The News-herald. (Lawrenceville, Ga.) 1898-1965, March 17, 1924, Page Page Four, Image 4

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Page Four GWINNETT GRAND JURY PRESENTMENTS (Continued from Pag* 1) thanks to our clerks, Mesws. A. D. Moore and J. M. Barnett; Mr. R. L Shell, our efficicient door keeper; also our bailiff. Mr. N. M. Burell. We recomend that our foreman, clerk and door keeper be paid SI.OO each per day extra. We take this opportunity of ex pressing our appreciation for the special services by his honor, Judge L. C. Russell, for the suppression of crime and the enforcement of law and order. This Grand Jury feels that the Piedmont Circuit is fortun ate in having the services of such an able and efficient Judge as his hon or. We regret the sickness of our efficient Solicitor, Hon. P. Cooley. We hope and wish he will soon be strong and able to fill his place. We wish to commend the services ren dered to us by the Hon. W r . H. Quarterman, Solicitor Pro-tem, for the valuable assistance in our in vestigations. It is with much re gret that we learn that one of our Grandjurymen, Mr. W. I. Wilson, is very sick at home and unable to be with us during the last days of this session. We wish far him a speedy recovery. We recommend that these pre sentments be published in the News- Herald, Gwinnett Journal and the Buford Advertiser and that they be paid $12.50 . each for same. To the Honorable Foreman and Gen tlemen of the Grand Jury, March Term Court, 1924: I beg to submit the following report: State taxes for 1923 collected by me up to and including March 3rd'.| 1924. Receipts. Total collections for 5tate.523,527.00 Total $23,527.00 Disbursements. By cash paid State Treas. .$22,300.00 By cash paid M. H. Teague, T. R., commissions 730.07 By my Commissions 495.41 Balance on hand 2.02 Total $23,527.50 County taxes for 1923 collected by me up to and including March 3rd, 1924. Receipts. Total collections for coun ty $65,195.53 Total ....$65,195.53 Disbursements. By cash paid Co. Treas... .$64,100.00 My commissions 1,072.44 Balance on hand 23.09 | Total $65,195.53 J. T. SIMPSON, Tax Collector, Gwinnett County. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this the 11th day of March, 1924. > M. D. IRWIN, N. P., State at Large, Ga. To Hon. Foreman and Gentlemen of the Grand Jury, March Term Su perior Court, 1924: I submit the following report of receipts and disbursements: Receipts. Cash on hand Sept. 4th ...$4,242.50 Oct. 11, J. K. Jackson, Road Tax 6.00 W. G. Holt, Jail Fees 7.50 W. G. Holt, Jail Fees 12.70 H. P. Stiff, Refund 10.00 Total $4,278.70 Disbursements .... $3,761.24 Cash on hand Nov. sth 517.46 Nov. sth, State High. Dept., Rent on Cage 48.00 Total 565.46 Disbursements 323.20 Cash on hand Dec. Ist $ 242.26 Dec. 1, J. T. Simpson, T. C.. 2,000.00 T. L. Harris 15.00 Dec. 10, M. H. Teague 700.00 Dec. 10, T. L. Harris, Road Tax 68.00 State High. Dept, Rent Cage 48.00 State High. Dept., Sews 12.00 Dec. 20, J. T. Simpson 15,000.00 Dec. 24, J. T. Simpson... .-10,000.00 Dec. 24, J. T. Simpson, 1922 Tax 500.00 Jan. sth, J. T. Simpson 10,000.00 Total $38,585.20 Disbursements t. ... 36,740.97 Cash on hand Jan. 7th....$ 1,844.29 Jan. 7, J. T. Simpson, 1922 Tax 5,000.00 Jan. 7, State High. Dept., Rent on Cage 16.00 Jan. 7, Gasoline Tax 2,093.16 R. H. Heath 5.00 State High. Dept., Rent on Cage 16.00 Total $ 8,974.55 Disbursements 6,445.49 Cash on hand March 1 $ 3,529.06 March 10th— J. T. Simpson, T. C 9,000.00 J. T. Simpson, T. C 3,400.00 J. T. Simpson, T. C 2,000.00 J. T. Simpson, T. C 3,000.00 J. T. Simpson, T. C 3,000.00 J. T. Simpson, T. C 6,200.00 Total $30,129.06 Disbursements $25,879.61 Cash on hand March 11 $ 249.45 O. F. NORTON, Treasurer Gwinnett County. EXHIBIT “A.” To the Foreman and Gentlemen of the Grand Jury of March Term of Superior Court: I beg to submit the following re port of disbursements by county war rants from September Ist, 1923, to March Ist, 1924. General Fund. Coroner $ 82.00 Ordinary 223.25 Com. Salaries .... 780.00 Com. Expenses ... 86.00 Postage, Printing and Stationery 418.99 Loan & Interest... 2789.46 Other Legal Debts. 53 1.32 $9741.02 Public Buildings. Court House Mainten ance 368.77 Jail Maintenance .. 249.39 Buildings at Farm 12.39 Other Buildings .. 76.38 706.93 Court Funds. Jail Fees 690.65 Sheriff’s Fees...’.. 1516.11 Clerk’s Fees 205.45 Jurors’ Fees 3048.55 Other Expenses .. 685.01 6140.77, Roads and Bridges. Freight .»• • $ 472.69 Salaries: Wardens, Guards and Physicians.. 2485.57 Stock Feed 3381.80 Equipment 11122.59 Food, Clothing, Supplies 2686.69 Other Supplies ... 4778.93 Outside Labor .... 7658.72 Bridge Material .. 4704.88 Bridge Construction and Repairs 793.74 38080.61 Pauper. Maintenance Pauper Home ••$ 610.94 Salaries 270.00 Outside Poor 193.71 1074.65 Total $95 1 43.98 Personally appeared T. L. Harris, who being duly sworn, deposes and says that the above report is a true and correst statement of disburse ment by county warrants from Sep tember Ist, 1923, to March Ist, 1924. T. L. HARRIS. N. S. ROBINSON, N. P. and J. P., Gwinnett Co., Georgia. Inventory of inmates and personal property of Gwinnett county now on hand at the pauper home: Live Stock and Equipment. Mules 1 Cows 3 Hogs 4 Chickens 40 One-horse wagon y 1 Set harness 1 Plough stocks 2 Hoes 3 Shovel 1 Pitchfork 1 Chop ax 3 Wash tubs 5 Wash boa! ds 6 Wash poti *. 3 Kitchen Utensils. Refrigerator 1 Range stove and vessels 1 Tables 8 Chairs 18 Safe • 1 Meal chest 1 Cups 25 Saucers 25 Plates 30 Platters and bowls 10 Knives 25 Forks 25 Spoons 25 Glasses 25 Cans of fruit 200 Empty fruit cans 100 Household Furnishings. Single bed steads 22 Mattresses 22 Pillows 44 Blankets HO Sheets 66 Pillow cases 88 Chairs 24 Library table 7..... 1 Dresser 1 Little center tables 5 Clocks 2 Clothing on Hand for Inmates. Men’s shoes 9 prs. Men’s pants 18 Shirts 16 Men’s hats 9 Men’s underwear 14 suits Men’s coats 14 WOMEN. Underwear, full suits 39 Dresses 49 Shoes 16 prs. Aprons , 36 Hats, bonnets and caps 13 Hand towels 16 Ladies’ and men’s hose 50 prs. March 10, 1924. ALYCE HEWATT, Matron. Gentlemen of the Grand Jury: I herewith submit my report on the conditions and finances of the county system of schools for the year ending March 1, 1924: The schools on the whole are mak ing progress. Some of them deserve special mention. Union has met all the requirements for a Standard County School except in the length of the school term, that having been raised from seven to nine months. Liberty has gone far toward the same goal. Lowery’s Academy and Braden in addition to other improve ments have gone to the expense of making their lighting and ventilat ng modern. This is a very impor tant matter from a standpoint of heai’i and should be done by every 1 school. A number of other schools had already done so. Duluth is re ceiving bids to erect and equip a modern school building to cost around $25,000. Centerville is tak ing steps to put up an up to date budding also this summer. Harris Academy will very likely do the same. A number of other schools are repairing and adding equipment. Sad to state, though, a lot of our rural school buildings are unfitted and poorly equipped to do good work. Hopewell will likely build also this summer. A high school in which the princi : pal gives practically his whole time in teaching with an attendance of about thirty pupds is being main tained at Centerville. All the other high schools have added equipment and are doing excellent work. The number of high schools is constantly increasing. There is marked improvement in scsholarship and training on the part of our teachers. As a rule they are earnest and faithful and are doing the best they can, and they are doing well. They all show a most willing spirit of cooperation. The school census taken last spring shows nearly three hundred children of school age in this county to less than five years ago, while the school population of the state has considerably increased. Consequent ly Gwinnett’s part of the state school fund year is a little more than $5,000 less than for two previous years. The county wide school tax is re duced also due to the fact that the assessed valuation of the property in the county is less than for pre vious years. However, the expenses of running the county schools has been reduced a little. For the past two years the public school term has been maintained for six and a half months each year. It has become quite a problem in several communities what to do with the negroes. It is the intent of the law to provide schools for them. In our portion of the state funds we draw as much for a negro child as for a white child. So many negroes have left the country for cities and for the north, that only a very few children are left in districts where formerly there were enough to make a good school. We are forced in these places to permit the schools to run with only a few scholars. W,e' do not feel justified in giving aver age salaries to the teachers of so few. Consequently the teachers are not equipped for their work. In some communities they have no school houses. The schools are taught in dark abandned dwellings. But there are some good negro schools with fair school buildings and their teachers for the most part have some teacher training. Two school districts, Roberts’ Academy and Lenora, within the past year voted each a local district school law. We now have forty-one such districts in the county. Three vacancies occur on the board of education at this time. The terms of Messrs. J. W. Ford and T. S. Gar ner, while Mr. J. C. Byrd, of Su wanee, has resigned and refuses to serve langer. He gives as a reason his inability to attend the board meetings but seldom. All these gen tlemen have served unselfishly and well, actuated only by what they considered for the best interest of the cshools. To me the association lias been pleasant indeed. Mr. Byrd says he positively will not serve. I hope you will not deem me presump tious in expressing a wish that Messrs. Garner and Ford be re elected to serve another term. The receipts and disbursements for the year ending March 12, 1924, are as follows: Receipts. Proceeds from State War rants $36,597.15 From County Wide School Tax 19,883.10 From Other Counties for Line Schools 114.93 Total Receipts $56,595.18 Disbursements. Salaries of white teachers $49,860.45 Salaries colored teachers.. 2,803.98 Transportaton of Pupils... 738.00 Taking the School Census. 368.12 Interest on Loans 1,176.17 Incidental Expenses (Post age, Stationery, Printing, etc.) 200.14 Superintendent’s Salary .. 1,800.00 Board Members’ Per Diem. -148.70 Other Expenses (Attendance , Officer’s Salary, Appro priations) 289J0 Total Disbursements... .$57,387.45 It is our policy to keep the ex penses within the income. W'e have ample funds due us from the state and county taxes to take care of any expenses. Respectfully submitted, H. D. MERIWETHER, C. S. S. GEORGIA, Gwinnett County. Grand Jury Presentments, March Term, 1924. Upon hearing the presentments of the Grand Jurors in session at the present term and considering same: It is ordered by the court that the presentments be received and en ‘ered of record on the minutes of the court, and that the same be pub lished in the papers as recommended. This March 12th, 1924. LEWIS C. RUSSELL, Judge S. C. P. C. W. H. QUARTERMAN. Sol. Gen. Pro Tern. THE NEWS-HERALD, LMrrM««rflU. ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR CLERK OF COURT. I hereby announce myself a can didate to succeed myself as Clerk of the Superior court subject, to the forthcoming primary. I am grateful to the people for past favors; your vote and influence will be appreci ated. Yours respectfully. , W. G. HOLT. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myself a candi date for the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court subject to the Democratic primary. If elected I promise to give to the people the best service possible. Your vote and influence will cer tainly be appreciated. Respectfully. W. GUY GREEN. FOR ORDINARY. To te Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for Ordinary of Gwinnett County, subject to the democratic party. I am grateful to the people for their past influence and support, and will greatly appreciate their votes in the coming primary. Yours very respectfully, G. G. ROBINSON. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of Ordinary subject to the forthcoming primary. In case of my election I shall en deavor to be as courteous and ac comodating as anyone and otherwise serve to the best of my ability and I assure you that no one will appre ciate your vote and influence more than I. Respectfully, W. J. WILLIAMS. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for ordinary subject to the democratic primary March 19,1921, and if elected I promose the people the best service of my life. 1 our vote and influence will be appreciat ed, EMORY S. WAGES FOR SHERIFF. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for Sheriff, subject to the forthcoming pirmary. I ran as Dep uty Sheriff four years ago and ap preciate the loyal support of my friends, but after the election l was wrongfully discharged by the Sher iff and prevented from serving out the term. If elected my deputies will be Charlie Criswell, of Dacula, Ga.; Joe Shadburn, of Buford, and J. Darling Carroll, of Lilburn, and they will be the only deputies. I make this statement so the people will know just who is to fill the office in case I am elected. Both myself and deputies will ap preciate your influence and vote, and promise a faithful administra tion of the office. Respectfully, W. T. McGEE. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: Ihereby announce myself a can didate for sheriff übject to the forthcoming primary. If elected to this office my deputies will be W. H. Hutchins, of Buford, and T. L. Jordan, of Lawrenceville. There will be no other deputies. We will appreciate your support and in fluence and in case of election promise a faithful administration of the office. Respectfully J. M. BULLOCK. Suwanee, Ga. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I am acandidate for Sheriff, sub ject to the democratic primary. If elected to this important office, Mr. W. S. Holman, Jr., will be associated with me as deputy. I will have only one deputy and will use the bailiffs of the various districts in their res pective turns to wait upon the Courts. Both myself and deputy will appreciate your vote and influence and, if elected, promise a clean, ef ficient and faithful discharge of the duties of the office. Respectfully, MINOR B. POUNDS. To the voters of Gwtnnett County: I Hereby announce myself a can didate for Sheriff subject to the democratic primary of March 19, 1924. If elected to this important office I promise to give the people an honest, sober clean adminstration. My. deputies will be Melvin A. Mc- Daniel, of Pucketts district, and James P. Mason, of Rockbridge dis trict. I will allow the bailiffs of the various districts to wait upon the courts. The time being so short from now until the primary it will be im possible for us to see all the voters but most of you know me. Your vote and influence will be appreciat ed. Respectfully, N. S. ROBINSON. FOR TAX COLLECTOR. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for Tax Collector of Iwin nett county, subject to the forth coming nrimsrv. If elected I prom ise to discharge the duties of the office to the best of my ability. I furthermore promise to give the peo ple every accomodation possible and I will appreciate your vote and in fluence. Very respectfully yours, H. J. HINTON. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of Tax Collector to succeed myself, subject to the action of the coming primary. If elected I promise efficient and competent ser vice and courteous treatment tc the people. I am truly grateful for past favors and will appreciate your sup port in the coming election. Respectfully, J. T. SIMPSON. To The Voters of Gwinnett County: After due consideration I am en tering my announcement as a Can didate for Tax Collector of Gwinnett county, subject to the Democratic primary March 19, 1924. In return for your favor,,if elect ed, I promise to fullfill the duties of the office in a courteous, efficient and business like manner. The time being so short until the primary, if I do not get to see you please remember, your vote will be highly appreciated. Respectfully, HAROLD J. CAMPBELL FOR TAX RECEIVER. I hereby announce myseif a can didate for the office of Tax Re ceiver of Gwinnett county, subject to the forthcoming primary elec tion. In case of election I promise fair and courteous treatment to all, and a business administration of this important office. Your vote and influence will be appreciated. CONRAD O. WOOD. I hereby announce myself a can didate for Tax Receiver of Gwin nett county subject to te forthcom ing primary. I feel that I am quali fied to look after the duties of this important office and will appreciate your support and influence. Since early childhood I have been paralyz ed in the right leg and eight years ago lost niy left arm, the loss of which practically makes it impossi ble to do manual labor for a liveli hood. I was in the race four years ago and ran second and wish to as sure the voters that your support will be appreciated during the com ing election. R. ED BOWEN. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce for re-election to the office of Tax Receiver, sub ject to the action of the coming pri mary. I thank you most heartily for your loyal support in the past and will appreciate your support in the coming primary. I hope that my re cord as Tax Receiver is such as to commend me to the office again Respectfully, M. H. TEAGUE. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I announce my candidacy for the office of Tax Receiver of Gwinnett county, subject to the eules and reg ulations of the pending primary. If elected I pledge faithful service to the people and will conduct the of fice with an idea of accomodating the masses. Your vote and influence will be appreciated. Respectfully, ROBERT L. LAWSON. FOR TREASURER. I hereby announce myself a can didate for Treasurer of Gwinnett county subject to the forthcoming primary. I will appreciate the vote and influence of the voters and will see as many of you as my condi tion will permit. I have served the county as treasurer for four years and am fully capable of andling the duties. H. T. ETHRIDGE. • , 1 hereby announce myself a can didate for re-election as County Treasurer subject to the forthcom ing primary I am appreciative of the support of my friends in the past and will be thankful for your votr and influence in the coming elec tion. O. F. NORTON. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myself a candi date for Treasurer of Gwinnett bounty subject to the coming primary and will appreceite your support in my behalf. lam a daughter of the late Col. F. F.Juhan and the widow of the late Jasper L. Hagood and have three daughters and one son, all of school age, dependent on my financial support. I feel that 1 am qualified physically and mentally for the place I seek and if elected promise a faithful discharge of the duties of this office. Its my purpose to canvass every iart of the county possible and should I be your next treasurer I shall not ask for a second term. The words of encouragement offer ed by both men and women from various sections are most encourag ing and I assure you that your influ ence and vote will be remembered and appreciated. Respectfully, (Mrs.) MARY E. HAGOOD February 1, 1924. FOR COUNTY SCHOOL SUPERIN TENDENT. To the Qualified Voters of Gwin nett County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for County School Superin tendent subject to the Democratic primary. I have been teaching in the coun ty fifteen years and Believe that I understand the conditions and needs of the county schools ad if elected will do my best to build them up to the highest standards possible. Your vote will be appreciated. K. E. TAYLOR. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for the office of County Su perintendent of Schools, subject, to the coming primary. If I should be elected I promise my best efforts toward an efficient and equitable administration of the nool work of the county. I shall appreciate highly any support the voters of the county give me. My twenty years experience in high school supervision with my college and university training gives me con ldence in myself that I can do good work in county supervision. Yours respectfully, L. F. HERRING. * I hereby announce myself a can didate for County School Superin tendent of Gwinnett County Public Schools subject to the forthcoming primary. I am an A. B. graduate of Mercer University student at the Universi ty of Georgia for several summers. I have been superintendent and teacher for about twelve years, a part of which has been in the rural schools. I will appreciate vour influence and vote and if elected I promise honest and faithful service in return. Respectfully, J. J. BROCK. To the oVters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myseif a can didate for re-election to the office of County Superintendent of Schools, subject to the primary on March 19th. During the past three years I have endeavored to perform faith fully the duties of the office, giving my whole time to the work. 1 havf made some mistakes as all humans do, but the experience I have had and the knowledge I have gained of the conditions affecting the county schools enable me to be more effi cient in the future than in the past. I am an A. B. colege graduate and have never ceased to be a student of methods of teaching and supervision of schools. With the exception of a few years in college, I have taught every year of my life from 'the age of twenty till elected to my present position. I have filled every position of management from the principal ship of the small rural school to the superintender,cy of the college ac credited high school. I was born and reared a Georgian, and lacking only a few months, 1 have for twety-three years past re sided in Gwinnett county. Your vote will be greatly appreci ated. H. D. MERIWETHER. FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Having been solicited by manj good citizens from every section ol the county to make the race for county commissioner, I hereby an nounce my candidacy for said office at the primary election, and should I be elected I pledge myself to dis charge all duties of the office. Here are a few items that I air not in favor of, and some that I am I don’t believe in a county com missioner being clerk of board oi commisioners. I am not in favor of convict: staying in winter quarters the yeai round, and being transported tt their work in trucks. Am not in favor of the county be ing cut in three departments, fo>. there is more or less friction with board of commissioners. Believe in the tax payers knowing twice a year by an itemized state ment through* the papers where their money has been spent. In favor of all road taxes being spent in the district where it was collected. Under the system that Gwinnett county has been run for several years, I can’t see why a man can’t save the county at least $3,000 per year. Respectfully, W. B. IIOPSON. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: After due consideration I have de cided to enter the race for tne office of county commissioner and ask that you give my candidacy careful con sideration when , casting your oallot at the next white primary. If elected I promise to give the people the best of service possible and with no spe cial favors to anyone. It will be my aim to spend the county’s money as economically as possible with the idea of reducing expenses wherever possible in order that the county tax rate may be reduced. Respectfully, S. J. BUSHA. I hereby announce myself a can- To The Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myself a can didate for county commissioner sub- w*"; f; ' MONDAY, MARCH 17. !»*«► ject to the democratic primary. Respectfully, PAUL SIMS. Suwanee, Ga. To the Voters of Gwinnett County didate for county commissioner sub* ject to the forthcoming primary. I will appreciate your support and vote. E. S. GARNER. To the Voters of Gwinnett Countyt I hereby announce myself a candi date for re-eection to the oavd ol Commissioners of Gwinnett county and will appreciate your vote and in-- fluence. Respectfully, J. D. miller; Stone Mountain, Route 2. To the Voter* of Gwinnett County? I hereby announce myself a can didate for county commissioner sub ject to thep rimary of March I9th, and will appreciate your support and vote. » Respectfully, T. J. SAMMON. I am a candidate for county com missioner at the coming March primary. My record is before you; on that record I claim for re-election. I have this to say without fear of contradiction: Wher ever you interest has been at stake I have been on guard end if re elected I will still he on the job giv ing to each section its just portion of road work and other public im provements as far as I am able. I thank the people for their coafideoee and trust that the same will he un~ shakened. Yours for a better county THOMAS L. HARRIS To the voters of Gwinnett county: I hereby announce myself a can didate for re-election to the board of county commissioners subject to the primary of March 19th. I appreceite the confidence and help offered dur ing the admistration of the present board and if again elected as mem ber of same promise you the best efforts and to protect, as I see them, the! interests of the county. Your vote and influence will be appreciat ed. # Respectfully, J. K. JACKSON FOR SURVEYOR. To the Voters of Gwinnett County: I hereby announce myseif a can didate for re-election as Surveyor of Gwinnett county subject to the pri mary of March 19th, and will appre ciate your votb. Respectfu’y. G. L. VEAL. LOST— Strayed from my barn two small male Hampshire pigs, one has short tail. Information regarding them will be appreciated' and piad for. ml7p J. P. WEBB. Lawrenceville, FOR SALE Throughbred Barred Rock Eggs, $3.00 for fifteen. (Mrs.) B. L. EXUM, ts * Ga. FOR OVER 2©® YEARS haarlem oil has been a world wide remedy for kidney, liver and bladder disorders, rheumatism, lumbago and uric acid conditions. Mgfw HAARLEM OIL correct internal troubles, stimulate vital organs. Three sizes. All druggists. Insist on the original genuine Gold Medal. A SAFE INVESTMENT is the investment that adds to your wealth of health. It is more es sential to safe-guard and build up strength them it is to add to your wealth of gold. To an under weight child or anemic adult SCOTT’S EMULSION three or four times daily would be an investment that would yield splendid returns in strength and vigor. Scott’s Emulsion is concentrated, tonic-nourish ment,*ideally suited to a growing child. JyiL Scott & Bowne. Bloomik-sd. N. J. 18-29*