He invites his friends to call, as suring them of an old Georgia welcome. First-class work Sat is faction smmuitepd. 11-20-ly . “ i >.* V ■ ;Mio" TO ALL POINTS NORTH, SOUTH AND SOUTHWEST Schedule in Effect Dec. 11. L s( .*B SOCTHBdi M>. Xo.m. V 0.41. Lv New York, via Pa. It. K. *ll ouamj * 9 OOp in Lv Washington “ “ 4 40pm 430 am “ Richmond, tin A C L 9 00pm! 905 “ •• I’ortmouth SAI. *8 45 pm! *9 20 Ar Weldon, j 1110 pm 11 50a in Ar Henderson ! 12 57 am I 50pm Ar Raleigh, J 2ld am) 3 34pm “ Southern Pines 423 “ I 558 - •• Hamlet | 807 ** 1 flit ** “ W ilmington S A L I *l2 06pm I "Monroe, S A~L j » 0 4rtam |* 9 12 “ Ar Charlotte, via S A L | * 7 50am | *1025 pm \r Chester, via S A I. ' ,s im * ■<> ■'•opm “ Greenwood j 1035 “ 107 am “ Athens | I 13 pm 343 “ “ Atlanta. 350 *• ! 020 “ Lv Lawrence llh* *B3lpm SO4 NORTH BOUND. - N 0.402. No 38. Lv Atianta, SA L , " T*i oo pin j' *8 50 pin Ar Athens j 816 pm! 1119 “ “ Greenwood j 541 “ ! 203 am - Chester 753 “ i 4 2ft “ A r Monroe, I 930 p in) 555 a ni Ar Charlotte,~via sa l _ | *1025 pm |*7so am • Hamlet s a l *li 15 “ *: i Ar \i 111.: 11 _r t * >ii. SAli *l2 05 pm “ Southern Pines SaL *l2 08 ami*9 00 am “ Raleigh 2 10 •• 11 18 “ “ Henderson, 3 28“ 1250 pm ** Weldon, 4 55am j 250 pm Ar Portsmouth I 725 “ i 520 pm a r Riohmond VC L *8 46 “ *: u•• “ Washining, via p k k 12 31pm 11 10 ** •• New York 62> *’ 0 SB am L\ Lawrencevllle | r»O7 pm MOtfpm * Daily. -f-Dmiy. Kz. bunaay. i No 403 and 402.--“ The ** Solid Pullman Vestibuled Train of Pullman Sleepers and Coaches between Washington and Atlanta also Pullman Sleepers between Portsmouth and Chester. S.C. Nos. 41 and 88, “The S \ L Express,” Solid Train, Coaches and Pullman Sleepers between Portsmouth ami Atlanta. Company Sleepers between Columbia and Atlanta. Immediate Connections At Atlanta for Montgomery. New Orleans,Texas, Mexico,Cali fornia, Macon. Pensacola, Selma and Florida No extra fare on any train. For tickets sleepers, and information, apply to tieket agent or to B. A. Nbwland, General Agent, Wis. B.Clements,!'. P. A., Atlanta, Ga E. St. John, Vice Pres, and General Manager. V. E. Mcßbk, Gen. Superintendent. 14. W. B. Glover, Traffic Manager. L- S. ALLEN,General Pass. Agent, General Offices Portsmouth. Va. “Pitts' Carminative Saved My Baby's Life," Johnson Station, Ga., September 16, 1891. LAMAR & RANKIN DRUG CO., Atlanta, Ga. Gentlemen: I can not recommend your Pitts’ Carminative too strongly, as I owe my baby's life to it. She had Cholera Infantum when five months old, and I could get no relief until I began using Pitt’s Carminative. The fever left her when 1 had given her but two bottles, and she had fattened so she did not look like the same child. I advise all mothers who have sickly or delicate children to give this remedy a trial. Respectfully, Mrs. LIZZIE MURRAY. It Saved Her Baby Will Save Youra. m , , mTBY IT, , , , - W. R. DEXTER, j- FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EHBALMER, All Calls Given Prompt Attention No Extra Charge for Hearse and Services. LAWBENCEYILLE~ciTY SCHOOL Thoroughly graded. No irregular pupils. Tuition must be paid in advance. Regular attendance of pupils is re ouired. All friends and patrons are urged to visit the school. Spring term, January 2nd—-June 4th. Catalogues free. JAS. A. BAGWELL. Superintendent. BRADWELL * ACADEMY A HIGH SCHOOL. We prepare voting men for Sophmore class in Colloge, or to take th< ir place in lif<* with a good High School education. Notice the studies our Senior class pursues, to wit; Higher Algebra, Geometry, Physics. General History, American Literature, Zenophon’s Anabasis (optional), and a combined course in Caesar, Sallust and Cicero. Pupils who complete the prescribed course will receive a High School Diploma. For any desired information, address SAMUEL W. DuBOSE, LUXOMNI, GA. PRINCIPAL. ORDER YOUR PINE BOURBON, RYE ANIHJORN WHISKIES Gins, Rums, Scotch and Irish Whiskies, Champagnes, Clarets, Bottled Beers, Port and Sherry Wines, Ale and Porter, Club Soda and Ginger Ale (Cantrel .4 Cochran’s), and Apolinaris water from I’OTTS-TIIOMPSOX LIQUOR COMPANY, 7-5) Decatur St., Kimball House Block, Atlanta, On. 'Phone 48. l-vt>. in. tr C. A. WATKINS, Blacksmith, Machinist and Woodworkman, Lawrenceville, Ga. Repairing of all kinds. With two fqrges, and mechan ics with a thorough knowledge of their business, we are prepared to do all kinds of work in Irtfn and Wood on short notice We have a machine for sharpening gin saws, a cutter and threader for working over iron pipe and boiler fittings, and can save you money on jobs of this kind. Old wagons, buggies, carriages, etc., made good as new. Horse shoeing a specialty. Give us a call —satisfaction guaranteed. At the old stand east of Cornett’s livery stable. ■■■ ai 41 x i ICfl cut thlß arl out Rnd send to us and \i you oE.ll L# |TB r O W IsftaMla Lve East ot tb(! Rocky Mountains we will ” ".*■ T send this H'CH-CRADE TOP BUCCY to y..u by freight C* O. D. subject to examination, you can examine it at your freight depot and if you find it KOI tl. TO ANY #IOO.OO TOP Hl'tiGY you ever -aw. perfectly satisfactory and the GRANDEST BARGAIN YOT lIAVK OUR SPECIAL OFFER PRICE $55.00 and freight charges, less the pay the railroad agent ■ „ .. ..T. One Dollar sent with order. a BUILT IN OUR OWN FACTORY IN CHICAGO, 3nor from the best material money can buy. While in Free Buggy C atalogue we show. Top Buggies ntfcde by makers :.t 521.50, £20.75 0nei534.75 the era.-'t ' and are i■ w i.i. I / a-f.’eriisetl by'many at *85.00 *o 800.00. OUR ACME QUEiiN AT £55.00 ia the most derlul value ever ode red, H'.K I.OUKST I'KK'K KVEU LD ON THK h >T HI KMT Tl» U TAN UK 111 U.T. We maintain our own live ctory buggy factory lor tlie sole purpo-e ot hull 1 ii.or «• >.i selling a BETTER Hl’MiY THAN HE CAN 111 V I '-HVIIHIF a „,| to SAVE Ot U TSv CCSTOJI KKS M4NI'E'ATTTHEM'S FItOEIT X Every Bilge;- - Make Is Guaranteed / \ c' V ' Y > e£ ' r g ! w “ ollt wear Fivo THE M,vfrs..u OM ACME QUUH Y' PAY Allatosi r OXJ '"i.E L.'e i.r'l’jj “SS ACME QUEEN. (OUR OWN MAKE.) E^'wk^STVlre bodies are Water Iluhhed and the Material and Labor in I’aiutlng OUR ACME QUEEN, would paint thr-e cheap buL'irlea. $55.00 BARELY COVERS COST <>f material and labor, leaving us the smallest profit fmasrinnble, but we arc building 70 buggies a day and to adverti.*.* our bu Tgy factory we are willing to 4KI.L them tin PROFIT EACH. We know #70.00 daily profit on 70 buggies will satisfy us, advertise us everywhere xnd buihl up the LARGEST BUGGY BUSINESS IN THE WORLD. THE ACME QUEEN «e build In narrow or wiic track, cloth nr leather trimmed, end springs, buffeo leather quarter top, solid panel back, springs in back, leather covered Bowk and Nuts, ituhher Steps, Velvet Carpet, body, 24x54 inches, No. 1 Sarven’s patent screwed rim wheels, painted in It; coai*, body black, geai dark green with very delicate modest striping, complete with shafts, side ami back curtains, boot storm apron and unti-rattiers amt shafts. Pole, Nerkvoke and Whiffletreea In plare of shaft.M. #1.73 extra. Bt <it>Y WKIUIIS 40D POl S!>B and the freight will nveraae for 2UO wiles, #2.00 ( 800 miles, #2.75: 400 miles, #3.25; 500 iniles, #3.00; 1.000 mi e%. A Hu, CCTIU r\ niur nn 1 I At) with your order, WE 01 AHANTKK the Hussy to Reach You Safely ar.cj OCIYU V/IYC. UV/yLWrr j f satisfactory, pay tlie rad road agent balance. #54.00 a.,d freight charif-s, otherwise pav nothing and the agent will return buggy at our expense and we will return yourll.W). DON’T BUY A CHEAP FACTORY BUGGY now s I I almost exclusively by all Machinery Dealers and catalogue Houses. BUY THE BEST BUCCY MONEY CAN BUILD, direct from the Maker at the LOWEST PRICE EVER KNOWN. ORDER TO DAY'. DON T DELAY. WRITE FOR OUR FREE BUCCY, CARRIAGE AND HARNESS CATALOCUE. Vidros SEA RS, ROEBUCK & CO. (In c.), CKICACO, ILL. (? h lfC lifillC V IN THE Kitchen, and still have your oflwt mUrt! ™ e f ls , wel i p reparc^„b y bu v in ? the ~ best value tor your dollars ever offered. •• FUEL SAVERS " ; ; ''— They are made of Southern/ 011 by Southern workmen, who are sustained by the products farmers. They last longer and mat more homes happy than any other Stove on earth. Fire BA s guaranteed for Fifteen Years. j Over 200,000 have stood tk test, and every one has proven sat- J isfactory. If your dealer doit handle them, write for Catalogue. I PHILLIPS & /tJTTORFF MFC. CO. j NASfVILLE, TENN. |j Manufacturers of C'k‘ n g Heating Stoves, Mantels and \ Grates, Hollowware, T ware , etc. [2 Importers of and c*lcrs in China, Crockery, Glassware, Cut- S lery, Wooden and Wi rwware - c Everything necessary convenient for the Kitchen, Dining Room, Laundry o and Dairy. Let us quote/ 0 Fnces on our NATIONAL STEEL RANGES. 9 CUTAWAY’ HARROWS. CHATTANOO <GA and SYRACUSE PLOWS, ROTARY DISC PLOWS, MANURE DIS TRIBUTERS, CHAMPION MOWERS and BINDERS.