The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, June 28, 1900, Image 1

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News Herad !*»“ Constitution, •j 12 THE GWINNETT HERALD, ) THE LAWRENCEVI I! *E NE WS, i CODSOlldltCd Jfl.ll. 1, 1898, Established In 1893, ) [9 oo Drops' Castoria AVcgelable Preparationfor As similafing thcFoodandßegula ling the Stomachs and Bowels of IN KAN rs/( HILDKKN Promotes Digestion,Cheerful ness andßest.Contains neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narc otic . f*nfr afOUBrSMUELPITCWM Pumpkin Seed'"' v Mx. Senna * 1 foxh dU Sml*- I Anise ■Wf * \ £SS&S.s,. / hint* Seed - \ A perfect Remedy forConstipa- Tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF SLEEP. FacSinute Signature of REWYORK. Alb months old J) l)«si s - i n rs EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. BUILDING MATERIAL. DOORS—INSIDE AND OUTSIDE, SASH, SIDE LIGHTS, BLINDS. MANTLES, FLOORING, CEILING, BASE BOARDS, CORNER BOARDS, DOOR AND WINDOW FRAMING, MOULDINGS, LATHS, SHINGLES, LOCKS,HINGES,WINDOW WEIGHTS, ETC. All material complete for building a house. Atlanta prices duplicated„and freight saved. J. A. AMBROSE & CO. Lawrenceville, Ga. SEASON 1900.4- MEN’S SUITS 7 50,10 00, 12 00 15 00, 18, 20, and $25. BOY’S SUITS ALL PRICES. If you do not visit Atlanta often, send us your order by mail. We make a specialty of mail orders, and guarantee satisfaction in every instance. Tour money back if you wish it. Eiseman Bros. nnmnrc / a«»bu. 15-17 wu»eh»ii«tr.rt. 15-17 Whitehall street. STORES , W.OiTiianstreet. - Our Only store in Atlanta. COME THIS WAY! Hereafter we will have a full line of choice Family Groceries, also fresh Bread, Fancy Crackers, Candies, etc. Goods delivered anywhere in the city. Prompt Attention Given All Orders. VVe want barter of all kinds. Vose & Pentecost. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the I \ Signature /A I) fTr Use \J For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THC CtNTAUR COMPANY. NEW VOW* CITY. When you come to the city, call on us; we will make your visit both pleasant and profitable. Our selec tion of Spring Clothing, Hats and Furnishings for men and boys this season excels anything that has ever been attempted in Atlanta. Our Childrens’ Department is brim full of novelties; there is nothing that Boys wear that cannot be found here; if we haven’t it in stock, we make it upon short notice. THE NEWS-HERALD. commerce. We renew our faith in the policy of protection of American labor. In that policy our industries have been established, diversified and maintained. By protecting the he me market the competition has been stimulated and production cheapened. Opportunity to the inventive genius of our people has been secured and wages in every department of labor maintained at high rates, higher now than ever before, always distinguishing our working people in their better conditions of life from those of any competing country. Enjoying the blessings of Amer ican common schools, secure in the right of self-government and protected- in the occupancy of their own markets their constant ly increasing knowledge and skill have enabled them finally to en ter the markets of the world. We favor the policy of reciprocity so directed as to open our markets on favorable terms for what we do REPUBLICAN PLATFORM, The Republican party, in con vention at Philadelphia last week, adopted as their platform; We renew our allegiance to the principle ot the gold standard,and declare our confidence in the wis dom of the legislation of the fifty sixth congress by which the parity of all our money and the stability of our currency on a gold basis has been secured. We recognize that interest rates are a potent factor in production and business activity and for the purpose of further equalizing and of further lowering the rates of interest we favor such monetary legislation as will enable the varying needs of the season, and of all sections, to be promptly met in order that trade may be evenly sustained; that labor be steadily employed and commerce enlarged. The volume of money in circulation was uever so great per capita as it is today. We declare our steadfast oppo sition to the free and unlimited coiuage of silver. No measure to that end could be considered which was without the support of the leading commercial countries of the world. However firmly re- publican legislation may seem to have secured the country against the peril of base and discredited currency, the election of a demo cratic president could not fail to impair the country’s credit, and to bring once more into question the intention of the American people to maintain upon the gold standard the parity of their money circulation. The democratic party must be convinced that the American peo ple will never tolerate the Chicago platform. We recognize the necessity and propriety of the honest co-opera tion of capital to meet new busi ness conditions, and especially to extend our rapidly increasing for eign trade. But we condemn all conspiracies and combinations in tended to restrict business; to create monopolies; to limit pro duction or to control prices and favor such legislation as will ef fectually restrain and prevent all such abuses, proteat and promote competition and secure the rights of producers, laborers and all who are engaged in industry and not ourselves produce in return for these foreign markets. In the further interest es Amer ican workmen, we favor a more effective restriction of the immi gration of labor from foreign lands, the extention of opportuni ties of education for working chil dren, the raising of the age limit for child labor, the protection of free labor, as against contract con vict labor, and an effective system of labor in-urance. Our present dspendence upon foreign shipping for nine-tenths of our foreign-carrying trade is a great loss to the industry of this country.- It is also a serious dan- GLORIOUS NEWS Cornea from Dr. B. Cargile, of Washita, I. T. He writes • “Four bottles of Electric Bitters has cured Mrs. Brewer of scrofula, which had caused her great suffer ing for years. Terrible sorei would break out on her heat and face, aud the best doctors could give no help, but her cure is complete and her health is excellent. ’ This shows what thousands have proved —that Eleceric Bitters is the best blood purifier. It’s the supreme remedy for eczema, tetter, salt rheum, ulcers, boils and running sores. It stimulates liver, kidneys and bowels, expels poisons, helps digestion build up strength. Only 50 cents. Sold by A. M. Winn & Sod, Druggists. Guaranteed. LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1900. ger to our trade for its sudden withdrawal in the event of Euro pean war would seriously cripple : our expat ding foreign commerce. The national defense and naval efficiency of this country more over supply a compelling reason | for legislation which will enable us to recoxer our former place among the trade carrying fleets of the world. The nation owes a debt of pro found gratitude to the soldiers and sailors who have fought its battles, and it is the government’s duty to provide for the survivors and widows and orphans of those who fell in the country’s wars. The pension laws founded on this just principle should be liberal and should be liberally adminis tered and preference should be given in the employment of pub lic servants to soldiers and sailors or to their widows and orphans. We recommend the policy of the republican party in maintain ing the efficiency of the civil ser vice. The administration has act ed wisely in ite effort to secure for public service in Cuba, Porto Rico Hawaii and the Philippine islands ouly those whose fitness has been determined by training and expe rience. We believe that the em ployment in the public service in those territories should be con fined as far as possible to their in habitants. It was the plain purpose of the fifteenth amendment to the con stitution to prevent discrimina tion on account of race or color in regulating the elective fran chise. Devices of state govern ments, whether by statutory or constitutional enactment, to avoid the purpose of the amendment are revolutionary and should be con demned. Public movements looking to a permanent improvement of roads and highways of the country meet with our cordial approval, and we recommend this subject to the earnest consideration of the peo ple of the legislatures of the sev eral states.' We favor borne rule for and the early admission to statehood of the territories of New Mexico, Ar izona and Oklahoma. The country is now' justified in expecting, and it will be the policy of the republican party, to bring about a reduction of the war taxes. We favor the construction, own ership, control and protection of an Isthmian canal by the govern ment of the United States. In the interest of our expanding commerce, we recommend that congress create a department of commerce and industries,in charge of a secretary with Btate portfolio. It Bhould be organized under the basis of appointment and will ren der it serviceable to the nation’s increasing trade. To Cuba independence and self government were assured in the same voice by which war was de clared,and to the letter this pledge shall be performed. The republican party, upon its history and upon this declaration of principles and policies, confi dently invokes the considerate and approving judgment of the American people. A CARD OF THANKS. I wish to say that I feel under lasting obligations for what Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy has doue for our family. We have used it in so many cases of coughs, lung troubles and whooping cough, and it has always given the most per fect satisfaction, we feel greatly indebted to the manufacturers of this remedy and wish them to please accept our hearty thanks. Respectfully, Mrs. S. Dory, Des Moines, lowa. For sale by Bag well Drug Co. LADIES, WHY DON’T YOU? Editor News-Herald: Is there anything at all that we cau say or do to convince ALL your lady' readers that we are actually giving away to every married lady in the United States who writes for it an elegant,sterling silver-plated sugar shell like jewelers sell at 75c each? There is no “catch” about this offer. There is nothing to pay, nor any requirements to buy any thing in order to secure this beau tiful souvenir gift. It is our way of advertising the merits of Quaker Valley silverware. A copy of the Home-Furnisher, our own publi cation, will also be seDt free. Sur ely this beautiful sugar Bhell gift if is worth asking for. Then it seems to us that we should hear from every married iady who reads your paper. Quaker Valley Mfg., Co., Morgan and Harrison Hts. Chicago. The One Day Cold Cure. Kcrtnott’. Chocolate. quinine lor cold in the head and .ore throat. Children take them like candy. Concerning the Boot ani Shoe Bushiest. I j ( New York Journal. The mauusoript of this article wss given to a friend of the author shortly before the latter’s death. The recipient mislaid it and gave it up as lost until u few weeks ago, when it turned up unexpectedly. It is one of Mr. Nye’s best and most characteristic productions; I have received the following letter: Dear Nyk: lam about to start in the boot and shoe business. My friends say I am cut out for it, have genius in that direction. Can you suggest, soms way to get going and stay going without usiug the newspapers ? An early reply will greatly oblige, Reginald. To begin with—stay where you arel Don’t move! “About to start” is better than starting with out the aid of the press, Reggie. I’m glad to hear that you have a geuius—you’ll need it, Reggio,to succeed in any direction, unless you are bound “lip Salt Creek,’’ without the geuial and necessary assistance of printer’s ink. I can suggest a way—l will sug gest a way—a road as plain as is the nose on your face, Reggie. I take it for granted you have a face and that the nose ornamenting it is a Roman one, aud but a mere dent in your physiognomy. A road that has been traveled by more unadulterated failures both in the shoe trade and other branches of business endeavor than that charm iug country ramble which Shake speare says “is paved with good in tentions.” It wifi bear careful consideration, and is as follows: SOME HINTS ON SELF AHVERTISING. The first thing on w aking in the morning, turn over and go to sleep again ; this will rest you and keep you from getting up. No self-re specting shoe dealer should reach his place of business before 10 o’- clock in the morning; and it might add to his dignity not to get there till 10 p. m. When you have opened the store, bring in the hose and wet down the stock to make sure it does not leak. If it’s a cold morning, wet down the walk in front of the etc re, so it’ll freeze, and the first man that attempts to go by will fall, like Lucifer, and drive his spinal col umn up through his brains. This is an efficient way to see if the man who attempted to go by has any brains. Drag him into the store and send for a doctor. This will draw a crowd, some of whom might need shoes and steal a pair. While the doctor is pushing the man’s spine back to place and sew ing up the hole, tell the injured wretch a funny story, and sell him a pair of shoes that won’t slip. You might turn the hose on the crowd, at the same time making some facetious remark about the weather. By this time lots of folks will have slipped down on your improvised rink, to their great merriment. This little stroke of business can be dealt by you any time when it is not freezing by spreading a few banana skins on the walk. Folks will sue you—if they don’t kill you outright—and a law suit will keep your name be- j fore the public. When the excitement is over take the best pair of shoes in the store, if you have paid for them, and get a big hammer and a long spike ond spike them down to the sidewalk iD front of the door. This will attract attention and afford you infinite amusement when any one tries to carry them off. When a lady calls, don’t jump at “business” the first thing by asking her if she wants to buy a pair of shoes; she always goes to the drug store for them. , As her how old she is; if her teeth are false, and if she lives happily with her husband. Then introduce the svbject of shoes carefully but firm ly with a slight innuendo, as, “I see you have got your feet with you I” or “When small feet were given out in Maine you were iu Texas I” Try a line of Ella Wheel er on her ; women like poetry: “Laugh and the world laughs with you, Weep and we all repine; An extra sized shoe is the thing for you When your foot is a number nine.” When she flounces out, ask her : if that’s her owu hair or a switch.' Then, when her husband or big brother comes arouup, laugh your self as he jams your meaaly bead through a shoe case. “Laugh and he will laugh with you.” This will keep the town talking about yon, aud is much cheaper than adver tising in the papers. The late B. T. Barnum, when business was dull at the old “Mn j seum, New York,” had a man with a very solemn face walk out and lay a brick down in the middle of the street, leave it there, walk back m and through the museum with-1 out saying a word or cracking a smile, take up another brick and lay that down by the first; pick up | the first and back through the mu seum again. This he repeated un til a crowd had gothered and paid to follow him iq to see what he was doing. 1 wouldn’t advise you to do that. They’d call you an imitator. That you don’t want, lie original, liny a load of bricks have them dumped in the yard back of the store, and, when all the town is trying to sleep after the excitement you havo already caused, carry the whole load upon the roof, one brick at a time, thus you can count them, aud it will perfect you in figures. Next day about 10 or 11 a. m. got up oil the roof and begin to dance and yell “Fire!” This will bring the town to your store. Then holler “April fool 1” and throw the bricks as fast as you can on their heads. You can yell “April fool” on the 10th of October if you like, it will add to your eccentricity, increase your popularity, and perhaps land you in the cooler. Keep everybody talking about vou —that’s the key note of success. Shut up your store three days each week, leaving a big placard in the window, “Gone fishing, will be back most any time.” Then from behind a broken window pane which you have knocked out back of the shutters, you can en joy the comments of your fellow townsmen. You might close up altogether, and thus play a joke on the sheriff, who was just going to save you the trouble. Finally, when you are too financially dead to tan and make into a flair of 75- cent brogans, you will have a big monument with “Adam Failure^’ cut intq it in the latest, ecru pat tern. Yours for health, Bill Nye. THE APPETITE OF A GOAT Is envied by all poor dyspeptics whose Stomach and Liver are out of order. All such should know that Dr. King’s New Life Pills, the wonderful Stomach and Liver Remedy gives a splendid appetite, sound digestion and a regular bod ily habit that insures perfect health and great energy. Only 25c at A. M. Winn <fe Son’s drugstore. Some lookers-on think that Quay’s proposal to cut down so greatly the number of negro dele gates to the Republican conven tions from the South means that the Republicans are tired of buy ing these delegates and want to “fire’’ them instead. Others think that by eliminating the negro from politics as far as possible it is hoped to build up a white Repub lican party in the South. —Macon Telegraph. Last faR I sprained my left hip while handling some heavy boxes. The doctor I called on said at first it was a slight strain and would soon be well, but it grew worse and the doctor then said I had rheumatism. It continued to grow worse and I could hardly get around to work. I went to a drug store and the druggist recommend ed me to try Chamberlain’s Pain Balm. I tried it and one-half of a 50-cent bottle cured mo entirely. I now recommend it to all my friends.—F. A. Babcock, Erie, Pa. It is for sale by Bagwell Drug Go. REDUCED RATES VIA SOUTH ERN RAILWAY. National Democratic Conven tion, Kansas City, Mo., July 4th, 1900. On account of this occasion, Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets from all points on its lines to Kansas City, Mo., and re turn at rate of one first class fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold July Ist and 2nd, with fi nal limit July 9th, 1900. South ern Railway is most direct route to Kansas City, uud offers best 1 schedules. ! ANNUAL COXVKNTION B. Y. P. V. CINCINNATI, JULY 12-16. On account of the above occa sion, Southern Railway will sell round trip tickets from ull sta tions on its lines to Cincinnati, Ohio, and return at rate of one first class fare for the rouud trip, i Tickets will be sold July 10th, 11th and 12th, with final return limit | July 18th, 1000. For detailed information rela tive to schedules, sleeping car res ervations, etc., call on or write any agent of the Huthern Railway or its connection*, 8. H.HARRWTfK. A. Ok P. A., Atlanta. Royal & T Absolutely Pure Makes the food more delicious and wholesome EDUCATIONAL. NOTICE. The Board of Education will meet on Tuesday, July Brd. Mem ber! of file Board and others inter ested, will please take notice. A. M. Winn, Pres. QUESTIONS FOR EXAM INATION. ENGLISH GRAMMAR. 1. Write a declarative sentence that ends with an interrogation point 2. How do relative pronouns differ from other pronouns ? 8. Define a participle. Give example of a partioiple used as a noun. 4. Mention six words after which to of the infinitive is usual ly c mitted. 5. Using each in a sentence, il lustrate 1, a cogxate object, 2, a predicate adjective used abstract ly- Ruskin says that we are all given strength enough to do every thing that God wants us to do. (The remaining questions refer to the preceding sentence.) 0. Classify the sentence, 1, as to form, 2, as to meaning. 7. Select the dependent clauses and state liow each is used, 8. Classify the connectives and tell what each connects. 9. Select, 1, an abstract noun, 2, a relative noun, 8, an udjective pronoun. 1. Tho teacher asked, who will go? 2. Relative pronouns are used connect adjective clauses. 8. A participle is an assnming form of the verb, having the use of an adjective or noun. Exam ple: Picking cotton is hard word, 4. Bid, dare, feel, hear, let, make. 5. Cognate object, He livod a usefal life. Predicate adjective used abstractly, To be perfect is impossible, 0. 1, Complex, 2, declarative. 7. That we are all given strength enough to do everything; used as a noun. That God wants us to do; used us an adjective. 8. Tnat; subordinate conjunc tion introduces noun clause. That; relative pronoun, connects adjective clause with everything. 9. 1, strength, 2, second that, 8, all. GEOGRAPHY. (Value 10.) 1. Name the Geographic Forces and Agents ? 2. What are the two main pur poses of nature study ? What is its use in Geography ? 8. Define, Climate, stating its two factors. On what does the cli mate of a place depend ? 4. Give direction and cause of the Trade-Winds and the Anti- Trades. 5. Give name and direction of the principle river of five conti nents. G. Name the capitals of the Southern States that seceded. 7. LocateMafeking.Cape Nome, the Transvaal, Dwwsou City, and tell what has brought them recent ly to public notice. 8 Locate the tropics and polar circles and tell why they are bo lo cated. 9. Give two theories about the cause of Ocean Currents. 10. Draw a map of Georgia, lo cating live rivers and five cities. The Geographical Forces. a. Heat and cold. b. Light. c. Gravitation. d. The vital forces of plant and animal life. The Geographical Agents. a. Air. b. Water. c. Mineral matter. d. Organic forms. 2, To, dtvelepe observation ; to , awakeu love of nature (to train appreciation). Seepage IOC. it jis the fouudatiou of geographic | work. j 8. Climate is the state of the at mosphere iu regard to tempera ture and moisture. It depends upon latitude, elevation at above sea level, distance from bodies of j water, prevailing winds and ocean News-Herald j Journal, weekly, Only 91.Z5. VOL. m NO 36 currents. >l. Trade winds blow from N. E. and S. E.; anti-trades in opposing direction. Causes are equatorial heat aud the rotation of the earth. 5. Africa, Nile flowing N. N. America, Mississippi, flowing S. S. America, Amazon, flowing E. Europe, Danube, flowing E. Asia, Y r angtze, flowing N. E. Australia, Murray, flowing W. (Eurasia, Yangtze, flowing N. E.) 6. Virginia, Richmond. Tennes see, Nusbville. Arkansas, Little Rock. North Carolina, Raleigh South Carolina, Columbia. Geor gia, Atlanta. Alabama, Montgom ery. Mississippi, Jackson. Louis iana, Baton Rouge. Florida, Tal lahassee. Texas, Austin. 7. Mafeking, S. Africa, pro lon fled siege by the Boers. Trans vaal, seat of war between Briton and Boer. Cape Nome, W. Alas kan field. Dawson City, N. W. Territory, Dominion of Canada— gold field. 8. Tropics and I’olar Circles are 28j degrees from the equator and poles. The Tropics mark N. and S. limits of vertical buu rays and the Polar Circles mark the limits of illumination when the sun is verticle at the tropics. The loca tion is determined by the inclina tion of the earth’s axis. 9. (1) Difference is specificgrav ity of equalorinl and polar waters caused by temperature inequali ties. 2. Friction of the trade winds and other winds. 10. See map of Georgia. A good many tsacherß have fail ed to make the mark requisite for toaciiors’ license, and the follow ing card will be mailed to each teacher that stood the examina tion : Grade of the examination of Arithmetic ...... ' Geography,. . . Grammar History Penmanship Pedagogy Spelling Reading 8) To Teacher : If you are not satisfied with this grade, come to my office, and 1 will convince you that you have been marked correct ly. J. A. Bagwell, C. S. C. DOES IT PAY TO BUY CHEAP? A cheap remedy for coughs and colds is all right, but you want something that will relieve and cure the more severe and danger ous results ot throat and lung troubles. What shall you do? Go to a warmer and more regular cli mate? Yes, if possible. If not possible for you, then in either case take tho only remedy that has beeu introduced in all civilized countries with success in severe throat and lung troubles, “Bos •ohee’e German Syrup.” It not only heals and stimulates the tis sues to destroy the germ disease, but allays iuflamation, causes easy expectoration, gives a good night’s rest, and cures the patient. Try one bottle. Recommended many yearg by all druggists in the world. Sample bottles ut Bagwell’s Drug Store, Lawrenceville; Smith and Harris, Suwanee: R. O. Medlock, Norcross. Cups and saucers are never used for tea anywhere in Russia. The teucups are unknown. The drink ing vessel for tea is the “stakan,” a glass tumblei iu a silver holder. No Russian ever.drinks milk iu his tea. QUESTION ANSWERED. Yes, August Flower still has the largest; sale of any medicine iu the civilized world. Your mothers and grandmothers never thought of using anything else for Indiges tion or Billioußness. Doctors were scarce, and they seldsm heard of Appendecitis, Nervous Prostration or Heart Failure, etc. They used August Flower to clean out the system, aud stop fermentation of undigested foou, regulate the ac tion of the liver, stimulate the nervous and organic action of the system, and that is all they took when feeling dull and bad with headaches and other aches. You only need a few doses of Green’s August Flower, in liquid form, to make you satisfied there is noth ing serious the matter with you. Sample bottles at Bagwell Drug Store. Lawrenceville, R. 0. Med lock, Norcross, Smith & Harris, Suwanee.