The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, February 18, 1924, Page Page Four, Image 4

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Page Four Wm. G. McADOO Some brief fact, about the great e.t living Georgian and the great est American Statesman. Born near Marietta, Ga., in ' obb county, October 31st, 1863. Son of a Confederate and distinguished Southern jurist. Mov ed tT Milledgeville, Ga., where he grew to young manhood. Had to give up college course an, go to work because of *ack of money. Practiced law in the South until nearly 30 years of age and then moved to New York. Built the famous Hudson tunnels solving the transporation problens of the world’s greatest American city at a cost of hundreds of millions of dollars. A Southern boy, without money, •without anything but brain and grit, interested some of Ihe greatest financiers of the woild in one of the greatese engineerng feats ever accomplished. McAdoo’s name and those of the Hudson tubes will a>- ways be synonymous. Became vice chnrman of the democratic national tommittec in 1912 and rendered such conspicuous service to Woodrow ilson that he was named secretary of the treasury. Financed America participation in the world’s greatest war and also helped finance European belligerents (and later our allies), in terms of billions of dollars. Ran the railroads of the country successfully after they had gotten in to chaotic state in 1917 and govern ment had to take them over. Under the Democratic administration of Woodrow Wilson he increased wages and number of employees, but private ownership increased the number of employees and wages ovver the num ber McAdoo had 377,164 and in creased the wages over wages Mc- Adoo paid by $1,000,000 which is proof conclusive that the railroads of the country were not conficated because men were given only just wages commensurate with what other craftmen were being paid at the time. He gave the railroad men what they were entitled to, which is what should have been done, but no railroad properties were cor.fiscat ed to do so then or since. Recently he has come out against Government ownership except as a last resort. McAdoo was a friend of the farm ers of the country, and the Southern farmers remember what he did for them. McAdoo favors adjusted compen sation for soldiers and sailors in the world war. He favors the rigid enforcement of the national prohibition act Mr. McAdaa is for law prohibit ing the further issuance of tax ex empt securities. He wants a constitutiona amend ment prohibiting the employing of children in industrial enterprise. McAdoo has been a friend of wo man suffrage for years and was an enthusiatic adoveate of the constitu tional amendment giving the Amer ican women the same suffrage rights as men. He was on of the men who in stituted the Farm Loan Bank idea, which has been of incalculable value to the farmers of the country. McAdoo resigned from office of secretary of the treasury and direc tor general of railroads because he could support his family much better by practicing law than on the mea ger salary of cabinet officer with the cost of living in Washington out of all proporation to the salaries paid government officials. McAdoo is the greatest living Georgian and America’s greatest Democrat and Statesman. Make it unanimous for him March 19th. UNION. Lilburn Ga. Feb. 11—Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Perevy vvisited the former’s parents’ Mr. and Mrs. John Peevy of Five Folk, Saturday night. Mr. .and Mrs. A. E. Garner and family visited Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Garner and family, of Liburn, Sat urday night and Sunday. Miss Omie Del Haney was the guest of Miss da Phillips, Sunday. Miss Celia Garner spent Tuesday night with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Garner. Miss Amogene Caldwell visited Misses Sena and Ruth McDaniel, of Lilburn Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Johnson, of Yellow River visited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Nash, Wednesday. Grippe! It is a winter plague which claims thousands every season. Scon’s Emulsion will strengthen you against Grippe, turd if you have Aa had it, Scott’s will re store your strength faster T Vj than any other medicine. Scuffs is Just Koodfocd Scott &Bo vac. Bloomfield. W. J. kr26^ ADAMS CORNER. Lawrencevile, Ga., Feb. 13. R. 3 Mr. and Mrs. Elonzo Crow announce the birth of a girl, they have named it Pauline Geneva. The pound supper given by Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Johnson Tues day night was enjoyed by a arge crowd. The pound super at Mr. D. D. Funderburg Tuesday night was high ly enjoyed by al present. Mr. Johnie Martin who got his leg cut some time ago is beter we are glad to say. Misses Bertie Bailey, Vinie Lang ley and Alice Arnold of Lawrence ville, attended the pound supper giv en by Misses Addie Lou and Lucile Cates, Saturday night. OAK GROVE. Loganville, Ga. R. 4. Feb. 13 Mr. and Mps. Tucian Davis, of Buford, spent the week with the latter s mother, Mrs. Etta James. The party given by Mr. and Mrs. Gleen Ford, of near Grayson Wednes day night was enjoyed by a large crowd. Messers Homer Ethridge, Frank Turner and Dan Allen, of near Law renceville attended the party given by Mr. and Mrs. Harvil Bennett, of near Oak Grove. Misses Ophie and Oma Hutchins and Delphia James spent Tuesday night with Miss Inez Bowen of Law renceville. Miss Blanche Worthy is spending awhile with her cousin, Miss Montine Figgins. Stock Reducing and Closing Out Sale Farm Implements and Wagons, Plows & Tools MeCormick-Deering Stalk Cutters (Wholesale Price is $51.50) 540.00 Scalloped Disk Cutaway Harrows (Two Only) $30.00 One New Weber Wagon $50.00 One Six Horse International Engine.... $150.00 50-tooth Section Harrows $12.59 Chattanooga One-horse Plow, regular Priceslo.7s, Sale Price Chattanooga Plow No. 63, Regular Price $17.25, Sale Price $12.50 AH other Chattanooga Plows and Other Goods at like reductions General Implement Company Lawrenceville, Georgia Buy Your Ford Now WITH spring almost here thousands of families, antici pating the demand that is certain to exist for Ford Cars and Trucks are placing their orders for immediate delivery. Sales now are far ahead of sales at this time last year. Advance orders calling for delivery under the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan have already reached a total of 255,758 Cars and Trucks. The prospect of securing prompt delivery is daily becom ing more uncertain. We cannot urge too strongly, there fore, the necessity for placing your order immediately, if you are planning to drive a Ford Car this spring. See the nearest Authorized Ford Dealer ( V 3 Detroit, Michigan It is not necessary to pay for your car in full in order to secure delivery. You can get on the preferred list for early delivery by making a small payment down. Or, ii you wish, you can arrange for delivery under the terms of the Ford Weekly Purchase Plan. For Sheriff of Gwinnett County '/ '.f ..’’ WHSHwHiiI <ss /' |||j| To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I am a candidate for Sheriff, subject to the democratic primary. If elected to this important office Mr. W. Spence Homan, Jr., vffill be associated with me as deputy. I will have only one deputy and will use the bailiffs to wait upon the courts. Both Mr. Holman and myself were born and reared in Gwinnett county and will your vote and influence, and, if elected, promise a clean, efficient and faithful discharge of the duties of the office. Respectfully, MINOR B. POUNDS, Stone Mountain, Ga., Route 2. THE UNIVERSAL^M^ THE NEWS-HERALD, Lawreneovflle, Georgia VOTE FOR MINOR B. POUNDS For Sheriff of Gwinnett County W. S. HOLMAN, Jr., Deputy ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR CLERK OF COURT. I hereby announce myself a can didate to succeed myself as Clerk of the Superior court subject to the forthcoming primary. I am grateful to the people for past favors; your vote and influence will be appreci ated. Yours respectfully. W. G. HOLT. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court subject to the Democratic primary. If elected I promise to give to the people the best service possible. Your vote and influence will cer tainly be appreciated. Respectfully^ W. GUY GREEN. FOR ORDINARY. To te Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for Ordinary of Gwinnett County, subject to the democratic party. I am grateful to the peopio for their past influence and support, and will greatly appreciate their votes in the coming primary. Yours very respectfully. G. G. ROBINSON. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Ordinary subject to the forthcoming primary. In case of my election I shall en deavor to be as courteous and ac comodating as anyone and otheiwise serve to the best of my ability and I assure you that no one will appre ciate your vote and influence more than I. ■'**' J? Respectfully, W. J. WILLIAMS. FOX SHERIFF. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for Sheriff, subject to the forthcoming pirmary. I ran as Dep uty Sheriff four years' ago and ap preciate the loyal support of my friends, but after the election l was wrongfully discharged by the Sher iff and prevented from serving out the term. If elected my (ftputies will be Charlie Griswell, of Dacula, Ga.; Joe Shadburn, of Buford, and J. Darling Carroll, of Lilburn, anci they will be the only deputies. I make this statement so the people will know just who is to fill the office in case I am elected. myself and deputies will ap preciate your influence and vote, and promise a faithful admiristra tion of the office. Respectfully, W. T. McGEE. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for sheriff subject to the forthcoming primary. If elected to this office my deputy will be W. H. Hutchins, of Buford. We will appre ciate your support and influence and in case of election promise a faithful administration of the office. Respectfully, J. M. BULLOCH. Suwanee. Ga. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I am acandidate for Sheriff, sub ject to the democratic primary. If elected to this important office, Mr. W. S. Holman, Jr., will be associated with me as deputy. I will have only one deputy and will use the bailiffs of the various districts in their res pective turns to Vait upon the Courts. Both myself and deputy will appreciate your vote and influence and, if elected, promise a ejean, ef ficient and. faithful discharge of the duties of the office. Respectfully, MINOR B. POUNDS. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for Tax Collector of Gwin nett county, subject to the forth coming primary. If elected I prom ise to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. I furthermore promise to give the peo ple every accomodation possible and I will appreciate your vote and in fluence. Very respectfully yours, H. J. HINTON. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Tax Collector to succeed myself, subject to the action of the coming primary. If elected I promise efficient and competent ser vice and courteous treatment tc the people. I am truly grateful for past favors and will appreciate your sup port in the coming election. Respectfully, J. T. SIMPSON. FOR TAX RECEIVER. I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Tax Re ceiver of Gwinnett county, subject to the forthcoming primary elec tion. In case of election I promise fair and courteous treatment to all, and a business administration of xhis important office. Your vote and influence will be appreciated. CONRAD O. WOOD. I hereby announce myself a can didate for Tax Receiver of Gwin nett county subject to te forthcom ing primary. I feel that I am quali fied to look after the duties of this important office and will appreciate your support and influence. Since early childhood I have been paralyz ed in the right leg and eight years ago lost my left arm, the loss of which practically makes it impossi ble to do manual labor for a liveli hood. I was in the race four yofars ago and ran second and wish xjt as sure the voters that your support will be appreciated during the com ing election. R. ED BOWF.N. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver, sub ject to the action of the comir.g pri mary. I thank you most heartily for your loyal support in the past and will appreciate your support in the coming primary. I hope that my re cord as Tax Receiver is such as to commend me to the office again Respectfully, M. H. TEAGUE. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I announce my candidacy for the office of Tax Receiver of Gwinnett county, subject to the rules and reg ulations of the pending primary. If elected I pledge faithful service to the people and will conduct the of fice with an idea of accomodating the masses. Your vote and influence will be appreciated. Respectfully, ROBERT L. LAWSON. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a can didate for Treasurer of Gwinnett county subject to the forthcoming primary. I will appreciate the vote and influence of the voters and will see as many of you as my .Rendi tion will permit. I have served the county as treasurer for four years and @m fully capable of andling the duties. H. T. ETHRIDGE. I hereby announce myseif a can didate for re-election as County Treasurer subject to the forthcom ing primary I am appreciative of the support of my friends in the past and will be thankful for your vote and influence in the coming elec tion. v O. F. NORTON. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myself a candi date for Treasurer of Gwinnett Jounty subject to the coming primary and will appreceite your support in my behalf. lam a daughter of the late Col. F. F.Juhan and the widow of the late Jasper L. Hagood and have three daughters and one son, all of school age, dependent on my financial support. I feel that I am qualified b th physically and mentally for the place I seek and if elected promise a faithful discharge of the duties of this office. Its my purpose to canvass every tart of the county possible and should I be your next treasurer I shall not ask for a second term. The words of encouragement offer ed by both men and women from various sections are most encourag ing and I assure you that your influ ence and vote will be remembered and appreciated. Respectfully, (Mrs.) MARY E. HAGOOD February 1, 1924. FOR COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERIN TENDENT. To the Qualified Voters of Gwin nett County: I hereby announce myself e can didate for County School Superin tendent subject to the Democratic primary. I have been teaching in the coun ty fifteen years and Believe that I understand the conditions and needs of the county schools ad if elected will do my best to build them up to the highest standards possible. Your vote will be appreciated. K. E. TAYLOR. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of County Su perintendent of Schools, subject to the coming primary. If I should be elected I promise my best efforts toward an efficient and equitable administration of the nool work of the county. I shall appreciate higKjy any support the voters of the county give me. My twenty years experience in high school supervision with my college and university training gives me con idence in myself that I can do good work in county supervision. Yours respectfully, L. F. HERRING. I hereby announce myself a can didate for County School Superin tendent of Gwinnett County Public- Schools subject to the forthcoming primary. I am an A. B. graduate of Mercer University student at the Universi ty of Georgia for several summers. I have been superintendent and teacher for about twelve years, a part of which has been in the rural schools. I will appreciate your influence MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1924, and vote and if elected I promise honest and faithful service in return. Respectfully, J. J. BROCK. To the oVters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for re-election to the office of County Superintendent of Schools, subject to the primary on March 119th. During the past three years I have endeavored to perform faith fully the duties of the office, giving my whole time to the work, made some mistakes as all humans do, but the experience I have had and the knowledge I have gained of the conditions affecting the county schools enable me to be more effi cient in the future than in the past. I am an A. B. colege graduate and have never ceased to be a student of methods of teaching and supervision of schools. With the exception of a few years in college, I have taught every year of my life from the age of twenty till elected to my present position. I have filled every position of management from the principal ship of the small rural school to the superintendency of the college ac credited high school. I was bom and reared a Georgian', and lacking only a few months, I have for twety-three years past re sided in Gwinnett county. Your vote will be greatly appreci ated. ; H. D. MERIWETHER. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Having been solicited by many good citizens from every section of the county to make the race for county commissioner, I hereby an nounce my candidacy for said office at the primary election, and should I be elected I pledge myself to dis charge all duties of the office. Here are a few items that I am’ not in favor of, and some that I am: I don’t believe in a county com missioner being clerk of board of commisioners. I am not in favor of convicts staying in winter quarters the year round, and being transported to their work in trucks. « Am not in favor of the county be ing cut in three departments, for there is more or less friction withi board of commissioners. Believe in the tax payers knowing twice a year by an itemized state ment through the papers where their money has been spent. In favor of all road taxes being spent in the district where it was collected. Under the system that Gwinnett county has been run for several years, 1 can’t see why a map can’t save the county at least $3,000 per .year. Respectfully, \V. B. HOPSON. To the Voters of Gwinnett Countyr After due consideration I have de cided to enter the race for the office of county commissioner and ask that you give my candidacy careful con sideration'when casting your oallot at the next white primary. If elected I promise to give the people the. best of service possible and with no spe cial favors to anyone. It will be my aim to spend the county’s money as economically as possible with the idea of reducing expenses wherever possible in order that the county tax rate may be reduced. Respectfully, S. J. BUSHA. I hereby announce myself a can- To The Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myseif a can didate for county commissioner sub ject to the democratic primary. Respectfully, PAUL SIMS; Suwanee, Ga. To the Voters of Gwinnett Cuunty: didate for county commissioner sub ject to the forthcoming primary. I will appreciate your support and vote. E. S. &ARNER. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-eection to the oavd of Commissioners of Gwinnett county and will appreciate your vote and in fluence. Respectfully, J. D. MILLER, Stone Mountain, Route 2. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: 1 hereby announce myself a can didate for county commissioner sub ject to thep rimary of March 19th, and will appreciate your support and vote. Respectfully, T. J. SAMMON. • --- FOR SURVEYOR. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for re-election as Surveyor of Gwinnett county subject to the pri mary of March 19th, and will appre ciate your vote. Respectfuly, G. L. VEAL. FOR SALE-COW. Six ye ar old Jersey cow, be fresh in March 23rd, gives 4 gallons milk and Iy< lbs. butter. $40.00. See or write, T. W. KILGORE, Col. f 14n r, Crayson, Ga SEND US YOUR JOB WORK