The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, April 06, 1911, Image 4

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Thursday Aiternoon. RISE WITH THE SUN AND USE iHr \ j THE GREAT* COTTON STOP BUYINCILOW GRADES# AND USE EXTRA HIGH GRADE s&Sv* * If ...v Ail ii A ONLY, LIKE RISINC SUN CUANO - - W? ■ 'livirji] V ns#'.. -ajg&ftpf.*td&> :W& : CEORCIA PHOSPHATE CO., :-/^o^ : ; M . HOOCSOS. ... ... ' I rr [ l! " I GEORGIA l I PHOSPHATEca \ ; ? 4v L atbewsga. \ O O£!•£<d-,LT. Local Overflow. Don’t forget the Jefferson Special and the Old Dominion hats sold by Rutledge & Clower. Mrs. Blanche Pentecost, who is teach ing in Harbins district, spent Saturday and Sunday at home. County Treasurer Charles R. Smith has bought out E. S. Brooks’ grain and feed store and will continue to conduct the business at the same of stand. There will be preaching at the Bap tist church next Sunday by the pastor, Rev. T. T. Twitty. Rain last Sunday week interfered with the services. Despite the rainy weather a good sprinkling of Masons turned out to the meeting Tuesday night, when Grady Holt was given the apprentice degree. The Ciceronian Debating Society will entertain in honor of the Twentieth Century Literary Club Friday evening, April 7th, from 8:30 to '*11:30, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Holland. We call attention to the law card of Pettigrew & Brown in this issue. The firm is composed of C. L. Pettigrew, of Atlanta, and Samuel G. Brown, of Law renceville. Mr. Pettigrew is one of the ablest attorneys at the Gate City bar, and they will maintain offices here and in Atlanta also. Mr. Brown will spend Monday, Wednesday and Friday in Atlanta. We are in receipt of an invitation to the graduating exercises of the Geor gia College of Electric Medicine & Sur gery, which will be held on the even ing of April 11th at the Orpheum theatre, Atlanta. The invitation is gotten up in fine style and reflects credit on the school. Dr. M. T. John son, of Lawrenceville, is a member of the faculty. Particularly the Ladies. Not only pleasant and refreshing to the taste, but gently cleansing and sweet ening to the system, Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna is particularly adapted to ladies and children, and beneficial in all cases in which a wholesome, strength ening and effective laxative should be used. It is perfectly safe at all times and dispels colds, headaches and the pains caused by indigestion and constipation so promptly and effectively that it is the one perfect family laxative which gives satis faction to all and is recommended by millions of families who have used k and who have personal knowledge of its ex cellence. ‘ Its wonderful popularity, however, has led unscrupulous dealers to offer imita tions which act unsatisfactorily. There fore, when buying, to get its beneficial effects, always note the full name of the Company—California Fig Syrup Co. — plainly printed on the front of every package of the genuine Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna. Foe sale by all leading druggists. Price 50 cents per bottle. BROWN’S SCHOOL HOUSE. We have the Sunday school started again. Everybody come out and help us. Mr. and Mrs. Wyatt Moore visited Mrs. Elizabeth Kennedy Monday eve ning. Misses Eleanor Moore and Phonie Price visited Mrs. J. F. Bailey one day this week. J. A. Ridgeway and family spent Sunday night with Henry Higgins and family. j The fruit is hurt pretty bad but we don’t think it is all killed. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Gilbert visited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. W. Hosch, Sunday. Jack Garner and Miss Venie Hosch visited in Forsyth Sunday. Don’t forget the singing at Sugar Hill next Sunday. Mrs. Mary Higgins and daughters en tertained a number of friends Sunday afternoon. Misses Erco and Alma Higgins visited their cousin, Miss Bettie, Sunday. Miss Eliza Venable is visiting her sister, Mrs. Alda Bailey, this week. Rastus Fields was seen here Sunday. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. All persons indeted to the estate of David Harris, deceased, are notified to make immediate payment, and persons holding claims against said estate will present them to the undersigned, prop erly verified as required by law. March 20, 1911. S. B. HARRIS, Admr. SNELLVILLE ; Sunday school met Sunday afternoon, after being rained out two previous Sundays. J. M. Barnett, who has been selling . the famous Swift Washer over in Mil- j ton, has returned home for a few days. ; Dr. H. F. Smith and J. F. Fhillips went down to Atlanta Monday night in the former’s auto. We are sorry to note the serious ill ness of Sid Eubanks, who resides on the plantation of W. J. Rawlins. Mrs. W. R. Whitworth has re-entered the millinery business and now has a most up-to-date and attractive line in this department. Measles and mumps have taken their flight, as we have heard of no new cases. M. G. Henderson, of Loganville, came up Friday and overhauled J. Sawyer’s automobile. Automobiles look mighty good to us as they skim so gracefully along; but we doubt the wisdom of any man, from an economical standpoint, who puts aside his horse and carriage for the automobile. Just so long as it requires some parts of the automobile to be made so delicate and complicated and our public highways remain unim proved, just that long will the auto owner be burdened with a huge ex pense account. Mrs. W. R. Whitworth spent Satur day in the Gate City. CHI.d-e.r C’ry FOR FUHtfFR S OASTO R I A Ordinary T s Citations i For Letters of Dismission. GEORGlA—Gwinnett County. Ordinary’s I Office. April 8, 1911. B. 1,. Patterson ad i miulstialor of E. A Leavell. d«- I ceased, represents to the court In his pe | ttt on duly filed and entered on record, that Ihe has fully ndiulnl . fcr*-il E. A. I.eitv i ell’s estate. This is. therefore, to cite all j pel sons, concerned, Kindred amt creditors, Jo show cause, if any they can, w hy said administrator should not be discharged from his administration and receive letters of dismission on the first Monday In May, lull. G. G. ROBINSON, Ordinary. For Letters of Dismission. GEORGlA—Gwinnett County. Ordinary’s Office, April 8, 1911. B L Patterson, admin istrator of T. F. B‘/.einau. col. deceased, represents to the court In Ins petition duly filed and entered on record,t ha the has fully administered T.F.Bozeman’sestate. This is therefore tooite all • ersons concerned, kin dred and credltorß,to showcuuse.lf any they can. why said administrator should not be discharged from his administration, and receive letters of dtsnilsslo:., on the first Monday in May, lull. O.G. ROBINSON, Ordinary. To Execute Titles. Geargla, Gvrtnnpft Conn’/. Ordlne-yV Office, April 8, lull. Wiley W. Pierce having made application to require titles to be executed to him by B. O. Cosby, executor of the estate of Wlliinin P Cosby, late of said county, deceased, to certain lands described In a bond for title.a copy of which ts ihey-to attached, purport lng to be signed by William P Cosby, and said apt ileattou alleging that said land has been fully paid for. All parties concerned •re hereby notified that said application will be heard before the court o' ordinary on the first Mondav in Mhv, 1911. G. v.itOBINSON. Ordinary. Notice to Debtors and Creditors. Ail fart.ies demands against the estate of J. M. Patterson, late of Gwinnett county,'deceased, are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned in proper shape; and all parties owing the said estate are required to make immediate settle ment with the undersigned. This April 6th, 1911 B. L. Patterson. Administrator of J. M. Patterson,de ceased. 'TfIAOC MAA* h REGISTERED, That there is more to a Fertilizer than Analysis is proven conclusively by the results obtained every year from Royster Fertilizers. They are made from experience obtained by actual field experiments of what the plant requires, and not from ready reference formulating. Every ingredient in Royster Goods is selected for its plant food value, and has its work to do at the proper time, therefore the plant fertilized with ROYSTER goods is fed regular from sprouting time until harvest. Ask your dealer for Royster goods and see that the trade-mark is on every bag. When you see this you know that Mtaiuix you are getting the genuine and original ROYSTER Fish Fertilizer. F. S. ROYSTER GUANO COMPANY, FACTORIES AND SALES OFFICES, v . NORFOLK. VA. TARBORO. N. C COLUMBIA. 8. C. i J BALTIMORE. MO. MACON. OA SPARTANBURG. S. C. V Jf y \ COLUMBUS. OA. MON TOO MIRY, ALA. THE NEWS-HERALD OAK OROVE. Our community is in alarm with the measles. The singing it Mr. Rice’s was enjoyed by all who were present. Misses Jennie Bown and Alma Hall, of Ebenezer, were the guests of Misses Venie and Alice Higgins, Sunday. Miss Bertha and Mr. Walter Knight, of Lowery Academy, were the guests of Misses Lillie and Jodie Rice, of Oak Grove, Sunday. Mr. W. F. Clark and wife visited rela tives near Dacula Sunday. Rus Higgins and wife, Henry Mc- Clung and wife and A. C. Sims and wife were guests of J. L. Higgins and wife Sunday. Alden McMillan and wife were the guests of W. F, Rice Sunday. G. W. Hall filled his regular appoint ment at Mr. John Drummond’s on Sun day. CASTOR IA for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Sough? Bears the Signature of C NOTICE. The county board of education will hold a regular meeting on Wednesday, April 12th, for the purpose of auditing teachers accounts. They are requested to have their reports ready, as this will be the last meeting held in some time. C. D. JACOBS, Chairman. Eackcche. Rheumatism, Sleeplessness. Result from disordered kidneys. Foley Kidney Pills have helped nuiejis they will lielp you. Mrs. J. M. Miller, Syracuse, N. Y., says, "For a long time I suffered with kid ney tiOut)li* and rheumatism. I had severe heckache and felt all played out. Alter taking two bottles of Fo l-y Kidney Pills my backache is gone atid wheje I used to lie awake with rlieuma ism pains I now sleep in comiort. Foley Kidney Pills did wonderful things for me.” Try them n iw. For sale at Ezzard-Montgo mery Drug Co. PETTIGREW & BROWN, Attorneys at Law, 518 Grant Building:, ATLANTA, GA. S. G. Brown, of the above firm, is in Lawreuce ville Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday of each week. MONEY MAKING MACHINE Farmers’ Union Warehouse For Sale Reasonable . . . . This Property is Valuable, Located Between Seaboard and Southern Tracks . . . Stone Building c. u. BORN, Real Estate. ———--—. iH gUSJ ALCOHOL 3 PEK CENT. : (vSta' AVegefabte Preparation for As n simi!atin£ the Foodanilßegula (ingtlic Stomachs anilßwelsaf Promote s DigesiionjCkeifti- K c ness and Rest-Contains neither Opium. Morphine nor Mineral Not Narcotic. Aapto/OhUkSmJELPnwm ! lil'l' ' Pimvkia Seed- KG’; ~ Mx.Smna * 1 HIS • Mduuts- I jiMseSeed* I Him Seed- l ijpjalljV* j feiZt fi Aperfect Remedy for Consfija- K < Mon, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea 'Worms,Convuls'tons.Feverish feao' 5 11688 snd Loss Sleep. Tac Simile Signature of |p2 hj£|32o Guaranteed undei-lfcFwagj Exact Copy of Wrapper. Your Fertilizers It is time to place your orders. Plant ing time is almost here. Our facilities foi handling the trade are unlimited and w are in a position to give you just whatyo want in the following standard brands: Morris Fertilizer Gompany’s Goods Swift Fertilizer Company’s Goods Armour Fertilizer Co’s. Goods ( tu !rand ra > Georgia Cotton Oil Company’s Goods Georgia Phosphate Company’s Goods Thess goods are well known throughou this section among the tarmers, and yo will make no mistake in using them. Brown Bro’s.Warehouse, office at Lawrenceville, Ga. Brown Bank & Tr. Co. You Can Always Save Money . . . On COTTON SEED MEAL AND HULLS, OATS, CORN, HAY, SHORTS, BRAN, MEAL, FLOUR, etc., at C. R. Smith’s’ located in the rear end of the M. E. Ewing corner Also a first class BARBER SHOP is being oper ated in same building under my supervision. Your patronage solicited. Goods delivered. Respectfully, C. R. SMITH. Lumber, Ivumber, shingles) Doors, Windows Blinds, Moulding* House Trimming. Door and Window Frames and Man* tels to order our specialty. BIC STOCK OF BEST PAINT AND ROOFING. We have the goods—also the prices that will please you. Your trade wanted and always appreciated. J. A. Ambrose. APRIL 7 lQii CASTORII Tor Infants and Children The Kind You Hav= Always Bought Bears the A \ Signature /Avf * ffl hjr Use W For Over Thirty Years CASIO! THK OKNTAUH COMPANY, NEW YORK •ITT.