The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, March 10, 1924, Page Page Three, Image 3

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'Monday, r, tm A cozy home, a cheerful disposition, and no dread of the morrow are assured re sults of starting a saving account —collect- ing dollars, one by one, as the birds feather their nest. Let us be your financial architest and help you build your nest. WE PAY INTEREST ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS First National Bank of Lawrenceville MRS. LILLIE EXUM Mr. and Mrs. 11. C. Smith shopped in Atlant, Saturday. Col. Fred Kelley, of Gainesville, was a visitor to our city, during the week of court. Mr. and Mr. E. C. Montfort were guests of the former’s brother, in Elberton for the week end. Mrs. F. Q. Sammon and children, spent Sundy in Carl, the guest of Mrs. Sammon’s mother, Mrs. Hutch ins. Mr. George Brogdon, and son, Walter, of Bpford were dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Martin Tues day. • The Elson Art Exibit was well attended, during each of the after noons and evenings and a neat sum was realized. Misses Mayrelle and Irene Cronic of Gainesville, Mr. Holt Murphy and Miss Jenre lie.* Murol.y of TV me, were the .Uraii-ve guests of f t*ndi here, Sunday »fvraocu after spend i: g sev;ru dac. last week in At lnata. Those attending the funeral of Mr. C. G. Power, in Buford, Sat urday were: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Am brose, Mrs. J. L Exum, Messi’3 .G G. Robinson, H. J. Hiiiton, Guy Green, Grady Holt, L R. Martin, Sam Martin Joe Williams, Tom Sammon, and Hugh Holt. The following from Lawreneeville heard Dr. J. E. Truett, ofs Dalla Texas, preached Sunday afternoon at the Baptist Tabernaucle in At lanta. Rev. L. E. Smith and wife, Mr. F. Q Sammon, Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Green, Mrs. J. L. Exum and J. A. Ambrose. The audience numbered 3,000 evei*y avilable seat being taken S"END US YOUR JOB WORK VOTE FOR (Mrs.) MARY E. HAGOOD Candidate For Treasurer OF GWINNETT COUNTY ♦ TO THE VOTERS OF GWINNETT COUNTY: I am a candidate for the office of Treasurer of Gwin nett County, subject to the primary to be held March l?th and will greatly appreciate your vote and influence. I feel that 1 am qualified both physically and mentally for the office I seek and if I am successful promise a faith ful discharge of the duties and WILL NOT ASK FOR .A SECOND TERM. As perhaps I will not get to see all of you will state that lam a daughter of the late Col. F. F. Juhan. I ani the widow of the late Jasper L. Hagood and have three daugh ters and one son, all of school age, dependent upon me. . , i V -•» '* '■ ’ ' A The offers of vote and support from both men and women of \%rious sections are most encouraging and I as sure you that your influence during the race and vote for me on March 19th will be remembered and appreciated. • • .- > > Respectfully, (Mr*.) MARY E. HAGOOD. A COZY HOME i//^. Si Mr. Lyman Green, of Atlanta, spent the week end at home. Mrs. Brogdon of Atlanta who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Martin, returned to her home Sat urday. LOST— Pi. K. A. Fraternity pin Finder please return to DEAN ROGERS Mr. and Mrs. George Sholar, Misses Park and Bell motored over from Gainesville Sunday and were the guests of relatives and friends. Mount Vernon chapter No. 39, Royal Arch Masons, will hold a reg ular convocation next Tuesday night at the Masonic hall. They are ex pecting to do some degree work. I LOST —Strayed from my barn two small male Hampshire pigs, one has them will be appreciated and piad short tail. Information regarding for. m.l4p. J. P. WEBB. Lawreneeville, The Methodist Missionary Society served dinner in the Delmar Case building on Tuesday. A splendid meal was served for an extremely low price. The court visitors as well as the town people patronized the ladies and a nice sum was realized. On Thursday afternoon at 2:45 o’clock at the Methodist church will held the quartly socila meeting of the Woman’s Missionary Society. All the ladies of the Methodist church are requeted to be present, as this meeting is of unusual interest and importance. Cleveland Smith was given the Master’s degree by the Masons at their regular meeting Tuesday night. Pa 3t Master Fred Kelley, of Gaines ville, presided and exemplified the work in the uniform manner. There were a number of visitors from sister lodges, and all seemed to have en joyed the work. SINGING Everyoe is cordially invited to at tend the singing to be held at Pfesant Grove an the afternoon of Sunday, 'March 16th. Come and bring your books. 1 MRS. L. R. MARTIN HOSTESS LOVELY St. PATRICK’S PARTY Mrs. L. R. Martin was hostess at a lovely prty on Friday afternoon, complimenting her house gjiesi, Mrs. Brogdon of Atlanta, the Rook Club and a few other friends. The house was beautifully decorat ed with flowers suggestive of spring. Adorning the center of the dinning table, was a basket of daffodils, en circled by candlesticks, holding un shaded tapers. Bowls of daffodils and hyacinths were plced on tables and mantels in the rooms where rook wa» played. The tallies, card table covers and mints were saggestive ot St. Patrick’s day. The hostess was assisted in# en tertaining by her sisters, Mrs. D. M. Byrd and Sam Martin. At thee onclusion of the game a licious salad course, with cone was served. Those present were : Mesdames Brogdon, of Atlnta, J. C. Houston* Nix Methvin, J. W. Nichols, Clayton Webb, H. C. Smith, Hopson Young, E. M. Roekmore, D. M. Byrd, Sam Mrtin, Misses Minnie Peeples, Cora Byrd Maude Keown, Irene Ballrd and Mrs L. R. Martin. PLAIN PROFANITY HELD NO GROUND FOR DIVORCE Los Angeles, Cal.—Plain old ashioned profanity from the lips of a husband is not grounds for divorce according to a ruling here of Judge Erwin M. Owun. “If plain, ordinary swearing con stituted grounds for divorce, )£ is safe to say that half the men, would be oenders,” said the court. “There are times when a man is perfectly ustified in “cuttng loose.” ; -■ HOW’S THIS? HALL’S CATARRH MEDICINE will do what w« for It— rid your •y«tem ot Catarrh or Daafaak* cauaad by Catarrh. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE con sists at an Oiatmoat which Quickly Relievss ths catarrhal lalanaiation. and tha Inlarnal Modicina. a Tonic, which acta through tha Jtload an tha Mucaus Surfaces, thus aaaisting ta rastara nar mal conditions. Sold by druggists far ovar '# Tears. F. J. Cheesy ft C 0... Talado, O. HILLr—SMITH Mrs. Allie Hill announces the en gagement of her daughter, Cora Lee, to Mr. Woodson L. Smith, the marri age to be solemnized in April. The above announcement will be received with interest, as Mr. Smith has many frineds in Gwinnett coun ty, he formely lived at Grayson. TWO MARRIAGES. Mr. Bonnie M. Davis and Miss Ethel Canup were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony on Sunday, March 2d, by Rev. Wiley W. Owen, of Euford. Another marriage to take place on the first Sunday was that of Mr. Tom Walraven and Miss Angie Hayes, who plighted their troth in the presence of J. B. Mpltbie, Esq. 1 ,- of Suwanee. Sideache Backache “I have b«M taking C»r dui,” sayi Mm. Lillte **lt#*, •f Lfcks L*. "I Cot d#wm in bad health aad lost in weight until I euly weighed 12* paundn. I had bad pains in my sides and bach and my legs hart ms until I couldn't walk. I stayed in bed half the time. I tried all kinds of medicine, but it did me ns gssd. Finally I trie<l ensoul The Woman’s Tub “It seems like It did me gsod from the very first. After I had taken half a bottle I no ticed an improvement. I con tinued its use and I got bet ter and better. The pains in ray legs and sides disap peared *nd I began to gaia to weight until now I weigh 166 pounds and feel better than I ever did in ray Ilfs. I am perfectly well and strong. I have give* it ts my girls, too." Cardal has relieved many kinds of pains and distsess inr symptoms caused by fe male treuble. It should hsjp you, too, in the same way. Why not giva it a fair trial ? E 113 I When You See Ui Don’t Think of Insurance; When You Think of Insurance, See Us. a* Fira Insurance is an Exit for Worry THIS way ov>t —run don’t walk —do it now, don’t wait. Take ut that fire insurance right way and get a big load off your mind. It is a matter of real constructive protective business to let us write the policy. PRfICTIcaUYAU i hs u r pjMP^UWRENCtVILIt.GA YOUTH, IS, DIESj TRAIN STRUCK HIM, DOCTORS THINK Atanta, Ga.—John Herrington, 18, of Buford, Ga., died in a local sanit arium Saturday morning as a result of injuries suffered Friday when it is thought he was struck by a train near Suwaneft, Ga. He was discoover ed between the rilway trets in an un conscious condition and rushed to Atlanta. The body was taken to Buford for interment. COMER MERCHANT, BROKE, ENDS LIFE WITH PISTOL SHOT Comer, Ga.—James E. White, 40, of this place, committed sucide late Thursday night by shooting himself through the head wile his wife and four children were eating supper. He was one of the leading mer chants of Comer for a number of years, but went into bankruptcy a lit tle more than a year ago. Since that time he hd been in a nerv s con dition, relatives say. • • ——r-r — rr. : '1 * GIRL MAY LOSE H D Atlanta, Ga.—Foilr-year-old Em pia Kate Deas, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Dease, of 31 Hill treet, may loss her right hand as the re sult of being bitten by a small negro girl with whom she was playing sevelra days ago, Infection develop ed and the child was taken to Grady hospital Saturady. BARRED ROCK CHICKS SHIPPED TO HANDCOCK Sparta, Ga.—Thtf first shipment of baby chicks to members of the Chicken Club of the county will be received early this month. This shipment will be of the Barred Rock strain. Only half tnough wi!l be received for all the club girls to get 16 each. The other half will get their share during the latter part of the month. IfTvind Conveniences , Wmny be enjoyed in Kg Wr the Form Home with Dependable r DELCO-LIGHT PRICE te ” ms G. M. LISENBEE, Lav/renceville, Ga. Hal/your Wing Without Money Gos You can make it easily at home Hastings’ Seeds, Plants and Bulbs “The Standard of the South," are al fully described with hundreds of actua photographic pictures in the new 1921 Seed Book of the. South. This new Hastings’ Seed Catalog is the great est and most useful Seed Book evei published for the South. You need it and we want you to have it entirely free. We are also giving to each 1924 customer 5 SEED PACKETS ol BEAUTIFUL FLOWERS ABSOLUTE LY FREE. The new Catalog tells all about It and gives “every care for the consideration of the buyer for pur chasing and planting seeds, bulbs and plants,” says tbe Seed World Re view. We want you to have and keep the wonderful new Seed Book in your home for ready reference at all times. Write for it now. A post card will do. It will come to you by return mail. H. G. HASTINGB CO., SEEDSMEN ATLANTA, GA. DULUTH. Duluth, Ga., March, 3—The re gular meeting of the Duluth Civic Improvment Club was held at the home 'of Mrs. H. L. Strickland on Thursday afternoon. The prograrin was on Georgia day and this being a social meeting very little business was attended to. A very fine report was read by Mr. Mack Pittard, Librarian a letter asking for a donation for the Tullula Falls School, article read asking for a book shower on Washington birth day for the Duluth library. Mrs. Pit tard appointed a committee consist ing of Mrs. D. W. Wilson, Mrs. J. E Christin and Miss Nell Summeicur, to write a letter of condolence to Mrs David Medlock, a former club mem ber, on the death of her twin sons, Miss Nell Summerour suggested that a class mother be appointed for each grde, these mothers to visit the school and in any way ssist the teach ers in any way that they could. The following mothers were appointed: First Grade, Mrs. T. E. McDainel, Second Grade, Mrs. Lige Pittard, Third Grade, Mrs. George tittle, Fourth Grade, Mrs. J. Heard Summer our, Fifth Grade Mrs. Ezra Wright, Sixth Grade, Mrs. John Summerour, Seventh Garde, Mrs. Hiram Taylor, Eight Grade, Mrs. D. W. Wilson, Ninth Grade, Mrs. H. L. Strickkland, "Tenth Grade, Mrs. Mack Pittard, Eleventh Grade, Mrs. Charlie Sum merour. After these appointments were read the meeting was turned over to Mrs. Mack Pittard, who had charge of the program. America was sung in unisun, the cillect was read by Mrs. Mack Pit ttard, a song by Mfs. Christin ac compined by Miss Ruby Roberts, en core Sweet Pal. Bits of history was read by all present, after which refreshments were served. Mrs. H. H. Miller and Mrs. M. C Rhodes, of Norcross, were invited guest. GRAYSON. Grayson, Ga., March 4—Miss Geraldine Cooper spent this • week end at home. Misses Ruth and Alba Ethridge were at home this week-end. Ruth Pharr Roberts is convalesc ing nicely from a serious illness re sulting from diphtheria. There are several cases of measles in town. Miss Florence Camp came hojjie Saturday. % Mr. Grady Wilson an d Talbot Philips of Loganville, were in Gray son, Sunday. Grayson Girls will play Lawrence ville Girls in a game of basketball next Tuesday at Grayson. Mr. Robert Herring is home this week-end. Miss Myrtis and Kathyn MeGeee spent Saturday in Atlanta. We are sorry to say that Mr.i Clyde Forster has the measles. Mr. Dick Martin, of Sweet Cum, and Dick Garner, of Lawrenceville, have been visiting Grayson quit often lately. The Harris Academy Girls and Boys played the Grayson 7th, grade boys and girls in a game of basket ball Thursday at Harris. The Harris girls winning 12 to 4; The Grayson boys winning 8 to 0. On Friday the Harris Girls came to Grayson and was defeated to a score of 13 to 8. Miss Clara Smith spent the week en at her home in Gainesvile. Preaching at the Methodist church by Rev. Broyles was enjoyed very much. Mr Sam Rawlins vss at home this week end. Miss Ella Sue Minor returned to her home accompined by Miss Alice Crenshaw. SEND US YOUR JOB WORK PEDIGREED SALSBURY Cotton Planting Seed For Heavy Production and Early Maturity A NEW VARIETY SALSBURY IS DISTINCT SALSBURY is a distinct variety—the result of eight year’s plant breeding by Professor J. W. Fox and Mr. E. C. Ewing, the experts of the Delta and Pine Land Co. at Scott Miss.' Commencing with an extra-early heavy-fruiting strain of Wannamaker-Cleveland, these men have worked untiringly year after year selecting and keeping the best and eliminating the underesirable, until they produced SALSBURY, which we believe to be a per feet cotton. It has all the disirable qualities of an early big-boll short cotton; still, is worth a good premium in any market. FOR FUTHER PARTICULARS WRITE OR SEE W. L. BROWN LAWRENCEVILLE, - - GEORGIA THINK WHAT 10 DAYS EARLIER MATURITY MEANS! G. A. Huff, of Lawrenceville, Ga., used AR MOLR’S BIG CROP 12-4-4 on his poorest land compared to 10-2-2 on his best land, and says the 12-4-4 cotton planted ten days later, matured earlier and made again as much cotton. Think what 10 days earlier maturity means under 801 l Weevil conditions. You can only afford to use the best— Insist on getting— I More per acre of High Analysis goods, if its ARMOUR’S BIG CROP FERTILIZER, will make every acre do its best. Use 600 lbs. per acre of ARMOUR’S BIG CROP 12-4-4 FERTILIZER on your crop. If you used it the past season, ask the man who used it. Every last man was pleased with it. See our Local Agents G. W. CLOWER C. G. CR AIG LAWRENCEVILLE, GEORGIA WEBBVILLE. Lawrenceville, G., March S R. 3 —The sick in our section are better at this writing we are glad to say. Mrs. L. D. Barrett and children, spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. John Brown and children. Mrs. John Brown and baby, spent awhile with Mrs. L. D. Barrett Sat urday. Miss Johnie Dutton spent Friday afternoon with Miss Mary Brown. Miss Ruth liroWn spent one night last week with the Misses Dutton. Mr. Belvil Brown spent awhile Friday night with Mr. Emory Dutton. Miss Elawesl Nash is confined to her room on account of measles. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Johnson and little daughter, spent Sunday and Monday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Barrett. ROCR SPRINGS. Lawrenceville, Ga. R. 5. March 3 —Mr. and Mrs. Theaon Davis and family, of Buford, spen® Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Hershal Thompson. Rev. Posey filled his., regular ap pontment here Sunday morning. Master MaMrvin Daris and sister, of Elbethel, spent Saturday night with Master Gray Franklin and sister Mrs. Roxie Braswell is visiting relatives in Atlanta. Messers. Jimmie, Odus and Hubert Adams, of Buford, attended preach ing at this place Sunday morning. Miss Eula Mae Frankklin had as her dinner guest Sunday Miss Lillian Pharr, and Mr. Odis Whitlock. Mr. Wili Cox, of Medow, was in this section Monday. Sunday school will be organized here next Sunday March, 9th at 10:- 30. Everybody that will please come out and be with us. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Frnklin had as er guest Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Levie Davis and children, of Hopewell, and Mr. aand Mrs. George Doby, of Chamblee. DUNCANS CREEK. Dacula, Ga., R. 2. March, 5 Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Rolin, -of Bu ford, are spending a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Rolin. Mr. and Mrs. Bee Deaton, of Near Hog Mountain, pased through our section Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Bulah Davis, of Bu ford, are spending a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. • Rolin. Misses Lula Feagins and Selma Mauldin visited Miss Tinel Tuggle Friday afternoon. Miss Bobbie Breedlove spent a while aturday with Mrs. M. J. Ralin. Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Daniel visited Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bennett Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Tullis spent awhile Sunday with Mr. R. S. Way easter. Preaching at this place every second Sunday afternoon, everybody come out and be with us. Misses Tiney and Ruth Tuggle spent awhile Saturday with their sister, Mrs. R. C. Mauldin. OLD SUWANEE. Buford, Ga., R. 1. Mar. 6.—The farmers of this section are buisy preparing for another crop. Several from Island Ford, attend ed Sunday school at this place Sun day. Mrs. Claudie Hays spent Monday in Lawrenceville. Mr. Gerald Sudderth made a busi ness trip to Lawrenceville Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Roe Sears and family of Buford, were the guest of Mr. and Mrs. George Brogdon, Sunday afternoon. Miss Gertrude Hays spent the week-end with friends in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Sudderth and Mrs. G. L. Brogdon, spent Monday afternoon at their old home, near here. Rev. W. W. Owens' joined Mr. Bonie Davis and Miss Ethel Canup in holly bonds of wedlock Sunday night at 7:30 The sick of our community are all improving. Mrs. Slettia Braziel spent several days last week with her daughter, Mrs. Bullock, of Buford. Miss Mary Brogdon spent Tuesday afternoon with Miss Jessie Brogdon. We have B. Y. P. U. every Sunday night at 6:30. Everybody come. Page Three