The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, August 09, 1900, Image 2

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The News-Herald. Official Organ Gwinnett County. PUBLISHED EVKKY THURSDAY Lawranuflile'Publishing Co., Proprietors. JA3. A. BAOWELL, Editor. Nursing Mothers dread hot weather. They know how it weakens and how this affects the baby. All such mothers need Scott’s Emulsion. It gives them strength and makes the baby’s food richer and more abundant. 50c. and 11. All Bru*rU<*.. A Let«on From North Carolina- Will the Populists of Gwinnett couuty help bring about such a condition of affairs in Georgia as has existed in North Carolina for the last five or six years ? We hope not. But will the same cause produce the same effect in Georgia as in North Carolina ? Most assuredly it will. Let us see: Some years ago when the Populist party was strong and young, they succeeded in having their ticket elected in the old North State. Many white men joined the Populist party. They fused with the Republicans; the Populists and Republicans con trolled the negro voto, and the Democrats were defeated. The negro, knowiug that his vote elect ed the ticket, demanded his sh ire oe the spoils and got it. He de manded office and got it. All over North Carolina there were negroes in office. The white peo ple of the State were humiliated by the ihglorious spectacle of see ing their state in the hands of the negro. For six years they bore this burden; and at last, when an outraged people could stand no more, when the moral sentiment of the people could bear no fur ther infamy, the white manhood of the state rose in its majesty and power hurled into oblivion the men who aared to perpetrate their damnable frauds upon the manhood of the state. One hun dred thousand negroes wore dis franchised to save the state. There is a Populist party in Georgia. It puts out its candi dates. The Republicans indorse them The negro votes the tick et. The Republican party pours its money into the stale Negro supremacy is threatened. The result will be the disfranchisement of the negro as in Carolina. Popu lists and colored voters of Gwin nett county, think about this. “Lead us not into temptation.” Will Th« Negro Be DlifranchUed ? Representative Hardwick intro duced a bill in the last legislature the purpose and intent of which was to disfranchise the ignorant and purchasable negro vote. The bill received only three votes. It is now reported that he will intro duce a similar bill in the next legislature, and he has assurances of strong support from many who opposed the bill last year. It is not likely that the bill will pass, but whether or not it does become a law depends upon the methods the Republican and Populist par ties use in the comiDg election. There is one question that has been settled in Georgia. It is this: The white man is bound to rule; he will never allow the negro again to control the affairs of this state. He has no objection to the negroe's vote, if the negro will vote honestly and intelligently for the best interest of the state But when the negro seeks of his own accord, or through the "Re publican or Populist parties, to get control of the public offices of the state and thus threaten the maintainance of white supremacy and the rule of law and order, then he will bring down npon himself the wrath and indignation of the people, and the result will be disfranchisement. And where will the responsibility rest ? It will rest upon that party that seeks to divide the white people i of the state. As long as the white t people vote together there is no r danger, but in division there rises | up that awful possibility of negro supremacy. No man who loves his home and state can afford to affiliate with any party or move ment that seeks in the remotest degree to bring about such a re- S salt. CAN YOU TELL WHY f You have constant headaches are nervous and sleepless at night and feel tired in the morning? Your blood isn’t carrying the right materials to your nerves and other organs. Begin taking Hood’s Sar saparilla. the great blood enricher, aud you will soon realize a change. Tbu will feel better and stronger, will relish your food and enjoy refreshing sleep. Nausea, indigestion are cured by Hood’s Pills. I-I trely POLITICAL. Official Returns. Lawrenceville >ugar Hill t’iakneyville B Crwk Duluth Ren Smith* Dae u la Martins Puckett Hog Mountain Cain* Harbins Gates j Berkshire 'Rockbridge | Goodwins jGarner [total For Senator— W T Smith L K Me Odor Id For Represent ative*-- N L Hutchins .... T A Pai« J A Perry O A Clemont For Ordinary-- John V W ebb Clerk superior Court-- I) T Oaifi S C Williams .... For Sheriff-- T A Haalett G W Pbarr J A Cook For Tax Collector-- A W Moore H .1 Hinton For Tax Receiver— Jaa U Garner M C Tanner D C Hawthorn. J N Brogdon J H Jobhscn For Treasurer-- C U Born J H Britt G lxgg For Coroner— J H Wilson For S urveyor— D T Williams R N Maffett County Commissioner! T C Burton. I) M Glower s A Martin JH Hutchins W K Brown J P Byrd SL Hinton .ns -■> 2:1 mi in :« 55 :u it it u m » l« 32 lulls 212 is r,s ig. 3', st is is or. us is a: 5u iy m su *i tsi 81.1 1* SO 42 .11 ail 13 37 14 19 .17 26 118 66 29 Mi IIS 9SS 177 110 M 42 29 3 1 00 25 119 22 32 22 98 lift SB IS 29 829 241 159 S 3 28 30 -7 17 21 22 <l9 25 43 19 35 34 54 IS 905 ISS 5* S 3 12 :9 89 0S 48 40 80 30 38 25 SO 14 20 20 73S 521 267 148 77 85 121 34 77V SI 45 72 7S 115 110 70 78 52 1972 427 211 111 08 41 89 20 01 40 80 88 38 51 97 28 78 29 14SS 75 28 28 05 21 27 I* 13 18 07 31 42 53 12 87 06 22 428 258 187. 41 83 IV 79 IS 29 20 28 08 80 28 35 30 88 21 895 220 54 19 34 11 17 14 38 40 17 86 21 83 58 39 IS 27 799 | 82 32 63 10 38 21 02 12 00 01 03 22 07 22 01 06 (>4 262 242 85 58 08 19 24 00 14 26 24 07 00 17 37 16 45 14 882 t 278 170 87 71 42 98 85 81 85 22 88 79 98 74 53 37 SO 1381 ’ 99 28 88 04 18 12 02 19 06 10 28 09 39 103 31 00 45 549 98 32 11 00 (19 100 18 14 80 19 38 85 05 02 07 09 02 458 . 127 02 02 84 02 80 00 OS 02 01 00 01 53 01 12 '* 02 343 . 178 103 08 02 34 03 12 03 11 11 02 00 02 00 01 60 00 185 18 15 00 01 03 (81 02 no 11 01 uo 00 12 03 14 07 00 147 . 225 87 !»> 04 27 59 12 28 28' 36 40 08 08 06 OS 47 01 07,4 . 202 04 70 71 17 ..7 11 48 15 04 (» SO El 297 82 07 48 962 30 154 87 01 18 OS 07 01 17 05 17 03 00 05 00 22 04 327 .709 252 144 78 03 62 85 74 57 48 71 78 118 99 71 81 51 197,2 253 29 81 61 30 62 18 80 41 25 36 33 88 87 43 28 32 1040 | 148 50 11 00 17 82 01 10 09 14 1.3 01 05 08 00 11 181 859 278 214 100 67 IS 38 17 61 42 19 30 16 ‘22 87 42 51 30 1133 •287 03 97, 65 OH 41 (8, 63 80 28 02 27 78 100 87 46 74) 1947 201 111 128 47 12 85 17 Oil 39 26 08 22 12 91 70 50 48 11181 204 70 101 19 4 5 85 14 58 86 28 82 81 to 97 ,74 30 12 950 296 86 87 18 (18 28 06 791 81 29 3(1 21 45 !H 50 30 29 930 280 1,6 89 83 .72 08 23 30 19 25 46 81 81 24 19 62 38 841 160 118 12 58 41 51 22 10 07 17 43 32 .-9 13 15 46 10 r,94 TOTAL MO m 147 TV 124 75 01 40 75 79 121 111 72 88 52 Total vote in the County 2032 Lawrenceville, Ga., August 2, 1900, The undersigned hereby certify that the within is a correct con solidated list- of all the precincts in said county, and the vote polled at each, and that those appearing to have received the largest vote are entitled to be elected the nominees of the party. J. C. LOWERY. C H BRAND, Chairman. An Epistle to the Populists. The purpose of this article is to have a friendly talk with the fair-minded and unprejudiced Populists of Gwinnett county. We come with no forked tongue, but in the utmost good faith, inspired by an unselfish purpose and a patriotic motive. We know what wo shall say will have no influence with those Populists who want office, or with those leaders who thrive and live upon strife and discord. We take the position that the recent primary has removed from the field of Gwinnett county politics all necessity for further scramble among the white voters, and demonstrates the absolute folly of op posing the chosen nominees thereof. The Populist party of this county, in the past, was composed of many of Gwinnett’s best citizens, and even now its surviving follow ers are good men, but we believe, on reflection, they will uot encour age any opposition to the Democratic nomiuees. Why should they ? Let’s look at the ticket: Smith beat McDonald in a fair, open fight, over three hundred votes. Haslett beat Pharr about otie hundred, in as clean, pure and uncorruptible manner as any man can defeat another. This was done in a pure, sober, white primary. Not a dol lar was illegally expended; not a drop of liquor was used ; not a single white man’s vote was cancelled by that of a negro. Two thousand and thirty-two white, sober men submitted their preferences to the arbitrament of the ballet, and now stand ready to march and fight under the standard of the successsul contestants. These two men, Smith and Haslett, simply had more friends than their adversaries, and if the latter are giving so their victors their undivided support, and ’hey do not complain, why should any one else ? Besides, the Democratic party has absolutely taken up and elect ed four different men and put the banner of Democracy iu their hands who are mighty close kin, by afinity and consauquiuity, to the Populist party. John Britt’s father-in-law, a good citizen, is a strong and leading Populist. Dick Garner has uncles who are Populist, and a father-in-law who haß been active in the councils of that party. Jack Hinton’s father has been a Btroug Populist, aud a 1 three have kinfolk who are Populists, on both sides of the house. Surveyor Williams has even been a Populist voter, and though intolerant as some of the leaders of this party have charged the Democratic party with being, almost half of its chosen ticket is taken from the bosom of Populist families No Populist objects to Cain or Webb or poor crippled Jim Wilson. Hutchins and Perry have done nothing to make themselves odious iu their sight. And the Board of County Com missioners is composed of safe aud clean men. Then why on earth,in the face of these undisputahle facts, should the Populist party withhold from our ticket its active support 9 No man can truthfully say that the negro elected these men. No man can truthfully say that liquor coutributeu to their success. No one can honestly say that money was illegally used. All fraudulent and corrupt methods and means were eliminated from this election. No complaint is heard from any quarter, aud no charges are made. Aud we again repeat the inquiry, why should the Populists encourage opposition to this clean, sober aud white man’s ticket ? If their leaders insist on putting out an opposing ticket it will meet an inglorious defeat, as it will richly deserve. So we say to these people, in all kindness, haul down your flag and lets put an end co the strife, discord and bitterness that has, in the past, divided friends and families throughout this county It lies with the Popu list party to say whether or not peace and unity shall abide in our couuty, or whether turmoil, discord, bitterness and strife shall be perpetuated. In the interest of the former, we again suggest to you, gentlemen of the Populißt party, to haul down your flag. Support the Democratic Nominees, The fundamental principle of a republican government is that the majority shall always rule, and whenever any man undertakes to oppose the majority, secured in an election in which the people have openly, fairly and of their own choice cast their ballots, he places himself in a position where he may be viewed as an enemy to free government. There never was held iu this county a fairer or more honorable elettion than that of August let, aud there is absolutely no excuse at all why any good Democrat should not loyally support the nominees. There is some excuse for the failure to support the ma jority when secured by the fraud ulent use of money, whisky, or other evil and corrupt practices; but, when the uominees have hon estly and justly won their majori ties, as in the recent primary, how c m any one who participated iu that election afford to maintain that he has a perfect right to re fuse to support the entire ticket ? Of course, it is pretty hard to vote for a man that you don’t like, but,' if he has fairly secured more votes than your friend, it is your duly to submit to the will of the people. If a man proposes to back his judgment against the people, ami thinks that he knows more than they, he is not a friend to free government, and hasn’t any business to participate in any election, but ought to give hiR support to the securing of a gov ernment controlled by minority rather than majority. ’Tis right, ’tis honorable, ’tis patriotic to submit to the majority, and wo are not prepared to believe that a single person who voted in the recent primary will refuse to sup port the nominees. 2032 Votei In the Primary. In these columns we have en deavored to show from week to week that the Populist party is rapidly disiutegrating. In some of our articles we have claimed that the Populists in this county are considerable weaker than they were two years ago. This state ment can be proven by any man that is well posted as to the polit ical status of affairs in the county, by naming Populists who have re turned to the Democratic ranks. Many tneu have quit the Populists; but, so far as we are able to find out, there isn’t a single Democrat in this county that has joined the Populists iu the last two years. From the fact that more than two thousand voters participated in the recent Democratic primary,) we are of the opinion that at least | two hundred Populists have joined the Democrats since the Inst gen eral election. It cannot be claimed that Pop ulists voted in this primary, for they were turned away from the polls here. In Hog Mountain and Dacula, and other precincts, they were not allowed to vote. Some who voted in the primary vote “split tickets,” but we do not believe that there was a single vote cast that will support the full Populist ticket this fall, if a ticket is put out. But few, if any, will fail to sup port the uominees, and all the efforts of the Populists to stir up Btrong opposition will result in failure. The Nominees. The News-Herald is Democratic to the core, and proposes to fight for the support of every nominee of the party. Captain Smith did more in se curing pensions for the old Con federate soldiers than any other man in Georgia, and as evidence of this fact the old soldiers gave him a hundred dollar gold watch. His fight for the public school system gave him state reputation. How can any Democrat afford to say that he will not cheerfully support Captain Smith iu the gen eral election ? He will receive as large vote us any Democratic nominee. We do not believe that there is a siugle Democrat in the county that will refuse to support Sheriff Haslett iu the general election. What about this, brother Popu list ? What about the Populists try ing to beat Jack Hinton? They had as well try to turn over Stone Mountain. John Britt ran like a scared horse in the primary, and he will run faster than that in the gener al election. He is a splendid man and the party, has dote well in making him nominee for County Treasurer. Tom Cain can beat any Popu list in this county a thousand votes. Surely the Populists are too well informed to put out a man against “Dick” Garner A “pop” against “Dick” Garner wouldn’t be “in it.” The Democrats'have done well in placing the Democratic banner in the hands of Messrs. Hutchins and Perry. They are young men, ambitious to do something for themselves and their county, and will represent Gwinnett county iu the next legislature with credit. Jim Wilson is just as Bure to be the next Coroner as he lives. No Populist will he able to make a respectable race against him. No Democrat attempted to beat Judge Webb in the primary, and surely there isn’t a Populist “cheeky” enough to undertake it. The Judge isn’t at all scared about be’iig defeated by a Popu list. -I- D. T. Williams, nominee for Surveyor, is a sure winner in the general election. His initials are D. T., and no man whose initials I are D. T. ever got defeated in Gwinnett county. The County Commissioners nom inated are among our best citizens. They come fr>>m five parts of the county, and the Populsts cau’t j get up five men that will make even an interesting race against them. The white primary has uuited the Democracy of this county. She will present au unbroken front in the geueral election, aud wipe the Populist ticket, if any, from the face of the earth. When iu the history of politics of this county has the Democracy been more solidly united ? That is all “bosh” about not supporting Capt Smith for State Senate. The party iu this county is united and will support all the nomiuees. -I ln more than half the counties of Georgia the Populists are not going to put out any couuty ticket at all. Money and whisky were not used in the primary. Every can didate ran on his merits, und everybody is satisfied. Six years ago the Populists of j Alabama received 90,000 votes. Last Monday the Populist eundi date for governor received <-iffy 80,000. There is uo dissatisfaction in Gwinnett county as to unfair methods uspd in the primary. The candidates were all good men, each sought an honorable election, and each seems to be sutisfieJ with the result. The white primary eliminated the purchasable vote. Now why can’t all the voters in the county come together and vote for the candidates ? The people them -8elvf)8 have chosen the candidates. The white Democrats of the county have chosen their candi dates They are honorable men and we can see no reason why they should have opposition. There seems to be no nepfl for an other ticket, and we believe the Populists will take this view of it. There can be no doubt that the !conditions iu the south necessi tate the union of all her white people in one party. This is an imperative necessity in Georgia jjnst now, and we believe the Popu lists of Gwinnett county will serve themselves and their county and state best by voting the Democrat ic ticket. The Democrats of Gw'm.ett county are Democrats from prin ciple, and we are willing to con cede that Populists are Populists from principle. But we believe the interests of Gwinnett county, of Georgia, and of the Bouth de mand the perpetuation of Demo cratic principles through the Democratic party. The negroes of North Carolina voted with the Populists, and the result is that on the 2nd day of this month an election was held in which more than 100,000 col ored voters were disfranchised. The negroes of Georgia have al ways voted with the Democrats, and iu the last legislature the Hardwick bill to disfranchise toe colored voters ivas defeated by a vote of 156 to only 8. It is a common remark that politics are corrupt and that an honest man canuol afford to take part in the political scrambles for office. If that is true, how shall a reformation be brought about ? There is only one way at present in the south: The white people must act together: they must stand shoulder to shoulder for southern womanhood, for the su premacy of southern Anglo-Saxon mauhood, for the maintainance of southern institutions, for the de velopment of southern industries, aud for the making of the south the greatest section of the greatest nation in the world. We must teach young and old to be honest iu politics. Teach them that pub lic office is a public trust. Teach them that the greatest privilege of citizenship is the right to vote —to vote honestly and intelligent ly for that man and that party that stand for southern mauhood and southern honor. FOR RATES and MAPS ALL POINTS •- NORTH and WEST ADDRESS FRED D. BUSH, DISTRICT PASSENGER AGENT, Louisville A Nashville It It. No. 1 Brown bl’d. Opp. Union Dp. ATLANTA, GA. “No troubb to answer questions.” CHILIAN CONSUL MURDERED Valparaiso, Chili, Aug. 6. Alarm is felt in all circles here because of the rumors apparent ly bused upon trustworthy in formation that the Chilian consul at Oruro, Bolivia, has ben mur dered. It is said the government has received a dispatch confirming the rumors, but because of their serious nature has not given them out. It Makes Restful Sleep. Sleeplessness almost invariably aecoin pa- Hies constipation aud Its manifold attendant t\ils— nervous disorders, indigestion, head ache, loss of appetite, etc. To attempt to in duce sleep by opiate* is a serious mistake, for the brain isonly l>emmibed and the l*ody suf fers. Celery King removes thecauseof wake fulness by its soothing effect on the nerve* ami on the stomach and bowels. Celerv King cure* Constipation and Nerve, Htouiuch, Liver aud Kidney dlseaae*. X DEATH FROM A SNAKE'S BITE Abbevili.k, Ga, Aug 6. —Moody Headley, 14 vear old, is dead from the effects of a snake bite. H->, in company with several other small boys, was wading in a lake, when he was bitten twice on the right leg by a moccaisn. Saving Hay- The long rains will produce an abundant crop of grass of all sorts, We should save all the hay possi ble. The cows will have good pas ture's for summer, but they will need hay for winter. If we can save more than we can consume, there will be a good steady market for every bale we offer. Cattle growing is ou the increase, and we have been.buying hay heavily from the markets north of us, so we need not fear over-stocking the hay market. This we cannot do in many years. It will be far more profitable to let the very grassy cotton field- grow grn-s than to work them out at the high price of labor. We may make a small crop of cotton on these fields, but it will cost too much to do so. Arrange to save hay, and save good hav. Cut it early. —Southern Cultivator. BESTFOBTHE BOWELS If yon haven’t a regular, healthy movement of the bowels every day. you're sick, or will be. Keep your bowels open, and be well. Force, in the shape of violent physic or pill poison, is dangerous. The smoothest, easiest, most perfect way of keeping the bowels clear and clean is to take M J CATHARTIC mxtoao TIRADE MAJRK BiaigTBPID Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Qood. Do Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. v, 60c Write for free sample, and booklet on health. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago, Montreal, Ifow York. 322 a KEEP YOUR BLOOD GLEAN If it is Drugs, Perfumery, Stationery, Paints, or anything in the Drug Line you want, call on A. n. WINN & SON, Druggists, LAWRENCEVILLE, GA. For Printing of all Kinds CO3VTE TO TIEIS NEWS JOB OFFICE. Legal Blanks, Minutes, Pamphlets, Catalogues, Posters, Dodgers. JUST LOOK AT THESE PRICES: Note Heads, per 1,000 3>-./y « “ “ 500 i. 00. Envelope*, per 1,000 i( 500 l.OO. Good Stock; Note Heads gummed and Tab leted. All work guaranteed to be strictly first class. Give us your orders and patroniae borne. Mail orders receive prompt attention. SUMMER CLEARANCE SALE! 1-3 Off Regular Price. For the next thirty ay jWTV days we offer our large stock of summor dress /Auß goods and light-weight / V clothing at a discount / of 33 1-3 percent. v the prices: Dimities that sold for to and i2|c now \ goat / I-x A beautiful line of Ascot Cords that sell every- f\ \ A where at toe, we offer at w I "*T Manilla Organdies that sold for 8c we now E* offer at Blue, Tan and Black Duck, good goods, sells O f everywhere for ioc; we ask only * "■* A large lot oi Crash Skirting; everybody gets f\ \ A ioc; we offer it while it lasts at....... .. vl I"i Don’t fail to see these goods before buying. You can make your money do double duty by taking advantage of this cut price sale. J. P. BYRD & CO. [limn TO MRl* PINRHAK WO. 93 * i “Dkar >!r«. P|NKHAM —For some time I hav** thought of writing to you j to lit you know of the great benefit I j a a from the use of j mrSm Johnson Lydia E. Pink Saved from | ham s Vegeta Insanity by * le “>mpo»nd w SlUlTl H f t»ir | IK Mrs. Pinkham Wrth of mv flrst child, I com menced to have spells with my spine. Every month I grew worse and at last became so bad that I found I was gradually losing my mind. “ The doctors treated me for female troubles, tnft I got no better. One doctor told me that I would be insane. I was advised by a friend to give Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound a trial, and before I had taken all of the first bottle my neighbors noticed the change in me. “I have now taken five bottles and cannot find words sufficient to praise it. I advise every w oman who is suffering from any female weakness to give it a fair trial. I thank you for your good medicine.”— Mrs. Gertrude M. John son, Jonesboro, Texas. Mn. Perkin*’ Letter. “I had female trouble of all kinds, had three doctors, but only grew worse. I began taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills and used the Sanative V ash, and can not praise your remedies enough.”— M s. Effie Perkins, Pearl, La. MERCER UNIVERSITY AT MACON, GA. “A College That Honor* 11n state,” Say* John Toin|)le Graves. Its fundamental principle, Christian character is essential to true educa tion. Its students are high souled and earnest. Not a case of discipline in three years. Beautiful harmony and co operation between faculty and stud ents. This is the glory and strength of the College. Grade of scholarship high. Course of study first class and strong. It is a live college. It is democrttic in tile purest and best seiise---inerit and character win. College promotes ora tory. It Inis won every State Oratorical Contest in Georgia. It has furnished Georgia three governors. The present governor being a Mercer graduate. The cost of a college course reasonable. Write for particular to P. I). Pollock. President, Macon, Ga NOTICE! COME A RUNMN’ to the : ietnre Gallery Orw.Ptrry street, at I.awrenceville, Ga , for * Photographs, Copies, Etc. * •' i Satisfaction guaranteed at the following prices: 6 Minnetts, in., 50c. 12 “ “ “ SI.OO 100 *“ “ 5.00 3 Carte DeVisites for 50c 6 “ “ “ 75c 12 “ “1.25 3 Cabinets “ 1.00 6 “ “ 1.50 12 “ “ 2.50 Groups same as single work. Respectfully, J. B. DAVIS. Gwinnett Sheriff Sales. GEORGIA— Gwinnett County. Will be sold before the court house door, in Lawrence ville. said countv. and state, between the legal sale hours on the first Tuesday in September 1900, the following described property, all situ ated, lying and being in said county and state. Said sale to be made at public outcry, for cash to the highest bidder: One hundred and one (101) acres of lan d.more or less, being part of lot No. 295, in the sth dia -1 rict of said county, adjoing lands of Gus Al mandoo the north, of V\. T. Perry’s estate on the s uth. of R. M. Smith on the east and of (.coi-e Price and Mrs. Edwards on the west. Le\led on and will be sold as the property of Mary Wutki ns, by virtue of and to satisfy two ti fa» issued from the justice . ourt of the 478th district. G. M.‘ and one fl fa issued from the City eourt of said county, in favor of J. W. Wilson A .Son end A. M. Wilson A Co., vs. said Mary Watkins. Property pointed out by plaintiff in fi fa. This August 6, 1900. TA HaSLKtt, Sheriff. Ordinary’s Notices. LEAVE TO BKLL LAND. GEORGI A—Gwinnett County. 'Office of Ordinary August «th. 1900. J. H. Roberts, administrator of the estate of L. H. Robert-, late of said county, deceased, respectfully shows that it is necessary for the purpose of paying the debts of said deceased and distribution among the heirs at law of said deceased, that the real e into be sold, consisting of 875 aerfes of land in 1 e 7th land district of said county, being 250 acres of land lot No. 3W4, and 125 acres of land lot No. 253, and known as the nome place of said deceiised. This is therefore to cite all persona concerned to show cause if any they can why said order should not he granted on the flrst Monday in September. 1000. John P. Wkbb, Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. GEORGIA— Gwinnett County. Office of Ordinary August «, 1900. William Wilson having in proper form ap plied to me for permanent letters of adminis tration on the estate of Mias Amanda Chewn ing, late or said countv, deceased This is, therefore, to cite all persons concern ed to show cause, if any they can, why said application should not be granted on the first Monday in September, 1900. John P. Webb, Ordinary. LEAVE TO SELL LAND, EORGla—Gwinnett county. VJ Office ol Ordinary, August 0,1900, A. Johnson, administrator of the estate of Mrs Nancy E.Medlock, late of said county, de ceased, respectfully shows that it is necessary for the purpose of paying the debts ot said de ceased and for distribution among the heirs at law of said deceased, that the real estate be sold, consisting of 70 acres of land, known as the home place of said deceased, known as part of Land Lot No. 231. in thotPh lan district of said county; also one-eleventh undivided interest iu 2uo acres, known as the Massey old home place, in Martins district, said count; also one eleventh undivided interest in 40 acres of land, lying in Rockbridge district, in said county. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concern ed to show cause, if auy they can, why said order should not be granted on the first Mon day in September, 1900. John P. Webb, Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. GEORGIA— Gwinnett County. Office of Ordinary, August 8. 1900 Williamson Johnson having in proper form ap plied tome lor letters ot Administiation on the estate of James S. Johnson, late of said coun ty, deceased. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concern ed to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted on the first Monday In September, 1900. John P. Webb,Ordinary. LETTERS OF ADMINISTRATION. GEORGIA--Gwinnett County. ()ffice of Ordinary, Aug. 7.1900. J. W. Beaty having in proper form ap plied for permanent letters of administration on the estate of William C. Harris late of said county. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concern ed to show cause, if any they can, why said letters should not be granted on the flrst Monday in September, 1900. John P. Webb, Ordinary. rjEOßGlA—Gwinnett County. V* Office of Ordinary, Aug Hth. 1900. Robert McDaniel having made application to require titles to be executed to him to certain lands described in a bond for titles thereto at tached purportihg to be signed by H. J. It- Guthrie, late of said county, deceased, the said application alleging that said land has been fully paid for. All parties concerned are here by notified that said ap licatiou will be heard before the Court of Ordinary for said county on the 3rd day of September, 1900. John P. Webb, Ordinary. , LETTERS OF DISMISSION. GEORGIA— Gwinnett County. Office of Ordinary, July 2d, 1900. W. H. Williams, Executor of the will of Reuben Donaldson, deceased, represents to the court in his petition duly filed that h« has fully executed the will of said deeeaaed. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned to show causo, if any they can. why said Executor should not be discharged and re ceive letters of dismission on the first Monday in October, 1900. John P. Wkbb, Ordinary. LETTERS OF DISMISSION. /^EORGIA— Gwinnett County. VJ Office of Ordinary, une 4,1900. J. W. Farr, administrator of the estate of W W Simpson, dec’d, repregents to the court in his petition duly filed that he has fully ad ministered the estate of said deceased. This is, therefore, to cite all persons concern ed to show cause, if any they can, why said administrator should not be discharged aiul receive letters of dismission on the first Monday in September.l9oo. John P. Webb, Ordinary. Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine WITH Rotary Motion and Ball Bearings, Easy Running, Quiet, Rapid, and Durable. Purchasers say t " It runs as light as a feather.” “Great improvement over anything so far.” 7 * ‘ ‘ It turns drudgery into a pastime. ” “The magic Silent Sewer.” All sizes and styles of sewing ma chines for Cloth and Leather. MANUFACTURED BY Wheeler & Wilson ftfg. Co.. Bridgeport, Conn. Send for Catalogue. WHKELSg A WILSON MFG. CO. , A tilt HIM. (■«. Agents wanted in ail unoccu pied territory. Sold by Evans-Cooper Co Law reucevillo, Ga. Cure Cold In Head. , Kermott's Chocolates Laxative Quinine, ess, to take and quick to out cold in head and aoca utroat.