The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, November 17, 1899, Image 4

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PPP^faTti. RATES. On« Ynxi*..... 76 Six Months 0. AO Four Months .5*5 CLUBBING RATES 1 Constitution nnd News-Herald slJf> Twice-a-Week Journal and News-Herald... IJS N. Y. World (8 times a week) ** “ 140 NOVEMBER 17 1899 P slop Coughing Every cough makes your throat more raw and irritable. Every cough congests the lining membrane of your lungs. Cease tearing your throat and lungs in this way. Put the parts at rest and give them a chance to heal. You will need some help to do this, and you will find it in Ayer’s Cherry pectoral From the first dose the quiet and rest begin: the tickling in the throat ceases; the spasm weak ens; the cough disap pears. Do not wait for pneumonia and con sumption but cut short your cold without delay. Dr. Ayer’s Cherry Pec toral Plaster should be over the lungs of every per son troubled with a cough. Write to the Doctor. Unusual opportunities and long ax parlance eminently qualify us for giving you medical advice. Write Freely all tha particulars In your case. Tell us what your experience hae been with our Cherry Pertoral Yon will receive a prompt reply, without C °* t Address, DR. J. C. AYER. £ Lowell, Mate. In his statement before the in dustrial commission last week at Washington, President Samuel Spencer of the Southern Railway said that what was now the South ern Railway Co. was five years ago 85 or 88 separate corporations, all in the hands of receivers and una ble to pay interest charges, while their roadbeds were not kept up. That was not a condition, he said, warranting a reduction of rates, but five years after consolidation their rates as a whole have been reduced 7 per ceut. DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAP ? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want something vere and vary the more se and lung troubles. What s?.. 1 .. .*1 Go to a warmer and more regula! 11 mate? Yes, if possible. If not possi ble for you, then in either case take the only remedy that has been introduced in all civilized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, “Boschee’s German Syrup.” It not only heels and stimulates the tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays inliamation. causes easy expectoration, gives a good night’s rest, and cures the patient. Try one bottle. .Recom mended many years by all druggists in the world. Sample bottles at Bagwell Drug Store, Dawrenceville, Smith & Harris, Suwanee, R. O. Medlock, Nor cross. The Oldest Tree. The old cypress, which uow stands in the square of the old church at Santa Maria del Tule, near the city of Oaxaca, in south western Mexico, is believed to be the oldest tree in the world. Some botanists, including Decandolle, say it is 6000 years old, while others claim it only 5000. How ever that may he, Cortez, in his couquest of Mexico, in 1519, camp ed with his whole force in the shadow of this tree and there spent a night full of care and anxiety, on account of which the tree re ceived the name “Arbol de la noehe ti iste. ” Five feet from the ground the trunk has a circumference of 102 feet, giving it a diameter of 82 feet. The height is 120 feet. The branches begin at 26 feet above the ground, spreading iuto a crown, the circumference of which is about 520 feet. —Juvenile Visitor. Mr. Allen Page, a prominent and prosperous farmer of Johnson county, took in the Wallace show at Teuniile laßt Tuesday. When Mr. Page weut to buy tickets the ticket seller snatched six HO-hills from his hands and disappeared in the immense crowd. Mr. Page made frequent inquiry among the various show attaches, hut failed to find the lucky ticket seller. What is Celery King ? It li an barb drink, and la a poaltlra curt for conatlpatlon, headache, nervoua dlaordara, rbeumatiam, kidney dtaeaaea, and the vari ous trouble! arialng from a dlaordered atom* acb and torpid liver. It la a moat agreeable medicine, and la recommended by phyalciane generally. Remember, It curej couatl patloa. Celery King la aoldln26c. and 50c. pemkagae by druggiata and dealera. t I p - Volcanic Eruptions Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob life of joy. Bucklin’* Arnica Salve cures them, also old running and fever sores, ulcers, boils, felon*, corn*, warts, cuts, bruises, burns, scalds, chapped hands, chilblains. Best pile cure on earth. Drive* out pains and aches. Only 26c a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by A. M. Winn A Son, druggists. A Homely Eposide. One warm midsummer day Steve found himself seated under the old Baldwin apple tree, with the half hull of a red-hearted watermelon in his lap. Old Mr. 8., biihy with the other half, paused now and then to ask Steve about his new job, how many cigars he smoked in a day, what I hey cost, and what he paid for his fine clothes. Pres ently he wanted to know what they called his boy o:i the road conductor, brakeman rr what ? ‘‘They call me the general freight agent, father,” said Steve. “That’s a mighty big name, Steve.” “Yes, father; it’s rather a big job, too, for me.” “But ye don’t do it all, Steve. Ye must have hands to help you load and unload ?” “Oh, yes; I have a lot of help,” And the company pays them all 7” “Yes.” “How much do they pay you, Steve—s 2fa day ?” Steve almost strangled on a piece of core, and the old gentle man saw that he had guesied too low. “Three?” he ventured. “More than that, father.” “Ye don’t mean to>ay they pay ye as much as fi-v-e ?” “Yes, father —more than twenty five." The old man let the empty hull fall between his knees, stared at his bov, and whistled. “Say, Steve,” he asked, earnest ly, “ar’ ye worth it ?” fine figure Many women lose theif girlish forms after they b me mothers. This is due to neg lect The figure can be preserved beyond i question if the ex pectant mother will constantly use Iflotber’s 3 friend during the whole period of pregnancy. The earlier its use if begun, the more per fectly wifi the shape mother’* Trlend not only softens end relaxes the muscles during the greet strain before birth, but helpe the skin to contract naturally afterward. It keeps unsightly wrinkles away, and the muscles underneath retain their pliability. mother’* Trlend is that famous external liniment which banishes morning sickness and nervousness during pregnancy; shortens labor and makes it nearly painless; builds up the patient's constitutional strength, so that she emerges from the ordeal without danger. The little one, too, shows the effects of mother’ i Trlend by it. robustness ar J ‘’’t o1 ’ 1 Sold at drug store- * 1 * boetta. , , , _ ...ieiT lUuatratad book for aa pactant mothers. THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO. ATLANTA, UA. Athens Banner: The lawyers of the University have organized a football team, composed of giants of undoubted prowess, whose valor on the gridiron will be a thing to marvel at, lo! these many moons to come. The leading spirit, and, in fact, the life of the aggregation is Mr. Dick Charlton, who declares his intention of plaviug guard, that he may show “Baby” Goff .a few of the salient features of the game. He has a warm second and a staunch imitator in the person of Mr. Harry Hull, who will emu late Dick’s example, nnd plav against Hamilton at right tackle. now s THIS i We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot bo cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Props., Toledo, O. w e the undersigned, have knovCn F. J. Che ney for the last 15 years, and believe him per fectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. Wxbt a Tkaux, Wholesale Druggists,Toledo,O. Wilding, Kinnan Marvin, Wholesale Drug gists. Toledo. O. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 76c. per bottle, sold by all Druggisis. Testimonials free. Hall’s Family Piils are the best. The French statistician, Dr. Liv rier, says that half of all human beings die bofore 17; that only one person it. 10,000 lives to be 100 years old, aud that only one per mit of every 1,000 lives to be 60. Bismark’s Irok Nkrvk Was the result of his splendid health. Indomitable will and tremendous ener gy are not found where stomach, liver, kidneys and bowels are out of order. If you want these qualities and the success they bring, use Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and body. Only 25c at A. M. Winn & Son’s drug store. The cauegrowers of southwest Georgia will soon hold a convet. tion, either at Cairo, Quitman or Valdosta. It is truthfully said that syrup made from Georgia cane is the best in the world, and Geor gia should soon reach 'he front rank in syrup aud sugar making. Weary women need an occasional dose of l>r M. A.Simmons Liver Med icine to strengthen their nerves and invigorate their system. The New York Evening Post is keeping account of the casualties to the American army in the Phil ippines, taking its figures from the official report of Geu. Otis. The total from August 0, 1898, to Oc-j tober 28, the Post announces, is 2,817, of which 1,154 were deaths.. To purify aud enrich the blood,, strengthen the nerves and invigorate j the system, use Dr. M. A. Simmons Liv er Medicine. General Lee 'Wouldn’t Sail His w ame. Soon after General Lee went to j Lexington, Virginia, he was offered the Presidency of an insurance company at a salary of ten thous-1 and dollars. He was at that time! receiving only three thousand dol lar* ps President of the Washing-j ton nnd Lee*L'uiversity. “We do not want you to discharge any duties, General,” said the agent: “we simply wish the use of your name; that will abundantly com pensate us.” “Excuse me. sir.” was the prompt and decided re joinder; “I cannot consent to re ceive pay for services I do not render.” Nearly every mail brought him similar propositions, and just a short while before his death a large and wealthy corpor ation in New York City offered him fifty thousand dollars per annum to become its President. But he refused all such offers and quietly pursued his chosen path of duty.—November Ladies’ Home Journal. The navy is short-handi d. It has as many men ■ as the law al lows, but not as many as existing conditions call for. Additional of ficers and men are needed in the Philippines. To meet the want it has been found necessary to place several of the battleships on the home station out of com mission, and sending parts • f their crews to Admiral Watson at Manilla. The Indiana and Texas will be the first laid up. KIDNEY AND BLADDER TROUBLE CURED Thousands of such cs»es have been cured by the uae of Botanic Blood Balm (B. B. B.) If you doubt it, write tc Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga., and they will sent! you a book of wonderful cure*, not only of the above diseases, hut of all manner of ailments arisrnK from impure blood. It ig the gtaudard remedy of the age for the cure of all blood and nkln diseases, old running .Sores, Pimples and Kidney and Bladder Dis eases. sl.oo per large bottle. OUK*I> WITH TWO BOTTLES. J. A. Maddox, Atlantv, Ga., writes: “I hnd preat trouble in passing urine, which was tilled with sediments. My buck and loins »rave me much pun. and i lost my appetite, strength and Heart. I became nervous and unable to sleep. Two bottles of Botanic Blood Balm i 11. B. B. ) gave me entire relief.” S. M I'TliS, Atlanta, <>a„ writes: ‘Botanic Mood B ilm (B. B. B.) cured ine of most stub born eczema. I had doctored it without su ;- cesg for twelve years.” For sale by Druggists. A trade paper says the commer cial apple crop of flie United States this year will approximateßs,ooo,- 000 barrels, with a manufacturing crop larger than last year. Thus lovers of champagne may congrat ulate themselves that there will be no scarcity i f their favorite tipple. The flashing eye, buoyant footstep and rosy complexion rssult from ttie use of Dr M. A. Simmons Liver Med icine. Temporary derangement of diges tion, through overwork, worry or emo tional excitement, are quickly rectified by Dr. M A. Simmons Liver Medicine. Plenty of people will not accept the truth of a story, if they cau get hold of a lot of scandal con cerning it. Mr. T. Williams, Setioia, (in., writes: For many years my family has used in cases of biliousness, costiveness, indi gestion, sick headache and sour stom ach, Dr. M. A. Simmons Liver Medi cine, which, in my opinion, is over 50 per cent stronger and belter than Zei in’s Regulator, which I have used. The Transvaal league has issued an estimate of the Boer forces, placing the number available against Great Britain at 08,000: and Orange Free State are credited with 85,000; Cape Colony recruits at 8,000; Hol landers 6,000; 4,oooGermans, 2,000 Irish, 600 Americans, 7,000 others. INSOMNIA ‘•I have been using CASCARETA for Insomnia, with which I have been afflicted for over twenty years, and I can say that Cascarets have given me more relief than any other reme dy I have ever tried. 1 shall certainly recom mend them to my friends a 9 being all they are rsprssented.” Thor Gillard, Elgin, 111. candy m 1. CATHARTIC mWlrwbw ewwtr TWAOI MANN *fßfoT«*Co Pleasant, Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good, Never Sleken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, ssc, fiOo. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Bc.rltnf n.a.Sy Cnaipaay, CM.**., Mantraal, Saw York. SIS MTft.niP. Sold and guaranteed by all drug • I U DRV gists to CIJBLK Tobacco Habit. ras.A.L.yL-ii TO ALL POINTS NO»TH, SOUTH AND SOUHWGST Schedule in Effect Dec. 11, 1808 S< >r T111)6 U Nl>. No. 408. No. 41. L v Now York, via Pa. K. R. *ll uuoml”* i> OOp in Lt Washington “ “ 4 40pm i 480 am 44 Riohmond, via ACL 9 00pm| 906 44 “ Portmoutb SAL *8 46 pin *9 80 44 Ar Weldon, 1110 pm 11 60 ain Ar Henderson 12 67 am 160 pin Ar Raleigh, 2 10am 8.14 pm 44 Southern Pines 4 28 “ 5 68 ** “ Hamlet 5 07 44 868 44 Vi lmington s a L 44 Monroe, SAL | • 048aip | * 9 12 44 Ar Charlotte, via SA L j~* 7~50am 1 *lo2spm Ar Chester, via S A L * 8 08a in *lO 50pm “ Greenwood 10 35 44 1 07 a m 44 Athens 1 18 pm 848 44 44 Atlanta. 860 “ 020 44 la v I.Hwrencevllle I *‘3 31 pin | * A 04 am NORTHBOUND. ‘ No. 402. No 38." Lv Atiauta, S A L, I *1 00 pin | *8 50 pin Ar Athens 8 10 pml 11 19 44 44 Greenwood 541 “ 12 08 am 4 * Chester 758 “ i 425 ** Ar Monroe, 9 30pm| 5 55am Ar Charlotte, "via sal *1025 pm | *7 60 a m 44 Hamlet SAL *ll 15 44 *7 45 44 Ar Wilmington, SAL *l2 05 pm “ Southern l'ines SAL *l2 08 am *9 00 am “ Raleigh 210 *• I 11 18“ 44 Henderson, 8 28“ 1250 pm 44 Weldon, 455 a m 250 pin Ar Portsmouth j 725 “ j 520 pm Ar kiohmoad a c L *> 45 44 44 Washining, via rk k 12 31 pm 11 10 44 44 New York | €tt " Lv Law rencavilla I*Bo7 pm I*lo Apia * Daily. fl>aily. Li. Sunday, i No 408 aud 402.---The “Atlanta Special,’ Solid ■ Pullman Vestibuled Train of Pullman Sleepers aud Coacbes between Washington and Atlanta also Pullman Sleepers between Portsmouth and ! Chester, S.C. Nos. 41 and 38, “The S \ L Express,” Solid Train, Coaches and Pullman Sleepers between j Portsmouth aud Atlanta. Company Sleepers i between Columbia and Atlanta. Immediate Connections —At Atlanta for Montgomery,New Orleans,Texas, Mexico,Cali fornia, Macon. Pensacola, Selma and Florida No extra fare on any train. For ticket* sleepers tod information, apply to ticket agent or to B. A. Nbwlani). General Agent, Wm. B. Clements,T. I*. A„ Atiauta. Ga E. St. John, Vice Pres, aud General Manager. V'. E. Mcßkk, Gen. Superintendent. H. W. B. Glovkk, Traffic Manager. L. S. ALLEN,General Pass. Ageut, General Offices Portsmouth, Va. Boils and Pimples Give Warning. 11l Ime All IMF elf'll TUIT When Nature is overtaxed, she ha» An UnrAlLinU ulull InA I her own way Of giving notice that assist ance is needed. She does not ask for IIITIIDC 1C i DOC A I IMP help unti: it is impossible td get along without RA I Uric 10 Arr.ALIIIO it. Boils and pimples are an indication that the system is accumulating impurities which rnn nri n must Is? gotten rid of ; they are an urgent appeal for assistance run nCLr ■ -a warning that can not safely be ignored. To neglect to purify the blood at this time means more than the annoyance of painful boils and unsightly pimples. If these impurities are allowed to remain, the system succumbs to any ordinary illness, and is wW NsV unable to withstand the many ailments which are so ffcjv -Sm prevalent during spring and summer \7f Rg Mrs. L. Gentile, 2004 Second Avenue, Seattle, Wash . , Hf A says: “ I was afflicted for a long time with pimples, which igjk J* were verv annoying as they disfigured my face fearfully. After using many other remedies in vain. 8 S. S. promptly and thoroughly cleansed my blood, and now I rejoice in Ejk V-pwjf- 1 S a good oomolexion, which I never had before.” yak O m. C<u>t. W H Dunlap, of the A. G. S. VnV/X -vAiAw R R. Chattanooga. Tenn., writee: / llf’jjß Several boils and carbuncles broke out upon me, causing wjH great pain and annoyance. My hlood seemed to be in a riotous condition, and nothing I took seemed to do W, R? ibN any good. Six bottles of 88. 8. cured n>e completely and my blood has been perfectly pure ever since.’' tiLal&S. 8. ° moon r, ptr.H t J ► . . AND . . \\ TENSION INDICATOR, | < J (devices for regulating and % ! > showing the exact tension) are < ;! a few of the features that c < J emphasize the high grade J > character of the white. \ ! > Send for our elegant H. T. < ;! catalog. < ! • White Sewing Machine Co., £ ;> CLEVELAND, 0. J a^aAAAAAAAAAWWVWA/v. DR. «3ANKS <• AGAIN. Read Endorsement of an Excel- lent Man and Minister. Winder, Ga., July 20, ’99. This certifies that my wife has been afflicted for a period of 18 years, at times in bed for 8 or 4 months. I decided to employ Dr. Edward Banks, of Bowman, Ga., to treat her, aud desire to say that her relief has been wonderful. Du ring her affliction she has been tr ated by more than a dozen phy sicians, with only temporary re lief. My wife holdly asserts now that she feels better than since her marriage, a period of 18 years. Dr. Banks has also treated me, and I am frank to sav that I have been wonderfully relieved. I cheerfully recommend Dr. Banks to all af flicted people. Give him a trial and see for yourself. Very truly, J.C. Patrick, Minister. A Remarkable Cure iu Six Miles of Bomau. Bowman, Ga., Sept. 9, ’99. This certifies t hat I was afflicted and not able to walk for a period of 4 years. I was treated by more than a dozen physicians. After taking treatment from dr. edwakd banks for a short while I was re stored to health, aud sm now ablo to walk and attend to all my do mestic duties. (Signed) Mrs. Mattie Kidd, I’. O. Dye, Elbert Co. Ga, Sworn to and subscribed before me, this September 9th, 1899. M. F. Adams Notary Public and exofficio J. P. If you cannot see me personally, write for treatment, question blanks, etc. Very truly. Edwin Banks, M D . Bowman, Ga. i-210 NiONgY . I •> * will toad you OUR HIGH vDSI fiGQ ill: AOf SURCICfc SEWING V i£.!IK O rsix* ■ . it. suUj-ei e*»*. K found perfectly nati!,f*eti>ry. exactly i.-pre»< ft- jJ. •Lt IMS’ I iJaKUa°V \ tfl' MS i'VuiKO K*.’ roar • . -J*\**l 1: i'»u Vr^ic^u r po •: : ll CM r* r 515.50 r I>' n. Mr and tl r ■ -Mb •' » 1 (ivfrnfo 7» cents ft* wob 600 ml.• V*’’*•s£'*/*'‘J CiVfc* IT Tt'K.’E fHG’ TRIAL iu you- own hoiu? sad gFS&r-.=? ’ *Er-'\5Y Z.Z' »e>-. Gun. 'Jay r •» ;-.n are out a.iti fled. W» »*ll <Uf- Mb,. ■»|P:| f.rcat vVn a-f c* > 1 '• »{ 8 jia.-hb .•» at fS.iO, 9!0.0>, tII.UO, NSar&a ft* a eetß iiCtt NU ? I «»': .du.', s’! fr. : d.ifr! t C ur y r c# S*wi>jt t'»Ulo«u«, Wraß 'L n HC.y * t »:Nr r buhdick WlvD s lg w ffiUnfl 4^5 is Oi« gr»at«9t « aiue over oii'w.ud oy . fjouse. ■SIT |9 "1 Iffiid c • seware oe.iwiTATio.-o strirry^ra 4 Ml lertismcnlii, oiU r.n.r v.-«»jwr Ci*cu nci under . tTous named, with 2 «£>w f r Tariciu* ir.d ieci.;'-iiir W.-li* teas* fri«a4 U tbit ago aa4 lf»ra wie *r« * afufl .. . jgfl ’» Ski id sls ano wuo o;s not. MI 4 r fU SL* WI f I if has every KODKEN IRrROTEKirr. raLwwMafl l^ I Ti C. RlMnUllifk kvißY good roiNT or kVKHT hi till M S' _ r:— ghim; Bit it ink ■ai>i, with iiik Tfi - , f DKlktiS or 6UN k. M .iiK r.V THE REST MARK* IN AMERICA. o*3 * i.6M 111 E BEST MATERIAL ** * ,•% ••••• -MC.i V tAIW. SQLmfflmEjmcpjtjt t Ca!>i I •*T-~ .. A.' VftKr' ’ I'iSXO rt4a*Mllt». oneUluaf.-at.on el v. rioChißc i. :. ,1 i Lt*au uroi i 1 a ping from bight; to beufilassernt.r tcht#, biaad »r s«-,k. the <ik*r *■ mgglg* i ; , 4yu vlth full • ngth to te ami head in place for sewing. 4 h«> c V/- - •*>*“•*, ' -ri, latest 1809 skelrwn frame, carved, paneled, embossed and 5 **** ‘*^7ro i i decoratti caMiet Am ah. tines t nickel drawer pulls, rests on 4 cas -1 & 6 ters, bail bearing adjustable tieadle. genuine Smyth iron star.d. ■ IV 8 ■‘iOuaTv* i'•••rst l»rg* Hleh aria i.rad p'sitive fv.ur motion feed, self threading vibrat • r ■ fjvvjy P ka Bffl ing shuttle, uutoaiatic bobbin v i ode r. adjustable bearings, patent tension JL’J s|| i a mq i'Leiator, in prorri loose wheel, adjustable presser foot, improved sliutt'.e fell H i] iU'iffl, ca-r-rr. patent nu*e«lle har, patent dressgusrd head is handsomely decorated IC. fiK?! G S IfflPfj ."<■! • - KICKEI. TRIMMED. ■5 B a. * Jg vyjiftK CUa R,’,N I ELD U-S light, tl runnirg, a«.»« durable mad nrnr-at R.darif.a marhln* •5 | i |%,9 * mut*. gitrj knows MUckßi-at i«6iraivhrd aaU »«r Free Instruction Book tells *■ *AV A SO-TIBASB* BINDINa GUAR ANTES is sent with esery machine . a I IT Yflli LOI MIMC to see and examine this machine, compare it —yll CUoiQ TliUikUinihU W |||| those your storekeeper sslltat $40.00 ’ "■■II ■ to SOO.OO arvi if ■••inelncsd yec fS6.SC *e 940.00, pay year freight »t«*l lUe $1 r ».50, WX TO SKfi R' TOtl St&.»o if at aay tie* el. hie three ucath* vee esy yea are aet •et!eit4. UKUIkTO Oxt. 90ST ltoebuck A Co. are thoroughly reliable — Editor ) Addrm, StARS, ROEBUCK 6 CO. (Inc.) Chicago, 111. ff ril fatal thrfl iu! i Pl fl ! S| si D ll VV *fl ;■! ex. | Kul dell ret il *3<l 1 off! i u -*w ! wttl i P”! I J v.iM hnfl ’«■ T! J at ■ t hoi ll Tori u.l I 'l i I '■ill iiiiiN i m.l ■ mil ti< I vv I A I I LG 1 »q CJj , - i th H fine nml PwHIHgBjK h.-ura, U.i, hurk A; CoTareThorT^^^^Umjl X “ ' OUMIiH j)5 CENTS, q sisiipS \ JfN GUB OFFER: Cut tills ad oil band tend \ to us, ineio*e a good \.l W ■ ■■■ VPL', ; ' ru oor s P ,e,,< * fluelml and i cent, 1 V, / I » ,a Y postage. *>fd we will make the . V>,.J ' -I. MMI MS to you bv ’. V// >nnll v i»oM-’:.l l.aiHl if you nr,- not ]yfi si *• WUI t^Si'fcla 1 Offer Prlee foltow,. 2-oa. sw itch L r t! ' m - 65c ? "t«rt stem, . 90c, -f-°*. J--in. long, short stem, $1.25: long, short stem, $1.50: 3-oz 4A- ST 1 n *-■ Iv.njs.wlaortHtesu..S2.2sJ 86-In 3»l° n R. short stem, 53.25. WB m .BixrtM ■ Cid SertS 0 o E i th !* Krode tS ' vAv market. M«r it out io<t ti,r,i> kdmUl .r - i rr l "'*- w ' . J ' M *~**‘ <* SEARS, ROEBUCK 8, CO (Inc.) Chicaoo. y— n% kectmck M to. are thuroughlv reliable. -- hditur.) iu o pi Wi t »'ll ll La Pr tion La or • ' '* Gaffneys . . Jil46 p lU™ •• Spartanburg. 12 Ma 1134 a 8 1 5 p -■ - ** Greenville.... 126a12 30p 480 p S i»l7. Central 6 32p Kx- Seneou . ... 228 a 133 p 540 p Sn “ Westminster 800 p vr 2- - Toccoa 317 a 2 18 p « p 1 “ Mt. Airy J>l P “ Cornelia 300 p 7J«P 225? » Lula 108 a[3 18 p ra«P “ Gainesvi'i*... 430 a 337 pB2Bp «40 a " Buford IK a, 8 W p 7«a " Noreross .. .. 625 a 1 915 p 8 2ii a Ar Atlanta, E. T. 6 10 a 4 55 p 10 00 p 930 ■ Ar. Atlanta, C. T. 5 10 al p ! 900 p 890 l "A" a. m. “r*" p. m. “M" noon. “N* night. Chesapeake Line Steamers in daily service between Norfolk and Baltimore. Nos. ;$7 and 38—Daily. Washington and South western Vestibule Limited. Through Pullman sleeping cars between New York and New Or leans, via Washington, Atlanta and Montgom i ®ry, and also between New York and Memphis, ▼iaWashington, Atlanta and Birmingham. Alsu «>fKant PCJLLMAN LIBRARY OBSERVA TION CARS Iwtween Atlanta and New York. Firatclass thoroughfare coaches between W ash- i »ngton and Atlanta. Dining oars serve all meals ®u route. Pullman draw ing-room sleeping carl bet ween Greensboro and Norfolk. Close con uectton at Norfolk for OLD POINT COMFORT. runs solid between Washington and New Or* leans, via Southern Railway. A. & W. P. R- R. •n.i L. <s N. li. r., being composed of baggage car and coaches, through without change for passengers of all classes. Pullman drawing 1 *■ l f e l» m K cars between New York and via Atlanta and Montgomery and SERES Charlotte and Birmingham. Also Pj awi ®K H<K)m Huffel Sleeping Cars Wnwbo,” A tian,a Hnd Asheville. N. C. Leaving each Tuesday and Friday, a WMhi»»SSSP ln *»« Rr, sL u run trough between Din?n» gt n ami * NUI without change. ! nS? uVS?* cn route. bet WMn Rt i. M)uthlmiin I V h v non< ?i aud j harlo,te> vw Danville, 84 amd 12 d N °* 11 aud **• northbound Noe. FRANKS. GANNON, J M cm P Third V-P. & t* n . Mg r KmJSVr „ a T-sr 1 ' a g o&ifvS'a b ; H hakuwiok. —c. Asa tu “ n ' l f 4 BUGGY WHEELS $6.90 Spokes l |.is° r,i 4 ltt . For any uthi ' CaUlf \? u *- Cut this ad out and *end to us with OSR iHU.Lttt. htata h* W fl h ifh. W <'" t n wl « nd , we " 111 sef »n them t»y freight C. 0. D. KXAIISB THRU at 70nT . f r f lfrht B«P<»t and t hen My fret»ht 0h Ms sif\ t i r V IN THE Kitchen, and still have your loflit iviuli Lt r el i prep th / Li ENTERPRISE E •• FUEL SAVERS.” They are made of Southern iron by Southern workmen, wf»o are sustained by the products of Southern farmers. They last longer and make more homes happy than any other Stove on earth. Fire Backs guaranteed for Fifteen Years. Over 200,000 have stood the test, and every one has proven sat isfactory. If your dealer don’t handle them, write for Catalogue. PHILLIPS & BUTTORFF MFG, GO. NASHVILLE, TENN. Manufacturers of Cooking and Heating Stoves, Mantels and Grates, Hollowware, Tinware, etc. Importers of and dealers in China, Crockery, Glassware, Cut lery, Wooden and Willow ware. Everything necessary and convenient for the Kitchen, Dining Room, Laundry and Dairy. Let us quote you prices on our NATIONAL STEEL RANGES. - W. R. DEXTER. L • FUNERAL DIRECOR AND embalmer, agffLyf- ■■ Lawrenceville. Ga. I llfi? fßgMPjjh 4 S*sbss| A rull ,ine "f Coffins. Casket*. Cases. Suits I L -T •~f L jSreS Wrappers. Shoes, Gloves, etc., always on hand. All Calls Given Prompt Attention |o Extra Charge for Hearse and Services. jo Not Permit Dealers lo persuade you That they have Something just as lod as” Lv *TP*e __ gvpHElf It costs more than other makes but is cheaper in the run because it lasts. B The dealer who advises you not to buy it lias a reason? his profit or your interest that prompts him ? Think, by THE EVERETT PIANO CO., B Boston, Mass. Bie John Church Company , General Factors. HnCINNATI. NEW YORK. CHICAGO. H 99 Peachtree Street—Atlanta, Ga. Ike treatment from I DR. BANKS OF BOWMAN. B> You Desire to be Cured ? Had the endorsement of an influential man and wife. Ga, s<*pt., 1899.— This certifies that I)r. Edward Banks,of Bowman, has treated ray for Dropsy, Kidney and other troubles for the short period of about five weeks, i desire that my wife’* health is decidedly better than it has been for two years. My wire now sweetly, the 4welling has disappeared from her limbs, her appetite is good, and the nn- Hveraent has simply been wonderful. My wifi* and I heartily recommend Dr. Bank* to an Kted people. G ive him a trial and be convinced for MR Very £«J£ Dow^ B Read What the People of My Home Town Say: If: . Bowman, Ga., May 3rd, 1898. ■ We the undersigned certify that Dr. Edward Banks has practiced Bdiciue in Bowman for a period of about three years, and many poo* ■ have gained health through his instrumentality. We regard Dr. B*>ks as being a faithful, conscientious physician. ■ Zollar, Pros. John Gibson Inst. Bs. Colvard, Prof. Bc.Branyon, Hv Giun, Merchant. Bw. Hand, Johnson, M. D. N. Brown, Clerk. BP: Walker, M. D. M. F. Adams, N. P. S. B. Seegar, Merchant. I treat Chronic Diseases and diseases peculiar to women. If you cannot see me personally write for la list of printed questions to be answered, and you cau obtain treatment by express. Charges after July 10th, 1899, $7.50 per month. This is exactly 25 cents per day, counting thirty days to the month. Very respectfully, EDWARD BANKS, M. D., Specialist. BOWMAN, GEORGIA. SEND US ONE DOLLAR* ~ ■"l ut thla »d. out and .. nd to u. »i:h and «e «»l •end you ibis .NKW -A,- ini'HO' Il> PiKI/OK UkROIUiO. by freight t. O. U., subject lo,i»a.lni>- H .n. You can examine It at.vour nearest freight, depot, ami It , „„ find It exaetly an represented, the greatest vnlne you ever saw far belter than organa advertised by oilier* at m. re money, P»y Ibr L «*b ht S’ ..W'JR , aiiq PRICE 535 5Qv lea* the SI.OO deposit, or #l, A.*»o and AarwawiTTa-inf ‘'ll V'fl : p thf parlor cem i..~ .r «v« «*» 2 ,e®H nBRIIBHI I AVD BWKKTKST loNKIt Inatrumenta ever made. From the illustration jl |.| S ,h ",'hichi. ( n f r.v«l direct fr..m . photograph J'o» «n form H UgMUI MfSgSM k, i-e iilen of its beautiful appearance. Mude tro:n aolld quarter U “« f « J Mk.r w-Hlnut B. di.lreJ. p.r(or..,d key .lip, (Mil Mj, § . T* . r.i ,„„b| r r design itanela and many other handsome decorations Sf -'n.V ‘l Ik. VM!I LAHSTSTVIK. THE PAKI.OU I ..hilM 4.LM IS 6 feet blktt', . ill. -I” ’-'.ft rMonf Priilyl .nl , i J pT;.. ; .V8..r. a,Mi» eriMiMi , 1 CAR, on CE r A i tion eoiihiatsof toe iWKjZ («;»■ .rated N. well It.eua, w: i ivb a Causers ri' £2 ‘K» mt«f. '/1/f'gZiS. 5, , ■ ! ./Mffi ‘.•UARANTEEP* 25 YEARS. Sa".?"""* (*"& . 1 ill i kil r u A-•« Opr** Toot one £^ : /SSjSS S roiuiulyou... ..... -'ll y.i!l «r,. r... Pv. Ire Uy JBL.Bed. jUO VJaS£SH*fcV*s ’*? '■■gfe T|® M N i i. yi Vil\V vJs ‘* o ’ OBl>l .y ‘ u\ jbH - ■•tA- . \ ..c W. M. Denney, Merchant. I. D. Gloer, S. M. Hulme, Merchant. T. L. Adams, Attorney at Law. J. A. Quillian, Minister, formerly of Bowman, now of Winder. I. G.Gloer, Parmer. H, A. Poss, Marshal. F. Butler. Minister. I W. A. David, Railroad Agent. G. J. Christian, Minister.